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Due to my recent research into metaphysics, quantum physics/mechanics/entanglement, free energy and the zero-point field, plus my knowledge of vibration and different planes of existence, I'd believe this and what I skimmed made a lot of sense. I'm no physicist by any means, and a lot of this stuff is way over my head, but I'm starting to understand the stuff they write in layperson's terms.

bitsmart -
information illumination -
bitsmart@bitsmart.org -


Hi bitsmart

If this stuff is true it's just rediculous the lengths we go to when
it comes to weapons,why put your energy & mental power into this
sort of stuff? I really wouldn't blame mother nature if she gave us
all a kick up the arse/butt!
Here we are trying to help & heal people & spread the word about
the unseen (in the physical) while others are filling the unseen
with things to kill.It seems to have a lot of potential as a free
energy device & could help impoverished nations,but looks like it
will be a cheap & effective weapon for a new breed of terrorist.

All the best on your journeys


Edited by - Mobius on 08 April 2002  06:18:51


Much of the medical stuff goes over my head but I used to really be into physics/electronics/mechanics. So I find a lot of it quite interesting. Main reason being, I do strongly consider that if the obe experience IS a true phenomenon and not the ramblings of an over-active imagination, then science should be able to prove its existence (eventually). Problem is, the science aspect is only just emerging so we are at the stage where scientists are coming up with all kinds of theories supported by what are often beautifully presented arguments and supporting data, etc.

The downside to all this is, these days, all these groups need funding. Industry is hardly going to be interested. There's a medical slant to it, therefore, there could be an opening for funding from some big medical institution or other. The only real opportunity at the moment is: Government. All right-thinking people on this world knows the only outcome from that one... an outcome that Mobius expressed rather well, I thought.  



Hello everybody. I have had a passion for theoretical physics for about 6 years now, and have read about a dozen books for the layman about this subject. Of all the scientific disciplines, theoretical physics comes the closest to the culture, language, concepts and attitudes of OBE researchers and experimenters.

An absolutely excellent read is "The Holographic Universe" by Michael Talbot. It is based upon the findings of Nobel prize winning neurologist Carl Pribam, and one of Quantum mechanics founding fathers, Theoretical Physicist David Bohm. Bost of these brave men were "our kind of guys".

They both felt and taught that the universe was consciousness based. They also felt that the universe was a kind of gigantic hologram, with thought being at once the "projector", and the "screen", and the "light", and the hologram itself, all at the same time. Moreover, they pondered that perhaps this is a universe of "holograms within holograms" - perhaps to no end, and all of it, in reality, one gigantic consciousness.

It is their ideas, at least as much as any eastern mystics, Yogis, or OBE researchers, that have helped me to understand the "astral, release lucid dream, release higher plane," demensions that we all on this forum long to explore more deeply. The "hologram within a hologram" idea goes a very long way to explaining all the confusing aspects of consciousness that we all seem to be experiencing in simliar but unique ways.

Love, Devotion, Surrender,
Jack FRC


I've found that anything can be used for positive or negative purposes. This universe is founded on polarity. This is not to be mistaken with dualism, which differentiates between good and bad, right and wrong, true and false, and heaven and hell. These empty concepts all exist in the mind, which has great power to lean towards either pole, or take the Middle Way.

Free energy is a technology that holds marvelous potential, for revolutionizing this planet or building weapons of mass destruction. These applications are simply two sides of the same coin. A shift in global consciousness is occuring as we speak, and has brought the critical mass of enlightenment into activity. The critical mass of enlightenment can be defined as the smallest number of enlightened beings able to cause a shift in global consciousness. The unconscious masses exert pressure, initiating enlightenment in single individuals, and this process is exponential. This can be likened to pressure making diamonds from coal, following the formula: pressure over time equals change.

This global shift will have some people going crazy, unused to the new vibrations and doing things like building WMD and waging war. This is part of the process, as unfortunate as it is for some.

The new physics, the quantum laws that are beginning to come to light means great possibilities and exciting times for the human race no matter what happens, and you have two choices: think globally and act locally, or sit back and watch it all happen.

bitsmart -
information illumination -
bitsmart@bitsmart.org -


G,day all!

Thanks for your input on this one,I like to keep up to date with
new technologies but I just feel dumb when I read about these things.
I understand the concept of what this guy is talking about,but
because of it's destructive capabilities it's going to ensure that
the exceedingly rich & powerful will get it first,set things up
so they are at the top of the money pyramid,test it's capabilities
on unwitting people & see what happens,while the rest of us sit
back & debate the morals & ethics of it all.

From generation to generation people are getting more used to these
unseen forces & energy's even though they no nothing more than
"hey! I've got a radio,t.v,microwave,mobile phone" & years down the
track scientists find that they do this & that to you.
I remember my grandfather telling me when they first heard the radio
& they all were so amazed that this guy could be thousands of miles away & they could hear this unseen entertainment.
Now the latest generation will not know what it's like not having
all those things,as far as they are concerned there was allways people
in space,t.v & computers.

So in one way this device could help people to understand & realize
the potential of the astral realms as they are used to unseen forces.
Hopefully the majority will come around to the idea that "we" have
unseen energy,s as well & not to just expect it to come from a machine.

Good journeys all & thanks for the food for thought,much appreciated.

Political correctness
"He's not dead, he's just encephalograhically challenged thats all!"



G,day everyone!

I thought I would post this presentation here although it is a
fairly science based question & topic.
I,m forwarding it on from a guy in USA called Ken Amick,an OBE,er
who has some considerable experience.While Ken has a lot more
experience than I,he was a bit gobsmacked at us humans & the
things we get up to by the looks of this presentation.

While my studies are in science it's not ELECTRO-MAGNETICS!
I forwarded this presentation of slides(on power point I think)
to my lecturers at Queensland University of Technology to have a
look at & we are still talking about it!
So Frank & Adrian & anyone else who has some experience with this or
knows about it,can you give it a bit of analysis & maybe with all
heads together we might tell if this is real or what?!!!!!

The site is "The Tom Bearden site"


Thanks if anyone can give some input on this,as it seems very
important if it's true.

Good journeys
