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Extra-terrestrials (watch the videos before voting).

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Are we alone?

No, they are just visiting.
1 (9.1%)
No and some compartment of the government is trying to cover it up.
8 (72.7%)
No but I don't think there are any that have travelled to earth
2 (18.2%)
There is no such thing as aliens!
0 (0%)

Total Members Voted: 8

Voting closed: November 03, 2009, 00:15:59


(Watch the videos before voting)
In 2001 there was a major release of information by a number of high ranking military officials over the subject of UFO's.
National Press Club 2001. - Approx 2 hours.

Dr Steven Greer (Head of disclosure project) presenting 'Final Sequence' on extra-terrestrial reality. (There is a section in here where Greer refers to remote viewing as being involved in this whole phenomenon). - Approx 1hour 10mins.

There was an incident on February of 1996 with an experimental propulsion mechanism in space with UFO's. I've seen a good video of it on youtube, but the ones I found are without the presentation it's just raw footage, I'll keep searching.

In 2008 a military document was declassified in the US relating to an incident in October of 1958. A pilot's encounter with a UFO. This year (2009), 50 years of classified documents were released in Mexico to the public on the subject of UFO's. I can hunt these down if someone asks me to, but both stories did hit mainstream media.

My Idea is this: There are somewhere around 50 billion stars in our galaxy alone and 100 billion galaxies. Each star represents its own solar system. If we take an average of the amount of planets in each star system, we have nine in ours so lets say 3, we end up with a number looking like this 15,000,000,000,000,000,000,000. That's the amount of possibilities that life exists on another planetary body. I know this is a very gross estimate but doesn't it seem more likely that they're are other beings than not? Isn't it more frightening to believe that in all this space, there is nothing but us than to believe that there IS something out there?

I think this issue is really starting to grow in alternative media. I thought it would be worth bringing up.

Truth exists beyond the dimension of thought.


I cant watch the vids as i'm at work (will do from home later though) but just wanted to say I think your bang IS much scarier to think we are completely alone in the universe. For me anyway. Perhaps this is because I am not religious yet I still have that human need to feel that out there, somewhere, is some kind of saviour that will save us from ourselves. They would even need to do anything, just make themselves known. Imagine the change in our view of ourselves as a race if we knew for sure they existed and were here.

Mankind is arrogant and has always placed ourselves at the top of everything, as the bosses of the planet, and now we are exploring space, as the bosses of our solar system. We need someone to bring us down a peg or two and show us that we are accountable for our actions off world as well as on it. To show us that we are one race and should be working together to make a better world for everyone, not just the few privilidged enough to be born in the west.


I think we are quite possibly the only people in our galaxy who are governed by a corporate media that lowers the population to such a bottom level of intelligence, intellect and naivety and even apathy, like sheep yea actually - sheeple.

Those of us who we are fortunate to still have a few braincells left to think independantly, yea we've seen an overwhelming amount of evidence of the extraterrestrial presence on this planet.

On a deeper level I'd have to say that Steven Greer is quite deluded in that he doesn't see or tell how the vast majority of ETs are in fact conquering, self-serving control-freaks who are battling among each other for total control of this planet - at the cost of humans. Instead he tries to whitewash the whole bunch of extraterrestrial groups as an enlightened council of gurus.
Hypocrisy is policy, this probably applies to interplanetary relationships aswell I would speculate.

I would even be going to say it this far (heck he even has CIA connections...) Greer seems to be a shill for the ALIEN forces to slowly and gradually prepare human culture for the alien presence, who are hoping to be accepted as our new masters in the near future.


actually the organizations that rule our planet rule many others as well, and we are considered relatively free in this galaxy


One thing I have always been curious about do people know what their motives are? Have you talked with them? Why do so many people have such different ideas then? I'm not being cynical, I just want to know :)

Sadd-e Eskandar

Why would an Alien Species want this planet so much to the point of waring other space- faring species? Earth, is not special - Humans are not special. All this talk of how Humans play a special part in the Universe yadayada, is just fantasy created by people to make them feel good about themselves.

So, why, would, the 7(?) Alien races I hear about so much, battling for Planet Earth? I'm Human and I don't really care if this planet burns or lives and you're telling me that out there, there are Alien Species willing to spend their time and resources for a backwater planet lost in the middle of nowhere? Or, are you going to tell me: we're in the middle of a huge space lane?  :wink:

Hey man, not attacking you. I just find this obsession mankind has for itself, to be annoying to say the least. There are probably countless Species far more advanced than Humans. I'm talking about Technology here. Spirituality doesn't interest me that much: High tech does.


Different species seem to have an interest in this planet for several reasons. The greys have been conducting biological and genetic tests for thousands of years. There are hundreds of reported bases underground used by various governments and other species of aliens. It may even be possible that the center of the earth is hollow and contains advanced technology and cities. The only way to get there is through an underground base or volcano using a UFO.

Most of the things sound crazy which is why the governments has no problem keeping it a secret. And if they did admit UFOs were alien ships, how long do you think it would take before the public asked how they work? Then the government would have to show people that they have the technology to create free energy and end the need for oil. Making quite a few people pretty angry.


"So, why, would, the 7(?) Alien races I hear about so much, battling for Planet Earth? I'm Human and I don't really care if this planet burns or lives and you're telling me that out there, there are Alien Species willing to spend their time and resources for a backwater planet lost in the middle of nowhere? Or, are you going to tell me: we're in the middle of a huge space lane?"

Heh. More than 7. Lots more than 7, and they aren't organized by race so much as agenda - most of these groups have humans and several other types involved. If you're asking 'why would they want Earth?' in the sense that it's illogical to want this planet, that's a null point because they definitely do, each for their own reasons.

Territory, for one - everyone wants to claim property before their enemies do. Many have various ways they'd like to exploit humanity and the planet (some think we would make good slaves). In fact most of our current establishment is run by interstellar factions and is already there to exploit us. They don't want to lose control

Reptilians are native to the planet and seem more comfortable here than anywhere else, but humans and reptilians cannot currently get along so they're ready to wipe us out and take back control. Other factions just want to wipe the planet clean and start their own life systems from scratch. Some just want to knock down the human race because our problems have spun so far out of control that it's affecting everyone

Earth is a pretty advanced planet, with a lot of systems in place that make it a desirable habitat. Have a look at the other planets we know about - this is a very nice place to live, relatively.

Sadd-e Eskandar

Yes, yes, I know all about that. I know about the Greys, the Reptilians etc. I've always been captivated by space and everything related to it, and funnily enough: it seems that, people who are of Rh. Negative blood are Alien Hybrids. Guess who's? Rh-negative over here? Guess who's AB+, a union of the world's rarest blood types. Seems like people with Rh-negative blood share many "supernatural" traits and strangely enough, I have most if not all of those traits. So, what does that  make me? An alien? Is that why I long dearly much for outer space, spaceships; my heart aches for all of the Science Fiction in the world and, I feel that I don't belong here and people seem to notice there's something different about me. Especially my eyes. Every human being is enthralled when looking at me but, when it comes to my eyes it becomes a whole new level ; when I'm daydreaming, people become so lost in my eyes that if I move my head or look directly at them they come out of another "dimension" with a very visible shock.

So - does that mean that I have a vivid imagination and most other people who share this ideas or people honestly have too much time?

Or I might just be having a late adolescent angst phase? ;)

"Earth is a pretty advanced planet, with a lot of systems in place that make it a desirable habitat. Have a look at the other planets we know about - this is a very nice place to live, relatively."

Wouldn't an advanced species have the tech and the resources to terraform a planet? To fight for a planet is to risk the loss of life and resources.


The Earth, both to them and to us, is a garden of plenty. We depend upon her bounty, and the bounty we create from hers. So do others. Herein then lies one of the conundrums we face in the challenge presented by the presence of certain extraterrestrials on and in near Earth space.

For one, Earth provides several million tons of foodstuff (vegetables and vegetable proteins) and meat varieties per month to some 60 ET kinds in the solar system. This isn't done so directly. From what I know, 16 agreements are currently operating under the protection of various governmental organizations and intelligence services. There are 3 nongovorg agreements with some of the same groups doing business with the govorgs. And then there are the quietly owned proprietaries, owned and operated in conjunction with humans in at least three countries. It so happens to then be that they, too, rely upon the Earth for much of their foodstuff and sustenance, albeit mostly for raw materials. It is then literally in their best interest to assist, threaten, cajole, advise, instruct and guide us humans on Earth to care for the ecologic diversity and abundance of biomatter which also provides them with some degree of sustenance.

There are other agendas in place. It depends on who you are talking about.



"I've always been captivated by space and everything related to it, and funnily enough: it seems that, people who are of Rh. Negative blood are Alien Hybrids."

Oho, it seems I'm preaching to the choir here. Very interesting note about blood types.

I've always had that same yearning to go to space, strangely, as though I belong there. I always look at NASA's pictures of planets and feel like I've already been there, and feel like the picture doesn't nearly do it justice

I wonder how many people are like that. I have no genetic quirks and I'm a rather incompetent psychic, but I feel like I knew the cosmos front and back before I ever looked at an astronomy book.

Anyway, the whole takeover thing -
Terraforming can be done, yeah, but reptilians mostly enjoy the sun and atmosphere of Earth, which is hard to find elsewhere. I imagine they're also territorial and just find it insulting that we're on this planet


Quote from: zareste on October 04, 2009, 21:18:42
Terraforming can be done, yeah, but reptilians mostly enjoy the sun and atmosphere of Earth, which is hard to find elsewhere. I imagine they're also territorial and just find it insulting that we're on this planet

You know I heard that the dinosaurs were a failed project of theirs, have you heard anything like that before?

Sadd-e Eskandar

Quote from: zareste on October 04, 2009, 21:18:42
"I've always been captivated by space and everything related to it, and funnily enough: it seems that, people who are of Rh. Negative blood are Alien Hybrids."

Oho, it seems I'm preaching to the choir here. Very interesting note about blood types.

I've always had that same yearning to go to space, strangely, as though I belong there. I always look at NASA's pictures of planets and feel like I've already been there, and feel like the picture doesn't nearly do it justice

I wonder how many people are like that. I have no genetic quirks and I'm a rather incompetent psychic, but I feel like I knew the cosmos front and back before I ever looked at an astronomy book.

Anyway, the whole takeover thing -
Terraforming can be done, yeah, but reptilians mostly enjoy the sun and atmosphere of Earth, which is hard to find elsewhere. I imagine they're also territorial and just find it insulting that we're on this planet

And when you see a Space ship in a  Sci - Fiction movie, don't you *know* that you've tasted the sweetness of adventure like those characters are doing? Have you ever looked at the night skies and instead of seeing darkness, you "see" endless planets; endless civilizations; endless possibilities?

I know that sentient beings long for the Unknown. But I don't long for it - I live it. I'm in love more with what I don't know than what I do know. My Obsession with the Star Wars Universe is notorious for that subtle memory. I feel like, what has happened inside the Star Wars Universe has happened and is happening, all through the Universe's ages. And, I get even more angry because someone else out there is uniting star systems, dethroning despots and I'm stuck on a backwater planet that, has the audacity to give copious amounts of cash to Musicians, soccer players etc, instead of solving the world's hunger, HIV and all of the STD's and not last, the wars and divergences so we can embark on the future, by focusing our efforts and as a consequence, have the means, the will and the certainty to get out of this planet and do something useful.

Are you familiar with the computer game "Spore" ?

It's God/sim simulation. You start as a cell and you go through the different stages of evolution until you reach the stage of space faring. Then, you do missions; trade with other aliens, get more and more abilities/artifacts giving you the means to either create new alien species, Evolving the primitive species you find along your way. That is what I feel has happened on this planet and that is what I feel is the destiny of every species who manages not to destroy itself. To create Life. I believe every God, every Demi - God is an Alien being and it's human/Alien Offspring.

We are made in God's image. Thus, we are gods ourself and Gods create life. That is what we are all born to do. Just the mere act of making a child with another human turns you into a god. Imagine now the feeling(and how you become responsible) of creating and nurturing something(for example: human beings) that will expand outside of it's cradle(earth) and develop new ways to understand the myriad of aspects the Universe has, or, how Mankind for example, might stumble upon a Dying, primitive Aquatic race due to the change of the planet's ocean's floor and evacuates it to another aquatic(devoid of native life) to save i t.

Isn't that - the greatest feeling in the world? To save a life? How it must flow like a rainbow on your soul, when you save thousands, millions, billions; when you save an entire species, that maybe, will save yours in the future.

I don't believe in Religions. I don't believe in the state.  I am not proud of being a member of the EU and I'm def. not proud of the long history my country has.

Why? Because, I don't believe in differences; other languages; other cultures; other races. We are all the same. We are all made of the same stuff. Star Dust.

I'm a star and stars do die. Suns explode; to create new fire, new life. I'm a star, I'm Space itself. I am immortality and I want to return home. I want to return to innocence. The only way for us to return to our source(the union of all star systems under each species, the agglomeration of galaxies under each alien species,  is to become the Republic you see in the Star Wars Universe.

That is the source. That is the future. And I want it badly; all life longs for life.

Lets all go out there and bask in it. And that is what brought me to Astral Projection. It is the only way I can reach that life.

here's something about the Reptilians:


Quote from: Yamabushi on October 04, 2009, 20:06:09
For one, Earth provides several million tons of foodstuff (vegetables and vegetable proteins) and meat varieties per month to some 60 ET kinds in the solar system.

Its really worth traveling all that way for some of our stuff?
Unless space travel for them is as easy as it is for people to drive to the nearest market.

Quote from: Sadd-e Eskandar on October 05, 2009, 05:03:41

And when you see a Space ship in a  Sci - Fiction movie, don't you *know* that you've tasted the sweetness of adventure like those characters are doing? Have you ever looked at the night skies and instead of seeing darkness, you "see" endless planets; endless civilizations; endless possibilities?

I know that sentient beings long for the Unknown. But I don't long for it - I live it. I'm in love more with what I don't know than what I do know. . And, I get even more angry because someone else out there is uniting star systems, dethroning despots and I'm stuck on a backwateMy Obsession with the Star Wars Universe is notorious for that subtle memory. I feel like, what has happened inside the Star Wars Universe has happened and is happening, all through the Universe's agesr planet that, has the audacity to give copious amounts of cash to Musicians, soccer players etc, instead of solving the world's hunger, HIV and all of the STD's and not last, the wars and divergences so we can embark on the future, by focusing our efforts and as a consequence, have the means, the will and the certainty to get out of this planet and do something useful.

Are you familiar with the computer game "Spore" ?

It's God/sim simulation. You start as a cell and you go through the different stages of evolution until you reach the stage of space faring. Then, you do missions; trade with other aliens, get more and more abilities/artifacts giving you the means to either create new alien species, Evolving the primitive species you find along your way. That is what I feel has happened on this planet and that is what I feel is the destiny of every species who manages not to destroy itself. To create Life. I believe every God, every Demi - God is an Alien being and it's human/Alien Offspring.

We are made in God's image. Thus, we are gods ourself and Gods create life. That is what we are all born to do. Just the mere act of making a child with another human turns you into a god. Imagine now the feeling(and how you become responsible) of creating and nurturing something(for example: human beings) that will expand outside of it's cradle(earth) and develop new ways to understand the myriad of aspects the Universe has, or, how Mankind for example, might stumble upon a Dying, primitive Aquatic race due to the change of the planet's ocean's floor and evacuates it to another aquatic(devoid of native life) to save i t.

Isn't that - the greatest feeling in the world? To save a life? How it must flow like a rainbow on your soul, when you save thousands, millions, billions; when you save an entire species, that maybe, will save yours in the future.

I don't believe in Religions. I don't believe in the state.  I am not proud of being a member of the EU and I'm def. not proud of the long history my country has.

Why? Because, I don't believe in differences; other languages; other cultures; other races. We are all the same. We are all made of the same stuff. Star Dust.

I'm a star and stars do die. Suns explode; to create new fire, new life. I'm a star, I'm Space itself. I am immortality and I want to return home. I want to return to innocence. The only way for us to return to our source(the union of all star systems under each species, the agglomeration of galaxies under each alien species,  is to become the Republic you see in the Star Wars Universe.

That is the source. That is the future. And I want it badly; all life longs for life.

Lets all go out there and bask in it. And that is what brought me to Astral Projection. It is the only way I can reach that life.

here's something about the Reptilians:

See the bolded.

Really think so?Cause it is my understanding that half the stuff in star wars would be impossible,and possibly impractical(i don't mean the force.)


What do you think is impossible from the star wars series?


Where do you get this information from? How do you know about blood types? How do you know about food export? How do you get this information?


Quote from: kurtykurt42 on October 05, 2009, 20:59:25
What do you think is impossible from the star wars series?

As i recall from a special on the history channel.

Lightsabers and Fighter ships that make those turns in space for starters.

Sadd-e Eskandar

Quote from: Questioner on October 06, 2009, 07:55:21
As i recall from a special on the history channel.

Lightsabers and Fighter ships that make those turns in space for starters.

I was mostly concerned about the dynamics present in Star Wars.

Stars Wars premise is about a Chosen One, A Jesus Christ with undertones of a Galactic Republic, out there. Which I find perfectly plausible.  Not that I am interested in religion but just to illustrate the endless physical possibility that Star Wars is. I've read some stuff about a field that binds all life. To learn to manipulate it, is just a matter of time. I'm sure superior life forms have managed to do it.

Special on History channel?

I don't rely on Ancient Egyptians to explain to me how high speed internet works, why should I listen to 21th century scientists?

How do I know about blood types and Reptilians?

One day I googled rh - negative blood, stumbled upon a ton of articles related to Alien hybrids; became curious, read more and more about it, realized a lot of it matched me, started to think why I attract so much female attention/male(despite not being conventionally attractive/masculine) and found an answer in this, somewhat. Some other aspects as well.

David icke knows a lot more about this than me.

Here's his forum about Reptilians:


Quote from: Questioner on October 06, 2009, 07:55:21
As i recall from a special on the history channel.

Lightsabers and Fighter ships that make those turns in space for starters.

A hundred years ago they would have said going to the moon was impossible.

Light sabers are probably nothing more than a beam of plasma that is focused by a magnetic field, similar to how nuclear fusion could be contained. The plasma is unstable so it would need a special type of force field around it to hold it in place.

Basically every UFO ever reported is able to accelerate to mach 5, make 90 degree turns and then stop on a dime. The weapons may be different but they idea is the same.


Quote from: kurtykurt42 on October 06, 2009, 22:15:25
A hundred years ago they would have said going to the moon was impossible.

Light sabers are probably nothing more than a beam of plasma that is focused by a magnetic field, similar to how nuclear fusion could be contained. The plasma is unstable so it would need a special type of force field around it to hold it in place.

Basically every UFO ever reported is able to accelerate to mach 5, make 90 degree turns and then stop on a dime. The weapons may be different but they idea is the same.

Maybe,but to be hot enough to slice through layers of durasteel and other ceramics with out dieing from the heat would be silly.


Even if it were 100% physically impossible to build such a device, it may not be impossible to build it in other dimensions. Who's to say that an entire star wars like galaxy doesn't exist already on some astral plane billions of light years away. Just because it doesn't exist here in this physical realty doesn't mean it's not real.


Well,i am familiar with the multi-verse theory,but i never heard of galaxies in astral planes.


Multi-verse theory is the theory of multiple possible universes. The different universes within the multiverse are sometimes called parallel universes. This is a lot different from the dimensions that occupy each universe.

Galaxies are just parts of space with a lot of matter, ie. people/plants/worlds. In many other dimensions this same matter exists but in forms of energy, instead of matter. So, throughout the universe there are very large clusters of matter/energy usually due to the effect of physical galaxies.

Sadd-e Eskandar

Quote from: kurtykurt42 on October 07, 2009, 00:07:36
Even if it were 100% physically impossible to build such a device, it may not be impossible to build it in other dimensions. Who's to say that an entire star wars like galaxy doesn't exist already on some astral plane billions of light years away. Just because it doesn't exist here in this physical realty doesn't mean it's not real.

Yeah, that's what gets me interested in this whole Astral Projection deal. As you know(you've answered) I have a thread on these forums concerning the Star Wars universe and if my memory serves me well, it's possible to enter such a 'realm' by having lucid dreams or the sort.


Quote from: Questioner on October 05, 2009, 20:50:06
Its really worth traveling all that way for some of our stuff?
Unless space travel for them is as easy as it is for people to drive to the nearest market.

I tried to emphasize that there are other agendas in place so as to avoid implying that their sole interest in our planet and solar system is acquisition of food and other materials.

Quote from: JaxV on October 05, 2009, 22:39:32
Where do you get this information from? How do you know about blood types? How do you know about food export? How do you get this information?

"First contact" happened a long time ago.