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I have been trying to get out of body for most of my life. I first heard about it through reading Lobasang Rampa books when I was 13, I am 60 now.
When I first started out I was trying numerous times a day and also at night pretty much every day for years, I then tired of trying and let it go. I would find a bit of interest again every few years and try for a short periods of time but never had much success. The more information that became available once the internet became available, the more I felt it was just gifted people who could project, and even then everything had to be perfect and the length of time out of body was short and limited, not to mention the experience dissolving like a dream if it wasn't recorded in some way, that was the impression I had at least, as a result I gave up trying altogether for many years.
I have had a few small experiences along the way, just enough to let me know there is something, strangely the most vivid experience was in the middle of the day, I was stood up leaning on the back of my truck with a group of people, I drifted off into a whole different world that was absolutely real, I felt I could have stayed there had I wanted but made a conscious decision to come back. The people I was with said I was just staring into space for a period of time, this experience happened when I had had no interest in obe for many years.
I have now become interested again and am determined that I am going to make this work. I have been trying for the last few months, partly with monroes wave 1/ other binaural type beats and partly with techniques and meditation. I did appear in the void for a few seconds once and have had some faint visions in the darkness behind my eyelids on a few occasions but nothing else so far. The one thing I have noticed is that I keep getting a very strong sense of fear, but I have no idea what I am fearful of. I have been through the normal fear when trying to project in the past where your heart races and you know your just scared of what might happen if your attempt works, this is very different though, I am calm, rational, pulse rate is normal etc. It a very overwhelming fear or sense of something bad, this only happens when I lay down and attempt to have an obe. Is this normal, has anyone else felt something similar?


There appears at least two distinct types of "Fear" that early projectors encounter. One type is the logical, rational uncertainty of actually somehow disassociating from our physical  body and all manner of things going wrong. The second type is the overwhelming, visceral and palpable feeling of fear that you are now encountering. My own experience and what I've read of many others, this second type is often generated by the subconscious in Sleep Paralysis situations. From your description of Wave 1 and binaurals that you are using I wouldn't think you are getting that deep in trance to trigger that effect, but maybe you are in some way. The second type has always made me think of it as a physical body default safety mechanism that occurs in SP and literally scares you back into your Physical Reality.

The first type of fear is quite normal and both fears can be minimized with consistent use of some simple Affirmations to reprogram your inner computer, but this reflects the level of Intent, determination and effort you will have to put forth; in fact, most of us had to do this to varying degrees.

Keep the Affirmations short, simple and positive.

-I ask for protection and guidance from my Higher Self and my Guardians
-I know that the Out of Body Experience is safe and natural
-I know that I am safe and protected at all times
-I ask my Inner Self for permission to have an Out of Body Experience
-I give myself permission to have an Out of Body Experience

The "permission" part may be a very important factor in all this. Memorize and repeat just two Affirmations at a time so you don't confuse the message to yourself. Repeat them several times a day for a few days then switch to two others. Write them down multiple times, write them on a slip of paper and put that under your pillow. Remember the purpose is to reprogram that inner computer of yours. Also, the racing heartbeat feeling is often rather a signal that your Heart Chakra is becoming active and this can give the illusion of overexcitement, so just try and stay calm, it takes practice.

A final thought for now- Try a Wake, Back To Bed technique (WBTB) that involves sleeping for a  couple hours at night, then getting up and reading for an hour and then performing a technique or observing yourself as you fall back to sleep. This can put you in a more conducive mental state and avoid any fearful thoughts.
Be yourself; everyone else is already taken.
                                                          -O. Wilde


 Great reply EV!  :-)

I would add to that one more type of fear that I have been told repeatedly that people seem to have. They would be using my Doorway or some other technique and yes they would get in a very deep trance mode and the "vastness" of the void would kick in the fight or flight impulse. It's so surreal that our physical based mindset can not comprehend it. I guess you could call it "fear of the unknown"! It seems and is limitless and we aren't used to that. EV, your affirmation advise will alleviate that as well. It also helps to allow your curiosity to steer your course while you are there.

Here is a couple of links to videos where Tom Campbell talks about overcoming fear. The video is very long. The part you want starts at 1:29:00. It is very helpful!  :-)

The part you want starts at 1:00:oo mark.
"The day science begins to study non-physical phenomena, it will make more progress in one decade than in all the previous centuries of its existence."  Nicolai Tesla


Hi Escape Velocity, thank you for the detailed reply.

It is definitely the second type of fear that I am experiencing.

I will try the affirmations you suggest.

Thank you also Lumaza, I will check out Toms video.

Just to clarify, I have worked through the first type of fear and no longer have that, I have had sleep paralysis, been in the void, heard the loud noises and voices etc and none of these experiences caused me any concern, I think I have read so much I was kind of expecting them to happen at some point. The second type of fear I was not expecting nor could I understand, as I was relaxed and there was nothing fearful happening. I think as EV suggested it must be some kind of safety mechanism


 One thing I learned through years of continual practice was that the "void" as we call it here, has many different levels or "layers" of awareness. That is hard to understand until you experience a number of them. I was going to say "fully" understand. But there is no fully understanding of anything in the practice of conscious projecting. We don't even fully understand exactly what "consciousness" is!  :|

To this day, I still succumb to fear tests. It's rare, but it happens. Continual practice makes it better though. But you really can't fully be prepared for everything that gets thrown at you there!
"The day science begins to study non-physical phenomena, it will make more progress in one decade than in all the previous centuries of its existence."  Nicolai Tesla


I am sure I will be presented with many more tests and hopefully I learn to cope with them.

Thank you for the help and information.


Quote from: Dee436 on September 25, 2021, 07:34:35

I have now become interested again and am determined that I am going to make this work. I have been trying for the last few months, partly with monroes wave 1/ other binaural type beats and partly with techniques and meditation. I did appear in the void for a few seconds once and have had some faint visions in the darkness behind my eyelids on a few occasions but nothing else so far. The one thing I have noticed is that I keep getting a very strong sense of fear, but I have no idea what I am fearful of. I have been through the normal fear when trying to project in the past where your heart races and you know your just scared of what might happen if your attempt works, this is very different though, I am calm, rational, pulse rate is normal etc. It a very overwhelming fear or sense of something bad, this only happens when I lay down and attempt to have an obe. Is this normal, has anyone else felt something similar?

Hi, Dee.

I would have to start off by asking questions.

What basic time is it that you tend to lay yourself down to have an OBE?.. is it during the day? at bedtime? what time is bedtime?

I notice of myself that the kinds of experiences I have, through for instance the top of the night ( 10pm - 2am ), the middle of the night ( 3am - 5am ), and bottom of the night ( 5am onward ) are all very different. It is the kind of experience I tend to have at the top of the night that can bring about the most fear. And this fear can trickle into any time I may go out of body if I let it.

Do you meditate daily?.. this is one practice that centers the attention and calms the mind.
Do you practice with the breath?.. this is another thing that helps get us out of fight-flight, out of the sympathetic nervous system - and into the parasympathetic ( rest mode ).

How long is your breath? Most people's breath is very short, if you have under a 7-8 second inhale and 7-8 second exhale then you're living in the sympathetic nervous system ( fight-flight ). You can try working with the breath, and gently, gradually lengthening the breath. Learning to Ujjayi breath will be very helpful in this: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Lf5bms0gurI&list=PL-ZX4hNcjVz304kyvtOvuR8wtwLz1fkbg&t=94s

Journaling is the next thing. We process and learn SO much through our journaling.

As a tool it is invaluable.


Hi Omcasey

I generally try obe each night at bedtime, so around 11pm - 12am. I then try WBTB from around 5am.
I must admit prior to reading your post I had decided that I should make time during the day for attempts and see if it is the same. Although the fear does not always happen even at night so will probably take a while to find out.
From listening to the videos that were suggested I think that it is just a test that I must get through so that I am ready for the next step. I had expected fear tests, but always assumed I would have something there to cause the fear, like entities or scary situations, what threw me was the fear that overwhelmed me when I couldn't see or sense anything to be fearful of.

I did start to meditate every day at one point but gradually let it slip. It is something I am trying to get back to doing as a daily practice, I am just not sure I have found the correct method for me yet. I do feel it is a key part of this though.

I have practiced breathing through my nose at a slow rate for quite sometime so that is quite natural to me. The Ujjayi breath I will try

When you talk of journaling, is this a dream diary, a journal of attempts or a journal of everything ?


Hi, Dee.. yes, everything, log everything, and use the logs to help you learn. With fear, any time we encounter fear it is a 'test', to see if we will confront what we are with it (/fear ) or love. It is less about what it is we are confronting in the field, and more about our own self, the energy we will use to proceed into that which is presenting in the field. So long as there is a body there will be fear, but if our choice is to throw it into the BACK seat, rather than let it drive - we pass. Meditation and an instinct to breathe deep and long will bring clarity every time.