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Mediating an Arch Angel.

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SD: (1) Do bad things really happen to good people, or is this in reality a very rare occurence? Looking at my life, I do not see anything physically bad having happened to me that wasn't somehow called for. Even when I behaved stupidly it seems I was somehow "protected" - I paid a price but it was an educational price that I was able to pay and felt was a good lesson when reflecting on it later. I have come to believe that good things happen to good people and that bad things are probably mostly called for. Is this a well-founded belief, or is it naive to think so?
M: Unfortunately not everything is controlled, and if it was controlled then we would not have free will. Because of free will bad things do tend to happen to good people, but bad things happen to bad people too. Good things do come your way if you work for them and earn them, but patience is the best virtue in that regard.

SD: Or is it perhaps that some people are sometimes more valuable than others and are thus "better protected" sometimes? Does it depend on the "quality" of one's spirit guides on how well "protected" one will be?
M: not at all, it is more so luck and how your higher self decided what you needed to learn in a particular lifetime. A spirit guide chooses who it will protect, and not everyone will have one. Those who need one will tend to get one. Quality of spirit happens over time, and people tend to go thier own ways. The universe is too chaotic to explain this fully.

SD: (2) Is it possible to distinguish somehow - perhaps intuitively - between a person whose soul has already undergone many incarnations, and people with souls that are entirely new to existence? Do people with many incarnations tend to be wiser? Do people with less incarnations (or who are in their first lifetime) conform to any stereotypes, e.g. behaving more foolishly and rashly, not being able to control themselves as well as people with many more incarnations behind them?
M: The above is basically how it goes, but of course not always. Intuitively a young soul cannot tell how old another soul is, but an old soul will find it very easy because it is experienced at doing so. Not all young souls act rashly, but they are curious. Much like any infant you will see. They are much more widely varied than that though.

SD: 3) Is there any truth to astrology? How might the time and place of a person's birth determine the person's character? And if it does, how did astrologists get their hands on the knowledge to be able to determine these things?
M: there is a little bit of truth to astrology, but the future is never set in stone. People do do things because the stars subconsciously tell them to, but not always. A look into astrology will reveal more on the particulars.

SD: (4) There has been some talk about aspects of souls dividing into different entities (e.g. Samael and his human and arch-daemon aspect dividing and incarnating separately). Do souls join too, and what is the mechanism? Is Michael himself a union of many souls that existed before separately, perhaps in universes prior to others? Are we ourselves (or some of us) unions of multiple souls that were separate in previous incarnations? Why would souls join, or divide - can we learn more about this process?
M: this is a varied and complex topic. Souls do join, and parts of yourself divide up. It is believed by many of your wise men that souls divide on each lifetime and that when you are enlightened you re-form. This happens to some people, but not all. I have seperated and re-formed. Learning more of this process requires patience and a lot of lives, and watching other lives.

SD: (5) Does Michael have memories of his life on lower levels in earlier universes? I take it that at some point he or part of him was a human being, or similar? Does he remember sensations from the time he was in 3rd density - e.g. the smell of flowers, the feel of his limbs, etc? Where did his friends go that he made during those lifetimes? Are some of them equivalent "Michaels" in other solar systems or universes?
M: Yes, I have memories of previous lives. I was human at one point. memories fade, but recognition and understanding stays with me. I can't remember If I was born in this town or that, but I can see the town and recognize it was important to me, and then I remember.

SD: (6) Supposedly (as related by Robert Bruce) when we die we meet people who we were close to that died before us, and possibly we wait for other people to join who at the time are still living. What happens then, when everyone is collected? Where does everyone go? Does everyone stay in the big cosmic chatroom for a long contemplation of life's past adventures, or do we go to the great big train station and get a ticket for the next big thing? How much time passes between incarnations? What does one do in the meanwhile?
M: It does very often happen in that manner, people do go through heaven or hell states together, or they become spirit guides together. There are many paths after death.

SD: (7) Michael says that there are places like "hell" and that some (most?) souls will have passed through this experience some time. Does the soul consciously choose to pass through this place or is the choice made unwittingly?
M: Hell is relative. It happens when you die and have to go through your own memories because there is nothing but that to do when you have died. You cannot go on to higher planes until this has happened quite a bit.

SD: (8) Are there any additional freedoms that a soul enjoys while not incarnated in a body? Can it go places, do things - such as being a spirit guide for an incarnated friend, or going to faraway stars and galaxies, or to places we cannot even contemplate i.e. on different planes than we know of? Is the soul completely free to how long it remains anywhere and what it does, or is there coercion or lack of choice, in particular for instance in the rebirth / reincarnation process?
M: yes this can happen, but not always. As said before there are many paths and death is more complicated and often more enjoyable than life.

SD: (1) On another forum (the Other Kin - Embracing Mystery forum) I read about people's experiences with "shadows". Stories about encounters were related by more than one person and the stories were consistent. Apparently these "shadows" are material folks, much like normal people, having weight and material presence, and are not able to pass through walls - they have been seen opening doors and closing them as they exit. The difference is that they appear grey, with no distinguishable features - like shadows, but essentially human-like in appearance. They appear to be passive-aggressive of sorts - they like to creep up and stand next to people's beds, or to actually encroach people on their beds, climbing on all fours above them while they are sleeping. Being receptive to these shadows is apparently not so good for the person, as they appear to have somewhat sinister intentions (wanting to control the person etc).

Do such entities exist, and if so, where, how, why, what from? Why do some people see them and some not? (I personally have not seen one.) Are they dangerous and how should they best be dealt with if encountered?
M: these are souls who are powerfull and can take somewhat of a physcial appearance in this world. They usually do not have good intentions and want to feed on your energy. Now there are white ones who are just as powerfull but do not have negative intentions.

SD: (2) Michael once mentioned that demons are mostly thought forms evolved into entities. How exactly does a thought-form differ from a soul? How does an entity which at its core has a thought-form differ fundamentally from an entity which at its core has a soul? Is a thought-form entity alive and how exactly does it become independent? Can thought-form based entities be more easily disposed of and sent into the eternal void? Would one want to do something like this to them in the first place (supposing that they behave sinisterly)?
M: Thought forms are more so programs, just as a fish is more so of a program. Thought forms are created by man, thier inner demons, and spirits. Souls have to come from base chaos and experience life. There are many levels of thought forms just as there are many levels of souls. They are not easily defined into one category. Thought forms usually are made by evil intentioned, but there are some "guardian" thought forms that are not.

SD: Question 1 Has there ever been intelligent life on Mars (whether originally from there or not)?
M: yes there has.

SD: Question 2 Why hasn't the SETI project where people work on the data on their own computers found anything? Is it to do with a lack of radio transmissions from other civilizations (outside of Earth) or is it our own technology unable to detect something? Or no civilizations? Or something else?
M: distance, power, and the ways that the beings travel. A lot of astral-physical travel being done by other entities.

SD: Question 3 Do you know the future? Any future?
M: The Future is Never Set In Stone, but I can usually see the likeliest possibility.

SD: How does time work for you? Do you have anything equivalent to a clock?
M: time is not quite so relative for me. I rarely have to concern myself with it.

SD: Question5 Why do people say that we are going through a stage of reaching a higher conscienceness and ascending. Isn't this really people just being idealistic and having a certain state of mind not in touch with the real world and the majority of peoples within?
M: said stage is always happening. There is some truth to the second question but the reasons people say that differ.

SD: wow done finally. took me a long time this time.

Will do one more on saturday guys so get questions ready.


Thanks SpectralDragon. :-) I appreciate very much your effort in addressing these questions. The answers are very interesting. Thank you also for those I received privately. I look forward to the next session on Saturday, I hope too that there will be a lot of interesting new questions put forward by then. [:)]


Micheal Said
SD: How does time work for you? Do you have anything equivalent to a clock?
M: time is not quite so relative for me. I rarely have to concern myself with it.

Question 1 I ask about time because it is said angels are very busy yet you say time does not matter to you.  I was wondering how does this work?  I'm sure you can understand my predicament. [;)]

Question 2 What was the purpose of Jesus of Nazereth's incarnation?

Question 3 Did he suceed in what he set out to do?  If not why not.

Question 4 Does the current New Testament give an accurate account of who he was?

Question 5 Was Jesus married?  If yes would you tell us to whom?

Question 6 Has Jesus been incarnated on Earth since the time of this death and ressurection?

Question 7 Why was Christianity allowed to have been used to bring about the dark ages and so much tragedy?  Why would Jesus allow so many to be killed and suffer in his name?

Question 8 Is Jesus higher up in the hierarchy than you?

Question 9 You mentioned your intention to climb the hierarchy, how do you intend to do this?  How can we climb the hierarchy?



1.) Was there really an Altantean neamed Thoth who wrote the Emerald Tablets of Thoth?

2.) In the tablets it mentions serpents that are disguised as men:
"Serpent-headed when the glamour was lifted but appearing to man as men among men. Crept they into the Councils, taking forms that were like unto men. Slaying by their arts the chiefs of the kingdoms, taking their form and ruling o'er man. Only by magic could they be discovered. Only by sound could their faces be seen."

Are these serpent men the same type of beings that David Icke talks about?

3.) When it says "Only by sound could their faces be seen" does that mean they used some kind of acoustical holography or a SONAR type of thing to get images of their real faces?

4.) I am keenly interested in discovering more details between 4th and 5th dimensional awareness. Is 4th dimensional awareness being able to sense things such as auras, yet still having complete individuality without any feeling of 'oneness' with everything and without a merging of consciousness with other souls?

5.) There have been times when I meditated it sounded like I was in the middle of a room with 1000 people chattering around me. I could not understand any of them, but it was like they were all about a foot from me. What was that? Would that be like a 5th dimensional experience where a person's consciousness is starting to bleed over into other souls' awareness?

6.) Will the world reach peak oil in a few years or has it already reached it?

7.) Today I meditated on my back and toward the end I opened my eyes and looked at the ceiling. It looked like there was a white flimmering/glowing effect around it. When I got up everything looked normal again. I had measured my brainwaves using an EEG and throughout it I never went into a measurable altered state or deeper trance. What was the glowing effect and why can't I see it most of the time?

8.) What is humor? What makes one statement funny and another not?

9.) You said that the higher a person's beta waves the higher the bandwidth between a person's conscious and subconscious awareness. The more I meditate the greater my delta wave becomes and the rest go closer to zero. Right now in the waking state I'm measuring delta about 7.9 uV, theta about 1.2 uV and everything else about .3 uV. Am I going in the wrong direction by having all my brain activity in my delta wave?

10.) You mentioned that the entity in the Channeling God thread gains energy by fooling a person into thinking it is God. There have been reports on this forum of female spirits sucking energy during OBEs from people by sexual means. My question is, if there is infinite energy in the universe why would any spirit try to take energy from another if it can be obtained for free?

11.) Is the book "Robes, A Book of Coming Changes" an accurate description of possible futures on Earth? (If you don't have knowledge of what's in the book, then my question is instead: How much of an effort is it for you to absorb the information in a book? Do you have to read things like people or can you just instantly know it in some way?)

12.) In the Robes book it says, "...the sexual experience is not solely for procreation. It is not even mainly for procreation. Its primary function in the human form is to regenerate the wave matrix that maintains the physical form you think of as your body... To help continuously align and re-tune the wave matrix of the human body, the sexual experience has been designed as an automatic, self-correcting mechanism through which the body cycles regularly, approximately every one-and-a-half to two hours. At the start of each of these cycles, the body is prepared for the possibility of full correction via full sexual orgasm. When full sexual orgasm does not occur there can either be a disruption or and arousal, or perhaps a mini-correction of the energy matrix... If there has been a full sexual experience, one which is characterized by orgasm, a broad set of powerfully amplified tuning waves specific to each individual body is generated and moves through the body, correcting the polar orientation of your cells, returning many wave frequencies back to their original phased settings, and generally improving overall function of the body/mind system."

Is there truth to the above quote?

13.) Is there any truth to the idea that there are Plaedians helping Earth as described in the book "Bringers of the Dawn"?

14.) I'm reading at a section called "The Three ways Man Was Created" which is a question/answer between a human and a channeled entity:

Well, then essentially then there are three basic routes that man, as we understand today, evolved or came to this plane. One: through the natural evolution, though the group soul of animals; the second through the extraterrestrials; and the third as indicated by the works of entities like Jehovah, creating clones. Is that correct?

This is in the affirmative. This through natural genetic influence caused by environmental changes, or caused by the necessity of that which has been referred to as the survival of the fittest, or the Law of Adaptation; and that which has occurred through genetic tampering, or artificial coding of cells and the DNA genetic codes, that which may be termed genetic engineering, such as was accomplished by Jehovah and others; and that which occurred through selective breeding, such as through the "sons of god," and the daughters of man, or of other forms of selective breeding, such as accomplished through the creation of pedigree animals or others.

Is that a truthful description of how humans got to be on Earth?

15.) From

How the Jesus Myth was created

First of all, you have to realize that Jesus was a composite of different entities and the name was chosen several hundred years later at the Council of Nicea, wherein the entity Constantine ordered the various religious sects to come together and create a single religion for Rome, a Universal religion that incorporated all of the aspects of the various religions, so that all could accept and subscribe to it.

Is it true that our idea of Jesus is actually a political myth constructed from the lives of several people by the Romans?

16.) You mentioned that God has infinite patience when it comes to waiting for us to find Him. Does God love any of us at all, does God feel any attachment whatsoever to any of us?

17.) You also mentioned that God will never speak on a personal level as in channeling to a person but speaks in other ways and actions. Why is it that God would never speak 'vocally'? Is it because plain vocal communication would make things too easy for us?

18.) From the Tablets Of Thoth:


 List ye, O man, to the depth of my wisdom. Speak I of knowledge hidden from man. Far have I been on my journey though Space-Time, even to the end of the space of this cycle. Found I there the great barrier, holding man from leaving this cycle. Aye, glimpsed the Hounds of the Barrier, laying in wait for he who would pass them. In that space where time exists not, faintly I sensed the guardians of cycles. Move they only through angles. Free are they not of the curved dimensions.

You talked earlier about how you lose some of your physicality at the end of a universal cycle and that there are high forms of spirits that are not affected by the ending of a cycle. Is it mastery over this 'great barrier' that separates spirits who are or or not affected by the end of a cycle?

19.) Is spirit the same stuff as physical matter, but operating at a higher vibration?

20.) Reading about people's kundalini awakening experiences it seems that there's a lot more to people's male/female aspects than merely being people's protector/passive attributes. In fact it seems like sex is fundamental to spiritual growth and maybe people's biggest stumbling block. For instance:


All of a sudden, I got an erection. But this was no ordinary erection. My penis felt like it was the size of a telephone pole, and just as hard. It got so hard in fact that I was in pain. With that came an extremely strong sexual feeling in the head of my penis, which proceeded to travel DOWN the shaft to the perineum muscle which then become a part of my penis. I now 'felt' a penis which started at the tip of the head (of my penis) down to my anus. Not only was it throbbing in pain but it was also pumping in reverse. In another words, it was pumping into me! The presence I was experiencing was extremely strong now, and what started out as sexual feelings seemed to be compressing into a shaft of light energy.

It was on the idea of taking light and turning it into a laser beam. As it compressed more and more, it felt to be turning into a vibration. I could feel it 'humming'. It then, either penetrated my rectum, (which is what it felt like) or went around, ...I'm not sure; but it was now at the base of my spine. I remembered reading somewhere that if there was pain involved in meditations, it was due to tension. Although I sure as hell didn't think it applied in this situation, I tried to relax into what was taking place.

Understand that what I'm explaining to you now happened very fast, and I was almost in a state of panic. Whatever was happening was outside of my control. I was as a bystander watching some thing take control of my body! SCARY SH*T!

As soon as I just thought to relax, I felt a tearing at the base of my spine, a sharp pain that lasted only a few seconds, and this energy was now in my spine. I can only describe the sensation being that of a huge penis inside a vagina. I could actually feel 'my' penis in 'my' vagina, even though I have no idea what it feels like to have a vagina!

If accounts like this are true, then there is a lot more to balancing one's male/female aspects than I am aware of. My question is, what is going on here, is a kundalini awakening like a plant auto-fertilizing itself?

Thank you Micheal and SD.
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To tell the truth guys I am going to do this tonight late or tomorrow. It's a special day today (birthday) and I want the day off. I will get to these though. WOW there are a lot of questions [xx(] I will do this twice again this week, once when I get to it very, very soon and once again on wed or thur.


Your birthday? Well, happy birthday :) Here in Germany is (was, it's almost 11:00 PM here now) also some kind of special day, mother's day. I wonder if other countries also have this day ... well, nevermind.
I don't do much, and I do it well.


Hi Veccollo, it was mother's day in Australia too!

Happy B'day Spectral!



SD: #1: Do you know guides with the names Napa, Sara and Seth?
M: many have names similair to those, but I tend to refer to them by thier atmosphere, The ones you seem to be speaking of is a trio that almost always works together.

SD: #2: These guides say we incarnate with some sort of plan our "full soul" creates before the incarnation (we on earth are "splitted" from our "full souls" they say). Is this true?
M: Partially, though the way they put it is very cryptic.

SD: #3&4: If we incarnate with some sort of plan, wouldn't that deny the free will? Do we (here on earth, for example) have a free will?
M: If you made the choice before you were born did you not already make the choice? Free will is a complicated thing. The consciousness has a will of it's own but wishes to act by its very nature under the guidance of it's soul. Free will exists on different levels and different ways. It is not all inclusive though.

SD: #5: What are the limitations of 'psychic abilities' and/or magick?
M: Hard question to answer. It is limited by the limitations of the very universe, and inside of those limitations it is limitless.

SD: #6: Do(es) the concept of "Good" and "Evil" really exist, or is it based on personal opinion?
M: This is a relative question. If you think in terms of good being creation and evil being everything that undoes it then yes there is good and evil. Good and Evil are not easily defined. There is no such thing as "pure good" or "pure evil" though with a very rare couple exceptions you will likely not run across in your lifetime.

SD: #7: Is love the "strongest" emotion?
M: Love is the strongest in the sense that to humans love is the best thing they have, and that says a lot.

SD: #8: Is it possible to dramatically expand the life span of a human being with genetic engineering?
M: Yes, but I will not go into details.

SD: #9: The following dream seemed out of place, because it was my first tornado dream I ever had. It was also odd I remembered it, because I didn't remember my dreams at that time.
M: The dream symbolizes choice, and that you should make good choices and stick to them.

SD: 1. The Bermuda Triangle - is there anything "out of the ordinary" there, and if so, what is it?
M: Many things are what you might consider "out of the ordinary," however the human collective consciousness would like to find out this mystery on it's own. A clue I will give is that it is related to but not caused by Atlantis.

SD: 2. Do you consider the events described in Carlos Castaneda's books where he is a student of the Indian don Juan to be true?
M: Yes and no, different aspects of the book ring true, but truth is very fluid in this case. For example the "tune to nature" is not true for everyone.

SD: ????? How did you know of that book when you can't read the texts?
M: I know of these texts because they are in the akashic records.

SD: 3. The band Tool, especially on their latest album, seem to be heavily influenced by the occult. I've read things like the drummer using the fibonacci sequence in his drumming, and how they organise the instruments so as they form "shapes" with the sound (sorry if that's too vague) etc. Does the band do all these things on purpose? Do they have any particular aim in doing so? How does this effect the music (eg. make is more powerful)? Is there any special sequence to listen to the songs on their Lateralus album that does something in particular?
M: You can do this with any kind of music. Writing, music, art, engineering, you can consider all of the paths of the trade you wish to go towards in life a spiritual path. In writing, you are "conversing" with a god and creating a story and learning new things about people and how universes are tied together, in Art you are expressing the inner self, in music you are tuning in to the stars. Try meditating with some of your favorite music that fires you up. You will notice something. Music is magic in of itself but the magic only works on the people who it is attuned to (peope who like it) the band Tool is exploring this concept in different ways.

SD: 4. Who built the pyramids of Egypt?
M: The egyptians did (only them)

SD: 5. Is the work of Zecharia Sitchin accurate?
M: this work is hazy in the astral, I cannot answer the question. However if you give me some of the text of the work so I can examine the atmosphere behind it then I can answer the question.

SD: 6. What is the origin of "genuine" crop circles?
M: some of these circles are natural, but a very few of them are indeed landings of another race. note that only about 1% of these are the case.

SD: Question 1 I ask about time because it is said angels are very busy yet you say time does not matter to you. I was wondering how does this work? I'm sure you can understand my predicament.
M: as stated before, it works differently. It doesn't bother me at most levels, but time is everywhere and nowhere. "busy" would mean that I am always present, as I am a part of the universe itself. The meaning of us being "busy" is hard to make clear to you. Think of someone who has to run a shop. He has all the time in the world in the shop, but time outside the shop is different because he can't go outside the shop, so he has little time outside the shop. That's the best way to describe it.

SD: Question 2 What was the purpose of Jesus of Nazereth's incarnation?
M: The purpose of the incarnation you are thinking of is so that the man can finally be ascended to a higher plane. His name was not Jesus, though. The bible is reffering to several different people, but one type of person.

SD: Question 3 Did he suceed in what he set out to do? If not why not.
M: in most things he succeeded, in some we cannot say yet as the results are not it, and in other things no he did not. Humankind is still young and needs to learn much on thier own.

SD: Question 4 Does the current New Testament give an accurate account of who he was?
M: somewhat, but overall no.

SD: Question 5 Was Jesus married? If yes would you tell us to whom?
M: He was married at heart to a woman yes, that woman had many names over her lifetimes. In that lifetime it was elizabeth.

SD: Question 6 Has Jesus been incarnated on Earth since the time of this death and ressurection?
M: no

SD: Question 7 Why was Christianity allowed to have been used to bring about the dark ages and so much tragedy? Why would Jesus allow so many to be killed and suffer in his name?
M: living is learning, and jesus was not perfect.

SD: Question 8 Is Jesus higher up in the hierarchy than you?
M: in short, no he is not. He might be one day, but climbing one ring of the "ladder" takes centuries sometimes. Sometimes not, but time works differently up here.

SD: Question 9 You mentioned your intention to climb the hierarchy, how do you intend to do this? How can we climb the hierarchy?
M: by "hierarchy" I mean "keep evolving" what you are doing now is a good step in evolving, and that is learning.

SD: 1.) Was there really an Altantean neamed Thoth who wrote the Emerald Tablets of Thoth?
M: yes but the name of the tablets is wrong. Should be the emerald tablets of thenos.

SD: 2.) In the tablets it mentions serpents that are disguised as men:
M: No, this meaning is very symbolic. Most atlantean writing was like that.

SD: 3.) When it says "Only by sound could their faces be seen" does that mean they used some kind of acoustical holography or a SONAR type of thing to get images of their real faces?
M: no this means that only by people hearing and understanding about what was going on would the threat be seen.

SD: 4.) I am keenly interested in discovering more details between 4th and 5th dimensional awareness. Is 4th dimensional awareness being able to sense things such as auras, yet still having complete individuality without any feeling of 'oneness' with everything and without a merging of consciousness with other souls?
M: No, fourth dimmension is a dimmension outside the bounds of the physical. It's called the etheric. The etheric is where lies such wonders as in the first age of man, like the garden of Eden.

SD: 5.) There have been times when I meditated it sounded like I was in the middle of a room with 1000 people chattering around me. I could not understand any of them, but it was like they were all about a foot from me. What was that? Would that be like a 5th dimensional experience where a person's consciousness is starting to bleed over into other souls' awareness?
M: you could have been aware of the collective consciousness of humanity, however it should not be jumbled like that. You have to look at the larger scale of the voice.

SD: 6.) Will the world reach peak oil in a few years or has it already reached it?
M: Oil is of no real use to man, there are ways to do the things man uses it for without it. By the time all the oil is used up man will have long found other ways.

SD: 7.) Today I meditated on my back and toward the end I opened my eyes and looked at the ceiling. It looked like there was a white flimmering/glowing effect around it. When I got up everything looked normal again. I had measured my brainwaves using an EEG and throughout it I never went into a measurable altered state or deeper trance. What was the glowing effect and why can't I see it most of the time?
M: you might be attuning to the energy and your third eye might be opening up, but not open yet.

SD: 8.) What is humor? What makes one statement funny and another not?
M: relativity and suprise. There is more to it but humor is medicine for the soul and also food for it too.

SD: 9.) You said that the higher a person's beta waves the higher the bandwidth between a person's conscious and subconscious awareness. The more I meditate the greater my delta wave becomes and the rest go closer to zero. Right now in the waking state I'm measuring delta about 7.9 uV, theta about 1.2 uV and everything else about .3 uV. Am I going in the wrong direction by having all my brain activity in my delta wave?
M: waves such as those cannot be measured accurately completely, just close. you need all of the waves for various reasons. If you wish to project then don't worry about the waves, as the worry is hindering you.

SD:  My question is, if there is infinite energy in the universe why would any spirit try to take energy from another if it can be obtained for free?
M: there is infinite energy but not in all places. The universe is more complicated than that. It does not have all energy everywhere and it is only possible for one being, because of limitations of creation, to attune to and need only certain kinds.

SD: How much of an effort is it for you to absorb the information in a book? Do you have to read things like people or can you just instantly know it in some way?)
M: I often have to check the collective human consciousness which is quite hazy in particulars. Otherwise the akasiac records which keeps changing to the needs of the keepers of it. particular books are not all important. (it's hard for me to put this in words but will try again later-SD)

SD: 12.) In the Robes book it says, "...the sexual experience is not solely for procreation. It is not even mainly for procreation. Its primary function in the human form is to regenerate the wave matrix that maintains the physical form you think of as your body... To help continuously align and re-tune the wave matrix of the human body, the sexual experience has been designed as an automatic, self-correcting mechanism through which the body cycles regularly, approximately every one-and-a-half to two hours. At the start of each of these cycles, the body is prepared for the possibility of full correction via full sexual orgasm. When full sexual orgasm does not occur there can either be a disruption or and arousal, or perhaps a mini-correction of the energy matrix... If there has been a full sexual experience, one which is characterized by orgasm, a broad set of powerfully amplified tuning waves specific to each individual body is generated and moves through the body, correcting the polar orientation of your cells, returning many wave frequencies back to their original phased settings, and generally improving overall function of the body/mind system."

Is there truth to the above quote?
M: no

SD: 13.) Is there any truth to the idea that there are Plaedians helping Earth as described in the book "Bringers of the Dawn"?
M: this question was already asked in another form. Please refer to previous posts.

SD: 14.) I'm reading at a section called "The Three ways Man Was Created" which is a question/answer between a human and a channeled entity:


Well, then essentially then there are three basic routes that man, as we understand today, evolved or came to this plane. One: through the natural evolution, though the group soul of animals; the second through the extraterrestrials; and the third as indicated by the works of entities like Jehovah, creating clones. Is that correct?

This is in the affirmative. This through natural genetic influence caused by environmental changes, or caused by the necessity of that which has been referred to as the survival of the fittest, or the Law of Adaptation; and that which has occurred through genetic tampering, or artificial coding of cells and the DNA genetic codes, that which may be termed genetic engineering, such as was accomplished by Jehovah and others; and that which occurred through selective breeding, such as through the "sons of god," and the daughters of man, or of other forms of selective breeding, such as accomplished through the creation of pedigree animals or others.


Is that a truthful description of how humans got to be on Earth?
M: no

SD: Is it true that our idea of Jesus is actually a political myth constructed from the lives of several people by the Romans?
M no, jesus is a type of person. The answer to this question is above, where someone else asked about jesus.

SD: 16.) You mentioned that God has infinite patience when it comes to waiting for us to find Him. Does God love any of us at all, does God feel any attachment whatsoever to any of us?
M: you are a part of him. Do you not feel that you would like to keep yourself in good health and faith? there is more to this relationship than that and it's more complicated, but that's the easy answer to teh question. The real truth is life changing.

SD: 17.) You also mentioned that God will never speak on a personal level as in channeling to a person but speaks in other ways and actions. Why is it that God would never speak 'vocally'? Is it because plain vocal communication would make things too easy for us?
M: in short, he really can't. Can you talk to one of your own cells?

SD: 18.) From the Tablets Of Thoth:


List ye, O man, to the depth of my wisdom. Speak I of knowledge hidden from man. Far have I been on my journey though Space-Time, even to the end of the space of this cycle. Found I there the great barrier, holding man from leaving this cycle. Aye, glimpsed the Hounds of the Barrier, laying in wait for he who would pass them. In that space where time exists not, faintly I sensed the guardians of cycles. Move they only through angles. Free are they not of the curved dimensions.


You talked earlier about how you lose some of your physicality at the end of a universal cycle and that there are high forms of spirits that are not affected by the ending of a cycle. Is it mastery over this 'great barrier' that separates spirits who are or or not affected by the end of a cycle?

M: I will not answer this completely. Get access to the garden of Eden and you not only found the answer, but you deserve it.

SD: 19.) Is spirit the same stuff as physical matter, but operating at a higher vibration?
M: no, it's more complicated than even that.

SD: 20.) Reading about people's kundalini awakening experiences it seems that there's a lot more to people's male/female aspects than merely being people's protector/passive attributes. In fact it seems like sex is fundamental to spiritual growth and maybe people's biggest stumbling block. For instance:


Thank you very much SpectralDragon.

Maybe I didn't understand everything, as English isn't my native language, so there might be errors.

Hello Michael,


SD: #1: Do you know guides with the names Napa, Sara and Seth?
M: many have names similair to those, but I tend to refer to them by thier atmosphere, The ones you seem to be speaking of is a trio that almost always works together.

Interesting. Are these guys trustworthy? They seem to play down some important stuff, imo.


SD: #2: These guides say we incarnate with some sort of plan our "full soul" creates before the incarnation (we on earth are "splitted" from our "full souls" they say). Is this true?
M: Partially, though the way they put it is very cryptic.

My quote was probably cryptic (language difficulties ...). They say, that the "full soul" (incarnated person + "higher-self" of the person = full soul of the person) makes somekind of "life plan" the incarnated person must live through. This plan consists of the experiences the incarnated person experiences while incarnated. This, of course, goes for every person, they say.

So, if a person has, for example, the act of killing another person in his plan, the person who will be killed had, of course, the "act" of dying in his plan. Both persons agreed on that before incarnating.

Is that true?


SD: #3&4: If we incarnate with some sort of plan, wouldn't that deny the free will? Do we (here on earth, for example) have a free will?
M: If you made the choice before you were born did you not already make the choice? Free will is a complicated thing. The consciousness has a will of it's own but wishes to act by its very nature under the guidance of it's soul. Free will exists on different levels and different ways. It is not all inclusive though.

I've problems understanding what you're telling here. You say the consciousness and the soul are two different things (at least you seperate them here). So, the soul itself doesn't have a consciousness?

That would mean the soul as the "guide" of the "consciousness" (the incarnated person?) doesn't have free will (how does someone make his own choices if he isn't conscious?). So that would mean, there is some higher force which "guides" or "controls" the soul.

So this means the concept of free will (freedom of choice) is a big joke, imo.

Who controls or "guides" everything, then? God?


SD: #5: What are the limitations of 'psychic abilities' and/or magick?
M: Hard question to answer. It is limited by the limitations of the very universe, and inside of those limitations it is limitless.

You say it is limited by the limits of the (very) universe. This would mean that the limitations of our "universe", the "physical plane" (hope you understand what I mean) would be the physical laws, correct?

"Inside of those limitations it is limitless" looks like a paradox to me, no matter how I see it. Either there are limits, or there are not.


SD: #6: Do(es) the concept of "Good" and "Evil" really exist, or is it based on personal opinion?
M: This is a relative question. If you think in terms of good being creation and evil being everything that undoes it then yes there is good and evil. Good and Evil are not easily defined. There is no such thing as "pure good" or "pure evil" though with a very rare couple exceptions you will likely not run across in your lifetime.

Again a paradox. First you say there is good (for example, building a house for homeless people) and evil (for example, destroying this house), then you say there is neither "pure good" nor "pure evil" (which would mean the whole concept is based on opinion), then you say there are exceptions ("god" and "satan"?) to this, if I translated it rightly.

Correct me if I'm wrong.


SD: #8: Is it possible to dramatically expand the life span of a human being with genetic engineering?
M: Yes, but I will not go into details.

Interesting. Couldn't this mess up the whole incarnation cycles if the life of humans might become immortal-like?


SD: #9: The following dream seemed out of place, because it was my first tornado dream I ever had. It was also odd I remembered it, because I didn't remember my dreams at that time.
M: The dream symbolizes choice, and that you should make good choices and stick to them.

How can I make good/bad choices if I don't have a free will? Please define what you mean with "good" here.

Thank you,

I don't do much, and I do it well.

Euphoric Sunrise

Thanks again for the answers SD and Michael. They are much appreciated [:)]

Originally posted by SpectralDragon

SD: 5. Is the work of Zecharia Sitchin accurate?
M: this work is hazy in the astral, I cannot answer the question. However if you give me some of the text of the work so I can examine the atmosphere behind it then I can answer the question.

1.First of all, why would this work be hazy in the astral? What is so different about Sitchin's work from Castaneda's that you find it to be hazy?

In short, Sitchin examined the texts of ancient Sumer, Babylon, Assyria, paralleled them with the bible and explored a theory that the Gods described in the texts were actually beings called Annunaki from the planet Nibiru. He also said that these beings created the human race by splashing their genes with the genes of pre-existing beings already on the planet.

For example:

The process that Ea recommended in order to acheive a quick evolutionary advancement of Homo erectus was, we believe, genetic manipulation


The Nefilim, it appears, came to Earth for gold and its related minerals


The ancient texts described the Annunaki as the rank-and-file gods who had been involved in the settlement of Earth...

2. If Sitchin is accurate, would it be fair to say that, for example, the images of the egyptian gods, who were commonly depicted as part human, part animal, originated from the "rejects" of the Annunaki's attempts and genetics?


Undoubtedly there were mutations, variations, accelerations, and retardations caused by different local conditions...

"The soul is never silent, but wordless"
* Emperor - The Tongue of Fire


SD can you tell us how you are able to project and also maintain a connection to your physical body to type?
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I believe my life experience has enabled me to do this, however I am working on a training guide that will, hopefully, allow people to project in that manner. I need to find the link to that one experience as it's actually on this board somewhere...


Thanks SD, I've been trying to learn to project at will for a while now and the ability to also stay in the physical would be extremely useful.

I think good old Nay deleted the answer to my last question about kundalini. Could you PM Micheal's reply to me? I very much want to know more about that topic.

For other people reading this thread, SD posted some techniques he uses on his web site at:
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Awwwww thanks for noticing Cube..[^] but actually someone beat me to it..[;)]



I would also be interested in reading that. What's the big point in deleting answers? [?] [?]


I have a number of questions about the Emerald Tablets of Thenos/Thoth:


    Oft did I ponder the words of the Dweller. Then sought I to solve the mystery of time. Found I that time moves through strange angles. Yet only by curves could I hope to attain the key that would give me access to the time-space. Found I that only by moving upward and yet again by moving to right-ward could I be free from the time of this movement.

This is something that Stuart Wilde has mentioned as well which I've never understood. It's the idea that you can actually enter other realms by moving to your right at a certain angle. What is this phenomenon that allows plane shifting by physical movement?

2.) In several places (such as the above quote) Thenos talks about moving in curves and not in angles. Can you explain what is the use of doing so and what is the underlying reason why it makes a difference?


Hark ye now, man, this word I leave with thee. Use it and ye shall find power in its sound. Say ye, the word: "Zin-Uru" and power ye shall find. Yet must ye understand that man is of Light and Light is of man.

Are there really magic words like that that actually give people power?

4.) Thenos claims to know a way to cheat death by meditating north and south:

List ye, O man, whilst I give the secret so that
ye, too, shalt taste not of change.
One hour each day shalt thou lie
with thine head pointed to the
place of the positive pole (north).
One hour each day shalt thy head be
pointed to the place of the negative pole (south).
Whilst thy head is placed to the northward,
hold thou thy consciousness from the chest to the head.

And when thy head is placed southward,
hold thou thy thought from chest to the feet.  
Hold thou in balance once in each seven,
and thy balance will retain the whole of its strength.
Aye, if thou be old, thy body will freshen
and thy strength will become as a youth's.
This is the secret known to the Masters
by which they hold off the fingers of Death.
Neglect not to follow the path I have shown,
for when thou hast passed beyond years
to a hundred to neglect
it will mean the coming of Death.

Is there truth to that technique?

5.) This is a question for SD not related to Thenos, on you write "-A knowledge of how energy feels is a must."

Can you tell us more about what the energy feels like?

I have some questions on the details of answers given earlier:

6.) You said that the reptiles mentioned by Thenos are not the reptiles that David Icke talks about. However, is there any truth to Icke's claim that there is a 4th dimensional groups of reptiles influencing on the planet?

7.) "No, fourth dimmension is a dimmension outside the bounds of the physical." Does that mean that telepathy, auric vision, telekinesis, and other psychic abilities are completely 3rd dimensional and have nothing to do with the 4th dimension?

8.) "Oil is of no real use to man." That may be the case in the future but it's not the present reality because there isn't a person on this forum who won't be affected by rising oil prices. Have we reached peak oil or are we nearing it?

9.) You defined humor as "relativity and suprise", can all emotions be built up from a few fundamental concepts like that?

10.) "there is infinite energy but not in all places. The universe is more complicated than that" Why would a spirit go somewhere that there is not infinite energy? I can sort of understand why they might want to do that for the sake of experiencing lack and therefore becoming more mature, but a lot of the negs running around don't seem to be interested in spiritual growth.

11.) " you are a part of him. Do you not feel that you would like to keep yourself in good health and faith? there is more to this relationship than that and it's more complicated"

Please tell us the details of the complicated relationship, I can't think of a more important thing to learn about. You make analogies like we're cells in God's body and also state that God feels no particular desire to speed up our progress since He's got loads of patience. I find that incredibly depressing because I don't really care about any individual cell I posess. If God doesn't really care either then I have to ask why bother?

12.) On the topic of no personal communication with God, I have a hard time accepting the idea that there is anything impossible for God, especially something as trivial as communicating with a spirit. If everything is thought, then that means anything could be possible, so why couldn't God create thoughts of communcation to any spirit, whether they're a lowly human or an Arch Angel?

13.) "Get access to the garden of Eden" Can you give us a literal definition of what is the Garden of Eden? It is such a metaphorical idea that it's too vague to be useful.

Some unrelated questions:

14.) Does monatomic gold have health uses for humans?

15.) If some animal species form group souls, why would individual members compete and fight with each other over food? If lions posess a group soul, couldn't they work in perfect synchrony and have one lion watching the prey feeding information to other lions who actually make the kill?

16.) I got the impression from some of your descriptions of God that the God you mean is the universal-level creator, but not the creator of all universes. Is that what you mean? If so, is there a singular God that is the true total composition of all universes, and everything?

Thank you SD and Micheal.
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K, I am going to mediate again Wensday night, and I am also going to ask that one question again that got deleted outright. If it might be considered too bad I might have to have it available upon request though. Get your questions ready for tomorrow.


and I am also going to ask that one question again that got deleted outright

If you are speaking of the very graphic post of Cubes, I assumed you understood why, when I told you the first time.  I also asked that you do that question in a PM because of it being so graphic.  I trust you do not have a problem with that.  And if you are still unclear as to my reason for requesting this, please let me know and I will try and make it clearer.  I'm also sure if I'm unable to help you understand, Adrian will be able to.




Hello Nay,

perhaps SpectralDragon understands, but I do not, and I'm betting there must be others that are having problems coming to terms with the policy in this case (esp. since we weren't allowed to see the original reply which was deleted, so how can we judge).

The way this comes across to me now is that discussions of sex are taboo on this forum, regardless of whether there is a worthy, knowledge seeking purpose behind it.

Would you be able to help people like me understand who is ostensibly being served (or protected) by this policy? Is deleting answers like that one necessary to protect schoolkids who might, dunno... read it, and get ideas? Ostensibly their development is best served by isolating them from any form of knowledge about these topics?

I would very much appreciate a public explanation so that we all can see the deeper reasons why such an intervention was necessary, and so that we might not violate the forum policies again in the future. Thanks.


perhaps SpectralDragon understands, but I do not, and I'm betting there must be others that are having problems coming to terms with the policy in this case (esp. since we weren't allowed to see the original reply which was deleted, so how can we judge).

I can understand your concern but seeings how you do not run or moderate this site, I do not feel obligated to show you anything. Posting about the actual content would be defeating the reason why it was deleted in the first place, wouldn't it??  [:P]

The way this comes across to me now is that discussions of sex are taboo on this forum, regardless of whether there is a worthy, knowledge seeking purpose behind it.
If you feel this way, I'm sure there are other sites out there that are more to your liking.  We allow "sex" discussions as you call it, but it is done in a mature manner, perhaps you are looking for something a bit more XXX..??

Would you be able to help people like me understand who is ostensibly being served (or protected) by this policy? Is deleting answers like that one necessary to protect schoolkids who might, dunno... read it, and get ideas? Ostensibly their development is best served by isolating them from any form of knowledge about these topics?
Like I said, us mods are not here to explain every action we take.  Some people on this site, yes get offended by such expicit posts and seeing how this is a public forum..well..I think you get it..[;)]

I would very much appreciate a public explanation so that we all can see the deeper reasons why such an intervention was necessary, and so that we might not violate the forum policies again in the future. Thanks.
You just got one, hoping that is to your liking.  Common sense and manners is all one needs when posting on a public forum..sooooooooo, I'm thinking you're good to go. [^]



"Common sense" is not as common as one might think, as people are of all sorts and come with different experiences. No I do not run this site, however I was moderator on a forum which is also very public and where we discuss matters of sex and relationships very freely and openly. In my experience the outcome of this openness has been very constructive and has resulted in general broadening of horizons for everyone involved. I would recommend against people maintaining prudish positions, and I do not understand why an ostensibly open-minded forum would want to bend over backwards to gain the sympathy of people who keep a closed-minded view on particular areas, e.g. sex. However if this is your policy, so be it... I will take note.

Thank you for your reply; I appreciate the response.


Greetings everyone,

We welcome all topics that are within the course and scope of the policy here at The Astral Pulse. For a review of just what that policy is here is the link:

Nay has the full backing of the administrator and all the moderators. This is a forum for open discussion of spiritual related matters as set forth in each of the respective forums and sub-forums.

Should discussion of sex be relevant to a spiritually based discussion, then certainly it can be described in a manner appropriate to this forum. That is, respectfully and maturely. If, on the other hand, prurient, gratuitous and vulgar language is used, then it will be removed.

Very best,
"What lies before us, and what lies behind us, are tiny matters compared to what lies within us...." - Ralph Waldo Emerson

James S

Hello all,

"By pressing the "Agree" button, you agree that you, the user, are 13 years of age or over. You also agree that the Astral Pulse may send you newsletters and other information by email from time to time.You are fully responsible for any information or file supplied by this user. You also agree that you will not post any copyrighted material that is not owned by yourself or the owners of these forums. In your use of these forums, you agree that you will not post any information which is vulgar, harassing, hateful, threatening, invading of others privacy, sexually oriented, or violates any laws."

Nick and Nay have already said what needs to be said. Please consider that it is a member's choice to be here, not their right. If anyone wishes to be a member of these forums they are required to follow these basic rules of conduct. If they do not like the way this site is run or the policies set by this site's administrator, they are welcome to leave. Nobody is forcing them to stay here and abide by these rules against their wishes.



K, I already apoligized for posting that question. So no need to do that again. I am going to omitt response to that question however.

If the moderators of this site still feel this is not acceptable I am going to have to stop the mediations or take it somewhere else.

Eirensway, I will say that the response by micheal was very...graphic to say the least. Hence the reason for the commotion. It was late at night and I wasn't thinking straight.

Cube: since your question is also graphic can you please get rid of it that way we can continue the mediations without further problems.


SD first of all thank you for being open about all aspects of spirituality. I wish I could thank the site moderators as well.

I would like to point out that the site censors have no problem with usernames such as 's***stream' ( ) or posts about violence. However they are unable to deal with the idea that there's a connection between sexuality and spirituality.

If the moderators want to censor the question I asked, they have the ability to chop up my post and delete whatever they want. However I won't do the dirty work for them.

It is too bad that some people do not have the level of maturity required to explore reality for what it really is. Maybe when they're less squeemish about their own bodies they will be able to move on and progress past their inflated self-rightousness.
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