Can this be done in the astral plane and in the akashic records?

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I want to know if it's possible to experience other peoples lives. Especially those who've lived in the past and are dead.

Would I be able to experience the life of this man in the akashic records?

He's one of the greatest mathematicians of the 20th century.

Also once I experience his life would I be able to practice math within the astral plane?

Most people who go to the astral plane while alive say that time is longer there than in the physical plane. I've heard that minutes on the physical plane is / can be hours in the astral plane.

Would I be able to practice math in the astral plane? Or would I have to practice it in real life?

I remember having a very vivid dream about programming and I could see the text clear on the computer screen. I remember typing on the screen and I could see the text clearly. I don't remember what it said but I remember seeing the text clearly.



I do believe that you are able  to experience the lives you participated in lives you lived already, if he happen to be one of those lives then yea you can revisit it. As for the akashic records, it depends on what your image of it  is, like most people take it literal thinking its an actual, library in the astral filled with books of lives present , and past, maybe even future, and then there are people who think it is just knowledge you can just access, if you do it this way it is probable. its all about gaining the access to the knowledge, so it is very possible you can learn math thru projecting IMO.

Subtle Traveler

It is important to understand what the Akashic records actually are. I have recently received non-physical perspective (information) about this topic. The Akashic records are "all" the actual experiences of every being (everything). It is a database of all actual experiences. Each record (itself) is not a copy or history of the experience. It is the experience itself.

So, "yes", someone can see someone else's experiences when accessing the Akashic record or universal consciousness. I have experienced the Akashic records of someone else. I saw their experience (which was in the future) and then about a month later saw that experience occur for them (randomly in a restaurant) in physical reality. It was wholly unexpected.

Lucidity is critical during the Akashic record retrieval, because if you do not have reasonable clarity you will not be able to retrieve the data (e.g., the experience). The experience I am sharing came in a dream format (during night time sleep), I saw the actual experience of the person in the dream, I had enough lucidity to recognize the person and retrieve the information, and upon awakening I wrote everything out in my journal.

Based upon my experiences, I have to imagine that we access the Akashic records much more than we realize, because each night we return to the non-physical when we sleep and awaken not remembering much specifically. So, it is retrieving (e.g., lucidly remembering the data upon awakening) which is the real challenge.
As above ... So Below ...

Individuality is a human perspective ...


Quote from: Subtle Traveler on April 20, 2017, 09:02:16
It is important to understand what the Akashic records actually are. I have recently received non-physical perspective (information) about this topic. The Akashic records are "all" the actual experiences of every being (everything). It is a database of all actual experiences. Each record (itself) is not a copy or history of the experience. It is the experience itself.

So, "yes", someone can see someone else's experiences when accessing the Akashic record or universal consciousness. I have experienced the Akashic records of someone else. I saw their experience (which was in the future) and then about a month later saw that experience occur for them (randomly in a restaurant) in physical reality. It was wholly unexpected.

Lucidity is critical during the Akashic record retrieval, because if you do not have reasonable clarity you will not be able to retrieve the data (e.g., the experience). The experience I am sharing came in a dream format (during night time sleep), I saw the actual experience of the person in the dream, I had enough lucidity to recognize the person and retrieve the information, and upon awakening I wrote everything out in my journal.

Based upon my experiences, I have to imagine that we access the Akashic records much more than we realize, because each night we return to the non-physical when we sleep and awaken not remembering much specifically. So, it is retrieving (e.g., lucidly remembering the data upon awakening) which is the real challenge.

Thanks bloodshadow.

Also I had a lucid dream 2 days ago. It was about sex. It's too inappropriate to post here. When I was recalling the dream it was like I was actually dreaming it.

Also I started recalling dreams daily. Most of the time I got 4 to 5 dreams recalled vividly a day (non lucid). I didn't sleep last night because I drunk diet soda. When I get back to sleep I'll see if I lucid dream.

I'm reading a book called "Exploring the world of lucid dreaming". I recorded the notes I got from it into a text to speech voice mp3. I kept repeating it. Then when I got my dream signs I kept repeating the dream signs in the same format (text to speech mp3). I keep repeating it daily and most nights when I go to sleep I record at least 2 to 3 dreams the least.


So is what bloodshadow saying right?

Would I be able to practice math in the astral plane?

I'm using a book called Mastering astral projection.


ha yea I've had vivid sexual dreams as well sometimes, i haven't got them written nowhere I can only recall some of the parts, mostly thee fun parts lol. Let me know when those MP3s start working good for you,i may want to give it a try,  i'm tired of my dry spell. i also tried techs from an astral projection book called practical guide to astral projection by Denning & Phillips.


Quote from: luffy28 on April 19, 2017, 21:46:57
I want to know if it's possible to experience other peoples lives. Especially those who've lived in the past and are dead.

Would I be able to experience the life of this man in the akashic records?

He's one of the greatest mathematicians of the 20th century.

QuoteAlso once I experience his life would I be able to practice math within the astral plane?

Most people who go to the astral plane while alive say that time is longer there than in the physical plane. I've heard that minutes on the physical plane is / can be hours in the astral plane.

Would I be able to practice math in the astral plane? Or would I have to practice it in real life?

I remember having a very vivid dream about programming and I could see the text clear on the computer screen. I remember typing on the screen and I could see the text clearly. I don't remember what it said but I remember seeing the text clearly.
And yup!  :)


Is it true that there are also schools of thought (or astral universities) especially within the astral plane where people can learn skills that can be used on earth?

Skills like engineering, math, physics, chemistry, computer science or languages etc...

I'm asking this because of the all the stuff I've read about obe/ap advanced people who write books and articles or share there experiences online claim this.



Quote from: luffy28 on April 22, 2017, 00:40:15
Is it true that there are also schools of thought (or astral universities) especially within the astral plane where people can learn skills that can be used on earth?

Skills like engineering, math, physics, chemistry, computer science or languages etc...

I'm asking this because of the all the stuff I've read about obe/ap advanced people who write books and articles or share there experiences online claim this.


Yes for sure. You can think of the "astral realm" as a consciousness internet where your mind is the browser. Simply ask the question, query the database of experience and get the answer. The limitation is on what your mind is capable of parsing, there is a signal to noise ratio. The types of skills you talk about are being taught to us from the "Akashic Record" all the time.

Think of great minds of history like Nicola Tesla that made rapid leaps and bounds in technology by engaging in lucid imagination. Mosart is another example. You don't even necessarily need to go the astral world and have a simulated classroom like setting, that is just a limiting belief. There is also no guarantee that the classroom type setting will have any genuine value.

I have participated in a class on astral projection from within the astral world. I essentially learned nothing that I was able to recollect, yet I can ask questions about astral projection and receive direct communication from the consciousness system that results in real value right here and now. Of course the type of answers I am capable of receiving are limited by my experience boundaries. That is why the big leaps are usually made by people that already have a good understanding of the topic in general. Think of the experiences where people see barrages of symbols and fractal patterns as a form of information that we cannot properly parse.

You also have to remember that the consciousness system itself is intelligent and enforces rules for the benefit of yourself and others. This reality system is a learning sandbox so you wont be allowed to get information that will corrupt the validity of the sandbox, corrupt the experience of others, or corrupt your own experience. There is also ego to factor in - if your intent for using the information is pure you can have it. If the system predicts that giving you a lesson in maths would lead to increased ego and a regression in growth you wont get the information.


Quote from: ThaomasOfGrey on April 22, 2017, 04:02:17
Yes for sure. You can think of the "astral realm" as a consciousness internet where your mind is the browser. Simply ask the question, query the database of experience and get the answer. The limitation is on what your mind is capable of parsing, there is a signal to noise ratio. The types of skills you talk about are being taught to us from the "Akashic Record" all the time.

Think of great minds of history like Nicola Tesla that made rapid leaps and bounds in technology by engaging in lucid imagination. Mosart is another example. You don't even necessarily need to go the astral world and have a simulated classroom like setting, that is just a limiting belief. There is also no guarantee that the classroom type setting will have any genuine value.

I have participated in a class on astral projection from within the astral world. I essentially learned nothing that I was able to recollect, yet I can ask questions about astral projection and receive direct communication from the consciousness system that results in real value right here and now. Of course the type of answers I am capable of receiving are limited by my experience boundaries. That is why the big leaps are usually made by people that already have a good understanding of the topic in general. Think of the experiences where people see barrages of symbols and fractal patterns as a form of information that we cannot properly parse.

You also have to remember that the consciousness system itself is intelligent and enforces rules for the benefit of yourself and others. This reality system is a learning sandbox so you wont be allowed to get information that will corrupt the validity of the sandbox, corrupt the experience of others, or corrupt your own experience. There is also ego to factor in - if your intent for using the information is pure you can have it. If the system predicts that giving you a lesson in maths would lead to increased ego and a regression in growth you wont get the information.

I remember learning of Tesla when I was in my late teens. I heard that he made not only the alternating current system, but a wireless electricity system that was unlimited in power but the government of the US and the electric companies suppress it till this day.


I believe the Akashic Records are there only to teach wisdom and ways of thinking, also to feel emotions from certain situations felt by other people and your past lives. See someone's vague memories.
I believe it's also possible to learn mathematics and science etc., but would really be an inefficient way to do so.
I've only experienced the Akashic Records once and to me felt like a gigantic library filled with experiences covering almost infinite area in a somewhat void space (so vast that you couldn't see the walls and it was pitch black when you looked at the horizon).

What I mean when I say it's an inefficient way learn thing is that there's too much information. The human brain cannot keep all this information.
You would go around and try to learn something about mathematics but you'd soon be overwhelmed by the excitement and start reading everything on the subject only to forget everything you understood or make very little logical assessment of the things you have learned.
Akashic Records is a nice place, great wisdom to be learned from it, but only if you look at the outside and not the inside.
(Like the mainframe computer in a supercomputer: You only look at the main screen containing all the informations, not the hundreds of supercomputers)

It's not a place for humans to wander around casually learning random things that have barely any significance in the human world.
Most of the stuff learned from the astral planes for that matter have barely any significance in the human world.
Things we learn over there are for the after life. It's plain and simple.
The basic stuff we learn over there provide us with insight on the after life, it provides us with the inner proof that we know without doubt that there is life after death.
Unless you're in a situation where you need the Akashic Records because you have no answers to a current life problem that might've happened in your past lifes or someone' else life then I don't know why you would go there.
I actually happened to appear in the Akashic Records by accident, it wasn't even intentional and when I arrived there my reaction was to think to myself: -Wow! So these are what they refer to as Akashic Records.

I don't want to deny what people say about it but honestly... A place this gigantic, and people saying you can just go and wander around finding everything you're looking for in an instant and remembering most of the technical stuff... I don't believe it one bit.
I think that people see the place and they're like me except that instead of taking the time to admire the thing in itself, they get overwhelmed into actually going inside and reading/learning about all the stuff they want.
I think that as soon as you get overwhelmed like that, you actually end up your phasing/projection and just let yourself get carried away by your imagination thinking that all the things you learn is actually the real thing.

Otherwise we'd just see geniuses all over the world and they would all have figured the longevity and immortality formulas by now.
Akashic Records are made in the astral realm and in the cosmos for the astral beings/cosmic beings. It's like their "Fubu" thing, For us, by us.
Sure you can wander around about the place and learn a few things from it, somehow phase at the right time into it when you're in a dangerous situation and somehow learn how to get out of it in real life, but other than that, you'll only require going there on special occasions when you actually are part of being a permanent astral being...

There's good stuff in there, but nothing close to "I'll just walk in there and learn mathematics for fun".
You can do this much easier in real life and actually remember what you've just learned from reading a book.
And I'm saying this because how I've felt it, it's mostly life/afterlife experiences recorded there.
So if you'd want to learn mathematics there here is what it would look like:

1- You Astral Project
2- You start focusing already in a projection
3- You focus on your destination: Akashic Records
4- You teleport/move your astral body there
5- Try to remember what you wanted to learn in real life
6- Actually start searching for that specific thing
7- Find the book/memory you were looking for but actually you have to view your or someone else's previous life
8- Search in that person's memory where they started learning mathematics (see where I'm going now?)
9- Actually trying to focus enough so you can read the book that they were actually reading.
10- Understanding it. And for some rare people:
11- Remembering it

And that's if that person is not getting interrupted all the time by their life's situation. I mean... You'd be looking at multiple (increasingly more difficult every level) levels of focus.
Some people can skip 1-2-3-4 and already be in the Akashic Records via phasing and sometimes even more when you are on adrenaline and in a crazy dangerous type of situation in your real life and you need an answer extremely fast or you're going to die, but man...
It would literally be as if you were looking throught 7 different sized magnifying lenses...
The partial becomes complete; the crooked, straight; the empty,
full; the worn out, new. He whose (desires) are few gets them; he
whose (desires) are many goes astray.


Quote from: Kzaal on April 23, 2017, 20:18:29
I believe the Akashic Records are there only to teach wisdom and ways of thinking, also to feel emotions from certain situations felt by other people and your past lives. See someone's vague memories.
I believe it's also possible to learn mathematics and science etc., but would really be an inefficient way to do so.
I've only experienced the Akashic Records once and to me felt like a gigantic library filled with experiences covering almost infinite area in a somewhat void space (so vast that you couldn't see the walls and it was pitch black when you looked at the horizon).

What I mean when I say it's an inefficient way learn thing is that there's too much information. The human brain cannot keep all this information.
You would go around and try to learn something about mathematics but you'd soon be overwhelmed by the excitement and start reading everything on the subject only to forget everything you understood or make very little logical assessment of the things you have learned.
Akashic Records is a nice place, great wisdom to be learned from it, but only if you look at the outside and not the inside.
(Like the mainframe computer in a supercomputer: You only look at the main screen containing all the informations, not the hundreds of supercomputers)

It's not a place for humans to wander around casually learning random things that have barely any significance in the human world.
Most of the stuff learned from the astral planes for that matter have barely any significance in the human world.
Things we learn over there are for the after life. It's plain and simple.
The basic stuff we learn over there provide us with insight on the after life, it provides us with the inner proof that we know without doubt that there is life after death.
Unless you're in a situation where you need the Akashic Records because you have no answers to a current life problem that might've happened in your past lifes or someone' else life then I don't know why you would go there.
I actually happened to appear in the Akashic Records by accident, it wasn't even intentional and when I arrived there my reaction was to think to myself: -Wow! So these are what they refer to as Akashic Records.

I don't want to deny what people say about it but honestly... A place this gigantic, and people saying you can just go and wander around finding everything you're looking for in an instant and remembering most of the technical stuff... I don't believe it one bit.
I think that people see the place and they're like me except that instead of taking the time to admire the thing in itself, they get overwhelmed into actually going inside and reading/learning about all the stuff they want.
I think that as soon as you get overwhelmed like that, you actually end up your phasing/projection and just let yourself get carried away by your imagination thinking that all the things you learn is actually the real thing.

Otherwise we'd just see geniuses all over the world and they would all have figured the longevity and immortality formulas by now.
Akashic Records are made in the astral realm and in the cosmos for the astral beings/cosmic beings. It's like their "Fubu" thing, For us, by us.
Sure you can wander around about the place and learn a few things from it, somehow phase at the right time into it when you're in a dangerous situation and somehow learn how to get out of it in real life, but other than that, you'll only require going there on special occasions when you actually are part of being a permanent astral being...

There's good stuff in there, but nothing close to "I'll just walk in there and learn mathematics for fun".
You can do this much easier in real life and actually remember what you've just learned from reading a book.
And I'm saying this because how I've felt it, it's mostly life/afterlife experiences recorded there.
So if you'd want to learn mathematics there here is what it would look like:

1- You Astral Project
2- You start focusing already in a projection
3- You focus on your destination: Akashic Records
4- You teleport/move your astral body there
5- Try to remember what you wanted to learn in real life
6- Actually start searching for that specific thing
7- Find the book/memory you were looking for but actually you have to view your or someone else's previous life
8- Search in that person's memory where they started learning mathematics (see where I'm going now?)
9- Actually trying to focus enough so you can read the book that they were actually reading.
10- Understanding it. And for some rare people:
11- Remembering it

And that's if that person is not getting interrupted all the time by their life's situation. I mean... You'd be looking at multiple (increasingly more difficult every level) levels of focus.
Some people can skip 1-2-3-4 and already be in the Akashic Records via phasing and sometimes even more when you are on adrenaline and in a crazy dangerous type of situation in your real life and you need an answer extremely fast or you're going to die, but man...
It would literally be as if you were looking throught 7 different sized magnifying lenses...


This is a very good post. When I learn to astral project / start astral projecting (I bought a book from Amazon called "Mastering astral projection") I was planning on doing a little bit at a time. Also if I were to review another persons life. I would only try to do weeks to months every projection. I know what you're saying is correct. It's like the mind trying to absorb infinity like two mirrors facing each other. I"m only going to do one topic (or subject) each projection or lucid dream. Also the author of the book I said I bought says when first learning projection to do it for only 30 seconds to a minute. Then re-enter your body.

Are there any books (other than Xanth's or Robert Monroe) that talks about phasing?

Some people say that people like Einstein, Newton, etc... probably unconsciously tapped into the akashic records.



Quote from: luffy28 on April 24, 2017, 11:35:43

This is a very good post. When I learn to astral project / start astral projecting (I bought a book from Amazon called "Mastering astral projection") I was planning on doing a little bit at a time. Also if I were to review another persons life. I would only try to do weeks to months every projection. I know what you're saying is correct. It's like the mind trying to absorb infinity like two mirrors facing each other. I"m only going to do one topic (or subject) each projection or lucid dream. Also the author of the book I said I bought says when first learning projection to do it for only 30 seconds to a minute. Then re-enter your body.

Are there any books (other than Xanth's or Robert Monroe) that talks about phasing?

Some people say that people like Einstein, Newton, etc... probably unconsciously tapped into the akashic records.


Phasing is something that develops as you keep experiencing the astral, you can read stuff on it and try to acquire this ability by practicing it or you can let it come to you naturally.
I discovered that I was phasing only after I read a few posts on the forums about it, I didn't even know what it was and I was already doing it, so it's not that difficult.
When you start tapping into the astral and it gets more and more common, eventually you'll have a shift in your thinking methods and you'll only have to get into that "zone" where you can go phasing as you like.

Einstein and Newton did a lot of studies, and they had very high IQ's, their rapidity of solving problems and their way of thinking was already developed before they made all these theories.
Most of their knowledge came from books.
They might have tapped consciously or unconsciously into the Astral Realm but I don't think the Akashic Records have anything to do with this.
They saw the things they needed to see at the right time.
There's a difference between theorizing on a subject and keeping the theories going until you find something valuable and having a vision from the astral where everything is magically laid down before your eyes.
If I remember correctly, Einstein was still trying to find the god's equation on his death bed and never achieved it.
If he would've actually tapped into Akashic Records unconsciously or consciously he would probably have continued or at least tried to find a way back there until he found the answers he needed.

For Newton, I don't know, my knowledge on his findings except the formula for gravity are very limited.
He may have experienced the akashic records for a brief instant when the apple fell on his head or next to him... Who know's?

Everyone has it's own way of doing things, all you have to do is find yours by experimenting.
The partial becomes complete; the crooked, straight; the empty,
full; the worn out, new. He whose (desires) are few gets them; he
whose (desires) are many goes astray.


Phasing is something that develops as you keep experiencing the astral, you can read stuff on it and try to acquire this ability by practicing it or you can let it come to you naturally.
I discovered that I was phasing only after I read a few posts on the forums about it, I didn't even know what it was and I was already doing it, so it's not that difficult.
When you start tapping into the astral and it gets more and more common, eventually you'll have a shift in your thinking methods and you'll only have to get into that "zone" where you can go phasing as you like.

This is a wonderful description of how to become open to the Phasing process. Nothing really needs to be added...
Thanks for this Kzaal.
Be yourself; everyone else is already taken.
                                                          -O. Wilde


 As Napoleon Hill once said ""Whatever the mind can conceive and believe, it can achieve." !
"The day science begins to study non-physical phenomena, it will make more progress in one decade than in all the previous centuries of its existence."  Nicolai Tesla


Quote from: EscapeVelocity on April 24, 2017, 22:59:28
Phasing is something that develops as you keep experiencing the astral, you can read stuff on it and try to acquire this ability by practicing it or you can let it come to you naturally.
I discovered that I was phasing only after I read a few posts on the forums about it, I didn't even know what it was and I was already doing it, so it's not that difficult.
When you start tapping into the astral and it gets more and more common, eventually you'll have a shift in your thinking methods and you'll only have to get into that "zone" where you can go phasing as you like.

This is a wonderful description of how to become open to the Phasing process. Nothing really needs to be added...
Thanks for this Kzaal.

Thank you! And you're welcome!

Here's a note on how I can achieve phasing on the go:

Normally I close my eyes, make sure that I'm in a comfortable position and I immediately start focusing on my breathing.
I take deep breaths and as I exhale, I'll go almost to the point where there's no more air in my lungs (I do not force it tho).
When I exhale I just imagine all my thoughts leaving my body as does the air.
For me it's really fast, as soon as I take my 3rd or 4th breath it's as if I was starting to get dizzy, the darkness from when I close my eyes quickly become very light and it soon becomes greyish/white light.
And I just focus on that feeling of calm and purity and dizziness. And eventually my brain feels like it's shutting down and I just start receiving information.
It's really weird because when I phase like that, most of the ideas and answer come to me by itself. I don't feel rushed to do anything.

I can do it my eyes opened but I need to focus my eyes on something and just wander off in the peace of mind.
The reason why I say that for me it's easy is probably because I don't ask many questions anymore.
A lot of people when starting projection and phasing want to experience great things. (Flying/magic powers/have conversations with higher beings etc.,)
For me I just focus on the most basic stuff, emotions, peace of mind, wisdom and higher thoughts.
And I think there's a lot more to it than that, mainly because I've been like most guys/girls out there trying new stuff in the astral and learning.
It's just that I'm at a point where even in my real life, my thoughts are changed into that specific direction.
When your thoughts are very defined and you know exactly what you want you don't need to think about it anymore, it just come naturally.
Same as someone who practice sports or ride a bicycle. Muscle memory and subconscious automatism.
And for some it can feel boring "-Oh look this guy is projecting only to learn about feelings and stuff"
But no, it's not lol! Feelings are the most wonderful things you can experience that is actually something very real!
And feelings are also real in the astral, this is what makes it beautiful and never boring.
I love doing this stuff.

Hope it helps!

Here's something funny:
I met Bruce Lee in my dreams yesterday and he was skateboarding lol.
The partial becomes complete; the crooked, straight; the empty,
full; the worn out, new. He whose (desires) are few gets them; he
whose (desires) are many goes astray.


Quote from: Bloodshadow on April 20, 2017, 21:00:08
ha yea I've had vivid sexual dreams as well sometimes, i haven't got them written nowhere I can only recall some of the parts, mostly thee fun parts lol. Let me know when those MP3s start working good for you,i may want to give it a try,  i'm tired of my dry spell. i also tried techs from an astral projection book called practical guide to astral projection by Denning & Phillips.

They were working till I stopped using them almost a week to a week and a half ago. Now I barely if ever get / recall dreams. It took me a while to (about the same times mentioned) to get / start recalling dreams daily.

I was recalling most days 4 to 5 dreams a night. This was a combination of listening to the mp3 once a day for 20 to 25 minutes. Also I took notes from the book "exploring the world of lucid dreaming". I recalled at least 20 to 25 (I know it was more than this) dreams within two to three weeks. I was then able to program some of the dreams once I noticed the dream signs. I also recorded an mp3 for this and replayed it once daily for 10 to 15 minutes a day daily.

If you want more info I can post it.


I also want to know if when you're experiencing lives (I know you can do this with your own current live).

Can you do what if scenarios with other people's lives? Like an alternative ending or an alternative action.

If you play video games developers are known to do this with the main story line especially if it's based on a manga/anime or a comic book / known / famous video game.



Quote from: luffy28 on April 19, 2017, 21:46:57
I want to know if it's possible to experience other peoples lives. Especially those who've lived in the past and are dead.

Would I be able to experience the life of this man in the akashic records?

It seems to be possible up to a certain extent. While under self-hypnosis, Edgar Cayce was contacting the subconscious of his patients, to learn their maladies.

I found "The Approach of the Edgar Cayce Readings to Dreams and Dreaming by Brian Wilkinson - master thesis" a very interesting reading.
"Read not to contradict and confute, nor to believe and take for granted, but to weigh and consider."
- Sir Francis Bacon


I'll read that one of my dream signs was good looking females (especially ones on the news like on networks like CNN). I remember a day a couple of weeks ago where I saw two good looking females on a bus and said to myself in my head "am I dreaming"? I kept switching between the two and repeating until I got to my stop.

I'm reading a book called "adventures beyond the body" and the author William Bulhman says he experienced other people's lives while out of body that he wasn't an incarnate of. In other obe's he experienced direct past lives.

I've only seen myself in a dream once and it was sexual in nature.

If I do this (when I saw the two women) while doing a physical action would this make lucid dreaming more possible? I'm asking because so far this year I've had three lucid dreams.

Also can previous lives be accessed during lucid dreams or am I better off learning astral projection / obes?


I also want to know if anyone else has experience with the above.

Has anyone done homework for college (or school) in the akashic records / astral plane, but from a different person's view?

An example could be doing a problem set from high school Algebra but you're doing it in another person's body, but both from your point of view and their point of view at the same time? I could be doing it from Ramanujan's view [for math] or Einstein's view [also for math / physics] or Nikola Tesla's view for engineering [since he was both an EE and mechanical engineer].

Also what are the best books on doing astral projection / obe from a waking state? This can include sites or articles or courses online.



For me you have to grab the feeling of whoever you are thinking and think as closely you can to their mode of thinking. Obtaining a diffrent mind set can be very difficult because their mind sets were created by many diffrent experiences. I've done some experiments with trying to have Einstein's point of view; however I've found that I just don't get that point of view but it combines with your own point of view.

I still can't be certain if I obtainted Einstein's point of view or not but I feel like I was close.


Quote from: funfire on June 07, 2017, 02:36:31
For me you have to grab the feeling of whoever you are thinking and think as closely you can to their mode of thinking. Obtaining a diffrent mind set can be very difficult because their mind sets were created by many diffrent experiences. I've done some experiments with trying to have Einstein's point of view; however I've found that I just don't get that point of view but it combines with your own point of view.

I still can't be certain if I obtainted Einstein's point of view or not but I feel like I was close.

What do you mean when you say "but it combines with your own point of view"?

Also could this work? I would then do the work / studying let's say for engineering for Tesla's point of view. Then learn the ways of him doing work / studying. Then trying to do it in an engineering book.

Would this work?
