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UFO in my village

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Some years back my mom and my sister saw a UFO in my village. I was not home at that time. I believe I posted the event on the Pulse but I can't find it. I will describe it again. My mom was awake around 2 am and went out to sit on the terrace. She saw a huge flying object and ran to wake my sister up. She told my sister "do you want to see UFO" and my sister was like "Yeah right" haha , but then she jumped out of bed and went outside. She said that it was so unbelievable. The object was very low and very large in diameter, possibly about a mile in diameter. She described a huge oval ring with many small spheres alongside and inside these spheres there was light bluish smoke. The ring itself together with the spheres was spinning in a direction counter clock wise. My sister said there was nothing inside the ring. The object was very visible, very low and the closest part of it was just above the neighbor's house, just a few yards from ours. My sister said that they felt like being in a vacuum, no outdoor noises at all from the night creatures, nor from the breeze in tree branches. It was a summer night and typically the sounds of the crickets and other bugs and creatures are very loud. My sister said that the only noise was coming from the craft and it sounded like muffled engine running, she could feel vibrations in the air. The craft stayed there good 20 minutes. They had time to really look at it and observe it up close. She said the craft did not just fly away but slowly faded until it was not visible anymore and all of a sudden when it was gone, the night sounds returned, dogs started barking and the heaviness/vacuum sensation was gone. Unfortunately that was the time when cellphones were not widely used and the only manual camera we had at home did not have film inside, so they couldn't take any photos. No other people from the village seemed to have seen it because it was 2 am in the morning.
But here is the interesting part. My sister saw on the news recently UFO sighting in Switzerland and the craft on the photo and video is exactly the same they saw these years ago. But this time the main ship inside the ring was visible. My sister thought it was very interesting now to see the mother ship inside. Ay the time of her sighting she thought that there should be another part inside the ring but it may have been invisible and she was right. Now she has a confirmation that there is one, but for whatever reason in our village they chose not to display it. My sister said that my mom yelled at them at one point to take her with them haha.
Here is the link from the news, you can see the craft and you can also click to open the video to see how the ring is spinning. This is definitely not fake.
"The problem is not the problem. The problem is your attitude about the problem."
Captain Jack Sparrow


Thank you Lightbeam for sharing such an incredible family event! What an emotion your mother and sister have experienced, clearly something that will accompany them for the rest of their lives. And it's not just a light, but such a craft! Quite a privilege  :-)  That feeling of vacuum was interesting, it seems that this is how those "machines" operate. I have heard that description many times in sightings. And it's good that this recent news appeared, it's always nice to find that others have had the same experience.

I have witnessed UFOs 9 times, events that I still cannot find an explanation for, but I have never seen something of that magnitude. I hope to have the opportunity one day, even if it is in the NP. What strikes me most about the phenomenon is that one is in one's daily life doing anything, and "feels" an urgent need to go out or look out the window... and there it is. In fact, the last time I saw one was in 2019, I was in a little town at holidays, I was in a hostel at night and something inside told me to get out of there because I had to go look for something "very important". I even walked alone in the dark of the night in the town looking for "that thing" that I didn't even know what could be, until I found it over the forest... I think that's how I saw them so many times, I "feel" they're there, that's why I no longer worry about looking at the sky for hours like I used to do in my old town, the Milky Way shone brightly and I saw beautiful meteors, but not UFOs. I know I shouldn't look for them, if I have to see them, I will see them...

I loved this experience! I always feel very excited when listening/reading these stories, sometimes I have spent hours reading about sightings. I must have inherited it from my father, who has also seen UFOs in 1960/70 and read every book there is on the subject. Thank you!

A hug,
.~Exploring the Wonders of Consciousness~.


I'm glad you fond the experience interesting, Tak :). When my mom and my sister called me the morning after to tell me I was so bumped that I wasn't there. I have never seen a UFO in the physical life. I'm always looking at the sky when I'm outside. Just a habit from young age when the whole family and neighbors gathered every night in the summer outside to talk and laugh, so many kids from the neighborhood were playing together and I remember we would just lay on the grass and look at the sky, talking about ETs and dreaming of flying on the ships to other planets and making friends. Such find memories.
I had many APs and vivid dreams interacting with ETs, being inside space ships, even being the Capitan of one during one AP, I have been to galactic conferences, all kinds of thrilling things (all posted here throughout the years)  but never seen a UFO in the physical. However, I guess I can settle of being physically visited by ET  :-D

Your experiences are so many and sound very interesting. And you are right, our intuition is always guiding us, we just have to listen and respond to the pull. Hopefully Earth is moving to a new cycle of more prominent events of this sort and eventually full mass contact.
"The problem is not the problem. The problem is your attitude about the problem."
Captain Jack Sparrow


Quote from: LightBeam on November 04, 2023, 21:46:36I had many APs and vivid dreams interacting with ETs, being inside space ships, even being the Capitan of one during one AP, I have been to galactic conferences, all kinds of thrilling things (all posted here throughout the years)  but never seen a UFO in the physical. However, I guess I can settle of being physically visited by ET  :-D
Yes. It's really cool when you get to pilot the ship too. It's funny though, it seems so "natural". I never have to be instructed how, but on some level, I already know how. There is nothing to actually touch. My hand is just kind of hovering over some strange metallic looking sphere.
"The day science begins to study non-physical phenomena, it will make more progress in one decade than in all the previous centuries of its existence."  Nicolai Tesla


Quote from: Lumaza on November 05, 2023, 20:36:55Yes. It's really cool when you get to pilot the ship too. It's funny though, it seems so "natural". I never have to be instructed how, but on some level, I already know how. There is nothing to actually touch. My hand is just kind of hovering over some strange metallic looking sphere.

Yes, I remember your story from a while ago. Truly fascinating! I mean, I can never stop being amazed although I already know that this is something normal, yet still in a state of a constant thrill. But I remember initially questioning how in the world have these ETs (my crew) trusted me a human to be their Capitan. But then I quickly realized that I possessed all the knowledge and leadership skills to do so and I felt confident. My ship also did not have any buttons, it flew through different principles more like energy types. 
"The problem is not the problem. The problem is your attitude about the problem."
Captain Jack Sparrow