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I was listening to Coast to Coast on youtube. The programs are from the radio broadcast and not current. However many are still very relevant. The one I listened to today was regarding the Bosnian pyramids.

`So anyway they were talking about an ultrasound energy beam being transmitted from the top of the pyramid and speculating on the purpose. It's a 28hz frequency (think I got that right). They were saying how crystals and other ceramics inside the pyramid resonated with that frequency and it got me thinking.

What if the pyramids are not transmitting  signals out into space so much as absorbing signals from space. Perhaps absorbing those same frequencies Tesla talked about. Absorbing frequencies from all around and connecting them around the earth literally as a power source for the entire planet. Would have been a neat and much needed mass energy supply for the construction of an entire planet. Leaving them in place as ongoing generators (if we ever figured out how to tap into them).

Oh well, those are my thoughts today.


"All people everywhere should have free energy sources. [...] Electric Power is everywhere present in unlimited quantities and can drive the world's machinery without the need for coal, oil or gas."
~Nikola Tesla

Tesla found it. I don't know if the power comes from the pyramids, but he did discover it and proposed for mass use. But of course as always the gov prevented due to no money for them and the corporations. Seriously, without humans evolving into more compassionate beings to do things for the greater good and care for one another's best interest, nothing will change on this Earth. We will keep circling into the same cycles. I guess it is a very enclosed school LOL.
"The problem is not the problem. The problem is your attitude about the problem."
Captain Jack Sparrow


 A Conversation on "Pyramids"!  :-) :-) :-) You definitely have my attention!  :-D

Thanks for the share Nameless!  :-) I heard this interview live. Semir has been a guest on Coast to Coast AM and other Radio talk shows I have listened to for years now. He has so wanted his research to finally reveal something tangible. For years, people have accused him of "fabricating" his discoveries. The energy beam" really caught my attention though. Semir is very passionate about his research. Nicolai Tesla has always been a pioneer and kind of Hero to me. Hence his quote in my Signature here. If greed didn't prevail, we would be living in entirely different world today. We can only Dream I guess!

i have always been fascinated by Pyramids. For the longest time now, I have been in the mindset that they are indeed "Power Plants" of some kind. The problem is any new research that is done to prove that fact, is quickly ruled out because it would re-write our History and we know how we hate to do that, lol. Evidence is told in the fake facts that we have been taught in Schools about the history of our Country, the USA here itself. Things like "Columbus discovered American". Not. He re-discovered it after it had already been discovered many times over.

Years ago I learned about Pyramids that the Russians were building today. They are not the usual 33 degree angle ones, like we find in so many places today. These ones have a angle of 75 degrees. They are known as the "Golden Section Pyramids" and yes, even though they were constructed to a 75 degree angle, they still emit a energy from their peak. So much so, that they appeared on Russian Radar.
MJ and I were so fascinated with these Pyramids, that for one year in our Christmas Kiosk in the mall, we sold "replicas" of the Golden Section Pyramid. First I contacted the actual people involved and asked if we could purchase so of their Crystal Pyramids to sell ourselves. They gave us about $20.00 off of the original price that they sell them for. That is not a big difference from a wholesale point of view. But we didn't plan to make money off them. Our plan was to sell them to those few that recognized them for what they were. We bought 6 of them and they were quite expensive. $380.00 per. We kept 2 of them and sold 4 at our Kiosk and just as we had planned, the 4 went out to various Energy workers in our area. These Pyramids were actually "charged" in one of the tallest Golden Section Pyramids that was created in Russia. That one is about 5 miles outside of Moscow.
Here is a quote from the link below. "Russian military radar detected an energy column above the Pyramids built by Alexander Golod which is thought to have repaired the Ozone layer in Russia (the same can be done for example in Australia);"
Here is a image of it:
Edit: Here is a better picture of the Pyramid in Russia

The study of this energy led me into doing research on "Torsion Field Technology" and "Scalar Technology. A few healing devices were created based on that. The "Scenar" was one of them. It was created by Russian Researchers years ago and right away pooh poohed and attacked by the West. Today it is being used in Hospitals and Clinics throughout the World, yet you very rarely will find any mention of the Russians that created it.  :roll: Oh well, at least it was finally accepted.

Earlier this afternoon I watched a Documentary on the Nat Geo Channel about new discoveries of Mayan Pyramids. It seems there are hundreds more then we were initially told there were. We are also now learning that the Mayan civilization had millions more people than thought there were in the past. This new tech "Lidar" has been producing some fantastic results all over the World!  8-) It's about time!  :-)

"The day science begins to study non-physical phenomena, it will make more progress in one decade than in all the previous centuries of its existence."  Nicolai Tesla


 While looking at a thread that I created in the past here, I found a link to this great video that was made in 2012 called "The Underground Tour of the Bosnian Pyramid Tunnels.
Have a look. The Documentary was very good! Semir was front and center in this one too. For awhile there, he seemed to be the one of the only Researchers that took this idea/theory seriously!
"The day science begins to study non-physical phenomena, it will make more progress in one decade than in all the previous centuries of its existence."  Nicolai Tesla


Pyramids are coming up A LOT for me right now. So!.....both videos queued up and ready to go. Thank you.


Digging up a bit of an older thread here, but I've had a lot of pyramid fascination in the last few weeks reading anything I could get my hands on about "Pyramid Power" and Sacred Geometry.

It's interesting because I was reading about how the pyramids should be created from organic material for the most powerful effects. I created a small pyramid out of these wooden skewers and that night I had a lucid dream followed by the classic OBE experience that I've been talking about on this forum here and there. Coincidence? Maybe. But worth a note. I haven't had a lucid dream in a long time.

I watched a few videos from this guy on youtube who is a fan of Russian Pyramids and explains why in some of his videos. He thinks they are the perfect design for a pyramid because all of the geometries fit inside of it. Very interesting. He makes them out of PVC pipes and people are claiming that they have healed many things due to the pyramid alone from the conscious torsion energy coming off of it.
Here's his channel:

Apparently these pyramid shapes are more effective using organic materials rather than metals. Makes sense as the Egyptian Pyramids and all the others in the world are probably made of organic materials for a reason.

The Russian's who designed these large pyramids also found a lot of interesting results that would occur when exposed to the pyramid, like water not freezing in -30 temps and other interesting facts. They did a bunch of tests.
Here's the link for some of the results they found:

This is fascinating to me. When obsessing over these pyramids, I was meditating one day and a thought of a TeePee popped into my mind. It's this shape that amplifies energies. TeePees are also made of sticks (organic materials) and as we know, the natives that slept in these were very spiritual people performing AP and shapeshifting etc.

I then read about the connection to TeePees and Pyramids as cone shaped geometries which create a spiralling energy or torsion field that amplifies thoughts and manifestations. It's like a megaphone. Same shape. So when in or near a pyramid it amplifies energy. It's definitely an interesting theory.

Have any of you had any direct experience with pyramids or meditated in one?
Be the change you want to see in the world.


Quote from: PerspectiveShift on May 03, 2022, 21:47:13

Have any of you had any direct experience with pyramids or meditated in one?

here is a link of one of our past discussions. My last post on that thread explains how I built a pyramid when I was 11 and meditated in it and the strange events that happened.;msg372507#msg372507

Here is another story that I have posted long time ago in this form forum, but I can't find the link.
My sister and I went to Vegas back in 08. I chose to stay at the Luxor which is a pyramidal structure. I don't know if it was because of that or what happened, but while we were there many unusual things occurred. Our powers were off the charts. First of course we wished to win jackpots. And so we started playing on the slot machines (and prior to that we had never gambled). In 4 days we won in total about $3000. The machines were rolling credits to us like crazy. One time she sat in front of one of the machines just to wait for me, but felt bad because the people around were waiting for available machines and she was just resting on that chair. So, she puts a dollar in to show that she is doing something, pushes the button ones and at that time I am coming back from the bathroom and she is like " OMG what happened here, the machine started making all these noises. I look and she had won the jackpot  shocked
And here is the story about the movie. We were in the hotel room and flipping the channels. Nothing interesting was on, and I said. I want to watch Everybody Loves Raymond lol. And the next button I pushed the channel was showing that show. We both started screaming and yelling and laughing. It was unbelievable. We had so mush fun.
Another thing that happened was it was the day before Christmas and I said " I want white Christmas", and my sister said "Well, it's cold but it is the desert". So, the next day as we are walking outside, I felt something soft and cold fell on my nose. I looked up and I saw few snow flakes floating in the air. Soon, Vegas turned into a winter wonderland. We were staying in line to get into a movie theater and there was a local family next to us and we overheard them talking. The father was saying that it hadn't snowed in Vegas in many years and everyone was happy to see everything covered in white. My sister said to them in a form of a joke "You have to thank this one here (pointed towards me), she wished to have snow for Christmas)" .The family was laughing.
So, that was an unforgettable Christmas in vegas with my sister. It was one thing after another. We were absolutely ecstatic of the whole experience.
"The problem is not the problem. The problem is your attitude about the problem."
Captain Jack Sparrow


Great experience LB! My three trips to Vegas have been somewhat interesting but very definite strange things...

Sleeping in the Luxor has been a
Be yourself; everyone else is already taken.
                                                          -O. Wilde


Wow, very cool LightBeam!

I believe Orgone or Orgonites do similar things that Pyramids do. I bought one at my old house and the lady who sold it to me told us not to put in in our bedroom right away as we have to adjust to the energies. And she was right. I had a headache for a couple days after even though it was out in the dining room. Then after that we were fine and brought it beside our bed.

Later, I made some orgonites myself after researching about how to do it. I watched a random video on youtube of a guy pointing one at a random cloud outside and it started to disappear. I initially thought this was an edited video, but it was such a crappy butt homemade video so it couldn't have been. Unfortunately, I can't find the exact video now as it was already deep in the youtube archives.

So after making my own, I tested it out. And it blew my mind. It actually made small clouds vanish into thin air when you pointed it at them. So there's definitely some type of powerful energy there that we can't see. I told my mom about it and she was skeptical so I brought her one and showed her and we melted a small cloud right then and there. So strange.

We also experimented with freezing water that was underneath an orgonite (as I saw videos of this as well). We did a test with and without. The result was pretty crazy. Normal ice is very blurry but the orgone ice condensed the blurriness into the center of the ice like a vortex and the ice was crystal clear surrounding the vortex with strand-like patterns coming out of the vortex area. Reminds me of Dr Emoto's water experiments. Heres a video of what I witnessed which is actually more pronounced with the blue dye added:
Here's another one:

But now I've moved from the country and didn't bring any of these items with me, so I'll have to build myself a pyramid or something haha.
Be the change you want to see in the world.


I have watched before a show about the Orgone energy accumulator box. If you sit in there you get cured of everything and regenerate your body. I wish I have the materials and tools to build a small one where I can sit inside to see if any effects will occur energetically wise. If anyone has a house with a workshop, here is the link. you can find also videos on YouTube on how to build one.

here is a video how to make an orgone energy blanket. I guess I can try making that

"The problem is not the problem. The problem is your attitude about the problem."
Captain Jack Sparrow


 This is a subject that is definitely near and dear to my heart. Before I go any further, look up this "Golden Section Pyramids", in the above Forum search engine. Make sure you use the quotation marks to zero in on only conversations pertaining to the "Golden Section Pyramids". You will see that I have posted replies there in my old name "Lionheart" and my name Lumaza as well. I have a number of replicas of those Pyramids, that were even "charged" in the real Golden Section Pyramids in Russia. I have also done a good amount of research on "Torsion Field" technology as well that is used in what they call "Scenar" devices, created in Russia and used worldwide now (including the USA), for healing and medical treatments.   They built those Pyramids years ago in many different places in the Russian empire, even in the Ukraine.

I actually talked the people that operate the Pyramids in Russia into allowing me to sell small replicas of them years ago in a mall here in Minnesota, USA. I had to buy them almost at cost though. People that knew what they really were immediately bought them. They were mostly Energy Workers and Healers. Most people didn't have a clue of what they were though. I have all kinds of Pyramids in my home. I even own a set of "Egyptian Healing Rods", that were also charged in the Pyramids. I guess that's another title for you to look up in the Forum search engine here.
"The day science begins to study non-physical phenomena, it will make more progress in one decade than in all the previous centuries of its existence."  Nicolai Tesla


 This seems to be the right thread to share this in. Last night, after listening to a video posted by a fellow member here, I came across this fantastic interview with one of my favorite speakers, Gregg Braden. Years ago I listened to many of his videos on the "Global Heart Initiative". He is such a positive person. He shows a lot of passion when he speaks. This video showed that he does have concerns for what is occurring right now though.

n this current video, he spoke on the Pyramids and who could have been the creators. He also spoke about Antarctica and some of the things there that are being "covered up", by the powers that be. I heard about these things years ago, but didn't know how reliable the source was. The fact that Gregg spoke on it, gives it a semblance of credibility. Gregg always does research on a topic before he speaks subject.

His final conversation was on "Divinity" and how our current path, especially through new technologies, seems to be ignoring and abandoning it.

The entire interview is definitely worth a listen!  :-) The host of the show barely said anything. He allowed Gregg the freedom to say what he wanted, uninterrupted. I liked that. I wish more hosts would do that.
"The day science begins to study non-physical phenomena, it will make more progress in one decade than in all the previous centuries of its existence."  Nicolai Tesla


Lumaza, thanks for posting this.  I have not heard of Gregg Braden until now.  I watched the video and thoroughly enjoyed listening to him talk.  He is very knowledgeable and well informed on so many topics.  I have always believed that our civilization was not the first.  For how old our solar system is...many civilizations have come and gone before us.  Once more of the ice melts in the Antarctic I can only imagine what will be uncovered.  Will we as the general public ever find out?

The Adventure Continues...


Great interview. Thanks for sharing, Lumaza! I like to believe that we are not headed towards destruction, but like Dolores Cannon had said, there are two Earths now that are splitting. One will be the new Earth with people at a higher vibratory rate desiring peace and harmony. The other Earth will remain on whatever path the violent mass consciousness had chosen and it may lead to more and chaos.
"The problem is not the problem. The problem is your attitude about the problem."
Captain Jack Sparrow


Quote from: LightBeam on May 08, 2023, 18:37:14
Great interview. Thanks for sharing, Lumaza! I like to believe that we are not headed towards destruction, but like Dolores Cannon had said, there are two Earths now that are splitting. One will be the new Earth with people at a higher vibratory rate desiring peace and harmony. The other Earth will remain on whatever path the violent mass consciousness had chosen and it may lead to more and chaos.
Yes, the World seems to be caught between the old and the new ways. Sooner or later a balance will be found where we can learn to live with both of them in harmony. We do need both of them to survive though. It's a shame that so much of the "old/ancient" knowledge has been lost or even worse, ignored and abandoned. These days you often hear the term "Dinosaur" used when someone shares something of the past. Even worse, lately that term has been used to title anyone talking about anything older than the 2000's!  :-o :-o :-o
"The day science begins to study non-physical phenomena, it will make more progress in one decade than in all the previous centuries of its existence."  Nicolai Tesla


Quote from: Lumaza on May 08, 2023, 19:27:33
  These days you often hear the term "Dinosaur" used when someone shares something of the past. Even worse, lately that term has been used to title anyone talking about anything older than the 2000's!  :-o :-o :-o

This is very alarming indeed. The new generation is completely disconnected from history.
But aside from that, I came across a guy on FB that goes around and films the worst neighborhoods and ghettos around the world and in the US. And it made me think how each and every person lives on their own personal world that is very different than everyone else's. I mean I knew that before, but now it became even more clear. There are millions oh homeless people just in the US living on the streets and in neighborhoods that look like from a horror movie. They know nothing else. That is their world. Then there are the rich that have no idea what it is to live on the streets. So, even though there are 8 billion people on the same planet, there are actually 8 billion different personal worlds of perception and choices of focus for various reasons.
"The problem is not the problem. The problem is your attitude about the problem."
Captain Jack Sparrow


Quote from: LightBeam on May 08, 2023, 19:55:06This is very alarming indeed. The new generation is completely disconnected from history.
But aside from that, I came across a guy on FB that goes around and films the worst neighborhoods and ghettos around the world and in the US. And it made me think how each and every person lives on their own personal world that is very different than everyone else's. I mean I knew that before, but now it became even more clear. There are millions oh homeless people just in the US living on the streets and in neighborhoods that look like from a horror movie. They know nothing else. That is their world. Then there are the rich that have no idea what it is to live on the streets. So, even though there are 8 billion people on the same planet, there are actually 8 billion different personal worlds of perception and choices of focus for various reasons.
The world is such a chaotic mess right now.  Sometimes I wonder what humanity would think if they knew that we were all truly connected via consciousness - that we are all truly ONE ENTITY. 

How would people treat each other if we knew that hurting another is the same thing as hurting yourself.  I think the world would change for the better. 


Quote from: Xanth on August 28, 2023, 18:01:59The world is such a chaotic mess right now.  Sometimes I wonder what humanity would think if they knew that we were all truly connected via consciousness - that we are all truly ONE ENTITY. 

How would people treat each other if we knew that hurting another is the same thing as hurting yourself.  I think the world would change for the better. 
Even though the gentleman in this video realized this all to be true, he still has his "Human side". He says at the end of the video that although he strives to control his anger and angst, he is still "Human" first and that means that he still has the emotions that go with the Human experience here. A fantastic video nonetheless!  :-)
"The day science begins to study non-physical phenomena, it will make more progress in one decade than in all the previous centuries of its existence."  Nicolai Tesla


Quote from: Lumaza on August 28, 2023, 19:32:18Even though the gentleman in this video realized this all to be true, he still has his "Human side". He says at the end of the video that although he strives to control his anger and angst, he is still "Human" first and that means that he still has the emotions that go with the Human experience here. A fantastic video nonetheless!  :-)
I guess that's why they say that you don't ever LOSE your ego, you simply learn to exist THROUGH it.  Meaning, you accept yourself (and others) just as you are, emotions and all. 

You should be able to embed youtube videos directly into your posts now with the YouTube button in the tool bar.


Thanks for re-posting that link. I couldn't agree more with what this man says.


Quote from: Xanth on August 28, 2023, 20:11:08I guess that's why they say that you don't ever LOSE your ego, you simply learn to exist THROUGH it.  Meaning, you accept yourself (and others) just as you are, emotions and all. 

You should be able to embed youtube videos directly into your posts now with the YouTube button in the tool bar.

Thank You!  :-)

 I guess I am still stuck on Astral Pulse Forum. It will take a bit to get used to the new, improved, Astral Pulse Forum. I still don't know how to post photos here though. I couldn't do it on the old Forum either.  :|  :|  :|
"The day science begins to study non-physical phenomena, it will make more progress in one decade than in all the previous centuries of its existence."  Nicolai Tesla


I'll have to put together a help post in the support forum for stuff like that.  :)