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Local News-Come see Yahweh's UFO's And Space Craft

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Anyone help me with an upload? Its quite important you used to be able to do them here I think?


This is the Local News right?

Got a few secconds of DUM film that needs uploading, only at this moment the unmanifested evidence alone is enough.  

Just the other day I was compelled to use our digital camera. I messed about with it, basically recorded myself rolling a funny cigar, however before I recorded it I watched myself press record for a few seconds... then I clicked it off I intuitively realized after I did this that I probably just captured something odd. Then I filmed me making a funny cigar.  

Via sheer coincidence I caught odd light on film, I know were the source of that light was from. It may off bounced off an outside mirror, and appeared in simple form but the sheer coincidence, of it, I was quite startled by what I had filmed.

I could lie to you all and tell you that it was a UFO sent or summond by someone or something, and that would be very convincing. But the physical 4D Facts are not very convincing for some Dums, it was light reflecting off a spinning small circular garden mirror shining through the window from the sun direct to my camera lens, physical evidence.

However we also have invisible evidence, evidence i prefer and think is alot more important, trails of thought, I wasn't aware that, that Dum statement was actually the speed of electromagnetic light! Until i watched I=MC2 yesterday, It was a simple coincidence, outlined by my friend. As was this video footage.      

I'm no thief! I'm not taking anyones Silver!

Real Astral Music!

Radio Guru  

Well as some of you know I've been broadcasting Music into the Waters, this done under unknown direction. Music is important to me, especially all Music that I have broadcasted. Very therapeutic got the cure and the remedy to all forms of delusion.  
So things have been a little hectic, just found your post!

Just a few days ago I started using Bareshare Mirc, then Mirc, after awhile I found somebody I trust who showed me something that I never knew existed.

It's a Mirc Channel that is also a Radio Room where they play live and were you can request songs. Whenever I request a Tune it goes out to all Dums listening.

I remembered this thread

Thought you guys might be interested in this, we could pop up tues now and again.

On Guru Radio there are around 8 DJ's and all types of Music is included

It's a new thing, You Can Request songs which so far for me they got back pretty quickly, plus you just got to feel the energy in the room! Its different to be in a invisible room listening to the radio with everyone, see how it affects everything.

guru for the forum, including radio information

To Hear the Voice Live!

I've just started using this #Radio, hearing and sending via request direct from my Las Vegas's mental temple.

If you're asked where you heard about the station from, tell them you were lost, and that now you're found.

You Dum's didn't hear this from me!


Latest News

I've Just watched the video link RunLola provided.

I think the Tibetan Dragon 'clouds' in the video distracted me from focusing on the UFO's 'Unidentified Light'. Look at the clouds!

This is quite a moment.


I would like anyone who's heard singing, hear this, I'm round my friends, he played it to me yesterday, sort of like my seatbelt...

I'll show it because it might help someone else.

And this is Random

Download and Hear this important easily decodeable message.

Ricky Gervais- The 11 0'clock Show WW2 Skit.

Decode yourself!

It is important, well to me it is...






Quote from: IequalMC2
Download and Hear this important easily decodeable message.

Ricky Gervais- The 11 0'clock Show WW2 Skit.

Decode yourself!

What is that and who's that funky dude!  :shock:  :D
(a dumy trying to understand.....  :D ).

Take care, (I look at me and say nothing....).