Same techniques in Lucid and OBE?

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Ive been having outer body experiences and other crazy experiences that i cant describe for a few years now, and I'm new to the board. I was wondering any of y'all use the same technique to achieve a lucid dream as you do for having an outer body experience. I am not very experienced in having Lucid Dreams but Ive had two and they were pretty strong. Alot of the times when i want to feel something or do something i just think it and the thought turns to energy and it happens so when i had the lucid dream i just thought " i want to have a lucid dream" and then i had a dream where i basically died and woke up in "heaven" but it was a dream and i talked to a bunch h of people. I feel like having lucid dreams are a little bit more important at least to me then having outer body experiences for the mere fact that they are more lucid then outer body experiences and there is no blurriness to it. IN my outer body experiences i usually have such intense thoughts that i cannot control exactly what happens and i have found myself to be on different planets sometimes and different places that aren't familiar. So the one time i did have a lucid dream i was like wow..i can be here for what feels like hours conversing with guides and learning More about My owl soul then leaving my body and going out of control esp since outer body demands levels of concentration that usually take years to accomplish and I've been astral projecting since i was like 17 . Any thoughts? I'm 20 in a week by the way
*All that is not, comes from which that is*


Yah, i mean i know the different between the two. I recognize that it is becoming aware. But my experience with having a lucid dream was that the whole dream was awareness..the whole dream was lucid just about.
*All that is not, comes from which that is*