Locating People Or Enities.

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I still can't define the line between dreaming and AP, but regardless of which I'm actually succeeding at, the same problem remains; there's no one to talk too. Whenever I become lucid or experience something that could be AP, the only thing really on my mind is finding someone to talk to, someone to learn from. Unfortunately, at these most lucid moments, there's not a person in sight.

I've attempted to call out to someone and have had only vague responses. I suppose the problem is that I'm not trying to contact anyone in particular. Or perhaps I'm going about this the wrong way. Advise is most welcome, I feel like I'm talking to someones voice mail and not getting a return call.

This a little off topic on my own topic, but what are some differences that you notice between reality, Dreaming, and AP?
The way text appears, and the behavior of appliances I'm aware of, but what about wind and sound? For me, these have always been percieved deferently, but somehow I did not notice until recently and this makes me wonder what else I may be taking for granted. Are wind and sound scewed for everyone?
What are some other things that behave differently or do/do not exist between reality/dreams/ and AP?

"Doohicky" "thingie", "thingamajigger" and "what'sit" are all commonly accepted engineering terms these days. Impress your boss and use more than one in a sentance... Major brownie points!
-Corax a.k.a RavenCAD

Ben K

Isnt it possible to just think of someone appearing and they will? I mean i thought in the astral thought = action so if you think about, say your deceased relative, they should appear to you some way.


Hi!  I too, often have projections where I am alone.  There has been two instances when I was looking for an entity in a projection, one succeeded and one failed.  In both cases I simply think of the entity and think that I will be whereever they are.  In the case where it worked, my intention and will behind the thought was very strong and focused, and where it failed, I was a bit over excited and overconfident, and thoughts were all over the place in my head.

 There has also been one other instance when someone/thing simply came to me out of the blue, without me wanting or expecting it to come.  He/it humbly asked to talk to me and went on to give advice (good and insightful, too) on a real life situation I was contemplating on at that time.

 Here's some of my personal observations about your other question; I've noticed that the environment in a Lucid dream is more unstable and more affected by my personal thoughts than an AP.  In most cases, if I become completely lucid in a LD and says "aha, I'm dreaming!", often it'll end the dream or at least severely warp the dream environment.  I've found once I go beyond a certain level of lucidity in a dream, I end up destroying it.  But in APs, I can be fully lucid and say to others, "hey man, right now my body's lying on my bed in my room, sleeping!" and jack diddly would happen, the world/environment stays as is.



Again, many people fail to realise that it is perfectly possible to shift your perception in consciousness but not actually change your area of consciousness. All you are doing, it sounds like, is shifting your perception within (according to the Phasing model) Focus 2 of consciousness. Here is where most people have their dreams/lucid dreams/astral projections.

The only "people" you will generally come across in this region are your own aspects of yourself. Like most people, you will have quite a number. If you want to meet people who are, how shall I say, "independent" of you, then you have to shift to Focus 3 of consciousness. This is known as the Transition Area and it's chock full of all manner of people.



Frank, your Focus 3 sounds like an intriguing area.  I would certain love to visit there, do you have any tips on how to shift/phase there from a typical OBE?  I have had a very few number of APs where I was in a public area with other people who seemed independent, but they are quite rare and I would love to increase their occurences.



You need to look for what I call "overlay" experiences where you might be experiencing your own subjective activity within F2 and overlayed on that may be images of people and places that you sense are not directly connected to you. From what you say you have come across this already. These are the experiences you need to aim for.

When people know basically what goes on in the two areas F2 and F3 it becomes very easy to recognise them. That's basically what Monroe did, but he wasn't too clear on the difference between F2 and F3. His model tends to go direct to F3. Whereas what I have concentrated on doing is spending time making distinctions that people can recognise between F2 and F3, so they know where they are.

I'm taking my work up a gear over the next few months, on the teaching front. I've got a newsletter in the pipeline, and the book as well, so I'm hoping to get a good group of us concentrating more on the modern-day concepts that I concentrate on exclusively. Everything is slow going, it's taking me much longer than I thought it would. But once it is up and running then the great majority of beginner's questions will be answered.



Quote from: ManixI suppose the problem is that I'm not trying to contact anyone in particular. Or perhaps I'm going about this the wrong way. Advise is most welcome, ---

1.Take someone with you :RTZ project to the home of a sleeping mate .Tug one of their big toes. Or arrange another signal . You can tug using your mental power send your thought to the toe and see your energy hands there then tug . It is a little slower in processing time but it works . You could surprise your friend or pre-arrange to have the person visit with you and speak ahead of time about where you plan to project together .
2. Go to a teaching realm :At teaching realms there are always spiritual teachers  waiting . Mahatma can  multi locate and leave part of their consciousness there waiting for seekers to rock up .  A good first choice is the Golden Chamber of Melchiezedek .You can get there using a technique on this site :

It is the long mumbo jumbo way above it does raise energy
and will work in a group of 5 or more seekers well.

QuoteFor one solo aspirant you begin like this . "I sit before you Heavenly Spirit perfectly protected and safe . I come to take another step forward on my spiritual journey . I humbly  invoke the presence of  Archangel Metatron to perfect my  merkaba by covering it with his platinum net of protection .  I humbly invoke the presence of Archangel Michael . I humbly request that Archangel Michael will  protect me and my merkaba and safely lead me on my journey to the ashram of ___________.Amen"
There is also a list of some of the other teaching realms on that link above .
3. Go to a place like Astral Pulse Island where others might be hanging out in RTZ .  You could go there this weekend April 15 2005
they are having a party . Or check the index for a later date .
4. Build a place yourself using basic alchemy and go there often to see who has arrived . Tell  peers that can project about the ashram you made and how to get there .
5.Your could go to Andrew's Ashram if you like . He is one of the members of my spiritual circle .He made the infrastructure of our ashram so we named it after him. Others have projected there too . I will meet you there if you arrange a time .  
6. Take your mate with you  by going together in a circle or just two of you . You don't have to be in the same room of course when you begin but if you are it can help . Here is a joint projecting method :

Small Group Channeling Technique  to effect a group merkaba for a small group of 2 to 5 students to see the same things through each others eyes .Close your eyes focus and breathe ,take 3 deep cleansing breaths ,centring and focusing for meditation , take and hold the forearms to the elbows of each other while facing each other . Right hand palm up left hand palm down . After you do your opening prayer then call in your personal guide and guardian angel and any ascended masters you work with . Then Invoke the presence of Melchiezedek , Archangel Michael , and Metatron . Ask to have the group merkaba manifested by Metatron and covered with his platinum net of protection to be escorted and protected by Archangel Michael for the intention of going to the ascension seat of _____________ to _________________. ( for example to the To the Golden Chamber of Melchiezedek for the purpose of initiation into the order of Melchiezedek ). Amen.

Example : We stand holding hands right hand palm up left hand palm down . We visualise a ring of gold around our circle and a cross of white light on every window door and chimney . We stand before you Mother and Father God perfectly protected and safe . Heavenly Spirit we humbly pray that you will guide us tonight in our spiritual journey as we take one more step forward on the spiritual path . Amen . Drop hands and sit down , Please . Prepare for this meditation by taking 3 deep cleansing breaths when you are ready close your eyes and sit uncrossed palms up eyes closed . We humbly invoke the presence of Archangel Metatron . We ask Archangel Metatron to manifest for us a group merkaba perfectly protected with his platinum net . We humbly invoke the presence of Archangel Michael . We ask Archangel Michael to protect us and lead us on our journey to the ________-Ascension Seat now . Amen

More on this link :
Love . Light  and Laughter
Aunt Clair


Quote from: FrankHi:

Again, many people fail to realise that it is perfectly possible to shift your perception in consciousness but not actually change your area of consciousness. All you are doing, it sounds like, is shifting your perception within (according to the Phasing model) Focus 2 of consciousness. Here is where most people have their dreams/lucid dreams/astral projections.

The only "people" you will generally come across in this region are your own aspects of yourself. Like most people, you will have quite a number. If you want to meet people who are, how shall I say, "independent" of you, then you have to shift to Focus 3 of consciousness. This is known as the Transition Area and it's chock full of all manner of people.


I haven't read to much into the levels of Focus. I thought there was a link somewhere on the main site that reads further into this. Perhaps that's where I should start. Could you provide the link if you know it?

Thank you everyone, for your helpful replies.
"Doohicky" "thingie", "thingamajigger" and "what'sit" are all commonly accepted engineering terms these days. Impress your boss and use more than one in a sentance... Major brownie points!
-Corax a.k.a RavenCAD


to get the grasp of the line between dreaming and AP , you simply have to do a genuine AP .

And, you can be sure to find help about that in this very site:)
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