How Do I Know When I'm Going To Get SP ?

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When I try to AP at night I lie on my bed with my clothes on and without any blankets on top, I relax and then then repeat a word in my head and also concentrate on my breathing, after about 10 or 20 min my body starts feeling weird and after a couple of minutes everything instantly turns darker even though everything was already black, I think im going to get sleep paralysis soon so i try to relax even more but after about 5 min still nothing happens and i fall asleep then wake up after some time and go to sleep.

So why does everything turn darker ? does it mean im going to get sleep paralysis soon ? if so what do i do ? should i just concentrate on one thing ? anything im doing wrong ? should i do it longer ?

I know practising at night is bad but if i do it during the day i get no results and my cat usually jumps on me for no reason.


Quote from: M4RT1N on January 20, 2013, 11:25:09
When I try to AP at night I lie on my bed with my clothes on and without any blankets on top, I relax and then then repeat a word in my head and also concentrate on my breathing, after about 10 or 20 min my body starts feeling weird and after a couple of minutes everything instantly turns darker even though everything was already black, I think im going to get sleep paralysis soon so i try to relax even more but after about 5 min still nothing happens and i fall asleep then wake up after some time and go to sleep.

So why does everything turn darker ? does it mean im going to get sleep paralysis soon ? if so what do i do ? should i just concentrate on one thing ? anything im doing wrong ? should i do it longer ?
Well, it's your own experience... so I really don't know what, exactly, you mean by "everything turns darker".  I can interpret that statement a million different ways and each of those interpretations could not even be close to the concept you're trying to convey with it.  See why this is so hard?  :)

What I can say is that, through my own interpretation of your experience, it's not what I've ever experienced, nor is it how I would interpret anything that which I've experienced.

You COULD be referring to what some people refer to as a switch from a 2D blackness to a 3D blackness.  It's the sense that the 'dark' that you're seeing takes on a sense of depth to it.

Whatever is going on, it's all perfectly natural.  People here can guess at what you mean by your experiences, but we can never really know or understand it... as everyone experiences this stuff in their own way.

My suggestion is exactly what you've suggested for yourself... just continue doing what you're doing, and remember that you might not ever experience vibrations or sleep paralysis.  You could bypass it completely and just "phase" into the non-physical, just as you would when you fall asleep, except there's no break in your consciousness from "here" to "there".

QuoteI know practising at night is bad but if i do it during the day i get no results and my cat usually jumps on me for no reason.
There's nothing "bad" about practicing at any particular time of day.  Again, it's entirely personal and unique to the individual.  "Some" people get better results at different times of the day.  Keep practicing to find when YOU get the best results.


I would advise you not to aim to get sp or sensations as that it not a requirement to ap.  You may not get it.  I have the same problem as you with falling asleep when trying to ap before you go to sleep.  I think I will relax a bit more and before you know it I fall asleep.  It is the worst time to try to ap when you have not had any sleep.  There is no harm in trying but you have a higher chance of falling asleep.  I would advise to keep practicing.  If you fall asleep think OK I fell asleep and accept it and try again when you wake up.  Keep trying as many times as you can until you succeed even when you fall asleep.  The more chances of trying, the more you are likely to succeed.


Quote from: Xanth on January 20, 2013, 15:07:25
Well, it's your own experience... so I really don't know what, exactly, you mean by "everything turns darker".  I can interpret that statement a million different ways and each of those interpretations could not even be close to the concept you're trying to convey with it.  See why this is so hard?  :)

What I can say is that, through my own interpretation of your experience, it's not what I've ever experienced, nor is it how I would interpret anything that which I've experienced.

You COULD be referring to what some people refer to as a switch from a 2D blackness to a 3D blackness.  It's the sense that the 'dark' that you're seeing takes on a sense of depth to it.

when you close your eyes it's not completely back you can still see something like light but for me it turned completely black, well maybe not completely but it was still darker and i think it  did have some more depth to it, it all happened within a second and i was almost sure that im going to to get SP but instead i just fell asleep.


Quote from: M4RT1N on January 20, 2013, 16:02:11
when you close your eyes it's not completely back you can still see something like light but for me it turned completely black, well maybe not completely but it was still darker and i think it  did have some more depth to it, it all happened within a second and i was almost sure that im going to to get SP but instead i just fell asleep.
That's cool.  Definitely sounds like something normal too.  :)

It sounds like you're trying the Noticing Exercise... or some variation on it.  In which case, it (at least in my case) bypasses sleep paralysis entirely... and you phase directly into the non-physical.  Do not pass go, do not collect $200 in sleep paralysis or vibration coupons.  :D

This is Phasing...
It's being "here"... then you experience a smooth transition of some form unique to you... then you find yourself "there".  <-- Phasing.