can you lose fear of death?

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I read it many places that you can in fact eliminate or reduce the fear of death if you are an astral projector.

Are there any experienced projectors that find this is true? how has your outlook on death changed since you have been doing this? are you totally confident that death is just another type of OBE experience?


Quote from: Gummage on June 13, 2014, 16:53:43
I read it many places that you can in fact eliminate or reduce the fear of death if you are an astral projector.

Are there any experienced projectors that find this is true? how has your outlook on death changed since you have been doing this? are you totally confident that death is just another type of OBE experience?
It's the knowledge that you continue on after this physical reality.  It brings a lot of people peace regarding the subject of dying.


 When you see it as "transitioning", it makes it easier to accept!  :-)


Yes, it's true.  If I have any fear of death left, it's of suffering prior to death and of dying prematurely because I have a child.  When it's my time to go, I will welcome the transition!  :)


Quote from: soarin12 on June 13, 2014, 20:12:43
Yes, it's true.  If I have any fear of death left, it's of suffering prior to death and of dying prematurely because I have a child.  When it's my time to go, I will welcome the transition!  :)
Leaving family and friends would also be a concern for me... not exactly a "fear", but a concern of them being comfortable.
Apart from that, I'm with you!  It'll be party time!  :D


All of you guys are talking about transitioning as if we were living in the 1800's. Hahaha Here is why. Most people don't die by family in their home in a comfortable familiar place. They often have invasive costly surgeries at the end of their life that often just adds unneeded pain and suffering for a little extra time often without giving them quality of life or just making things worse mentally. Meaning the medical community doesn't care about costs or how you feel or what family says if your not mentally competent to make your own decisions. The only thing that can often stop them from doing all these things is by doing an advance directive and have a knowing and trusted doctor or two to sign it with at least one family member that will carry out your wishes. And you have to be very clear about what you want and don't want at different possible stages of death on that advance directive. And if you don't and especially if you end up in a faith based hospital. Catholic or christian then don't be surprised if they keep you alive as long as possible. Even in a hospice they will keep you alive even if you refuse food they will force-feed you. The reason they have to keep you alive as much as they can often is because they don't want to be sued later on either by the patient when their better, or by a family member. So there is nothing you or your family can do if the patients life is in danger of dying. They will do everything they can to keep you alive even in old age. Unless you are of good sound mind they will do whatever is necessary to keep you alive even if it takes away your dignity which many times is not the case.

Many of you have no idea what life is like at the end of life for many people. Much less what it feels like. Their job is to keep you alive unless you have an advance directive specifying that if you refuse food and liquids that they shouldn't force-feed you. And even then in Catholic hospitals they will likely force-feed you even if every cell in  your body is ready to die. It's terrible. They talk about only God can take you life. Yet they play life and God by keep those at the end of life in a state of suffering. It's terrible. Whoever leaves it up to the system without doing anything is playing Russian Roulette with their dignity and their very own being. Don't leave it up to the system folks.

My personal advise to anyone that is competent enough to make medical decisions for themselves is that they get an advance directive. Have it signed by at least one good Doctor of yours. Make sure they will fulfill all your end of life needs when your near death. Most importantly pick the VSEDed option. Which stands for "Voluntary Stopping Of Eating And Drinking." Secondly you want to make sure that you can die at home preferably with palliative sedation with a caretaker of some sort. I forgot what they are called. The idea is that you stop eating and drinking everything. Even having liquids can cause more suffering, it's best to have nothing which will make exiting life easier.

Here are some resources.
All the information you need about this type of end of life option is found here.

Exit International

Final Exit Network

I have been close to death once in my life and lived to talk about it. Take it from me. This is what I always like to say: "My life, my death, my choice, because we should be able to control our death, as much as we control our life."   8-)  Of course there are some exceptions to that rule of thumb.   :wink:


I forgot to add the type of death you get is important. In fact there are sects of Hindus which practice death by starvation. Which is what I recommended. Now when I and we say starvation. We often think Holocaust. No that is not the type of death I am thinking of OK. I am thinking of being at home with palliative care sedation. And just letting go. While doing VSED - Voluntarily Stop Eating and Drinking. And let the natural process of death come and naturally take us when we have fully lived our lives to the fullest. Now what I want to point out here is that this option has been a spiritual option for avid meditation users in certain sects of the Hindu religion. Even in Buddhism which doesn't advocate this even they say getting a good death which high consciousness is needed. In fact meditation for them is learning how to die at the end of life. They spend their own lives doing it. Since for them meditation is the path they use at death. I can go into much much more detail here. But the whole idea is to get a good death least a bad death colors the pure stable mind and pull it down at the most vulnerable time of life death. The biggest vulnerability would be certain diseases which can wreck havoc on the body and soul in such a vulnerable time.

Prayopavesa (Sanskrit: प्रायोपवेशनम्, literally resolving to die through fasting)[1][2] is a practice in Hinduism that denotes the suicide by fasting of a person, who has no desire or ambition left, and no responsibilities remaining in life.[3] It is also allowed in cases of terminal disease or great disability.[4][5] A similar practice exists in Jainism, termed Santhara.

Sallekhana (also Santhara, Samadhi-marana, Samnyasa-marana), is the Jain religious ritual of suicide by fasting. Due to the prolonged nature of sallekhana, the individual is given ample time to reflect on his or her life. The vow of sallekhana is taken when one feels that one's life has served its purpose of a person, has no wishes/ambition/desires left, and no responsibilities remaining in life. It is also allowed in cases of terminal disease or great disability. The purpose is to purge old karmas and prevent the creation of new ones.[1] There exists a similar Hindu practice known as Prayopavesa.

According to the Press Trust of India, on average 240 Jains practice sallekhana until death each year in India.[2]

Anyway I am only saying this since I have been close to death. And it's not pretty most of the time. Stay informed my friends. Ignorance about what is actually going on can lead do suffering.



Nothing besides your Intent while you pass matters.  Absolutely nothing else.  Intent is, LITERALLY, everything in consciousness.   :)


Quote from: Xanth on June 13, 2014, 21:34:59
Nothing besides your Intent while you pass matters.  Absolutely nothing else.  Intent is, LITERALLY, everything in consciousness.   :)
I agree and I disagree Xanth. You may have a strong mind right now. But let's say you get Alzheimer's disease and you can't even think straight. You go year inside of a mental hospice not even remembering who you were and what your life was about. You can hardly recognize family. And you may have memories of the astral but you don't know how to quantify that in your life. Now let's say it gets worse and your mind starts degrading more and more. And your in a daze unable to have any control in this world. Or better yet for the sake of argument. Let's say you get cancer on top of it. And your doctors don't notice until it's too late and you end up dying a violent death with stress hormones being released causing convolutions and just a total break down of everything physical and of dignity in your whole experience. You may be disgusted by such a thought. But such experiences aren't unheard of. All I did was combine to possible things that can happen. Both of these things I have heard can and do happen. I realize as of now your soul and spiritual is in charge but one day that tables might turn on you and or anyone that is ignorant of how most people die. And I don't want to sound mean, that is just the way it is for many people. It's just the truth.

If you think your going to pass away in your sleep like everyone wants and hopes for then good luck. It doesn't happen like that. If you die in your sleep it's because your body is breaking down which inevitably cases stress and suffering and disease most of the time. There are a very few cases where you can die in your sleep. But those are very far few in in-between.

[Edit: Sorry I mean to say: And I hope you don't tell me that conscious intent will save you from Alzheimer's disease or any disease]

And if push comes to shove you might end up like the one guy I heard about on Doctor Oz where he had a compressed spinal nerve in his head or something like that. And he was steaming at the top of his head for days until he died. I really don't like to bring these terrible stories up, just please take my word  for it. The body has a powerful pull on the soul when put under stress of death and is dying. It's not like going to sleep.\

Peace and when I say it I mean it.


BTW I agree with you Xanth that intent can be everything. This depends partially on how advanced you are in consciousness before death. But I wouldn't count on consciousness and intent alone. You should do more about it in preparing for the stress at the end at death IMHO. Then again you would have to be a Buddha to have and intent strong enough to able to have a good death in a car accident. Just meaning a death with great stress.


And yes Xanth I hope you do get a relatively good peaceful death. There's just no guarantee. We all like to have assurances from our spiritual leaders that everything is going to be OK. There just no guarantee what will happen to the soul given certain stresses that can be put on it at the end of life. Some stresses my increase spiritual experiences other may decrease them and make them worse. There's just no guarantee. So to be sure take both routes to be safe. Conscious intention to let go and VSED.  :wink: The only guarantee might be if you become enlightened.  :wink:

Edit you may increase or decrease the endogenous molecules your body needs to have astral projections. Like DMT 5-MEO-DMT and other chemicals needed to astral project. Sorry I can just go on and on. Partially since I have had personal experience with this and partially since I don't have much to do right now. If you don't want to take my word for it I hope someone else will.



LOL  I imagine you in real life to be someone who speaks just to hear the sound of their own voice.  :)

Intent isn't always consciously set.  There isn't an action you take that isn't driven entirely by your Intent.


The only thing I fear about death is the thought of my children not being OK without me.

I remember when I was a kid (about 5 years old) crying in my bedroom as I had come to the realization that we were all going to die. My dad came in the room and asked what was wrong...I said "I don't want you to have to die one day" and he replied "why not? I want to die one day, infact I cant wait to die then I will be free"

I asked "will you go to heaven?"
he smirked and replied "no baby I am going straight to hell"

For some reason that conversation released alot of my fear about death


Quote from: Xanth on June 13, 2014, 22:46:32
LOL  I imagine you in real life to be someone who speaks just to hear the sound of their own voice.  :)

Intent isn't always consciously set.  There isn't an action you take that isn't driven entirely by your Intent.
LOL actually I don't talk a lot in real life like that though sometimes I can get a bit talkative but it's never out of social acceptance. But even if I did talk like that in real life it doesn't mean I am wrong either. There are just certain things I feel very strongly about. And I obviously have a lot of practical reasons why I believe what I believe. I guess some people just don't care about practical reasons.  :-(


Quote from: PlasmaAstralProjection on June 14, 2014, 01:19:46
LOL actually I don't talk a lot in real life like that though sometimes I can get a bit talkative but it's never out of social acceptance. But even if I did talk like that in real life it doesn't mean I am wrong either. There are just certain things I feel very strongly about. And I obviously have a lot of practical reasons why I believe what I believe. And I guess some people just don't care about practical reasons.  :-(

Plasma, you are so totally on the money. Death is rarely a pleasant experience these days. Most people have absolutely no idea what it involves. My father has severe dementia, he literally has a 3 minute memory. He is stone deaf, and can not be taught how to use a hearing aid (he completely forgets within minutes, even if we can get him to understand). Serially incontinent,, with carers needing to clean up faeces from his flat daily. I shalln't go into any more detail, but this is normal for dementia. Anybody who thinks that death is simply getting slowly a bit weaker, and then passing away peacefully in their sleep, doesn't understand the process.

I find some attitudes on this board heavily steeped in the naivety of health and relative youth. People untouched by health issues, who say that "we create our own reality", who have never experienced chronic severe pain. People who talk about "intent" who have never experienced the truth of alzheimers. Etc. I read some remarks, from people who still have the luxury of relative good health, and literally laugh at the myopically ill-informed opinions. I am truly not getting at anybody, I had the same naive opinions as those I have just criticised, whilst I still had the luxury of not seeing, knowing, experiencing the truth of failing health.

None of us, on this board, actually has the true skills to create our own reality. It's a nice idea, but the truth is different. Try putting a bullet through your knee cap and creating a reality in which your knee is working nicely and you're not in agony. Just think about it. I have a leaflet here on my coffee table from the "Campaign for Dignity in Dying" and I'm going to join up and send some money. I truly wouldn't wish my Father's life on anyone. We wouldn't put a dog through this, and I don't want to go through it either. Plasma, absolutely on the money. Great posts.
The bad news is there's no key to the Universe. The good news is it's not locked. - Swami Beyondananda


Quote from: catmeow on June 14, 2014, 03:34:07
Plasma, you are so totally on the money. Death is rarely a pleasant experience these days. Most people have absolutely no idea what it involves. My father has severe dementia, he literally has a 3 minute memory. He is stone deaf, and can not be taught how to use a hearing aid (he completely forgets within minutes, even if we can get him to understand). Serially incontinent,, with carers needing to clean up faeces from his flat daily. I shalln't go into any more detail, but this is normal for dementia. Anybody who thinks that death is simply getting slowly a bit weaker, and then passing away peacefully in their sleep, doesn't understand the process.

I find some attitudes on this board heavily steeped in the naivety of health and relative youth. People untouched by health issues, who say that "we create our own reality", who have never experienced chronic severe pain. People who talk about "intent" who have never experienced the truth of alzheimers. Etc. I read some remarks, from people who still have the luxury of relative good health, and literally laugh at the myopically ill-informed opinions. I am truly not getting at anybody, I had the same naive opinions as those I have just criticised, whilst I still had the luxury of not seeing, knowing, experiencing the truth of failing health.

None of us, on this board, actually has the true skills to create our own reality. It's a nice idea, but the truth is different. Try putting a bullet through your knee cap and creating a reality in which your knee is working nicely and you're not in agony. Just think about it. I have a leaflet here on my coffee table from the "Campaign for Dignity in Dying" and I'm going to join up and send some money. I truly wouldn't wish my Father's life on anyone. We wouldn't put a dog through this, and I don't want to go through it either. Plasma, absolutely on the money. Great posts.

God, thank you so much catmeow, I finally feel vindicated by someone here that seems to have some real experience with the spiritual and death. Yeah it's just ridiculous what happens to many people at the end of their lives. Most people don't know what death is like anymore. We send our family to the hospice or the hospital or some medical place mostly unaware of what death is actually like. Cancer can cause some of the worst suffering. You know throwing up fecal matter of the intestines. Catmeow is right we wouldn't even let that happen to our pets. In fact they put our pets to sleep. All this stuff about keeping people alive at the end of life comes from the Abrahamic religions, and the medical community that sometimes wants to keep you alive to make money, but also to prevent themselves from being sued. But many times I bet the reason why they have to prevent themselves from being sued is form people from the Abrahamic religions that think only God should take their life. So the reasoning for us keeping people alive is mostly based on BS. Let nature take it's course don't interfere with the process when every cell in your body wants to die and leave already.

We give our dogs and cats Nembutal for their death and they pass away relatively peacefully depending on if they were already suffering. They just go to sleep. But for us we have to get the special treatment for the mostly ridiculous reasons.

Xanth I got one question for you if you got beat up really badly, and you were in the hospital under a lot of stress, and you were going to die, do you think you can use intent and consciousness to give you a decent death, much less peaceful death? That is what death is about many times. It's about a lot of stress and eventually it leads to breakdown and stress with breakdown can cause a LOT of suffering. Cellular stress when it's aging. So just because you don't see old people with wounds all over doesn't mean they aren't greatly suffering. Many of them don't even have the will or energy to do much of anything. We are talking whole mind and body stress many times when your on your death bed. So please just honestly answer that. Sorry I don't mean to put you on the spot. LOL

Again I've been close to death with physical mental breakdown, so I know all too well what is really possible when the body and mind breaks down.

And I would like to thank you again for your input here Catmeow. I hope you go for the VSED option or something better than what the system has in store.



Quote from: PlasmaAstralProjection on June 14, 2014, 05:13:23
Xanth I got one question for you if you got beat up really badly, and you were in the hospital under a lot of stress, and you were going to die, do you think you can use intent and consciousness to give you a decent death, much less peaceful death? That is what death is about many times. It's about a lot of stress and eventually it leads to breakdown and stress with breakdown can cause a LOT of suffering. Cellular stress when it's aging. So just because you don't see old people with wounds all over doesn't mean they aren't greatly suffering. Many of them don't even have the will or energy to do much of anything. We are talking whole mind and body stress many times when your on your death bed. So please just honestly answer that. Sorry I don't mean to put you on the spot. LOL
There are so many more factors than just the "state of your physical body".

To answer your question, YES, emphatically.  In such a case, I'd be welcoming death with open arms in a very positive manner. 

I'm sorry Plasma, but I simply do not see the world the same way you do anymore.  I *CAN'T* see the world your way anymore, it's simply not possible for me. 
The people you're talking about see the world your way... not mine.  You are absolutely stuck on this "physical" concept of life.  I have moved past it. 


QuoteThere's just no guarantee.
I feel very strongly on this subject, so I'll weight in.  You give yourself the guarantee.  Mindstuff, intent, whatever a person labels that intangible goods, is all that matters.  This isn't a statement from a perspective of youth or naivety, but a deeper understanding of what effects death as well as how one handles it, through direct experience

I do understand those fears you pose, as I have seen it in those around me.  The advice you give is solid and helpful, especially for those who operate from a similar loci as yourself.

But, big but, I have experienced otherwise, so it's just not a concern for myself, and perhaps others here are speaking from their experience as well rather than from indirect knowledge, it's all valid, and non-conflicting from my perspective.

Death, and the experience of death can be as traumatic or peaceful as one wants, irregardless of external circumstances.  Perhaps through your own experiences with imitation of the dying experience you will feel that inner strength and confidence as well.
I'm tired of this hostile environment, and aggressive, dogmatic moderation.  I'm taking my 40+years of OBE experience to a forum, where those who can and do project at will can further explore without the imposed limitations spurred from ignorance. Peace.



I've been thinking about this topic today.  

Are people getting caught up in the difference between dying and death?  It's not possible to guarantee that dying will be without pain or stress in varying degrees (god, sorry, talking about it so casually!) but I'm still not afraid of death itself, which is what the original poster was asking I think.  My reason for not being afraid of dying is because I've been where the dead go and it was a revelation to me, so I have AP to thank for that.  :-)

The thing that bothers me though is something that Plasma mentioned; what about if we get Alzheimers before we die?  What happens then?  Does our consciousness move out before we lose it completely?  That's something I don't know and bothers me somewhat.


Quote from: Gummage on June 13, 2014, 16:53:43
I read it many places that you can in fact eliminate or reduce the fear of death if you are an astral projector.

Are there any experienced projectors that find this is true?

Yes, this is true.

Quote from: Gummage on June 13, 2014, 16:53:43
how has your outlook on death changed since you have been doing this?

It confirms that there is in fact no such thing as "death".  The term "death" is nothing more than a concept, a perception.  The transitional event itself, no matter how horrific or how peaceful it is perceived is nothing more than an experience.  It is not a finality.  You WILL be still alive after this transitional event commonly referred to as death.

Quote from: Gummage on June 13, 2014, 16:53:43
are you totally confident that death is just another type of OBE experience?

"Out of body" is yet another perception.  There is no out of anything.  It's really nothing more than a shift in consciousness, a shift in awareness.  Once the physical interface known as the physical body our conscious awareness uses and has been attached to is no longer usable or viable, your reality has shifted and transformed, or transitioned to a reality that matches your beliefs and vibrational frequency.


Quote from: Maxie on June 14, 2014, 15:47:46
 Are people getting caught up in the difference between dying and death?  It's not possible to guarantee that dying will be without pain or stress in varying degrees (god, sorry, talking about it so casually!) but I'm still not afraid of death itself, which is what the original poster was asking I think.  My reason for not being afraid of dying is because I've been where the dead go and it was a revelation to me, so I have AP to thank for that.  :-)
Maxie, you hit the problem here right on the head. Plasma and Catmeow are talking about the process of dying. When I say "transition", I mean that once your consciousness has left this body/vessel for good, that the actual "transition" begins. It's a transition between this physical awareness and the next form/mode of our evolution.

I agree that the process of dying can be very nasty. I have seen it via diseases in people like MJ's Mother who had Lou Gehrig's Disease. I believe it was as painful for her mother as it was for the entire Family watching their Mother slowly decay, without being able to stop it.

In this practice many of take notes. No matter how bad our memory would get, we could always either look back at these notes ourselves or have someone near and dear to us read them to us.

William Buhlman and other famous authors of AP have planned their "Funeral arrangement" around their AP/NP beliefs. Where there's a will, there's always a way. I didn't mean that as a pun either.

I felt I would put this in as a Edit since it goes with my current post.

A friend of ours, who is Hmong, husband passed 2 weeks ago. MJ and I are just heading to the viewing now. That's common for Hmong, they wait a couple of weeks, sometimes a month after the deceased has passed before they do their Funerals. So, I wanted to read up on their Funeral Customs/Rituals and found that the entire Funeral preparedness is based on bringing and preparing the deceased for their next life, just like the Egyptians and many other cultures do.


I have no fear of my death but I do have several ways of dying that I hope aren't my fate. I do fear that others that I love will not be able to handle my death in the ways that I will be able to but that is beyond my control.

I've lost three people through suicide and they were all dear to me. I have also prevented the death of a total stranger who was hanging himself. I got to him in the last few seconds. The EMT's estimated that the guy had another ten seconds left before it would have been lights outs. His eyes were already bulging and the tiny blood caps in his eyes had already burst.

I was serving a six month sentence in a county jail. He waited until everyone else in the eight man pod had gone to sleep and then he slowly wrap his sheet around the railing of my top bunk and then slung over an eight foot shower wall that I was sleeping next two. I was asleep at the time but I heard what I thought was someone having a seizure on the shower floor. In a sleepy haze, I rolled over so that I could peer over the wall but it took a sec for me to realize what was happening. That was a very eerie yet gratifying experience. The bonus was that they commuted my sentece to time served in released me the next day, a month early for helping the gut. No, I'm not some hardened criminal. I was there standing up for my rights and now I'm glad that I was.
It ain't what you don't know that gets you into trouble. It's what you know for sure that just ain't so.
Mark Twain


Looking at this from the physical side Xanth has wisdom in his words, being past the physical side.
Plasma has issues with the physical aspects and can't quite see whats really there yet   (not that anyone knows everything). Some overcomplicating on the physical ruleset with some good points being made.

Many reports from experienced AP'rs all say one thing when communications with the deceased have transpired. The resounding message of 'the pain has gone and the peace of mind here is second to none' being common.
This shows that the mind itself is intact so dementia or similar eventually dissapears upon termination.
Any physical ailment is nonexistant so worrying about them is moot.
There is an adaption period where adjustments to the new environment must take place, this is inevitable for everyone. Those of us with plenty of experiences I'd guess are already past the physical issues. As already implied, the expectations are already present unlike someone with no experiences at all. The adjustments will be few by comparison for those NP experienced.
From the other side you may be intouch with your higher self more prominently. I have a different personality when NP, its far more powerful than the physical can ever be and it has fears nothing. There's seemingly no termination rules to adhere to in the NP. You can be put in your place if you push it though lol. The physical has too many termination rules. Its easy to die if care and attention are totally ignored.
Leading to termination the fear for families welfare is my only concern as it is for many others. Yeah the sadness too, I hate the occasions of feeling this from others when they are close by.
Death itself will bring a change, new horizons, a way to get back to those I've left behind over a half century ago. Also those who communicate from the formless environments, these entities (to label them) do not understand us and try to make sense of our physical environment. I'll post one of my recent communications sometime in a new topic.
Knowing this from many experiences is my reason in having no fear of termination. Im sort of looking forward to it.
Ive already been asked 3 times if I want to return. Thats a comforting thought too.
Fear of death isn't an option, it will remove the limits imposed upon me here and I'll get back to what I do best. The closest whilst physical is retrievals it seems.

Hopefully brought things back somewhere near on topic lol.
There's far more where the eye can't see.
Close your eyes and open your mind.


I do not have a fear of death.   My concern is where do I go to when I have died.  What place do I end up in.   I am a good kind person and I try to do the right thing so I do not think I will end up in a bad place.   That is not the reason why I try to be good person.   No one really knows what happens.   Good and bad people could go to the same place.   I hope not.    I do not want to be with evil people.   I do not want to be wandering around aimlessly not knowing where to go.