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Missing Airplane 370 Malaysia

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Usually when there are large events like this, AP'rs, dreamers, remote viewers, etc are out "there"....Anyone get any dreams related to this? Any retrievers find anything? Any AP activity to this subject? and what is being "seen"?

This is a new one for me, as well as others perhaps? I can't see, sense them at all, which makes me wonder if portal, Bermuda triangle like stuff, or possible "otherworldly" interaction?

I've had stuff like this before, where someone lost keys, & seen it in astral, or between points. Suspended in time. Then later they find them, or years later they show up....Yet this is different, I can't see it at all, only get the same thing - suspended in time, or elsewhere {not here}....I've had activity with Ukraine thing and the NYC thing, but nothing with this....very odd...and no one else seems to be talking about it {as in astral, psychic, etc}...

Did find someone lookig at the radar anomalies as a source of this possibility -


A friend of mine said she had a "dream" of them being okay, but in a hostage? situation. Of a dark skinned man, skinny, sitting on a box watching over a group of people all huddled together. This was before the news conference yesterday night. So perhaps they are all okay? And that this guy had been in the US {or pulled over by English speaking police}, had been pulled over in the past for drinking & driving. Odd.  :?


hey i remember my dream .... i got in my dream that i was inside a planes cockpit standing behind the pilot or maybe i was the pilot suddenly we lost all the signals no oneknew where the plane was going everyone was frightened pilot said we need to land in water but suddenly there was a strange isolated island in the middle of no where it had a muddy runway we landed our plane on it with great difficuty and there was a man whose island was this . we all were in his custody and everyone was same..

Note: this dream came on the same day when mh 370 dissappeared


If you did remote viewing it would be likely that (if accurate) you would be directed to several places, first to Diego Garcia to a US military installation there.  Remember hearing that the cell phones were still ringing after the plane vanished, and some calls were actually placed by people on the flight?  I don't know if those stories were scrubbed already but I remember hearing about it on TV.  Anyway those calls were traced and also the Boeing engines ping a satellite every time they land somewhere.  Several sources close to intelligence networks have reported that the plane was diverted to a US military installation on a British-owned island called Diego Garcia.  There were Chinese electronics engineers on the flight who ostensibly had inside knowledge of Chinese military projects.

Anyway the idea that a plane can't be tracked just because its transponders are shut off is crazy.  In war time, the enemy is never going to be nice and turn on some device to let you know where his planes are.  That's the whole reason radar was invented in the first place.  Every military presence in that entire region would have been tracking the plane, ESPECIALLY once it shut its transponders off.
What is the sound of no leaves cloving?


 The sad part is that some organization somewhere knows exactly where that plane is and where it went down. But to divulge that info, means they also have to divulge how they acquired that info!

Rachael Hicks

I glad someone posted about this because I didn't want to be the one that brought it up, it's a touchy subject. That said I've only met my 'guide' once and it was a wonderful experience but the first thing that popped into my head was m370 that's when I started to cry and shake my head, I rem thinking it's too late for them and that's when she bent down and kissed me on my forehead. She never answered me but the thought I got from her is that it crashed. I wish I would've thought to ask for some coordinates. Deep down I'm hoping my experience was wrong and they're alright somewhere, all we can do is pray.
"All that we see or seem is but a dream within a dream".            Edgar Allan Poe