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@Lumaza thank you again for all of your wonderful information and resources. As for phasing, I hope that one day I could attain this! I do try sometimes, but have yet to succeed. Phasing was the first methods I read about on here. Overtime, I hope I can be one of the ones who achieve this! Thank you <3

@Tak hi! It's good to be back. Almost* at will haha. A lot of the time I set an intention of LD / AP and will have a very REAL dream. Typically unpleasant too. Like this morning, I was practicing and unfortunately just woke from a very unpleasant, hyper realistic, dream awareness. Sometimes I feel like my subconscious tries to let me know I'm in a LD by making me uncomfortable! Lol

But if I give it a couple days I'm sure I'll be back to more successful attempts.

TYSM for the guidance. Setting that type of intention and including that I'll be there long, sounds like a perfect idea. I am starting to understand the power that holds with intentions. The other night I said I wanted to wake up early without my alarm, and so I did! Really miraculous. You, EV, and many others are right, in the NPR I need to start behaving as such. Sometimes I don't recognize my energy body LOL she forgets everything she learns here in the PR. Perhaps I must work on my intentions for this as well. You are a 100% right about the mindfulness, I am a work in progress.

@EscapeVelocity! It's so good to hear from you. Thank you for all of your time and guidance over this time, along with everyone else's. I am truly so grateful to be able to come here to all of my teachers. What a place.

You are right on the dot, my OOB self is a bit rogue sometimes and forgets all of her teachings XD I may include some rewiring of her in my intentions. I am patient, I can move lightly as energy, or something a long these lines, so it may carry over. You're right, those were great tests and I failed haha. I think that's probably why I end up in my room so often with this heavy globby self. My guides trying to teach me how to move in the NPR. Time and time again, I show them I cannot. But I'm certain, next time, I will. No door or window will stop me :-P also, I will stay in my LD next time. I have been trying so hard for one outcome, I completely dodged the other.

Thank you!

"To the well-organized mind, death is but the next great adventure"
- Albus Percival Wulfric Brian Dumbledore


Since my last experience, I have been having trouble lucid dreaming/gaining awareness. Instead of gaining a sense of awareness that I am dreaming, I'll wake up in my dream and then wake up again in the physical. That's happened a few times, or I just dream.

That being said, I still had a very interesting dream this morning.

I was a young man and I was taking my brother and I away from a place that started to get bombed/attacked. My understanding was we were some type of refugees. We ran to our safe house and checked to see if our father was alive. He was! And so I wake up. But I'm in another dream, this time I'm myself, telling my best friend that I had a past life dream and I'm explaining the dream to her over a salad. Then I wake up again in the physical. Ah I overslept.

Haha, Happy New Year, Everyone!
"To the well-organized mind, death is but the next great adventure"
- Albus Percival Wulfric Brian Dumbledore


Hello Everyone,

Came to log my recent experience and really try to remember and understand it. This was a bit chaotic so bare with me.


I woke up in the morning and went back to sleep, setting the intention to have an OBE. So I wake up and I feel like I can slip out. I think of a motion in my head, something I was thinking about & it helps me project. At first it is difficult, I can't tell what's the physical or not. Feels like I'm moving my real body, but I try to tell myself I'm not. There were so many exits I don't really remember the timeline here.
I think I snapped back to my body and then fully slipped out again. Through my feet. Then I was falling or flying, I think I see a sign of some sort, I can't remember it now. I think I end up back in my room, floating, remembering that this might be a test to figure out how to move in the NP. So I try, I think I spin a bit, go through the floor, a wall, but I have very little control. It's like a force is moving me. At some point I think my fingers get stuck somewhere and I can feel the pain, and I thought this was strange.. I'm like how can I feel pain here unless... my physical body is experiencing pain. Okay I snap back again and my fingers were uncomfortable—but in hindsight that was maybe a FA. Because I was not awake the way I am now writing to you. I slip out the same way again. This time everything is more clear, better.

Okay so now I'm flying over this place, looks like a creepy building with washing machines? There's one woman doing her laundry. She has short hair and she appears African American. I talk to her but I thought I was going to leave, until I stop myself and think maybe I'm supposed to talk to her. She appeared sad, confused, and I think she was talking to herself. This laundry room or building felt eerie, sad.

I try to stay, I ask her how she is doing.. I'm not sure we have a really long conversation.. I don't remember what she tells me but after a little bit I get pulled back.

That's the last thing I remember. I can't remember the other exits, I think I fell asleep after then woke up.

Interesting experience. Thanks for listening.

"To the well-organized mind, death is but the next great adventure"
- Albus Percival Wulfric Brian Dumbledore


Quote from: Amongthestarz333 on January 19, 2025, 17:54:04At some point I think my fingers get stuck somewhere and I can feel the pain, and I thought this was strange.. I'm like how can I feel pain here unless... my physical body is experiencing pain. Okay I snap back again and my fingers were uncomfortable—but in hindsight that was maybe a FA.

It's incredible how the mind is capable of reproducing almost perfectly what we've learned in the physical. We can reproduce a reality identical to this one, feeling aromas, flavors, temperature, and even pain - yes, in the non-physical realm. In my case, sometimes animals bite me, but it's never intense pain; it's like when your dog or cat bites you playfully, a gentle sensation.

On the other hand, I realized while being in my energy body that it's not completely subtle; it's still material in some way, just vibrating at a higher speed, but still having some degree of density. That's why we can perceive certain textures and sensations, as described by Monroe and Buhlman in their books, when touching certain materials, for example. In my case, I enjoy rubbing my hands together; it's like a magnetic sensation, like many particles frictioning against each other.

Keep sharing!
.~Exploring the Wonders of Consciousness~.



Ah. This was a restless night. Sometimes I make the awful mistake of setting an intention and to have an OBE before going to bed along with a meditation. For me, this is the worst thing to do because—forget sleep! The next 3 or 4 hours I am trying to fall asleep, then waking up either with my eyes closed, or to a noise in my ears, every time I'm almost falling asleep. So basically I'm almost projecting every time I fall asleep. I'm like being woken up every time I'm falling asleep. But now, it's been happening for hours, and either my dog starts snoring, moving, or my mind won't shut up. I beg to my guides please just let me fall asleeeep, I have work in the morning LOL.

So after about 4 hours of this, I finally escape! Haha okay. Yay. I must admit it's hard to have a clear mind for this experience, and again the timeline is also a bit jumbled. I'll do my best to relay it.

I believe the first exit, I ended up going through that tunnel I typically fall through. I fall through fast and this time there's beautiful lights. This is a place I go through before I enter my next place, so I set an intention of receiving a healing. I understand there are healing guides and masters in the astral so I wanted to potentially meet them. I get taken to a place, and to be honest I'm not sure if things started to mix a little. At first I see these intergalactic being heads, who I assumed were going to work on me, and their faces were blurry. But then as I either rubbed my hands or really tried to stay present their faces morphed and so did the place. They turned into some kind of men who seemed upset I was there, there was trash on the floor, and I felt like I should not be there. I was floating above them which also seemed Like an intrusion on their place. So I snapped back. I'm not sure if I created them, because I was falling asleep or what really happened. I think they were kind of bald? Maybe.

Next I was back in my body, and thought I was awake but really I was able to slip out. I ended up floating around my room, went through my ceiling, I tasted things. I don't remember what I tasted but I did it so I could be more present because it was really hard to stay focused here. I remember thinking wow, I'm doing much better floating with my energy body :D also I worked on going through the ceiling, and felt like every layer. So that was fun.

I think that was all of my experience. Then I finally woke up and then went to sleep.

Thanks for listening!

"To the well-organized mind, death is but the next great adventure"
- Albus Percival Wulfric Brian Dumbledore



Good Morning! I just wanted to log my attempt from this morning. I woke up lying on my stomach which is a common projection position for me. Earlier when I woke up I thought, next time I wake up, I'll try again. So I set that intention.

Next, I feel myself flipping over, and then falling through the floor. I can't see anything and I don't try to open my eyes too much because of the proximity. Instead, I do something funny, I taste something; and it's sweet! Idk what I taste, but it's sweet. I did attempt to move around to find balance, but I couldn't; I just kept "falling". Then I ended back in the physical. I stayed still for a while hoping I could maybe leave again. But nada. Interesting though, it felt like I ate a strip of something sweet. :P

Little victories?

Thanks for listening!

"To the well-organized mind, death is but the next great adventure"
- Albus Percival Wulfric Brian Dumbledore


I agree that this may be a 'little victory'.
I could possibly speculate as to a more complex answer, but often I think the simplest answer is probably the correct answer.

Especially as it relates to tastes and smells in the Non-Physical Realms, I can only remember a very few and sporadic experiences such as the one you described. So, I think the simple answer may be that you are learning to develop the NP equivalent of the sense of taste and smell (which work together). Just like learning to see and touch, communicate and ambulate- these are PR senses and coordinations that have their NP equivalents, but they have to be learned in the sense of converting/translating energy/information into more recognizable versions of their PR forms. First, we learn to translate them into our PR terms, then we broaden our knowledge by understanding the extent of these senses in their NP forms. Some NP senses, such as communication, will naturally evolve into more complex forms such as telepathy and direct sensing. Other senses, such as clairvoyance, intuition, reading others, although relatively uncommon in the PR will become strengthened and improved as we move deeper into the NPR, their more natural environment.
So, it seems not so strange to me that we get these brief lessons in bringing new senses 'online', as it were. Taste and smell happened for me in very small and brief moments, just as you describe. I had the same questions back then...
Be yourself; everyone else is already taken.
                                                          -O. Wilde


Years ago I was on a market place and decided to try a chocolate cake. Did not have pay for it (no currency in the astral needed I suppose). The trader just gave it to me.

It tasted a bit like chocolate indeed but also somewhat peculiar and 'awkward' in a a way. Hard to describe.

I think that eating is one of the things we are in the physical to experience. And 'astral taste' shows us why.  :wink:


 The only thing I could add to the already fantastic replies here is that in Sleep studies Researchers have found the "falling" sensation and experience is aligned with either entering the state of "Hypnagogia" or leaving it, which in your case is a good thing. You became aware in that state and that is an important skill to have in the process and the practice of non-physical exploration. 
"The day science begins to study non-physical phenomena, it will make more progress in one decade than in all the previous centuries of its existence."  Nicolai Tesla


Thanks everyone for your wonderful feedback. It seems my progress is slow but it's still there! Little by little, I continue to have experiences. I believe everything in divine timing.

@Lumaza, I suppose my question would be, when I am "falling" should I let it be until I stop? Maybe my attempt to do too much during this is what brought me back.

Thank you,
"To the well-organized mind, death is but the next great adventure"
- Albus Percival Wulfric Brian Dumbledore