Disturbing experience with loud noises!

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Astral Projection

Hi, I have rather disturbing experience to share with you, and I would like to hear your opinion because I don't know what the hell happened :)
Anyway, last night when I was sleeping at one point in dream I was inside some house (never seen it before). I decided to go out and then I realized I was dreaming. It was pitch dark and I tried to force light (most of times I can control surroundings in my dreams) but then I heard very very loud noise and it was high frequency. Same noises woke me up and I found myself in bed hearing same loud noises and feeling light vibrations. Firstly I tried to go with vibrations as I normally do but noises were too LOUD and as I drifted away frequency of noises was increasing beyond audible human range (20kHz). When I tried to decrease vibrations frequency of noises was decreasing (but they were still in high freq). Then I heard some very distorted voices which were saying to me something like "get outta here", "don't ever come here"... First thing that popped to my mind were - ALIENS (I don't know why I was thinking that, but now I know that is silly). I tried playing with vibrations to eventually force OBE but I was scared I could loose my hearing (yes, noises were that loud and high!) so I stopped my attempt. I forgot to mention that in one point I raised my hand, moved it and watched it (when noises\light vibrations were present). I am still not sure if it was my 'physical' hand.
Anyway after that attempt I turned to other side and just tried to get some sleep but moment after falling asleep I saw one bright ball of light flash in front of my eyes. After that I saw another bright light flashing but this time it wasn't a ball of light but stroboscope-like flashing... After that I fell asleep.

I occasionally used to hear noises before leaving body and also seeing light flashes but they were never SO loud and disturbing. And I never saw a ball of light before, nor hear some voices...
Now could someone guess what the hell happened? :) What do you think could I loose my hearing if I try to force OBE or something else when (or if) I experience this again?
mind altering psychedelic trip


Hypnagogic imagery/sounds.

Just this morning, after I woke up, I laid back and started my rundown... within 5 minutes, I heard a loud bang come from our downstairs.  I knew exactly what it was though, so I didn't bother moving to check.  It was a sound that, if my girlfriend sleeping next to me had actually heard, she would have bolted up, that's how loud it was.

It was just hypnagogic sounds.

Astral Projection

Even the voices? So I shouldn't worry.. I will play with this more if I experience it again. I never heard sound loud like this, thats why I was scared..
mind altering psychedelic trip


I have heard warnings to get away a couple times and that's exactly what I did. I'm not messing with places I shouldn't be. As for the sound, I've never had that happen.

Astral Projection

Well warnings could come from my mind, so I am not worried about that. I think I found the answer: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Exploding_head_syndrome
mind altering psychedelic trip


Voices... Bangs... yup!
It's all just created by your own mind.

Ignore it.

Especially if "something" tells you to "stay away"... just ignore it.  :)
You're not going to get hurt.

Astral Projection

Yeah.. Even at some point a thought crossed my mind - "a brain tumor" lol
but that was just a stupid one like "aliens" :)
thank you ;)
mind altering psychedelic trip