Is it weird that I can feel super relaxed when my lamp is on?

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Hi! I am new here. So..I have been trying to have an obe for quite some time. And I noticed that when I leave my lamp open I can relax much faster and not fall asleep. But its disturbing for me, the light for some reason. I go to my lamp turn it off. Then I just fall asleep :| . I want to practice in the dark but I keep falling asleep. Do you guys have like a method or a way for me to stay awake and focused?
Thank you


The fact that you fall asleep with the lamp off suggests that you can relax even faster, but you're not aware of this. Seems logical that to fall asleep, one first must reach a deep state of relaxation. It's just that it happens to fast to notice any relaxed feeling.

But, maybe the frustrating feeling is based on the idea or conviction that you can't project with the lamp on. The lamp shouldn't be a problem to project, you just need to deepen the relaxation by having an intent and patience. Undo the association lamp = frustrating


Quote from: Trepkos on August 26, 2015, 17:34:40
The fact that you fall asleep with the lamp off suggests that you can relax even faster, but you're not aware of this. Seems logical that to fall asleep, one first must reach a deep state of relaxation. It's just that it happens to fast to notice any relaxed feeling.

But, maybe the frustrating feeling is based on the idea or conviction that you can't project with the lamp on. The lamp shouldn't be a problem to project, you just need to deepen the relaxation by having an intent and patience. Undo the association lamp = frustrating

Thank you so much for replying. Is there um.. a way for me to reach "a deep state of relaxation" without falling asleep so fast. The only time I can project is at night. So I am already kinda sleepy. The rest of the time I can't because my family members are a little noisy. I want to know if like a breathing to feel energized exists. So I can use the energy to focus on astral projection.


Have you considered you may have a fear of the dark?  However slight?


Breath can be used yes. You can try this:

1. Breathe in deeply while counting to seven. Make sure that both lengths match.
2. Breathe out while counting to seven. Again make sure that the lengths of both operations match.
3. Repeat 1 and 2 combined seven times.
4. Focus all your awareness in your stomach and stay there for at least five minutes.
5. Draw a line from your stomach to your forehead but not too fast.
6. Focus all your awareness in your forehead and stay there for at least five minutes.
7. Now dissipate the focused energy in your forehead over your whole body and then go to sleep.

This may help. You can feel when the time is right to shift from 4 to 5 and 6 to 7. It is also of paramount importance that you control desire. If you can control it, then this method will work, like any other method you could choose. You've got to stay focused while executing this algorithm and afterwards, you have to forget it by thinking something else while dozing off.

@Xanth lol my first thought also


Quote from: Xanth on August 26, 2015, 19:44:39
Have you considered you may have a fear of the dark?  However slight?

Nah can't be... Well I sometimes rush up the stairs at night. But nothing like being actually scared of the dark. I guess I feel cozy because the lamp is off and I can finally try to astral project.


Quote from: Trepkos on August 26, 2015, 19:46:45
Breath can be used yes. You can try this:

1. Breathe in deeply while counting to seven. Make sure that both lengths match.
2. Breathe out while counting to seven. Again make sure that the lengths of both operations match.
3. Repeat 1 and 2 combined seven times.
4. Focus all your awareness in your stomach and stay there for at least five minutes.
5. Draw a line from your stomach to your forehead but not too fast.
6. Focus all your awareness in your forehead and stay there for at least five minutes.
7. Now dissipate the focused energy in your forehead over your whole body and then go to sleep.

This may help. You can feel when the time is right to shift from 4 to 5 and 6 to 7. It is also of paramount importance that you control desire. If you can control it, then this method will work, like any other method you could choose. You've got to stay focused while executing this algorithm and afterwards, you have to forget it by thinking something else while dozing off.

@Xanth lol my first thought also

Thanks man ,this will be quite hard to remember but I will try it tonight and give feedback tomorrow.


Quote from: Trepkos on August 26, 2015, 19:46:45
Breath can be used yes. You can try this:

1. Breathe in deeply while counting to seven. Make sure that both lengths match.
2. Breathe out while counting to seven. Again make sure that the lengths of both operations match.
3. Repeat 1 and 2 combined seven times.
4. Focus all your awareness in your stomach and stay there for at least five minutes.
5. Draw a line from your stomach to your forehead but not too fast.
6. Focus all your awareness in your forehead and stay there for at least five minutes.
7. Now dissipate the focused energy in your forehead over your whole body and then go to sleep.

This may help. You can feel when the time is right to shift from 4 to 5 and 6 to 7. It is also of paramount importance that you control desire. If you can control it, then this method will work, like any other method you could choose. You've got to stay focused while executing this algorithm and afterwards, you have to forget it by thinking something else while dozing off.

@Xanth lol my first thought also
Sounds like some sort of energy bounce technique; is it? :D
I might give this a try as well. :)
This world's Captain Falcon; A title I will pass down to a chosen one when I leave this dimension.


Quote from: FuzzyQuills on August 26, 2015, 23:00:53
Sounds like some sort of energy bounce technique; is it? :D

It is step 5 which should do the trick; a type of cut. But, in theory, any method can work as long as desire is pushed into the unconscious i.e. forgetting. I found that effects were obtained two or three days later after using a technique without doing anything then. There is always a kind of delay in magick i found out.


Quote from: DrkLrd on August 26, 2015, 20:30:31
Nah can't be... Well I sometimes rush up the stairs at night. But nothing like being actually scared of the dark. I guess I feel cozy because the lamp is off and I can finally try to astral project.
I think you should further explore that.
You might have a fear which you simply refuse to acknowledge... maybe due to an associated fear of feeling like it's a "childhood" thing.

There's nothing wrong with a fear of the dark.  Don't let anyone tell you otherwise.  :)

Trust me, I understand completely.  I've been waking up in the middle of the night my entire life to seeing things and people walking around my room.  I've learned to live with it... so it doesn't bother me anymore.


Quote from: Trepkos on August 27, 2015, 10:51:41
It is step 5 which should do the trick; a type of cut. But, in theory, any method can work as long as desire is pushed into the unconscious i.e. forgetting. I found that effects were obtained two or three days later after using a technique without doing anything then. There is always a kind of delay in magick i found out.

Thx man. It actually worked I felt more relaxed and focused but not as much as I expected (probs the two or three day delay). I will practice with this technique more.


Is there a reason why you feel it is better to have your lamp off during your attempts?  I never use a completely dark room.  Not that I am afraid of the dark, just that I am a fan of seeing, also the more you distance yourself from what your body associates as normal sleep conditions the better.  This is why many suggest a chair or a couch instead of your bed.  Along these lines I think a room lightly lit will help "you" differentiate between sleep time and consciousness work time.

There have been many authors who theorize some of the negative aspects of a spontaneous obe are due to the fact they tend to happen when people are in their beds at night in a dark room.  In an obe state, especially when one is not familiar with it, things such as shadows or just the normal unknown that darkness brings can easily be turned into monsters or the like.

Just an observation on what Xanth said.  When dealing with this level of work fear takes on a new meaning.  Much more subtle fears can manifest.  In life we can, and usually do, ignore small fears or bury them.  This does not work here.  So if darkness even gives you that slightly unsettled feeling, in normal life if someone asked if we were afraid of the dark we would say no.  I mean it is not like we can't handle the dark or have a panic attack or anything.  However in this world of work, yeah that is a fear that should be addressed.  Be prepared to face fears you honestly never knew you had.  They are there and they will come up, for everyone.  Nobody gets bonus points for not having or accepting their fears, it is kind of a main point, if not the main point, to all this.

EDIT:  Last little thought.  Also I think we need to get rid of the view fears are an on/off thing.  Either you have one or you don't.  I think a much more accurate model is that they are a moving scale always changing.  For instance I said earlier I am not afraid of the dark.  That is true and also not true.  Generally I am not afraid of the dark, however some days something may happen, maybe I watch a horror thriller or read a dark book that gets to me a little bit.  That night I might have a little fear of the dark pop up.  Point is you don't either have a fear or you don't.  It is very much based on your state in that moment.