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Quote from: Wi11iam on May 14, 2013, 19:50:24
As I am asking guy, what determines when humans are 'ready'?  It matters not how many ET varieties there are, unless in this fact they are all working for their own agendas and are no more advanced in their behaviors and accompanying political manipulations than humans are.
Very true, there are a number of civilizations at all different advanced levels. Some like us, some that are just starting and others that are millions of years ahead of us.

So yes, you likely have the good, the bad and the ugly, a melding pot of sorts!

But not all of them experience duality like we do.

We experience positive and negative emotions.

Some of the other races have no emotions and this is why they like to study Earth.

Some have transcended emotions, but emotions still intrigue them.

Like I said, there are many different varieties.

Look up into the night sky, every star you see is likely surrounded by Planets.

We say that many of them can't be habitable.

In our physical form, that's true, but who says they use our biological forms!  :wink:


Quote from: Lionheart on May 14, 2013, 20:04:46
Very true, there are a number of civilizations at all different advanced levels. Some like us, some that are just starting and others that are millions of years ahead of us.

So yes, you likely have the good, the bad and the ugly, a melding pot of sorts!

But not all of them experience duality like we do.

We experience positive and negative emotions.

Some of the other races have no emotions and this is why they like to study Earth.

Some have transcended emotions, but emotions still intrigue them.

Like I said, there are many different varieties.

Look up into the night sky, every star you see is likely surrounded by Planets.

We say that many of them can't be habitable.

In our physical form, that's true, but who says they use our biological forms!  :wink:

Who can say? 

Speculation is of no particular use.  It appears that disclosure is detrimental due to the known variables. ETs are of no significant use to the human situation, and pursuing and supporting a move to full disclosure is of no value, even to those who are ready to handle the truth...there simply is no way to be 'ready' due to the speculation.  No one, even those who are experienced with ET, are truly ready apart from perhaps in their own subjective experience an personal opinions.
Think With The Heart - Feel With The Mind


Quote from: Lionheart on May 14, 2013, 19:52:08
Your an educated man Wi11iam, let me pose a question to you.

What happens when Wall Street collapses?

The answer will explain to you why Humanity is not ready for this yet!  :wink:

The rich suffer lose.  The poor remain poor.  The world turns and nature carries on as if money has nothing to do with anything.  :wink:  In regard to 'free energy' a collapse of Wall Street will hardly be noticed - Wall Street will become null and void - unnecessary.  I am not so sure that humanity is 'not ready' but appreciate those who are the middle-persons who most profit from the stock marketing are certainly not prepared, but these hardly count as the voice of humanity - they are rather the minority who happen to be in positions where they can ignore what the majority want in support of their own agenda.

Think With The Heart - Feel With The Mind


Quote from: Wi11iam on May 14, 2013, 20:31:03
The rich suffer lose.  The poor remain poor.  The world turns and nature carries on as if money has nothing to do with anything.  :wink:  In regard to 'free energy' a collapse of Wall Street will hardly be noticed - Wall Street will become null and void - unnecessary.  I am not so sure that humanity is 'not ready' but appreciate those who are the middle-persons who most profit from the stock marketing are certainly not prepared, but these hardly count as the voice of humanity - they are rather the minority who happen to be in positions where they can ignore what the majority want in support of their own agenda.

Ok, I guess I posed this question the wrong way. What would happen to the United States, Russia, China and the European Union that rely 100% on the stock market.

Back when the Stock market had a minor glitch it caused the World powers to give in to any and all demands of the Banking systems. They knew that if the Banks fell, everything else did soon afterwards.

True that's not the entire "voice of Humanity", but it's a voice that controls everything right now as it currently is. It gives structure to the World and love it or hate it, it's needed.


QuoteYes this is relevant speculation.
But if ETs can 'do what they want' why don't they just bypass the cartels and speak directly to the populations of the planet.  Certainly the ability to do so is obviously here, via the airways.

Why - based on the info circulating - are they working with the Powers that be secretively? 

It may be a bit confusing the way I worded it, but I am describing a set of 4 distinct possiblities, each with their own peculiar circumstances.

In the fourth possibility I listed, the visitors don't have any interest in speaking with anyone, they just want to do what they are doing; in this possibility, the governments and world powers are the ones who hold the knowledge of it because they were the ones who had the power to locate and take control of all the possible crash sites, and they are the owners of most of the reliable tracking instruments.

Because you mention it, I suppose we can entertain a fifth possibility: the visitors are real, and they have an agenda very much their own, and they don't want any noisy resistance; they tell world governemnts (because they are the ones capable of mounting the biggest and noisiest resistance, of course) that if they keep things quiet, and don't load up the cavalry, they will not destroy our society outright, but just do whatever it is they do. Essentially they are speaking to the governments because they are seen as the adults in the room, since they hold most of the power, and telling them if you do as we say, no one has to get hurt much. If the government came out and said there are alien overlords out there doing as they please, in this situation the population would be much rowdier with regards to the visitors, and that is not what they are looking for.

But again, as you state importantly, this is all speculation. I am mainly trying to reason out what likely scenarios would look like.

QuoteCan you give an example of how free energy would collapse society?  Wouldn't it be more likely to transform society?

I think it would do both, in different timeframes.

In the short term, the mere knowledge that the balance of power has now shifted would be pretty devasting to stability I think; suddenly, very poor and powerless countries have the means to rise up to the level of what may have been their past oppressors; when you take energy costs out of the equation, suddenly there are many more viable contenders on the stage, and all of them want different things. Twenty different types of interest groups all now have the power to fight for their causes in earnest. In the space of about 10 years after the tech came out, the world is shaken by war. Most wars in the past were fought over resources, but not all. Now that resources are taken care of, there are only ideologies left. You have the capitalist side, the socialist side, the zealous crusaders for an Islamic world government, or a Catholic one, or any other of a score of -ism's. I think eventually we would grow out of that in 50 more years or so, and maybe even end up with a utopian Star Trek society as a result of the new energy tech, but things get ugly before that i think.

If I were part of a group with knowledge of workable new energy tech, I might be motivated to let it out piece by piece, to soften the blow. I would want to release versions of the current tech, but far inferior, to let things catch up at their own pace. Sure, people are dying as a result of want and oppression... but let's not kill off 2/3 of everyone in a massaive slugfest by doing the equivalent of giving an arguably medieval society atomic weapons.

I want to see humanity gloriously uplifted from pettyness by technology, but that can't happen in 4 minutes... it will be a slow and painful process, like most things humans do. It isn't so much our tech that is wanting... we are selves lacking alot too. If we wanted, we have the tech now to care of everyone several times over. I think if you want to think about what new energy will do for the world, maybe an important question to lead off is why don't we have peace and stability now, if we already have enough...
"The Gardener is but a dream of the Garden."

-Unattributed Zen monastic


Does anyone have an idea how free energy would work?

Will huge power stations be built and then tied into the grid? This would make us only have to pay for the maintenance of the structure and not for the energy itself.

Or will we have to buy single units and run individual homes and businesses off of it?

For decades, the US and most major powers rode cheap hydrocarbon energy to the top. Whether or not it is depleting, doesn't matter. What matters is that they are telling us it is and we must therefor spend more of our income on it. Now that countries like China and India have developed an industrial infrastructure based on HCE, the oil cartel has now suddenly claimed that the supplies are running out while the rest of the world says the emissions are also killing our planet. In other words, if you want to use this rapidly depleting and earth killing energy, it will cost big bucks.

Don't forget that HCE producers are not the only one who stand to lose big on free energy. All the so called green energy people will not like us to have a perpetual energy source now that they are investing their own big bucks.

I really like how cap and trade has finally made it possible for our gov to tax the air we breathe. Air was the last essential that wasn't exploited for taxes.

It ain't what you don't know that gets you into trouble. It's what you know for sure that just ain't so.
Mark Twain


Quote from: Wi11iam on May 14, 2013, 19:09:29
Can you give an example of how free energy would collapse society?  Wouldn't it be more likely to transform society?

I tell you what, let me rephrase that as that is probably not exactly the way I intended to word it.  Free energy itself cannot collapse a society.  Whether a society collapses or transforms is dependent entirely upon the collective consciousness of society itself.  But with that said I still do not feel that the current mindset of society is ready or is capable of handling a sudden transition from oil to free energy.  I could be incorrect, but based on the observations of the behavior of the mainstream society, I just don't see how we could handle it.  Sure free energy could provide major benefits of the likes our world has never seen, but getting there can be quite the challenge.  We either have to go through a sudden shift in consciousness or it would have to be trickled in very slowly over a long period of time.

If free energy was suddenly introduced into the global society and was easily accessible by all, it would most likely put untold numbers of corporations out of business due to our overwhelming dependence upon oil that is used in practically all aspects of our lives.

Look at the grocery stores and farms for example.  Grocery stores depend heavily upon oil for transporting goods.  Farmers depend heavily upon oil to maintain the crops and meet the quota needed to feed the population.  If the oil companies go out of business then farms and grocery stores would most likely be one of the first to go out of business.  There seems to be a common agreement that when the grocery stores shutdown that there is only about 3 days of food until it has all been looted.  At this point all we will have is each other with a very important choice - work together or survival of the fitest.  Given the current mindset of today's society, what do you think would be the most likely choice among the majority of the mainstream?  You only have to watch youtube videos of "Black Friday" to get a small hint.  Yes there are many people throughout society who have a desire to work with and help others, and would do so in times of stress, but it would appear that there still isn't the critical mass necessary to tip the scales from a more unpleasant situation to a more pleasant situation.

But who knows, I could be judging society incorrectly.  Maybe society could surprise me and actually begin working together with each other in harmony with nature, the planet, and all life if our way of life suddenly came to a screaching halt or major sudden transformation.  Trying to predict the path of the collective consciousness is like trying to predict the path of a very large flock of birds or a large school of fish.


Some pertinent observations are coming through in this discussion.

Keeping in mind the ET/full disclosure, we could surmise based on just our combined observations here in this thread that it would not be a great idea.

From what I am reading here, the world population is 'not ready' and nor is the infrastructure able to cope with such information being released, either in regard to ETs or some kind of free energy device.

It would have to be presumed that the free energy would be sourced from nature, either through water, wind or sun and that it would be electric.

In both cases, the population would have to be educated and that a plan on how to get from A-Z would need to be created and disclosed by degree, with and 'end game' clearly revealed and that no one, regardless of their present social status or belief systems will be disadvantaged.

It might mean that the countries presently in the best positions would be the first to benefit from the transformation and that the fruits of their cooperation in that transformation would have a flow on effect to the rest of the world.

With free energy, the need for oil would dissipate which would mean that countries which rely so heavily upon it would be less inclined to become involved in warfare with those countries who presently have the bulk of oil reserves.

The most pressing problem might be in transforming machinery which runs on oil into that which runs on electricity but with first world minds focused on the problem in a collective manner, it would only be a matter of time until it is no problem at all.

I think one of the greatest hurdles would be how to reverse the damage already done in relation to ETs - most religious orgs - especially the more radical would resist ET presence as being 'of the devil' 'fallen angels' etc...and would be another reason why they may remain hidden.
Think With The Heart - Feel With The Mind


Quote from: Lionheart on May 14, 2013, 20:57:30
Ok, I guess I posed this question the wrong way. What would happen to the United States, Russia, China and the European Union that rely 100% on the stock market.

Back when the Stock market had a minor glitch it caused the World powers to give in to any and all demands of the Banking systems. They knew that if the Banks fell, everything else did soon afterwards.

True that's not the entire "voice of Humanity", but it's a voice that controls everything right now as it currently is. It gives structure to the World and love it or hate it, it's needed.

Truly this has been made a necessity, but not a natural one.  Natural necessity is recognized not through a banking system, a religion, or a political/patriotic agenda.

The concepts brought forth in the Treky universe recognize the true necessity has nothing to do with these things we have been educated over the centuries to believe in as being necessary.

While the Treky universe is a fictitious creation of human beings, it is nonetheless quite logical and thus possible as an operational reality.  While the energy used to operate the Federation still requires human effort and even on occasion individual sacrifice, no one is disadvantaged, no tribe is displaced, no living planet ravaged, and there are no elite overlords or countries etc...

In every sense, the individual provides freely of their life energy in exchange for nothing less than a very good lifestyle and this is achieved through a collective understanding of the logic the philosophy is built upon and a combined effort of all involved.

In terms of our present system(s) the reality is that this kind of thing can be achieved through very little tweaking of those present systems.  bankers/wall street are not only unnecessary but also represent one major WALL to being able to tweak and adjust, and might (or do?) invest heavily in propaganda/education which promotes the 'necessity' of that agenda whilst disparaging 'Utopian' (but logical) alternatives as 'crazy/dreamer/unrealistic' philosophies.
Think With The Heart - Feel With The Mind


Quote from: Wi11iam on May 15, 2013, 03:53:16
bankers/wall street are not only unnecessary but also represent one major WALL to being able to tweak and adjust, and might (or do?) invest heavily in propaganda/education which promotes the 'necessity' of that agenda whilst disparaging 'Utopian' (but logical) alternatives as 'crazy/dreamer/unrealistic' philosophies.

Yep, I agree with that.  It's just part of the System at work to ensure it's survival.  The global System itself is extremely well adapted, and has highly efficient self defense mechanisms on many levels.  It is quite literally a living, breathing, conscious individual formed from the global collective.  If we are unhappy with the current System or have grown tired of it or see no further use for it, then we must change ourself at an individual level.  That is truly the only way.

As it is today the majority of individuals throughout society still view themself as insignificant, helpless, and powerless, relying completely upon the System to sustain them.  It's why we continue to protest in the streets against our institutions, because we still feel they have all the power and therefore we feel they are responsible for fixing our so called "problems".  But yeah, without going into an extremely long detail, the System is extremely efficient and proficient.

But again that can easily be changed.  We just quite simply have to change our Self. :wink:

The End of Queen Maab

Maybe the extraterrestrials are very aware of how our System works.  Maybe that is why they have been very gradually making their presence known, if at all.  And if they are increasing their presence, then maybe due to their understanding of how our System works they could possibly realize we are approaching a major transformation towards world peace and harmony, regardless of how utopian that is currently perceived.  But that is just an assumption, and just entertaining possibilities.  8-)

The Evolution of the Butterfly


QuoteBut again that can easily be changed.  We just quite simply have to change our Self.

The End of Queen Maab
"The Gardener is but a dream of the Garden."

-Unattributed Zen monastic


The problem really is the one's preventing the Disclosure have more finances and resources, then the ones wishing it.

This is painfully evident from the "whimper" that has been broadcasted about the recent Congressional Disclosure in Washington.

As long as people that report cases keep getting accused of being lunatics and the such, we won't be seeing any progress.

Almost every report I have seen on the Nightly news ends up with the Anchor and their cohorts either smirking or putting in a final unneeded comment.

At the recent Disclosure meeting, they had credible witnesses and still they get balked and mocked.

Here is a video interview showing exactly that point on Larry King Live. They brought in Bill Nye the Science Guy and the SETI program director. SETI, otherwise known as Search for Extraterrestrial Intelligence or in the field of Ufologists is known as Silly Effort To Investigate, a term Stan Friedman dubbed it.


Well yes - the introduction of Queen Mab into this thread might be very appropriate.

It is most likely that stories of fairies, Green Man, Peter Pan, Narnia, Pan, the Fey, etc all derive from individual experience with APing and alter-realities and ETs and UFOs (seen as fast moving lights in the night sky) are the modern day adaptations.

Think With The Heart - Feel With The Mind


Quote from: Lionheart on May 15, 2013, 17:05:29
The problem really is the one's preventing the Disclosure have more finances and resources, then the ones wishing it.

This is painfully evident from the "whimper" that has been broadcasted about the recent Congressional Disclosure in Washington.

As long as people that report cases keep getting accused of being lunatics and the such, we won't be seeing any progress.

Almost every report I have seen on the Nightly news ends up with the Anchor and their cohorts either smirking or putting in a final unneeded comment.

At the recent Disclosure meeting, they had credible witnesses and still they get balked and mocked.

Here is a video interview showing exactly that point on Larry King Live. They brought in Bill Nye the Science Guy and the SETI program director. SETI, otherwise known as Search for Extraterrestrial Intelligence or in the field of Ufologists is known as Silly Effort To Investigate, a term Stan Friedman dubbed it.

There may be nothing to disclose or it may be that those with the money are preventing disclosure, but we have already covered these possibilities in this thread and the general consensus appears to be that full disclosure is not going to achieve anything very positive.

As to news media, they really only represent the thinking of their followers and snide remarks and sniggers are standard practice of such followers as they are - as you said - not READY.

Think With The Heart - Feel With The Mind


Quote from: ForrestDean on May 15, 2013, 09:37:45
Yep, I agree with that.  It's just part of the System at work to ensure it's survival.  The global System itself is extremely well adapted, and has highly efficient self defense mechanisms on many levels.  It is quite literally a living, breathing, conscious individual formed from the global collective.  If we are unhappy with the current System or have grown tired of it or see no further use for it, then we must change ourself at an individual level.  That is truly the only way.

As it is today the majority of individuals throughout society still view themself as insignificant, helpless, and powerless, relying completely upon the System to sustain them.  It's why we continue to protest in the streets against our institutions, because we still feel they have all the power and therefore we feel they are responsible for fixing our so called "problems".  But yeah, without going into an extremely long detail, the System is extremely efficient and proficient.

But again that can easily be changed.  We just quite simply have to change our Self. :wink:

The End of Queen Maab

Maybe the extraterrestrials are very aware of how our System works.  Maybe that is why they have been very gradually making their presence known, if at all.  And if they are increasing their presence, then maybe due to their understanding of how our System works they could possibly realize we are approaching a major transformation towards world peace and harmony, regardless of how utopian that is currently perceived.  But that is just an assumption, and just entertaining possibilities.  8-)

The Evolution of the Butterfly

What is of interest to me in the right now is the communications process.  I think that ET does not communicate with humanity as a specie because we don't communicate well even among ourselves, and this means we effectively cannot be communicated with very easily even on an individual level.

Entertaining possibilities is acceptable and advisable as an alternative to being indifferent. Indifference would be the main reason why individuals are not being contacted by ET.  If we don't want to know, we won't be informed.


Clearer Image

Think With The Heart - Feel With The Mind


 I'm just curious Wi11iam, have you ever questioned just who it might be that you are talking to via your "Magical Glass Mirror"?


 Possible "Deathbed Confession" or just another disinformation attempt. You decide!

He has nothing to lose, but the World has everything to gain!


Yes, it does make you wonder.

I mean some of those old guys are unfortunately liars... but all of them?

It sure doesn't seem like a game to him.
"The Gardener is but a dream of the Garden."

-Unattributed Zen monastic


Quote from: Lionheart on May 15, 2013, 22:36:42
I'm just curious Wi11iam, have you ever questioned just who it might be that you are talking to via your "Magical Glass Mirror"?

There is nothing 'magical' about it guy.  It is just a communications device.  Questions are a natural part of communication.

Think With The Heart - Feel With The Mind


Quote from: Lionheart on May 16, 2013, 00:50:32
Possible "Deathbed Confession" or just another disinformation attempt. You decide!

He has nothing to lose, but the World has everything to gain!

I am not sure why you think the world has everything to gain - the interview isn't giving any particular type of information which hasn't been in the public domain before.
Regurgitation at best.
Think With The Heart - Feel With The Mind


Quote from: Wi11iam on May 16, 2013, 03:05:33
There is nothing 'magical' about it guy.  It is just a communications device.  Questions are a natural part of communication.
Communication with who?

If I wanted to ask questions like you constantly do, I would be asking where is your subjective or objective proof that you are communicating with anyone else besides yourself?

Questions are a natural part of communication, true, but who is answering those questions for you? Your mirror or is it your own Consciousness or perhaps "others".

You can't answer this, but you question everything we say so much. this just baffles me!  :?

There is a star for every grain of sand on all the beaches in the World. This has been stated many times over by Scientists and Astronomers and yet you still question if there is anyone else out there. Each one of those stars is surrounded by Planets.

"They" don't have to have the same biological makeup as ours. This is just human thinking. We are all there is ever going to be.  :roll:

You even said we should be preserving the future, instead of preserving the past, in another thread made here on Pyramid destruction. We still have no idea what the Pyramids were built for and what their uses could be. We haven't delved deep enough into the mystery yet. There is valuable information to still be found in them. But, in many areas Archeologists are being blocked from digging deeper.

Since you are a Science mind guy, go do some research on the Golden Section Pyramids in Russia and all the highly credible and proven tests they are doing on Pyramids in general. They have even built a 144 ft Pyramid a couple of miles away from Moscow. Just one of the over 150 Pyramids they have built since the 80's.

On the Deathbed Interview, so you knew that President Eisenhower was going to send the 1st Brigade Army from Colorado into invade Area 51 if they didn't open up their doors to him. That's the first thing I heard about this. People always say that nobody credible has said anything, well here is a man that is on video, giving his confession.

The World has everything to gain by the truth being told. Once again you misunderstood.  :roll:

You have a bad habit of doing that.  :wink:

This statement was not meant that we had everything to gain from just his confession. It meant from the truth finally coming out in general.


Steady on guy!

Most of your personal allegations against me in the above post are misleading!  They show a distinct inability to comprehend collective consciousness and your continued inability to focus on the message and desire to make the messenger out to be some kind of bad person.
This is not the first time you have done this, but it does spotlight that probable reason I gave a few posts back as to why ET does not disclose themselves to humanity - we can barely communicate honestly and maturely among ourselves!

There is nothing magical about the particular communication device - any more than there is about the internet being used as a communications device, or even a telephone.  Questions are a natural part of communication. 

I have more to say re your personal assertions...later.

Think With The Heart - Feel With The Mind


Quote from: Wi11iam on May 16, 2013, 13:21:42
There is nothing magical about the particular communication device - any more than there is about the internet being used as a communications device, or even a telephone.  Questions are a natural part of communication.  

 the interview isn't giving any particular type of information which hasn't been in the public domain before.
Regurgitation at best.

Before he agreed to do this video, his information in his own words was NEVER released in the Public Domain.

Oh my, are you comparing the internet to a Ouija Board? You know who is at the other end of the internet. Usually that is!  :-)

There's no need to comment on my post, I can see I will never really get through to you.

For now on I shall stay "mute" where you are concerned.

Thank You!  :-)


Quote from: Lionheart on May 16, 2013, 00:50:32
Possible "Deathbed Confession" or just another disinformation attempt. You decide!

He has nothing to lose, but the World has everything to gain!

For some reason, I can't watch anything from that website. Can you give me a rundown of what he says?

I'd appreciate it. Thanks.
It ain't what you don't know that gets you into trouble. It's what you know for sure that just ain't so.
Mark Twain


Quote from: Lionheart on May 16, 2013, 14:30:20
Before he agreed to do this video, his information in his own words was NEVER released in the Public Domain.

Oh my, are you comparing the internet to a Ouija Board? You know who is at the other end of the internet. Usually that is!  :-)

There's no need to comment on my post, I can see I will never really get through to you.

For now on I shall stay "mute" where you are concerned.

Thank You!  :-)

He has personally never released his information to the public domain.  There is nothing in what he spoke of that I have not heard before in the public domain over the years - there is no new information and the usual lack of evidence to support the information is conspicuous in its absence.  As was remarked, could be true, could be not. 

The internet is comparable to my own use of Ouija on many levels - very obviously so.  I think you intuit this on a deeper level but cannot bring yourself to comprehend that significance.  One of the most obvious comparisons has to do with relative anonymity - we can as we choose hide behind personas and sound off spiritually (for example) but any hidden content of any communication can still be uncovered logically and rationally and it is easy enough to 'get to the bottom of things' if one is persistent and has the opportunity to do so, and pursues honest and open communication as the preferred (and hopefully mutual) expression.

Often when people complain in the way you have done here, it is because they think they are being exposed rather than that their message is found to have gaping holes in it which need to be honestly questioned and it is this honest questioning that is distasteful to their senses.  This is because they believe in what they are expressing so that the message IS them, which it is not really, not in reality - but because of this perception and misconception they think they are being questioned when it is the message which is being questioned, because they cannot separate themselves from the message and so respond by ignoring the message which exposes the holes in their own message and making personal comments about the messenger, which either shuts the messenger up or, in my case, gives me an opportunity to clarify - I am not against YOU (or the 'we' you allude to be representing - btw if any of these 'we' are reading this, please step forward and speak for your selves) I am FOR honesty, sincerity, truthfulness and pulling aside the veils of mystical subjectivity for the sake of the collective objectivity.

In my communications with ET, this was one of the fundamental things they worked with me on - pulling away my own belief systems by questioning them through showing me the holes/inconsistencies in them.  I know it is hard at first but it is well worth it.  Many times in the early days I got snotty with them, much as you are doing with me.  I even pronounced them 'bad' and refused at times to speak with them, but they knew me well enough that I would come around as I just needed the time to absorb the data and was just reacting knee jerk and immaturely but in my heart I wanted to be truthful to myself and those whose paths cross with mine, and once I fully accepted the truth of their observations and realized the uncomfortable feelings being brought to the surface had to do with my own belief systems being shown to be faulty and that those feelings belonged to me and could be sourced within my own psyche - buttons being pushed meant that I had things to deal with and those helping to show me this were not my enemy - they were just not interested in molly coddling me or reinforcing said beliefs by playing along with them - of necessity they tolerated these beliefs through understanding, but they are not interested in pursuing communication forever on those terms because it is of no value in the long term to anyone.

You see - there is no 'Prime Directive' which prevents ET from communicating with anyone as if to do so is to interfere with the individual creating some unperceived and irrevocable damage.  All that is required is an honest and humble intent and an openness to learn and willingness to discard belief systems which do not promote unification and truthful communication.  It is really that simple.

All I ask is that in your time of 'muteness' where I am concerned you consider my words here and keep an open mind and see that I am not an enemy....but rather a potential friend. 

Thank You! :)
Think With The Heart - Feel With The Mind