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successful spells/rituals?

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Hello my dear magicians, [:o)]

I have few questions about spells. I haven't tried any spells, mainly because I fear that casting spells will draw negs to me or that negs participate in carrying out these spells, which would end up me being  in dept to them. And that is unacceptable!

I remember reading somewhere that some dude picked up automatic writing and came in contact with some spirits. Then the spirits did him favours, gave winning numbers and the like, but when he wanted to get rid of them, it wasn't that easy. They started to bother him, because he was "in dept to them". I know this wasn't magic, but could this same sort of thing happen when doing spells?

So correct if I'm wrong, but is there any danger in doing spells, and what kind of  spells are "safe" to do?

Thanks for reading this far



filipcza, maybe some magics are not safe, but really, if you are strong enough, little bothers like minor spirits become almost insignificant. and the only way to become more powerful it through training, experiencing, and learning.



Ah thats my biggest worry about doing any kind of magick that could effect others. What happens to you? are you punished, rewarded or nothing. Maybe you'll get you just deserts in the next life? or the next?

thats the problem with linear interpreations used in our existence, we dont know. Perhaps one day you will wake up and be puinished for something you havent even done yet but are going to do in 20 years? is it fair? In earthly terms, no of course its not. But in the "great scheme" of things?



The main point of my post was that you need to make your own foundation rules of how much influence or manipulation is acceptable. I was trying to show why I feel the rules I have made are correct, not to push my opinion on you or act as a judge to your actions. But looking at my post I can see I could have made that more clear. What I really wanted to get across was that you need to make your own rules, from others opinions and your own experience, that way when it is all said and done you aren't left feeling unsure. Divination is certainly very important before conducting a spell, but for sure look into tarot before buying an expensive pack. It may totally not appeal to you and you may want to find something else, also research the different packs first. But don't wait until you have mastered tarot before you keep experimenting with magic, just use your common sense and you will be ok. The process of sitting there being open to all possibility without bias as you do when you do a reading on the outcome of the spell is probably one of the most important parts of the entire divination. Tarot also, well in my experience, acts as a useful tool for activating the state of mind that allows you to openly and without bias question yourself.

In my opinion the difference between getting my brother to give me a call and reminding a past girlfriend of the love you shared is different, but its just that – my opinion. I might know a bit more about magic and its practice than yourself but that doesn't mean I have a better grasp on what is right and wrong. I was trying to help you decide what was right and wrong and to help you draw your own line. I'm sure as you learn you will redraw that line a few times until you get a pretty dam good idea of where it should be. I think it's a lot better that way then to just accept what someone out there who writes with authority tells you is right. But starting within the area of general consensus is usually a good idea.


An essential step to performing a spell of any type is establishing some form of protection first. Type casting a circle into a web browser and read some of the things you find, you should get plenty of wiccan sites.


This is why learning high magic is so rewarding, when you are influencing only your own evolution there are few such doubts to fill your mind. [:)]

best regards



Hi Fenris,
After using this spell i've learned a lot, i've found that I am happy enough in the current relationship and that I was actually more excited about the magick than anything else.  I know little about magick as yet but as I said i've had a fair amount of experience and success with OBEs, TK, Reiki, shielding and telepathy.  And I even plan to attend a 1 week course next month in Remote Viewing.

So taking up magick, is it simply expanding on what I have already experienced or am I entering a whole new topic?  I have already been extremely suprised with magick, but is it not just the same energy and rules as my other experiences?


Hi, everyone,
i like this forum, a lot of people with a lot of experience, i am still a beginner, i havent tried any spels yet, i guess im a bit nervous, anything any of you now that might go ronge ? if so how can i prevent it, how did your first spells go? and are there any books you might suggest that could be good reading?

any & all imput welcomed


Hi Naturechick. My best advise to you is just to go ahead and do it. You have nothing to lose, if u start out with something simple then the worst that can happen is that it doesn't work.In regards to what to read ,tell me what your interested in and if i can ill suggest something.If not, either someone else here will or i will find something for you.



actually im really not sure.. someting to do wiht splls mostlikely


I think maybe you should have a look around b4 u decide to do anything.Use Avatar Search Engine for wicca , witch ,pagan , magick , magic , sorcery , voudoo , hoodoo , wizardry , druid , dragon magic(k) , faerie , etc etc untill you find something you like. Also considering ur age and lack of experience try the msn group called magick and spells club




I was jut wondering whether anyone on this forum who performs any kind of spell/ritual has ever had any positive results. For example has anyone ever intened a spell to perform a specific function and then consequently the spell has done this? it would be interesting to know.