I hardly reach vibrations now.

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Hello. I'm a beginner at astral projecting. Actually I started like doing it 2 years ago when I started to do Lucid dreaming. I succeeded in lucid dreaming in like 2 weeks then I started to astral project but i didn't have so much desire for it and i only did for like a week and didn't succeed ofcourse. I started to do AP again after one year and then I really had the desire to do it. So i started to practice it always at night because it suits me better at night. First day 1 hour of nothing. Next day 30 minutes and I felt vibrations. Then i still did it for a week and each day it was better. I could reach vibrations in 5 minutes. Then next week I couldn't reach vibrations anymore. So i tried again next day and again nothing. I always used technique when i imagined my astral arms go out of my psyhycal arms. I could always tried to feel them like they we're real. But then I couldn't feel that anymore so maybe that was the problem.
So i couldn't do vibrations for a week and i gave up with AP. And now i got desire again. And I really want to do AP. I started to do it like 5 days ago and i couldn't get to vibrations. Next day a little better but nothing.
Next day suddenly after 30 minutes of trying I just got cold, hearth beat quickened, vibrations went full on. I got hope again. Next day I was sleepy but still tried it. Again after 30 minutes that sleepines just went of. Amazing feeling like I was sleeping. Vibrations went full on again, so did hearthbeat, i got suddenly cold when my body was cold for the past second and I felt my astral arms strongly reaching from my body. I could feel the separation. I know it was it. But after like 3 minutes of that vibration and symptoms of AP everything was normal again and I didnt succeed. But it wasn't fail for me it was a huge progress. So next day I practiced again but I couldn't reach nothing not even small vibrations. So i got worried for today. What if vibrations won't start again is that a bad thing? I certanly am not trying to give up so fast again. I wan't to practice at least for 2 months because i really want to succeed. But I'm worried for vibrations to not work again like last year. Can someone help me or give me some advises?

I do AP so: first i meditate, i try to feel all my muscles and totaly relax them. Then i start to feel my astral arms. Not like i did it year ago when i tried to move my astral arms and i imagined them moving. Now I just try to feel them then slowly try to move them. I focus on normal breathing and stare into eyelids. When I feel my body is asleep i still focus on breathing or eyelids and astral arms reaching out. It's a more poor technique it doesn't help me each day to get faster but better. Until yesterday. So If anyone could tell me is something wrong with these vibrations not working anymore? Does that mean I can't do AP or is just don't need to reach vibrations anymore? Also if anyone could tell me suitable technique for me since try to feel astral arms or feel rope or try to feel anything method doesn't work for me anymore. Thanks for your help.


 It's a good thing that you don't feel the vibrations anymore. Now you have no more distractions when you attempt to AP.

I still do feel them after 4 yeas of Aping. But I find this a good thing. The strength of the vibrations tells me how close I am to "lift off"  :-)


Maybe I said it wrong. It's not that I can't feel them. It's like I can't reach that state of vibrations, cold and fast hearthbeat anymore. Even when my body was totaly asleep. After 1 hour of that nothing happened so again i gave up yesterday.


Quote from: Cyberundertaker on August 08, 2014, 00:45:41
Does that mean I can't do AP or is just don't need to reach vibrations anymore? Also if anyone could tell me suitable technique for me since try to feel astral arms or feel rope or try to feel anything method doesn't work for me anymore.
I would say the latter here, you might not "need" to reach them anymore.

This page here is filled with all kinds of helpful "Stickies" teaching all kinds of methods for successful AP Journeys.

Especially this one with 66 exit techniques.


Quote from: Lionheart on August 08, 2014, 21:57:47
I would say the latter here, you might not "need" to reach them anymore.

Thank for your help but i would like to ask 1 more question. Vibration we're usually signs that my body separating and i could feel it. How can I know when my astral and physical bodies are separating now while i'm trying to astral project?


Quote from: Cyberundertaker on August 09, 2014, 00:25:13
Thank for your help but i would like to ask 1 more question. Vibration we're usually signs that my body separating and i could feel it. How can I know when my astral and physical bodies are separating now while i'm trying to astral project?
Test it. Possibly you are experiencing this now so you can learn a new skill.  :wink: