How Many Times Do You Astral Project A Year?

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David Warner


Thank You for reprising that experience validation. Did you explain to your mom about your OBE's after that experience? I know exactly what you mean by *knowing* when its time to project and the light is Green.

I feel at times I should be more discipline by waking up early and then going back to bed. This would be a excellent outlet for projections to happen, but most of the time I just fall to sleep and don't meet my intent.

Lucid Dreams vs. OBE's are very closely related, but what makes them different from my experiences. Validations, changing of environment, clarity of consciousness. False awakenings are tied with OBE's but people dismiss them as a dream.

I can see aura's to a degree and need to work on to perfect my sight. I'm able to see outlines, whitish glow, almost as if its heat radiating around the person or object. The primarily colors are pale white, a soft brown and blue. I can see the energy/aura best under a parking lot lights and on black or white background. Most of the time I am able to see a faint after image of the person or object trail right back in. Almost like a one second delay of the aura playing catch up.


A word of advice if you pursue this route to meet your friend. Make sure you tell your friend ahead of time so that they DO NOT think its something evil. Always, have a good heart and intent not to cause harm and respect people's privacy. Even if your heart is in the right way, playing around can be interpreted by the ther person as a physic attack.

InvisibleLight - Book Release 12.12.2012


Nowhere near as many times as I would like. Since I began trying to consciously  AP in February last year, I've probably had maybe 2-3 100% conscious projections. Maybe 5 or 6  70% conscious ones, and perhaps 50 semi-conscious ones.

David Warner


What kinda of work have you put into this to try induce more obe's?

I shouldn't complain that if I don't project no more 7 times in a month, I'm not doing my best.

InvisibleLight - Book Release 12.12.2012


I do put in quite a good amount of time/work. I took a bit of a break between November of last year up until February of this year, as I started to go slightly mental from a lack of progress. :grin: . I did the relaxation/breathing exercises practically every night before that peroid though. I was really strict - I would become quite angry at myself for  missing just one nightly/morning practice. I've also tried every technique under the sun, but had most success with the most basic relaxation/concentration exercises.  

I've been practicing again basically every night in February/March, and had at least one really good OBE. I could probably do a few extra things like keeping a diary, and daily meditations. Perhaps these might might help me?

David Warner


All helps and can make a difference for journals and accountability. You have to ask yourself "why did i project and what method did i use" and from there spend your months/years developing it. Remember AP is not the quick and fast food take out. Its a lifetime commitment.

InvisibleLight - Book Release 12.12.2012


Thanks TVOS.

Oh yes, AP will certainly be a life-long commitment ; I've only had a few 100% conscious projections - all short ones that have catapulted me into my room. However, these proved to be the ultimate convincers for me - amazing! When I think of what I derived from those short excursions, then contrast them to some of the experiences mentioned on this board, my head starts to spin a bit.

David Warner


A lot of people think that the obe can be practiced like its just another fast food drive in for spirtuality.  - it goes way beyound that. I can't tell you how many times that I've failed, but something inside, the energy and commit just keeps pushing me.

Keep up the good work and feel free to visit my web site for my journals, video, audio, interviews and tracking.

InvisibleLight - Book Release 12.12.2012


Thanks. I've been taking a look at your site.

It's very good. :smile:


Leaning over
Crawling up
Stumbling all around
Losing my place
Only to find I've come full circle.

David Warner

thanx.. glade that the work is paying off!! well, its a figure of speech since I don't make any $$ from it.. but its nice to hear that the info. is helpfull!!

again, I appreciate the kindness and compliments..

InvisibleLight - Book Release 12.12.2012