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My Spiritual Service

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Roughly 5 years ago, following multiple decades of a highly spiritually disciplined life, and conscious awakening which freed me from the confines of our planetary sphere ( 2009 ), a dormant capacity was activated that allows me to work with crystals in a unique way. It allows me to combine my consciousness with the consciousness of crystals and act as a transmitter of signals that are sent from one point in time, to another point in time. - our point in time, to be exact.

The signals are visual in nature. They allow you to see. Could open face-to-face contact with extraterrestrial intelligence begin in such a way on our planet? I would say indeed it is. For here I am. And here they are. More than 100 of the beings who have come through. All in one, loving continuous flow. Connect with them. See if you can detect their state of presence. They will work and play with you, ( of course to the degree that you allow. <--link to video

Let me know if you take the ride?  :-)



You drivin' a bus or a plane ?


Consciousness is driving, friend. ( did you view the video? )


Yeah i saw it. Quite original. I didn't see anyone else making such images, but that's the way to go and interpret spiritual vision. Nice job.

I can relate to this, but i don't use crystals. I see them (ET) in a lot of other things. There were several times i thought of making something similar, but with digital filters instead, as this is also possible. I assume you can see them too in other things, but in this particular instance, you used crystals.

By the way, my question relating to the bus and the plane was an honest one. Maybe it sounded a bit ridiculous. What i meant was i believe we've got people inside of us, and we (the teachers and advisors) are like bus drivers or pilots carrying our disciples.

One time, being last year in January (2021), when i took my fourth initiation (it started the 17th of december the year before actually, until the 2nd of February) i made a mistake and was shown a crashed plane with everyone in it on fire. Then i realized i needed to first learn how to drive a bus. I am learning it now, along with a technique for inducing conscious OBEs.

I can exit consciously if i want, as i know the technique, but first i need to stop smoking (advice from higher up - not needed). So i discipline myself (trying rather  :-D). Because i know that smoking and inducing a high energy state creates headaches. Thought i 'd share this. So i 'm still waiting for the right moment. I also know that the right moment is always now, but... .

...sayin' it again, very good video!


I am pleased to hear you took the ride, thank you, Marzillian.. (<--  just noticing your handle (more), I like that ).

What you've shared is very good, the advice is very good as well. One foot in front of the other, eh? The race, after all not really being a race. Yes I began first with just feeling the presence of the beings. Then the OBEs started and I would get visited in the more visual/physical-type way. Then I began seeing them everywhere, even in physical space. The very first was a 2D almost caricature-looking creature in the trees. <-- This was more physical. But shadows and light, light and movement, almost anything like this can form in my awareness as a living being. I've got this sort of vision that can penetrate the layers. So all kinds of light appears in my field.

When one day I was sitting in the car with a crystal leaned into the steering wheel, I thought to myself "that's so pretty" and "I should take a picture". That is how it started with the crystal. When I look at the photo there was a being there. When this happened I gradually began to make the decision to use the crystals exclusively for this work. Which at the time I did not even realize was going to be "a work".

All this said, this is intrinsically linked to consciousness and the OBE. It is all one single thing. No difference.

Relative to consciousness, the OBE is a part of my skill set, and so is the crystal contact.

It is all a part of my service.


I'm confused. What is this?


Hello, Kree.. where lies your confusion? did you watch the video? read the thumbnail up there? I know it is sort of hard to wrap your mind around, just trying to get clear where your confusion is. In a nutshell what this is, is contact with extraterrestrial intelligence. Our galactic neighbors. Beings in other reality-frequencies. I am able to tune into them, if you will, receive their signal(s) and bring them in a visual format through the crystals. Much in the way someone might through other apparatus, more technological devices, such as a radio, or satellite, or computer device.


Quote from: omcasey on March 09, 2022, 21:42:55
Hello, Kree.. where lies your confusion? did you watch the video? read the thumbnail up there? I know it is sort of hard to wrap your mind around, just trying to get clear where your confusion is. In a nutshell what this is, is contact with extraterrestrial intelligence. Our galactic neighbors. Beings in other reality-frequencies. I am able to tune into them, if you will, receive their signal(s) and bring them in a visual format through the crystals. Much in the way someone might through other apparatus, more technological devices, such as a radio, or satellite, or computer device.

You channel aliens into a crystal and take pictures of their eyes?? :-o


I am able to receive transmissions from beings in other frequency fields, and capture them in a photographic fashion. These can, and often are the equivalent of entire scenes. Not unlike the one you find yourself in right now. Noone is really able to see/read the data in these the way I seem to be able to. What most others CAN see, are these near 3D portrait style renderings of the entities. Sort of hard to miss a big ol' face and shoulder shot. This said, there is tons more in these frames than just this. They are portals into other dimension if you work with them. They work in much the same way as their audio counterparts, binaural beats, isochronic tones. The visuals do contain frequencies beyond our own.

I have a question. Does it not impact you that this is being done, aside from consciousness with only a crystal and camera?

That it is possible to project the contents of my own awareness through the mean of a crystal.

In a way that anyone who wants to can see.


Quote from: omcasey on March 09, 2022, 18:00:16
Yes I began first with just feeling the presence of the beings. Then the OBEs started and I would get visited in the more visual/physical-type way. Then I began seeing them everywhere, even in physical space. The very first was a 2D almost caricature-looking creature in the trees. <-- This was more physical. But shadows and light, light and movement, almost anything like this can form in my awareness as a living being. I've got this sort of vision that can penetrate the layers. So all kinds of light appears in my field.

Same with me in a way. In the beginning i was noticing only faces that appeared in physical space/matter. Gradually, these images evolved from the faces to landscapes and so on. Currently, i can see a lot more. Especially people engaging in all sorts of activities. The thing is, the activities reflect those of my own.

I soon understood the nature of synergy and quantum entanglement. These are the selves on the different points in time you talked about. I learned that these "images of self" can be manipulated in all sorts of ways.  In your case for example, if one of those images appear in say a blanket, you could put a crystal beside it. One can also talk to the images, or use incense on them.

Also, considering the thought that history repeats itself, we are engaging in a loop. So manipulating these images of "the past inside the present" affect the future but especially ourselves when the activity loop starts over again. A lesson can be learned from these activities (Why do we do the things we do?). When the lesson's learned, one ceases the activity as the nature thereof is grasped.


Casey I am so grateful for your spiritual service... And reading your message through patreon/email services, I feel a lot of gratitude. I'm staring at one of our fellows now since getting the calendar. This guy for the month of March is pretty cute.  :-P Or girl? I think maybe she's a she... Well... You mentioned something in your message... How the data flows, I can attest some of my more inspiring messages come in those seemingly random or mundane activities. I'm keeping my journal next to me, it feels important now...

As a youth I used to toss those beautiful ideas in the trash, not always aware that the creative channel could pull heavenly messages. Sometimes the guidance rhymes, with such ease, it really makes you wonder.

I am confident you are heading in the right direction, and will continue to receive input- even if it doesn't make sense at first... I know you're most welcoming of the energies, and I am excited for our future discoveries! So thank you  :-)


 I have been "prompted" to come at the beings in Crystals in a different way. I created what I call "Crystal Beings", so that people's attention is drawn to the being inside of the Crystal, but only when they are ready to see it. I know there is a living Entity/consciousness inside of every Quartz Crystal I work with. I wish I could show a picture here, but I don't know how to post one. There are a few people here that have some pictures of them. If they could help me post them here, I would be extremely thankful for that!   :-)
"The day science begins to study non-physical phenomena, it will make more progress in one decade than in all the previous centuries of its existence."  Nicolai Tesla


Lu.. to post a photo you just have to host/upload it to say a website or photo(bucket type place, to get a URL, and then you click the "image" button here and insert the URL. If you do not have a place to host your photos I am happy to do so for you. Let me know if I can be of service.


Quote from: omcasey on March 11, 2022, 17:10:51
Lu.. to post a photo you just have to host/upload it to say a website or photo(bucket type place, to get a URL, and then you click the "image" button here and insert the URL. If you do not have a place to host your photos I am happy to do so for you. Let me know if I can be of service.
Thank You Casey. I used to post photos on Photobucket. It was a free account. After a while I started getting emails from Photobucket saying time was up and that I had to pay. They also said they were not a "hosting" site either. I guess there was a number of people going to my site to look at my photos. Now when I post a link to the Photobucket site, it only shows my Folders from a few years back. It won't let me update anything. even though I am still putting photos on it now. So, yes, I do need a new way to post picture online. I have them all in my own Cloud on my computer and use that to share the photos, via attachments, in emails. But that doesn't work on a Forum like this. Could you please PM me that info. Thank You!  :-)
"The day science begins to study non-physical phenomena, it will make more progress in one decade than in all the previous centuries of its existence."  Nicolai Tesla


Yes to share them online you need a URL for each of the pictures. I use my website so I am not aware of the photo-hosting-type-sites anymore.

For now you can email me what you want to post here, I will send you the URLs and you can post them. ( if you want )

I will PM you right now.


 Here is a few pictures of my Crystal Beings, courtesy of Casey's techo-skills!  :-)

I call them Crystal Beings because they are created with Quartz Crystals and are they are just "being". I pose them in meditative/relaxing Yoga like positions.

"The day science begins to study non-physical phenomena, it will make more progress in one decade than in all the previous centuries of its existence."  Nicolai Tesla


 Much better.  Thank You Casey!  :-D
"The day science begins to study non-physical phenomena, it will make more progress in one decade than in all the previous centuries of its existence."  Nicolai Tesla


Nice spirits. There's a hidden bird in that tree also.


Those are beautiful, fantastic work.



I jumped off the deep end. Plume made me do it. Seriously, though, the talk was a lot of fun. Kerry was fun to talk to It was a good experience.

I'll be honest, I was nervous as all get out, but I calmed myself quick enough once we dove into the work.

Be kind, please, lol. This seriously is not easy.



I finally got the chance to watch your interview.  I thought you did very well and your explanation on how you do what you do through your connections and manifestations through the crystal you work with made more sense to me.  It truly is amazing what you are able to bring through!

You are very dedicated to the work you do and its great that you were given the opportunity to do this full time. 

The Adventure Continues...


Thank you, T-Man, thank you for the feedback. The year we were given to focus into the work has been a godsend. I am doing all in my power to be given another ( !! ). Including interviews such as this. We are just now building a certain momentum, another year would jet rocket things into a certain sustainability, I know. We'll see whether the world wants it. If it does, people will connect and link in with us through the patreon to help hold it up. I'm hoping for it with every cell in my being. I wonder what will happen!


Quote from: omcasey on April 28, 2022, 22:23:34
We are just now building a certain momentum, another year would jet rocket things into a certain sustainability, I know. We'll see whether the world wants it. If it does, people will connect and link in with us through the patreon to help hold it up. I'm hoping for it with every cell in my being. I wonder what will happen!
Casey, I listened to that entire interview. As most interviews go with these types of Hosts, there always seems to be a level of "one-up-man-ship" occurring and unfortunately for you here this was the case in this one too. She didn't give you the chance to be "unique" or different. She just kept lumping you in with all the other Channelers. It was a shame to see that. You deserved better!  

The reason I quoted you above and my question here is, "to what end"? What is your "end-game here" or the overall purpose? What kind of information are these Beings sending or sharing with you, other than allowing you to view them? That is the part I am interested in.  :| :? This is what always seems to be left out. "The "message" that is coming through!
"The day science begins to study non-physical phenomena, it will make more progress in one decade than in all the previous centuries of its existence."  Nicolai Tesla


Hey, Lu..

I don't think it got left out, the story the crystal is telling is that of Ur ( which I mention ).

The Ur family tree, which I myself fit into, is where we are starting. Ur takes us back to Mesopotamia ( Ur is also a city just outside of Babel ), to the builder's of Gobekli Tepe, which opens a whole big bucket of worms as far our history as it is known in history books goes. There are those who do suspect that the builders of Gobekli Tepe were the remnants of those who remained of Atlantis after the cataclysm, what we call in our day The Younger Dryas, which would explain the crystals and crystal connection. It is a huge story. We just touched on it in this short interview.

About Kerry......I do not need her to accept me as unique, or anyone to accept me as unique for that matter. It is this work that is unique, those with the keys and codes to know this will find and connect with me due to shows with wide audiences such as this. My sites exploded a whole day before this video was even released. I am grateful to Kerry for having me on, and for having an open ear. I don't mind that she has her own experience, and values it the way that she does. It is more than fine with me. I respect it. As I do with each and every one of us. I hope this is what shines through when people watch.

The overall purpose of the work we are sending out into the world, is relative to the discovery of the self. The crystal is simply relaying to me who I am, where I fit into this story ( we call life, and also the Earth-life ) and what I am here to do now. It is also relaying to us ALL that this is the point of the life, to discover just this. We are showing that it can indeed be done. Even through all the muck, all the secrecy, all that is kept hidden, all the distortions and lies. It can be done. If one can do it, ALL can do it. We are showing this to everyone. Wondrously, magically, joyfully.

This is the "in a nutshell" version of what it is possible to say.

Will it suffice for now?