How Many Times Do You Astral Project A Year?

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David Warner

Ap Friends,

Just trying to get an estimate how many people here have tracked there projections yearly. I know its not about quantity, but it would be good to see the results. Also, might help other people along the way too!

I'll start - 4/27/05 - 3/10/2006 - I have projected 75 times.
Best times are definitely in the morning.

InvisibleLight - Book Release 12.12.2012


If you don't mind sharing, how many attempts did you make to successfully project 75 times?

-listen, or your tongue may make you deaf-

David Warner


All my data, experiences, notes can be found on my web site at - Here's the link with for more info:

As for the attempts, well if its almost a year of projecting 75 out of 365 attempts. Guess thats not too bad... The one thing that is missing is energy work and meditation.

InvisibleLight - Book Release 12.12.2012

David Warner

Major Tom,

Just projected this morning so we now can add 76 into the que..:)

I understand totally where you are coming from about spontaneous, dismal, wanting just to relax. That's how I felt back then in the day about projecting. The writing, energy, validations, time, patience was a lot to work with. Sometimes, we just need that break and enjoy physical life.

I struggled for years to get back on track with projecting again. I don't know why last year 4/27/05 it all fell into place and the energy was there. I believe and feel that God is the moving force, dieting, exercise, removing alchol consumption and the passion to help people here in the physical hospice grief spiritual support.

As I said earlier, I really need to start working with energy and meditation. That way it will help with balance of the oobe.

I still think 12 is better then nothing or not trying at all. Keep up the good work.

InvisibleLight - Book Release 12.12.2012

David Warner

Major Tom,

It is a 24/7 live, breath, eat exercise for mastery that I feel society doesn't realize about oobe. There's so much energy to give that its no wonder why projectionist burn out. This time around, I need to focus on learning how to balance, develope and meditate with the energy. Its one big hole in my spiritual development in life that I'm lacking.

Yes, the dry spell is not fun.. Just a month ago I didn't project for almost 2.5 weeks. I felt something come over me, feeling, vibe that felt like I lost it. But somehow I managed to come back with some beautiful results and validations physical and astral. I also have been keeping up with the books - I really enjoyed Anne Varnes Creating Your Reality. - that gave me the drive to succeed!

I think when you muster the energy, and the drive it will come back to you again Tom. You probably have 100 things going on in your life at one time which prevents you from projecting. Have you done any tracking with a spreadsheet?

InvisibleLight - Book Release 12.12.2012


Well, let's see... I've been spontaneously projecting (mostly OBEs) since I was..let's say 10, about 3-4 times a year,until last year, when after some problems and reading MAP I started projecting twice a month.  That comes up to...approx. 133 and one phase and another possible phase this morning.  I'll post it somewhere else and I'd like opinions.

David Warner


Thats cool - keep up the excellent work!  What have you done with energy work and do you track your sleep, obe times?

InvisibleLight - Book Release 12.12.2012

David Warner

Hey Major Tom,

I can understand where you are coming from about not knowing what to look for. Definitely need that drive and goal orientated for going out of body. For the longest time, I was so focused on the playing card experiment and after I expired the experiment, it was like "whats next?".

So I found myself leaving but with what mission? My focus as of right now, is reaching the higher planes through love, grace, and kindness. I know it can be done which will take some work, but I think the experience will be beautiful, enlightening and bliss.

I know awhile back (ten years ago or so) you were aiming for that too? Were you ever able to reach into mental planes?

Don't push it, eventually obe will come to you and the calling. That's the beauty of it all.


ps. Yes, Anne Varnes has a beautiful way with words.. I am starting to write down little notes to myself - You will project, or Don't Judge...
InvisibleLight - Book Release 12.12.2012

David Warner

Major Tom,

Can you explain more in-detail about this? Are you able to describe?

InvisibleLight - Book Release 12.12.2012


Quote from: Major TomI started trying out some supplements recently, which has improved my dream recall by 500%, and so far allows me to avoid keeping a dream journal.

May I ask what kind of supplements?
" In order to arrive at a place you do not know you must go by a way you do not know "

-St John of the Cross


" In order to arrive at a place you do not know you must go by a way you do not know "

-St John of the Cross



Hi Tom! I'm glad to see you still around too. I was just shopping here... but who knows I could happen to be a regular again.

BTW I saw Frank in the 7th Heaven selling his new book in a pavilion beneath his own statue. I waved to him but he didn't notice me so I toke some pictures and flew away excitedly planning how to announce the good news here.


Couldn't see the cover from the distance but I'm sure it was pretty reasonable.

David Warner

Hey Tom,

You described a very beautiful experience! It reminds me of a friend's dad who was meditating and everything around him turned white, bliss-full, being in the mother womb, pure love with no judgment. Unfortunately, the dog started to bark and bring him back. After that, he tried for years to reproduce the level of consciousness but couldn't and gave up.

My focus and passion is to project with love, vibrations, singing and tuning into the higher planes. Some daily practices that I've been trying incorporate is not too judge, patience, understanding, and caring. I so think that this will help becoming a better person spiritually, religiously, and be the blessing to vibrate to the higher levels.

I would also be interested in keeping up with you on the melatonin and see how that works for you. One of the AP people here uses melatonin, but I think it's more to help him fall asleep.

Keep up the good work - I know you can do it!!!

InvisibleLight - Book Release 12.12.2012

jub jub

I've only had one OBE which included a brief trip into the Astral. Unfortunately, no matter how hard I try, I have not been able to project since. I've even experienced the vibrations where I thought for sure I could get out but no joy. I guess I don't want it bad enough.
"A moral being is one who is capable of reflecting on his past actions and their motives - approving of some and disapproving of others"  -  Charles Darwin

David Warner

Jub jub,

You definitely have the desire, and wanting to project. I think you need to look at your approach and practice. Many people want to project but have difficulties. You have to ask yourself, am I tracking the different techniques on paper. What foods, how much sleep, exercise, affirmations etc... Its like when you start to learn something new, it takes practice, patience, and redundant repetition. These are extremely important factors in producing a obe that is over-looked.

Your more then welcome to visit my web site  // and review my material on-line. Also, I have a excel spreadsheet that is detailed down to the days,times are favorable to produce the oobe.

Hope this helps and good luck!

InvisibleLight - Book Release 12.12.2012

David Warner

Jub jub,

The last few days, I finally added to my spreadsheet the following:

Sleep Duration Statistics - Amount of sleep, the day leading up the OBE
Weekly Statistics - What day of the week is most favorable for the OBE
Time Statistics - Morning & Afternoon what time is favorable for OBE

What I'm getting at here is that it takes A LOT of work and capturing the data is so important. I wish back then I'd done this detailed analysis, but now I'm driven to succeed. The following is to help you and others what I am getting at:

WeekDay Statistics   Sub-Total
Sunday   8
Monday   10
Tuesday   7
Wednesday   5
Thursday   9
Friday   11
Saturday   3
Total   53
Monday-Thursday-Friday are my best days to project   
Time Statistics   Sub-Total
12:00 AM - 12:59 AM   0
1:00 AM - 1:59 AM   0
2:00 AM - 2:59 AM   2
3:00 AM - 3:59 AM   9
4:00 AM - 4:59 AM   1
5:00 AM - 5:59 AM   4
6:00 AM - 6:59 AM   1
7:00 AM - 7:59 AM   0
8:00 AM - 8:59 AM   5
9:00 AM - 9:59 AM   6
10:00 AM - 10:59 AM   8
11:00 AM - 11:59 AM   9
Total   45
3AM, 10AM,11AM are my best morning hours to project
12:00 PM - 12:59 PM   8
1:00 PM - 1:59 PM   2
2:00 PM - 2:59 PM   0
3:00 PM - 3:59 PM   0
4:00 PM - 4:59 PM   2
5:00 PM - 5:59 PM   0
6:00 PM - 6:59 PM   0
7:00 PM - 7:59 PM   1
8:00 PM - 8:59 PM   1
9:00 PM - 9:59 PM   0
10:00 PM - 10:59 PM   0
11:00 PM - 11:59 PM   0
Total   14
12PM is my best hour in the afternoon to project

Sleep Duration Statistics   Sub-Total
1 hour   0
2 hours   0
3 hours   1
4 hours   0
5 hours   3
6 hours   4
7 hours   11
8 hours   13
9 hours   5
10 hours   2
11 hours   0
12 hours   0
Total   39
7,8 hours of sleep the previous day is a good to produce the oobe the next day

So as you can see, I now have something to focus on for time, day of the week, and how many hours of sleep is good for me to produce the obe. Think of it almost like a diet and exercise. The more time you spend, reading, meditating, energy work, data stats, affirmations, communicating with the AP forums it will eventually happen.

InvisibleLight - Book Release 12.12.2012

jub jub

Tvos, thanks for the info and the link to your web site. I'll look it over whenI get a chance.

One thing I was curious about, when I had my OBE, I fell asleep on the couch which is oriented North and South. My head was pointing North. I think I vaguely remember reading something that having ones head pointing North was important. Sounds screwy but hey, what the heck do I know?  :lol:
"A moral being is one who is capable of reflecting on his past actions and their motives - approving of some and disapproving of others"  -  Charles Darwin

David Warner

Jub jub,

The important thing is that your physical body is comfortable and not twisted, or tangled. I've experimented with N,S,E,W positions and it didn't change the way I projected, exited, quality or quantity.

I know some might say that North - South is better but again I think it all comes down to preference. It is possible that some people might get caught up with a mental block if they are not positioned North and South that they can't project. Everyone is unique and different - what works for one, might not work for the next person, but don't let that deter you from projecting.

InvisibleLight - Book Release 12.12.2012


If you don't distinguish between OOB and LD then my total is about 3000 to date. I used to keep a written log for the first year or so, but this became a bit tiresome. Tvos I admire you for your scrupulous record-keeping!
The bad news is there's no key to the Universe. The good news is it's not locked. - Swami Beyondananda

David Warner


That is excellent!! - I've never had success with lucid dreaming only false awakenings and conscious obe's are my forte.

Reason why I want to keep up on the record keeping is to view my progress, and unlock the clues why I projected on this day, but not that day. I know there's many variables, but with his basic approach of record keeping I think it will prevail with fruitful experiences.

The stats for the following are:

Lucid Dream To Astral Projection

False Awakening

Conscious Astral Projection

InvisibleLight - Book Release 12.12.2012


Hi Tvos

Nowadays the vast majority of my LD's/OBE's are initiated from either wakefulness or hypnogogia when I wake up in the morning.  What I mean is that after a night's sleep I will wake up and simply "know" whether I can project or not.  It's then simply a matter of swinging my legs out of bed and getting on with it.  I think I can probably do this most mornings if I want to.  About two days ago I woke to full consciousness and simply "threw" myself across the room and was "out" so to speak.  It was a wonderful projection after that.  I think the more "awake" you are when you initiate the projection, the better the result in terms of clarity, reality etc.

Regarding Lucid Dreams - I'm quite prone to these but the vast majority of my experiences are willfully initiated as above.  These would probably be called "WILD's" (wake induced lucid dreams).

As I have said many times on this forum I actually do distinguish between LD's and OBE's although I believe they are closely related.  Only a small number of my projections would classify as "OBE's" in terms of utter sense of reality, communication with other entities which seems too haunting and real to be just a dream, and the amazing thought (at the time) of "so it's true!".

I'd say about 1 in 50 LD/OBE's have the undeniable "so it's true" quality about them.

I have theories about the LD/OBE relationship but they are not popular these days where the emphasis is on "focus" and "phasing" and the idea that LD and OBE are really the same.

I've also had shared LD/OBE's with others, been seen in houses whilst projecting, and had various other psychic experiences.  But I'm not able to see the aura as you are!  I have a close friend who can see aura's and as a child she just thought everyone could do it....

Apart from that a pretty normal life! :wink:

The bad news is there's no key to the Universe. The good news is it's not locked. - Swami Beyondananda


Could you tell shared LD or OBE ?

I would very like to do it , like go in the house of my friend and play in a good way with his dream a little.

Could it be done with a OBE ?
Because I heard it could be done with a LD...

How do you do it ?


My shared LD's were with my mother who has now passed away.  I used to have a real "connection" with my mother and I'm sure this helped.  The most remarkable shared LD was one which I have posted here before, but to recap:

During LD/OBE one Saturday morning I travelled from the house I was living in to my parents' house 200 miles away in Leeds (UK).  This would have been about 9:00am in the morning.  When I arrived outside the house I walked up the garden path and passed through the front door into the hallway.  At this point I met my mother who was a little shocked at seeing me walk in through the door in this way.  After a few calming words we walked through the living room into the kitchen.  In the kitchen I sat down on a very flimsy little wooden "sewing basket" which would normally have collapsed under my weight.  My mother was concerned about breaking the "sewing basket" but I assured her that I was "as light as a feather" and it wouldn't break.  I then pointed at various items in the kitchen and made them float around.  I tried to explain that since we were "out of the body" all of these strange things were quite normal. After this I lost consciousness, or can't remember what happened.

Later in the morning at about 11:00am, just out of curiosity, I decided to phone my parents to see if anything "strange" had happened.  My mother answered in a shocked voice saying "Thank God - I thought you were dead!".  She then blurted out the exact same "dream" that I had had earlier in the morning.  Every detail was the same, ie coming in THROUGH the front door, walking through the living room into the kitchen, sitting on the sewing basket, her protests about breaking the basket, my pointing at objects and making them float around etc.

I have no idea how to do this at will, it just happened.  I'm sure it helps enormously to have a good rapport with the person you are sharing with.
The bad news is there's no key to the Universe. The good news is it's not locked. - Swami Beyondananda