First OBE

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hey guys im new to this and i wanna tell u what happened,
I have read a book on this this guy written saying how you can have one and what his experiences where, and i have tried ever since i read it and it has never worked and when i was asleep i was dreaming about swearing at this dude loadsa times (which i was actually doing out loud), then still in my dream i realised it was a dream at that time i thought about floating and being as light as a feather. I awoke in bed and my whole body was tingling and vibrating, the sound in your ears sounds like theres wind being blown in your ear but coz i read about this i knew that that was the first stage of an OBE, i then opened my eyes and everything was really hazy, at that point i looked up at the ceiling and thought about floating towards it, and i did, the sounds and tingling went away and everything was really peaceful, floating in the air is the best sensation i have ever, it was wierd as i saw the celing about 2 inches away from my face coz in plymouth, devon, UK the ceilings in the houses here are really high! i then thought about going outside and as i started moving towards the ceiling i thought 'i wonder what my body looks like?' at that point i instantly woke up in bed, the tingling sensations faded away my heart pounded for about an hour after!! i just wanna kow if you think theres is anything i could of done, and how i can make this happened again? coz when i tried and tried when i read this book nothing happened, then the day before this happened to me i thought about the obe a i came across the book on my computer, i just though that seeing that triggered off it in my mind. any help or ideas?



well thanks all for your help



You made the mistake of thinking about your body, so you returned to it. At least you got that far - it's not easy in the beginning.

All you can do is try again. You did it once. Why not twice? If you need tips, check out the Astral FAQ's & Permanent Astral Topics.


Excellent advice Stookie. I was going to ask how do you keep from thinking about your body and decided to answer it myself.
I guess my first and greatest experience i didn't really think about my body while I was out until the end.
I thought things like this in this order...
"Those are cool colors."
"I want to float through this wall."
"Whoa, that was cool, now I want to go out the back door."
"Wow this is fun, I want to fly like in my dreams."
"Is that a clown?"
" Can she see me? I don't want to scare her."
and then finally,
"Am I a ghost?"
That last thought led me to thinking about my body which then brought my back to it feeling fully awake as opposed to the drowsiness as when i first went out. I was suprised to hear I had been sleeping on the couch for almost an hour because it was hard to tell whether i was out for 2 minutes or 10 or more.

you can read about it here:;msg197991#msg197991

my brains are scrambled. my head's an egg.