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Telekinesis told by psychic

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Okay everyone. I went to see a psychic and she told me that I have tk or pk ability. Before hand, I've tested her and everything that she has said has been right. Ex: She I was adapted. she knew I was breaking up with my girlfriend and she said my birth parent are also gifted but didn't say what ability
It's been couple months now and my tk suck so bad.
I'm spending 30mints everyday and its been two months now.
This is killing me! I feel like I want to just give up and just forget about even trying.
It even barely move and it only move count wise. The last time it move was 3 weeks go and it just stop.

:x :oops: :-( :?


Baiting the mods but still..

Can I? please?

2cents & L&L

James S

Quote from: jilola on May 08, 2007, 00:19:51
Baiting the mods but still..

Can I? please?

2cents & L&L
Please... go ahead.


Try with a toothpick and as you become more skilled move on to bigger and heavier objects.


ive been told that as well. i should probably do that spell again. it should work better when i do it the right way. lol. but yeah. i suck at tk, even though ive been told its innate to me. the concept is innate to me, but the objects dont seem to follow. i guess we decided to learn a lesson at the same time. lol. we gotta practice.
im not really THAT psychic. i just like to pretend that i am. :)


That's it.  I'm going out on the road as a medium.  I want gullible money too.


Quote from: TalaNay on May 08, 2007, 12:11:05
That's it.  I'm going out on the road as a medium.  I want gullible money too.
Can I be your manager?

The best TK abilities I've seen are the crummy videos of "psi-wheels" which is not convincing at all. And the magicians have all been frauds. So what is the advantage in trying to learn it? There is no science to support it.

Using just a fraction of concentration and intent a person uses on a psi-wheel, I could easily pick it up and drop kick it out the window.

Maybe in the future we'll understand things better and be able to manipulate the physical world using only our minds (most likely with the help of machines), but the time & practice it takes now would be much better put to use in meditation & astral development - things that are known to be achievable. Doesn't it make more sense to develop your own self before trying super-hard advanced stuff that might not exist?


Everyones journey leads them down different paths. However, It would make sense to attempt and accomplish things that are much easier before moving on to 'super-hard advanced stuff' like Stookie said.

Theres so much more to explore, Don't limit yourself to one thing.


I try to keep an open mind on all of these things.  Sure there isn't science to justify stuff like tk, but science continues to learn more and shed light on a lot of so-called mysteries.  As far as tk goes, it supposedly takes a super amount of concentration, which to this point I haven't been able to come close.  If you don't think tk is possible you surely will never be able to see it.
God created the Universe for His 7th grade science project -- and got a C.     - Swami Beyondananda


Quote from: jilola on May 08, 2007, 00:19:51
Baiting the mods but still..

Can I? please?

2cents & L&L
I'm still waiting...


Quote from: CFTraveler on May 09, 2007, 19:41:34
I'm still waiting...

James actually said "Please... go ahead."

So just say what you were going to say, or stop posting senseless posts  :-P


tk IS real. yes, there are many fakes. but its not dismissable just because there is no scientific evidence. tk is accomplished through streaming MASSIVE amounts of medium frequency kinetic energy through your arms or from your mind. doesnt really matter which. dont ask me how i know this. im not sure. its just one of those things that i KNOW. like, some things i know and they come from nowhere. its an innate understanding. but yeah. thats how it works.
im not really THAT psychic. i just like to pretend that i am. :)

James S

Though TK cannot be proved, justified or even accepted by science, it's still real enough. It's just one of those things that requires the application of understandings of not only the energies that underlie everything, but also our connection to those energies.

It's something that I'm also very much interested in, and have been told by more than one spirit guide that it's entirely possible and something that I'm capable of. The key for me is becoming fully aware of my connection to all things (oneness), and understanding how to use that connection to directly affect the physical world immediately. Our thoughts are affecting the physical world around us all the time, but the results are typically not seen immediately.

Much easier said than done though! True TK requires mastery of the physical. Not something we can gain overnight.


Not that I don't believe it exists, but a person actually doing it in any kind of practical form is far fetched. Same with teleportation - I believe it's theoretically possible, but not something that can be done now. It's much easier to go pick up what I want than attempt to move it with my mind. In the future, it may be possible for all of us, but it seems kind of pointless at attempting it now.

If there are people out there who can do it with ease, they keep it secret, and there must be some reason for the secrecy that I don't understand. Why don't they become superheros or something? Either they exist in secret or don't exist at all.

It's much more fascinating to me to move my consciousness away from time and space than move something in time and space.


I don't believe it can be done in the physical and yes I get irritated when I hear of people bragging that they can do it.   I agree with you stookie.. they don't exist at all.

I've had a couple of dreams where I moved stuff with my mind and while it was happening I can see how it seemed possible just by the way I felt while doing it...but like I said, in the physical, no way. 

PS. It is a fun concept though, but keep it real. :)


Quote from: Stookie on May 10, 2007, 12:14:08
If there are people out there who can do it with ease, they keep it secret, and there must be some reason for the secrecy that I don't understand. Why don't they become superheros or something? Either they exist in secret or don't exist at all.

The only thing I've seen on this was written by Adrian Cooper.  In his chapter on the practice of concentration he talks about abilities like tk and writes:

"It is most important that pursuing these abilities should always been done alone and solely for the benefit of your own personal development.  Never ever, ever seek to impress others with public demonstrations otherwise your focus, abilities and progress will be adversely affected.  Your own development is very individually focused, while most importantly of course always being willing to assist others with any aspect of their life or personal development is appropriate if asked to do so."
God created the Universe for His 7th grade science project -- and got a C.     - Swami Beyondananda


i shall not try to explain something i dont know much about or i will look like the straight christian fundamentalist explaining what homosexuality is. obviously, he has no clue, and looks like a total butt. :)
im not really THAT psychic. i just like to pretend that i am. :)


This is a warning erynys.  If you continue calling names you will have a two day vacation from the forums.  I hope this is straight to the point enough for you to understand it. 


k i got a tk story.. im not tryin to convince ppl or convert skeptics into wonderfully, fantastic magical believers, jus chek out what i have to say.. believe me or not - who cares right, but i rly promise i am not lying.. im not that bored to make up a bunch of lies for ppl


if ppl think im braggin, it probably looks as tho i am.. but im kinda tryin to share somethin.. when u got a story like this its hard not to tell anyone (b%%l%it right im boasting? whatever - chek it out)


A few years ago, after id been practicing for about 2 months,  i managed to get tk working.. not the psi wheel crap.. i used pencils and pretty much whatever i could see around me that was small.. i used to practice all the time.. pretty much everywhere.. it almost became unconscious doing and thats when it started working

eventually, the biggest things i got going were making a pencil move into a shake, moving a mobile phone (without using vibrate lol)
and one time i was messin around in bed trying it out on a coin.. and wot happend was (bear with me) a !blue electric light shot out of my fingers! - (.... i mean it lol) stuff that just doesnt happen - only in movies) I actually !!zapped!! my girlfriend .. it wasnt like "oh look im makin that pencil move" (yeah right u are blowin on it - ur mind is playing tricks).. i actually felt and saw a blue light come from my fingers... this wasnt tk it was like some lightning bolt s%#4t i had going..but.. me sayin this just sounds ridiculous.. so ill shut up on that part cos i kno how it sounds

so a couple of days later after more tk, i started feelin absolutely crap, my chest felt like it was burning with electric pain.. the feeling of tight wireyness from my heart to my hands like it was burning and about to snap..and thundery, i cant describe it more than that other than sayin it was a horrible pain.. and something i couldnt stop.. i tried psychic healers and all that crap.. reiki.. (yeah right that'll work) .. it probably made it worse

it lasted for about 2 weeks.. at one point i went to the docs and got examined , they did a bunch of tests & an electric heart scan (ECG i think) they told me nothing was wrong.

so eventually it stopped and i stopped doing tk.. and hav never done it again..

so to anyone who thinks its not real, - (wait for it)................... it isnt real ;p

if u are competely open minded on it.. and forget all the doubt, it can become real.. and for me it was pretty real

i can laugh  about it now cos it was ages ago, but when it happened i was massivly traumatizd. i can understand all that crap about magic and warnings.. dont f% around

(i dont wanna lecture anyone at the same time or tell u wot to do)

anyway theres my story. iv been gettin interestd in it again lately (but gotta b careful for real) which is why i thought i'd post about it



TK abilities could solve so many of the world's problems. We would have infinite energy. Your bicycle wouldn't need pedals. Your car wouldn't need a motor. In theory, it wouldn't matter the weight or size since your manipulating at a sub-atomic level. If you can move a pencil, you can move a boulder. (Like when Yoda has Luke try to get the ship out of the swamp.)

The only thing I've seen on this was written by Adrian Cooper.  In his chapter on the practice of concentration he talks about abilities like tk and writes:

"It is most important that pursuing these abilities should always been done alone and solely for the benefit of your own personal development.  Never ever, ever seek to impress others with public demonstrations otherwise your focus, abilities and progress will be adversely affected.  Your own development is very individually focused, while most importantly of course always being willing to assist others with any aspect of their life or personal development is appropriate if asked to do so."

I don't understand what TK has to do with personal development. The ONLY use I see for it are practical ones.
QuoteNever ever, ever seek to impress others with public demonstrations otherwise your focus, abilities and progress will be adversely affected.
So, you can't show anyone or it won't work anymore?

My argument is: if it's not for practical use & you can't show anyone, why take the massive amount of time & dedication to do it? There are much better ways of personal development.

I'm an open-minded person & not meaning to knock other's paths. It's just the concepts that relate to TK don't make sense to me. Could someone please explain in a more concrete way? (Something better than 'I just KNOW')


Quote from: Runlola on May 11, 2007, 14:05:54
I would think just doing it to show off is purely ego. I think ppl
that can do it, do it to build confidence in themselves or because it
makes their faith in the universe stronger. But if it's just to show
off and feel powerful, then it becomes something darker. I think
it would be difficult to make a show of it & not feel like you are
better than others. When you are not trying to prove anything or
show off then it is just something special to's not "look what I can do!" ...
if it's purely to build your ego up then you will inevitably fail.

There's little doubt that pride and egotism can slow spiritual development or cause it to come to a grinding halt.

Quote from: Runlola on May 11, 2007, 14:05:54
I can't really see someone thinking of it in practical terms just yet. That
would change things but in order to get to that point, more ppl would
have to be able to accomplish it to the point where it's no longer
some amazing demonstration. Maybe that will happen when ppl start
to believe in the unlimited possibilities of the mind.

And maybe it'll happen when people take seriously how much time, effort and dedication it takes to learn the skills necessary to develop the Mind.  Just learning to concentrate for a few minutes (seconds?  :-D) is a major feat for most of us.  Honestly, most of us won't do what it takes to progress in this area.   Our hectic lifestyles almost make it impossible.

I'm still going to try.   DH
God created the Universe for His 7th grade science project -- and got a C.     - Swami Beyondananda


Now that makes more sense. You could say that by developing concentration and knowledge of "the greater reality" you can develop the abilities to make TK work. But to get to that point you have to go beyond ego. I guess I would have to pretend I was pedaling my bike ("Hey, that guy never gets tired!").

So attempting TK without first developing yourself is probably backwards. Which is what I was getting at: if you don't have a direct, advanced connection with other levels of consciousness, why try to do something so advanced? It's like skipping steps 1-99 to get to step 100.


Quote from: Stookie on May 11, 2007, 12:15:42
TK abilities could solve so many of the world's problems. We would have infinite energy. Your bicycle wouldn't need pedals. Your car wouldn't need a motor. In theory, it wouldn't matter the weight or size since your manipulating at a sub-atomic level. If you can move a pencil, you can move a boulder. (Like when Yoda has Luke try to get the ship out of the swamp.)

I don't understand what TK has to do with personal development. The ONLY use I see for it are practical ones. So, you can't show anyone or it won't work anymore?

My argument is: if it's not for practical use & you can't show anyone, why take the massive amount of time & dedication to do it? There are much better ways of personal development.

I'm an open-minded person & not meaning to knock other's paths. It's just the concepts that relate to TK don't make sense to me. Could someone please explain in a more concrete way? (Something better than 'I just KNOW')

if this were true it would be at the caust of your life it would deteriorate your body to be able to out put and move a massive object i have a theory that you can only move about 10% of your body wait with tk consiusly and if your not talented at moving things you should try the mental tk sending thoughts and maybe thats what the phychic ment by that

me and my friend practiced sending any number betwen 1/10 and we got 80 -90% succes she was really good im not to visual so i had to kinda feel what she was thinking threw and emotional conection we had

oh and i beleive the lightning thing that kp0000 said
because i had a very similar thing happen to me i had electrical experiences when i was in my prime i could move objects from a long distence and when i was in school one day i made what i though was a psi ball but ended up haveing compressed psi with a electrical eliment in it my freind put his hand between mine and got shockked with a 3 inch arch of lightning from the psi bal and i got shocked as well that very similar to the feeling of a week tasser or one of thse prank zaper lighters or pens lol i have only done it twise check out my post the title is shocking from about 4 years ago (you can reach it threw my profile)

i have manipulated wind in a closed invironment no ac or windows or vents with one of my pagan friends he is more talented than i am with wind but i can move fire (i havent succes fully put it out yet lol)

im currently working on pencils

if you are really interested in tk i sugest you erase most of western logic and reason from your head because western logic is to sceptical and alows no room for learning any thing like this because almost every thing western relates to christianity (no offence it is kind of anoying and limits your way of thinking)and no im not telling you to reconvert or join a cult just be an individual and think for yourself

you HAVE to be open minded to acheive these things and if there is a doubt realise their is also room for posibility so think positive and dont try to show your parents i learend the hard way lol

plus it causes you stress and makes it harder to permorm

pm me if you wish to hear my method of moving the psi wheel i would be more than glad to share but im not to happy about the wave of skeptics that plegue these forums it didnt use to be this way i remember when people were open to learning and teaching


Now that I'm actually experiencing some of it for my self, I(previously Erynys, although I've grown SO much since then so I might as well be a different person) I can safely say that TK is when you break away from physics and control it.  There are secrets you have to know to do this.  It's like becoming lucid in a dream and controlling the events in the dream.  I shouldn't tell you why because it will cripple your minds, so I won't.  I had to learn the hard way that you shouldn't help people to much or they never learn to help themselves. Anyway, Tk is not what you think it is.  I feel no strain whatsoever when I accidentally do things in my house.  I feel a lot more strain when I do something like Telepathy or Precognition or Remote Viewing. Those are harder because they require focus.  Tk only require the right amount of White Light Energy directed at an object while the person is at a certain level of consciousness with excellent communication between the conscious mind and the subconscious mind.  Anyway, you'll all figure it out for yourselves anyway, so I'll trust that I don't need to drone on and treat you all like you're helpless children who need to be saved.  As much as it bothers me, I find people feel more respected this way. :) Happy learning, fellow students! :)


Quote from: Stookie on May 11, 2007, 14:30:45
Now that makes more sense. You could say that by developing concentration and knowledge of "the greater reality" you can develop the abilities to make TK work. But to get to that point you have to go beyond ego. I guess I would have to pretend I was pedaling my bike ("Hey, that guy never gets tired!").

So attempting TK without first developing yourself is probably backwards. Which is what I was getting at: if you don't have a direct, advanced connection with other levels of consciousness, why try to do something so advanced? It's like skipping steps 1-99 to get to step 100.

Stookie, I respect your thoughts completely, I just want you to know that, but I want to let you know how I look at TK and maybe I can help you understand why some of us practice it so.

For me, personally, practicing tk IS a form of meditation, and for me it is the best way for me to meditate (apart from laying in bed  :-) ). when i am sitting there concentrating solely on one object for extended periods of time, my mind goes so calm it's unbelievable. sometimes i go so deep into the object i actually start to feel like i can feel what it feels, and how it's texture feels and it's really a difficult feeling to describe with words.

Then when you're so deep inside that object and all of a sudden you feel it move inside you, and with you, and with your eyes you see it start to twitch, the awe is really quite astounding. That's the part where I would get overly excited and have to try again or give it a rest for the night. But after time you learn to control the emotion you feel when you see something that is deemed by most people "impossible"  and you start to learn to accept it as real, and this is how improvement for me happens. I control my excitement and continue to concentrate as fiercely as possible. After time, the twitching turns into  rolling, and from there sliding and so forth.

My point being, for TK, you not only need a large amount of concentration, you need ALL of your concentration. What better form of meditation than that? I don't believe that TK is more "advanced" than anything else, or that you must first go through all of these steps and procedures to "achieve" TK. I am a very firm believer in the just do it method, because I really do believe that anything is possible, and I have so much confidence in us as people to be able to do the very things that we desire as long as there is a strong will and a strong belief. Also, if we don't start learning to harness it now, when it is so clearly available for those willing to use it, then when will we ever learn? All I am saying is we have to start somewhere, and someone has to start it. So why not us? And why not now?

My apologies for such a long-winded post.
You may say I'm a dreamer, but I'm not the only one. Perhaps some day you'll join us, and the world will live as one.