3 new proj. tek's and some throw up.

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i have read ad a few times and have been doing all of the excersizes and then some for aobut six months now. i havent been able to project yet due to me not being able to relax my neck all of the way. it's a problem that is slowly going away and i should be able to project in no time. it  seems that everytime i start to use  a projection tek, i lift my head up too.it's taken some patience not to be discouraged after trying for so long, but i've come up w/ some new techniques in the process of trying to get out so much, that dont include moving your physical or etheric neck. all of these i recommend while lying down.

 besides all of the techniques in the book the first one that i came up w/ was from something that reminded me of a ride we have at the fair's or carnivals around here. there is a ride called "the gravitron". i'm not sure if everyone knows what this is so ... it can be likened to a very large bowl twice your height and large enough to hold about fifty people around the edge. use your imagination as best you can here as the description might be not so good.

 so if you walked into this big bowl you would pick a  spot along the wall of the bowl to lean up against. this would be your spot for the duration of the ride. each spot contains a very large skateboard type panel that you actually lean on which seperates and connects you from and to the actual wall of the bowl. you lean on it nad the bowl spins around as the ride begins. aftera  minute or two you start to get pushed away from the center of the ride and the skateboard slides to the top of the bowl where it stops. you then are held up there for a minute or two by centrical force. the force is so strong you can spin upside down if you want or sideways or whatever and not fall.the feeling that this ride gives you is somewhat as disorienting as the feeling you get entering  a good level of trance, which is why it reminded me of it.

 now if you can remember waht this feels like and imagine being on that ride when you are about to project, it should push you very hard very fast. you should pop out somewhere near your head. to those of you that have never been on one of these before, the only comparison i can think to make would be something like being sucked out of a moving airplane. if you can imagine what kind of a whole body  pushing/sucking feeling this would be. it's very intense.

 it's funny to note here what an incredible sight it is to see people across from you throw up only to see it splash right back onto them and not fall to the floor until after the ride slows. fortunately i have always been on the other side of the ride when this has happened and not to the right of the person which also has some funnel cake and soda on thier face too.

 the next one is fairly simple and involves the use of your awareness legs as i call them. i dont recall seeing any reference to them in the book but i believe they are easier developed than our hands because of the size of the muscles and the power our legs represent in our minds. when ready to project feel your a legs lifting up as far as you can or feel comfortable imagining and then act as though an imaginary step has just formed underneath of them. use this step to push/slide your upper double body across the floor and out of your physical body. the first time i used this there were tremendous results. also maybe not pushing across the floor but instead pushing yourself into the floor, if you are comfortable w/ a projection into the floor beneath of you . whatever works, works.

 this next one is a little different, but then again so is projecting out of your body and sailing through the stars. when ready, imagine the bed you are lying in and the house supporting it slowly falling or sinking down as you struggle to maintain the position of your double where it is at now. this is kind of like just feeling yourself rising up but helps me out becaues it's kind of like a lazy mans projection, in the sense that the you that you are concentrating on staying where you are at instead of moving somewhere. so it helps me to not move my neck to go w/ the projection.

 i will say that out of all of these the gravitron method and the point awareness method have been most successful in terms of development. the point awareness especially. it states in teh book that it is very effective when mastered and i will agree. i believe i am very good at it but it's a bit tricky to learn at first. i'll be out soon and i'll post any new developments.

 also i've found, for me anyway, it's easier sometimes to attain a level of trance when i m in my bed sprawled out as far as i can be on my back.