Nagging Thought(HELP)"Robert Help Possibly"

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You need to simply interpret your dreams.  Write them down.  The language of the subconscious is all symbolic.  If you need help try


I appreciate the idea Tia. Last night while falling asleep i asked for a guide to help me decipher my problem and for some reason, that nagging thought isn't bothering me much anymore. I also have a weird feeling that I understand what it was, but I only figured it out subconciously. I guess I actually got help from something. I appreciate it.


it should come to you soon consciously then. i get the feeling that something is important fairly often and it just bugs the hell outta me when i can't figure out how. but i usually figure out what it (really) was after it happens. hindsight is good. just remember to remember. uh... yeah.  :)


Secret of Secrets


Like someone who posted stated get a dream dictionary one that makes sense though to you try this one out book is called The Dreamer's Dictionary by Stearn Robinson and Tom Corbett.  Another thing you can do is if you want the symbolism to go away and dream it literally as if the dream is telling it to you as it is I recall in Dr. Joseph Murphy's book telepsychics you can also buy this book he wrote a chapter on dreams and interpretations he said if if you say this and believe it before you go to sleep you will get most of the time your dreams interpreted as they are happening prayer goes like "I dream literally and clearly and remember all my dreams" so you can say that as a lullyby before you go to sleep.  I guess it's nice to know ahead of time usually when you dream something it tells you within 2 weeks of whats going to happen (usually) and also I remember hearing that the best dreams to believe are the last ones when you're about to wake up and remember when at tha time your body is fullly rested and not in the way the first dreams maybe just be fantasy and not future reality.


oh ya i forgot to mention this happened to me, when you dream of something with the same theme more than 2 times ( 3times) this happened to me then it's most surely going to happen.  I kept dreaming that they were going to open up across the street (competitor) and there were no stores at the time (impossible for them to pen)  I kept dreaming it atleast 3 times saying in my dream they're opening across the street mom. it came true after 3 months the store across the street went bankrupt and the competitor snatched the spot immediately and opened up the store.  so its true when you see a dream with the same theme more than a few times it's most likely going to happen.


This is going to be VERY tough to explain. Robert, if your not busy, PLEASE try and help.

I have been having more vivid dreams recently that all seem different like one about a local dock and another about walking in a backroad i have never seen. I have a couple of more that are a little tough to tell. My problem is, I KNOW there is something similar about these dreams like they all have the same root theme to them. I keep getting the subconcious urge to figure it out every 5 minutes. I can't decipher how they are alike, and Im about to go meditate and try my hardest to recall these memories and figure them out. I can't stand the nagging thought that all these dreams have a purpose to them that I don't understand. I know this sounds like a silly quote from "the matrix" but, it is very comparable to a splinter in my mind and its driving me nuts!

Has anyone else had this problem? I know its difficult to understand, but please, ANY ideas"no matter how stupid you may think they are" would be appreciated. I also have had 2 other dreams about spirits in my home, but Im almost 100% there are none. I have demanded in trance that any entitys in my home present themselves but no luck. I haven't had an unexplained occurences around the house, so as said above, im fairly sure there are none.