Astral Projection/ Sleep Paralysis/ Alien Abduction

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I was thinking about this the other day, and let me know what you think...
I have read about people claiming of Aliens coming into their bedrooms at night and floating them away. They
describe that they are usually paralized in bed while they take them.

Well I have been learning more about OBE/AP lately how you may encounter sleep paralysis, Some also feel a presence
in the room with them. When you AP/obe you have the feeling of floating. These are all the same feelings an alien abductee claim.

So do you think could a lot of these people be having spontanious OBE's and not even realizing it?


As there is a distinct difference between on OBE and a dream, I'd say there would also be one between an OBE and an alien abduction.

This really seems a discussion on whether alien abductions are real or just misunderstood OBE's.

Truth exists beyond the dimension of thought.


It's not whether I believe in Alien abductions or not, I'm just seeing a pattern here that might explain alot of the claims.
I was just wondering if anyone else could see the similarities, since most people here who have AP know the symptoms.


I'd say more than just alien abductees would be having spontaneous OBE's and mistaking them for dreams. Likewise, would any OBE practitioners being abducted and mistake it as an OBE or a dream?

Truth exists beyond the dimension of thought.


I would say there might be more of a connection between sleep paralysis and alien abduction reports... than one  between actual OBEs and alien abductions.

The sleep paralysis state, while very helpful for inducing OBEs, is very complex and can be very frightening to someone who does not know what it is.  Normally when we are in a dream state, our bodies are paralyzed so that we do not act out our dreams physically.  Therefore, sleep paralysis is a normal natural occurrance.  However when we refer to a sleep paralysis episode, it means that the paralysis (a normal component of REM) has encroached upon the waking state.  This is not considered normal, but is not uncommon either.  When this happens, the person is starting to wake to full consciousness but is still experiencing some aspects of REM sleep.  This includes the paralysis, but also can include hypnapompic hallucinations (dream elements) while awake.  Now for a person who does not know what SP is, and experiences both the paralysis and hallucinations, coupled with the fear it generates, can certainly come up with a feeling of a presense in the room with them. 

It is possible that these people are experiencing the separation stage of an OBE on top of this... because when in SP, if you completely stop fighting it, and just let go... you will feel the floating and separation. 

I can comment on this phenomenon personally because it is how I started to OBE.  As a child, I would have terrible sleep paralysis episodes frequently.  I also remembered snippets of 'extra vivid dreams' where I would be standing in my roon unable to move.  Some of the sleep paralysis episodes I had prior to learning about OBEs, I do remember feeling the evil presense, and like someone was holding me down.  And I did even ponder the thought about abduction once.  Thankfully, shortly after that I had my first fully conscious OBE... one that fully validated everything because I actually turned and saw my body in bed.  And after research into sleep paralysis, I accepted it... and started to use it to my advantage. 

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I sort of believe that the majority of alien abductions are simply sleep paralysis leading into an OBE or dream.  I just wonder whether or not these people claiming to have been abducted know anything about sleep paralysis and wonder what there previous knowledge is on ufo's/aliens.   


Indeed. They could just be looking for the most convenient way of explaining it to themselves before they meet an onslaught of skepticism whichever route they chose.

Truth exists beyond the dimension of thought.


As part of the survey of OBE internet reports that I posted here last year I examined reports of aliens contacts and alien abductions. Most of those reports can be found on the website
(Go to the research section and click on Humanoid Sightings. These are reports of encounters with aliens and various cryptozoological creatures. The reports go back decades and were compiled by Albert Rosales.)
Anyway, there are dozens of reports of alien abductions where the person being abducted claimed to be out of body at the time. In addition there were many reports of people claiming to be half-asleep, hypnagogic or in a trance-like state either shortly before, or during, their alien abduction. So there IS a definite link between OBEs and at least Some alien abductions.
That being said it is also true that OBEs in no way account for all the reports of alien abductions. For example somebody claiming to have been abducted while driving home from work one night would certainly not have been out of body while driving.


A lot of abduction reports mention scars or other
inexplicable manifestations which remind me of poltergeist activity.

Which doesn't mean that these non-physical beings which apparently terrorize
some people could not be created by their own mind or some other mind.

False memories can be implanted with hypnosis. It's even possible to produce
marks on the body that appear out of nowhere.

All in all that abduction phenomenon is very spooky.


Well, (here comes the pooper) I experienced astral abduction for many years and didn't believe I was abducted by aliens for more than a week, and only because I didn't know how to fit the experience with any known paradigm.  The funny thing is that even though I've been projecting for years (since I was a child) I didn't realize this was an 'astral experience', until I read about 'astral abduction' and this made all the bells go off.  So I can't say I know what has happened to people that experience 'physical' alien abductions, but they are not the same as an 'astral abduction'.
To this day I don't know exactly what was happening to me, but I was able to make it stop by learning energy work and setting aside fear and looking into awareness techniques- in other words 'getting into the driver's seat' to make it stop.  But every once in a while things get weirder than usual on my end.
I can see someone creating their own 'et's out of their own 'dweller phenomenon', but once you have a few of these, you realize that it isn't the same thing at all.
Or so I think. 


Quote from: Synergy on October 15, 2007, 10:32:04
I would say there might be more of a connection between sleep paralysis and alien abduction reports... than one  between actual OBEs and alien abductions.

The sleep paralysis state, while very helpful for inducing OBEs, is very complex and can be very frightening to someone who does not know what it is.  Normally when we are in a dream state, our bodies are paralyzed so that we do not act out our dreams physically.  Therefore, sleep paralysis is a normal natural occurrance.  However when we refer to a sleep paralysis episode, it means that the paralysis (a normal component of REM) has encroached upon the waking state.  This is not considered normal, but is not uncommon either.  When this happens, the person is starting to wake to full consciousness but is still experiencing some aspects of REM sleep.  This includes the paralysis, but also can include hypnapompic hallucinations (dream elements) while awake.  Now for a person who does not know what SP is, and experiences both the paralysis and hallucinations, coupled with the fear it generates, can certainly come up with a feeling of a presense in the room with them. 

It is possible that these people are experiencing the separation stage of an OBE on top of this... because when in SP, if you completely stop fighting it, and just let go... you will feel the floating and separation. 

I can comment on this phenomenon personally because it is how I started to OBE.  As a child, I would have terrible sleep paralysis episodes frequently.  I also remembered snippets of 'extra vivid dreams' where I would be standing in my roon unable to move.  Some of the sleep paralysis episodes I had prior to learning about OBEs, I do remember feeling the evil presense, and like someone was holding me down.  And I did even ponder the thought about abduction once.  Thankfully, shortly after that I had my first fully conscious OBE... one that fully validated everything because I actually turned and saw my body in bed.  And after research into sleep paralysis, I accepted it... and started to use it to my advantage. 

I agree the first time i had sleep paralysis before i knew anything about OBE's projection I woke up seeing a black figure at the side of my bed holding me down as i was paralyised. For ages until i researched the paralyisis i thought it was a ghost or a man in bloack robes. If the hallucination took on a more alien like appearance I would have no doubt beleived it was an alien atleast until I knew about Sleep Paralysis. Alien Abductions may still exist but i wouldnt be surprised if OBE's and Sleep Paralysis contributed to atleast some cases.


These things still don't rule them out.

Do you think that alien abductions occur by capturing the Real time double or the actual physical body?

Truth exists beyond the dimension of thought.