How real do AP's feel?

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How real do Astral Projections feel? Does it feel blurry (like in dreams) or does it feel like you are still in this dimension (Is that the right word?) but just on another planet?
Trying to AP.

Hope you don't mind the questions that i have! :-D


Both and everywhere in between. The sort of gold standard for this is to have awareness which is as clear as your waking life, or better, and that is very achievable, but that doesn't mean experiences with less clarity are not projections.
"The Gardener is but a dream of the Garden."

-Unattributed Zen monastic


Quote from: EpicAstral on November 09, 2014, 15:16:00
How real do Astral Projections feel? Does it feel blurry (like in dreams) or does it feel like you are still in this dimension (Is that the right word?) but just on another planet?
For myself, my projections feel exactly like what my physical life feels like. 


I still have lucidy trouble at night when I project, I get a real mixed bag. I would describe it best as a very intense dream.

When it's in trance practice I just feel disconnected from the physical but I'm usually working on something specific so I don't really look around much.


It feels more real than here and the reason is quite simple, when you AP you are your spirit and you are free.
The problem is that most of the time we get stuck with the labels of projections.
You are much more connected to your emotions, feelings, vibrations and energy in the astral.
What you live there is extremely amplified.
Just take for example sexual dreams, those experiences are at least 10 times better than those in reality.
To me what we call Astral is much more real than here.
The partial becomes complete; the crooked, straight; the empty,
full; the worn out, new. He whose (desires) are few gets them; he
whose (desires) are many goes astray.


Mine feel exactly like this reality.  They only start to feel more dreamy if they go on too long and I start to loose my lucidity.


Quote from: soarin12 on November 10, 2014, 03:36:15
Mine feel exactly like this reality.  They only start to feel more dreamy if they go on too long and I start to loose my lucidity.
Exactly!  :)

And then they begin to feel "different", like a completely different kind of experience.   hehe


Nice replies guys, i am hoping to experience AP's with full awareness! That is going to be too epic!

Quote from: Xanth on November 10, 2014, 08:15:30
Exactly!  :)

And then they begin to feel "different", like a completely different kind of experience.   hehe

An book author by the name of: "Don''. Used the word: "lockmold''. He says that he could regain his lockmold by doing certain things. He said that he was walking with a boy and felt that he was losing his lockmold and then he grabbed the boy so he could regain it, lol. There are apparently different ways to regain your lockmold so the fun can continue. is that known?
Trying to AP.

Hope you don't mind the questions that i have! :-D


Quote from: EpicAstral on November 10, 2014, 12:23:59
An book author by the name of: "Don''. Used the word: "lockmold''. He says that he could regain his lockmold by doing certain things. He said that he was walking with a boy and felt that he was losing his lockmold and then he grabbed the boy so he could regain it, lol. There are apparently different ways to regain your lockmold so the fun can continue. is that known?
Yeah!  Exactly.  But I mean, he'll probably give you a different reason as to why that would work... but essentially it's what I talk about in this article:

It's about bringing your awareness more into the reality you're experiencing.  In fact, this works (and was inspired directly by) in the physical as well!  I did this not 10 minutes ago in fact... I have allergies and sometimes the allergy pills I take leave me a bit disoriented... so what I do when I feel that way and I simply have no choice but to focus is I bring my entire awareness back to myself.  I take a deep breath... and just take in everything that is me and everything around me.  It brings all of my senses back to where I am and what I'm doing and this pushes away the disoriented feelings.  Essentially, the basis behind the disoriented feeling are that the physical is getting pushed away slightly... so doing what I do brings myself back to the physical.

Likewise, you can do this exact thing while non-physical as well.  When you feel your awareness (or as that author calls it, "lockmold") slipping away... you do what I suggest above and it'll bring your awareness back into whatever reality you're experiencing.  :)

Now also, I wanted to discuss something quickly too...


The question of "how real do AP's feel?" always has to conclude with a discussion of the question "What is REAL?".

It's actually very simple... REAL is whatever you can experience.  Also, to say something is "REAL" is to say that it's 100% genuine.  Correct?
So what do you think that means then when someone says that their Projection was "MORE THAN real"?  Obviously that isn't possible as nothing can be more than 100% genuine. 
It either is... or it isn't.  It can't be partially.  LoL

It's a poor way to describe something such as realism. 

Anyway, I just thought I'd toss that out there... just another example as to how "language" sucks for this kind of thing.  :)


Quote from: Xanth on November 10, 2014, 12:35:49
Yeah!  Exactly.  But I mean, he'll probably give you a different reason as to why that would work... but essentially it's what I talk about in this article:

It's about bringing your awareness more into the reality you're experiencing.  In fact, this works (and was inspired directly by) in the physical as well!  I did this not 10 minutes ago in fact... I have allergies and sometimes the allergy pills I take leave me a bit disoriented... so what I do when I feel that way and I simply have no choice but to focus is I bring my entire awareness back to myself.  I take a deep breath... and just take in everything that is me and everything around me.  It brings all of my senses back to where I am and what I'm doing and this pushes away the disoriented feelings.  Essentially, the basis behind the disoriented feeling are that the physical is getting pushed away slightly... so doing what I do brings myself back to the physical.

Likewise, you can do this exact thing while non-physical as well.  When you feel your awareness (or as that author calls it, "lockmold") slipping away... you do what I suggest above and it'll bring your awareness back into whatever reality you're experiencing.  :)

Now also, I wanted to discuss something quickly too...


The question of "how real do AP's feel?" always has to conclude with a discussion of the question "What is REAL?".

It's actually very simple... REAL is whatever you can experience.  Also, to say something is "REAL" is to say that it's 100% genuine.  Correct?
So what do you think that means then when someone says that their Projection was "MORE THAN real"?  Obviously that isn't possible as nothing can be more than 100% genuine. 
It either is... or it isn't.  It can't be partially.  LoL

It's a poor way to describe something such as realism. 

Anyway, I just thought I'd toss that out there... just another example as to how "language" sucks for this kind of thing.  :)

Nice! Definitely going to try it.

Well, what is meant with real is that you are aware of the place where you are, just like on the physical plane. You are full aware of your surrounding and can sense everything as on the physical plane. Basically, your awareness, vision, senses and etc have the same quality as the physical plane's. That is what real is for me lol.

Probably best way to explain it, your senses have the same quality as on the physical plane.
Trying to AP.

Hope you don't mind the questions that i have! :-D


If you go on holiday and have a great time, you will remember it clearly.
A good experience is stronger, you can recall the words ofmany conversations even after 30 years.
Its real, very real to your perception of all your normal senses and a few more when you experienced  :wink:
There's far more where the eye can't see.
Close your eyes and open your mind.


Quote from: Szaxx on November 11, 2014, 01:56:56
If you go on holiday and have a great time, you will remember it clearly.
A good experience is stronger, you can recall the words ofmany conversations even after 30 years.
Its real, very real to your perception of all your normal senses and a few more when you experienced  :wink:

It seems real, sometimes certain things happen and it feels like they are really happening.

What about vision, is the vision the same as on the physical plane or is it blurry (dream like).
Trying to AP.

Hope you don't mind the questions that i have! :-D


Quote from: EpicAstral on November 12, 2014, 14:35:11
It seems real, sometimes certain things happen and it feels like they are really happening.

What about vision, is the vision the same as on the physical plane or is it blurry (dream like).

It can be either. For me, vision in the astral is more detailed than it is here in the physical. Sometimes it almost looks fake.


Ax8 and others,

Vision that is more detailed, almost fake...I would describe as surreal or super-real...and yes, I most certainly can agree with that. That's how it can be...that's how your senses are stretched, your consciousness is stretched...that's actually only one of the first ways your senses and awareness are 'stretched' accept new modalities of sense perception...

That's another starting point; you move on from there...
Be yourself; everyone else is already taken.
                                                          -O. Wilde


In the physical, vision is percieved through your eyes.
In the NP it can be far superior by comparison. It's easy to zoom in on an object, unavailable in the physical unless you're a bird. This applies to distance ie telescope or very small, microscope.
There's another vision in the NP too, that is the ability to see everyones  thoughts from one person without their knowledge to a city or more who know.
This is available in tiny amounts on a one on one basis in the physical. It's difficult and not available to order generally.
There's far more where the eye can't see.
Close your eyes and open your mind.


Quote from: EscapeVelocity on November 13, 2014, 01:14:13
Ax8 and others,

Vision that is more detailed, almost fake...I would describe as surreal or super-real...and yes, I most certainly can agree with that. That's how it can be...that's how your senses are stretched, your consciousness is stretched...that's actually only one of the first ways your senses and awareness are 'stretched' accept new modalities of sense perception...

That's another starting point; you move on from there...

I have only had about 4-5 out of body experiences thus far, and every time my vision has started out completely black, and I have to verbally demand for it multiple times. When I do get my vision, it ends up being very dream like or blurry. Was this the same for you guys when you first began? And about how many experiences might it take until you gain the kind of clarity where your vision is as good or better than on the physical? I've heard somewhere between 10-20 projections is the norm.
It's hard to say that I'd rather stay awake when I'm asleep; because my dreams are bursting at the seams.


Quote from: Aaron330 on November 13, 2014, 09:57:16
I have only had about 4-5 out of body experiences thus far, and every time my vision has started out completely black, and I have to verbally demand for it multiple times. When I do get my vision, it ends up being very dream like or blurry. Was this the same for you guys when you first began? And about how many experiences might it take until you gain the kind of clarity where your vision is as good or better than on the physical? I've heard somewhere between 10-20 projections is the norm.

It seems to be very individual.  I had perfect vision in my first projection.  Every so often, however, everything is black and I have to request that the lights be turned on. (usually my request is granted)  That happens maybe one in twenty projections.  I have no idea why.

A couple of things to consider -- If your vision is dream like, there is a good chance your lucidity is not at 'full.'  Bump it up --touch some things like a wall or carpet and things should improve.

If your vision is blurry --you may just need to put some distance between yourself and your physical body.  No fail, if I move 20 ft. away from my body, my vision normalizes. (if blurriness is the problem)


Quote from: soarin12 on November 13, 2014, 15:03:28
It seems to be very individual.  I had perfect vision in my first projection.  Every so often, however, everything is black and I have to request that the lights be turned on. (usually my request is granted)  That happens maybe one in twenty projections.  I have no idea why.

A couple of things to consider -- If your vision is dream like, there is a good chance your lucidity is not at 'full.'  Bump it up --touch some things like a wall or carpet and things should improve.

If your vision is blurry --you may just need to put some distance between yourself and your physical body.  No fail, if I move 20 ft. away from my body, my vision normalizes. (if blurriness is the problem)

Great advice! Wish I had read that before my projection this morning lol. My problem is usually that I'm so excited to be projecting that I sit there wondering where I am and thinking about what I should do/where I should go. And then the experience ends. They are always very short. But that's probably BECAUSE my level of awareness is too low. Next time I'm going to find something to touch or grab right away to heighten my level of awareness, and see if that doesn't cause the experience to last longer.
It's hard to say that I'd rather stay awake when I'm asleep; because my dreams are bursting at the seams.


Quote from: Aaron330 on November 13, 2014, 15:17:14
Great advice! Wish I had read that before my projection this morning lol. My problem is usually that I'm so excited to be projecting that I sit there wondering where I am and thinking about what I should do/where I should go. And then the experience ends. They are always very short. But that's probably BECAUSE my level of awareness is too low. Next time I'm going to find something to touch or grab right away to heighten my level of awareness, and see if that doesn't cause the experience to last longer.

Oh, I was going to mention, too, that another reason for poor vision (often has a very unsaturated look to it and at times it may kind of go dark) AND  short experiences, is that you are projecting a little too late in the morning when your body is ready to wake up.  Harder to hang onto a descent, clear projection at that point.