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Fantastic story I loved it. There is something strange and wonderful about this forum it allows us to say things we wouldn't normally talk about and you will find that they are accepted as day to day normal experiences by most of us. If only the rest of the world would open up their minds just a little ....Just imagine...." border=0>

Happy Travels


Thanks...  I have seriously considered deleting my entries everytime I come to this thread...  It makes me feel so odd that I just sit here and shake my head that I actually wrote these things down...  I am a logical person in every aspect of my personality as a rule.  

But on the other hand.... I have decided that the experiences were real.  But not real as in based on in a planet existed like this.  Even though they seemed/seem that way to me in memory and when they occured.  My logical mind is telling me that they were a product of some sort of lucid dream and a vivid imagination of a 10 year old little girl...  That is probably why this memory seems like a real happening to me.  IF in fact this is so, it will be the only experience I have had with lucid dreaming. I don't think I was astral traveling as I had none of the classic symptoms of going anywhere.  Even though I did during this same time frame have one vibrational experience that scared me to death that was not related to the things in this thread.  

But it was odd watching this two people grow so fast however..    
Oh well...on to bigger and better things I say...  such as conscious OBE's as an adult who knows the difference between reality and fantasy...  I don't want to analyze my past and an incident that I am not sure of and never will be.  The only thing that I am convinced of is the blue light my mother and father and sister saw that I don't remember.  That was factual and basd on a actual incident that was physical in form and that other people in our area SAW also.  Maybe these dreams were some sort of delusion from not remembering that thing in the sky....  I don't know and probably never will..

I appreciate the feedback and I am sorry if I appeared rude to the person named Ralphm...  I didn't mean to be so snappy to you..  I just took what you said wrongly and I appologize..  I have had my hormone shot since that day and am on an even keel now...I really am sorry...

Over and out....

p.s.  Maybe I am just afraid of appearing [even in a forum] of sounding odd... I don't understand it and maybe it was just supposed to be this way..  Maybe it served some purpose in my life or in the lives of the people I watched [if they were in fact real peole who lived somewhere]...

Just wanting to learn....

"If you don't know where you're going, any road will take you there."
In Alice in Wonderland by 'Cheshire Cat'


Feel free to be weird here Blossom, some how i thought normal people were kept out of this forum(just kidding). What was that survey that said more than 50% of americans had a mystical experience? I think experiences like yours are more normal than we think, when people explore the non-physical realms odd things surface. I really think you should check out Hank Wesselman's books, maybe there is a similarity to his experiences and processes.

In the world in general and in this nation
May not even the names disease, famine, war, and suffering be heard.
May virtuous qualities, merit, and prosperity greatly increase
And may continuous good fortune and subline well-being perfectly arise.


I love to read.. and I order books alot online.  We don't any book-stores where I live.  I will check out Amazon today for that author.  Do you have any specific titles in mind?  Or all they all good?

Thanks for answering me too.  I guess I was being over sensative in my worrying about this thread...

Thank god this place is here...  And since I have started exploring other areas of this place, I see I am not alone and feel better.

Thanks and sincerely,

Just wanting to learn....

"If you don't know where you're going, any road will take you there."
In Alice in Wonderland by 'Cheshire Cat'



    You are not alone, half the threads I post I question myself about deleting.  It is wonderful that you feel comfortable enough with us to tell your experience and thank you for not deleting it.

Everyone who has had a UFO incident questions themselves, thinking it was just to strange and unbelievable to be a real event.  But do not question yourself!  You know that this happened to you and your family and it was real.  You saw it for what it was and experienced it for what it is.  I had an incident when I was a teen on a warm summer night, but it was just a strange light in the sky doing strange stop and start maneuvers.  I know what I saw.   And a later incident when my neighbor friend swears she saw a UFO land in the field across from my house.  I don't remember anything about that though.  I am almost afraid to find out.  So believe in yourself and i agree with everyone on this thread, don't be afraid to post weird stuff on this forum.



ps. Maybe they should tack ufo experiences somewhere on the forum if it isn't already.


Hi tracy,

Thanks for the encourgement..  I actually decided yesterday to let my posts remain...  And thanks for the nice thoughts.. It's nice to know I am not alone in thinking maybe a post is just a little too odd....."you know vern?"

Seriously though, an experience like this, when thought about as an adult can make you doubt and question yourself...that's for sure.  Isn't it odd that I question what happened as a child but as an adult, I have been in a blue place somewhere on my first astral journey with no arms and no legs and KNEW it was real and was I was unquestionably awake... How the heck is this odder than that??  Jeez... There are no degrees of what is unique.  Unique is just unique...  Three dimensional is just that..three dimensional..  Anything else is unique and special ...

But I appreciate your thoughts about a specific place for ufo experiences..  I think that's a good idea too..

I love life and I love learning to explore other dimensions right now.  I come her alot and look around. It's a nice place to share.    

See ya, Blossom

Just wanting to learn....

"If you don't know where you're going, any road will take you there."
In Alice in Wonderland by 'Cheshire Cat'


In doing some reading today from the Treatise, I have a question.

Is the only purpose of doing all the breath awareness, energy raising and so forth is to consciously give ourselves the correct brain wave patterns necessary for projection?  Is that the end result we are tying to achieve for AP to occur?

And therefore all of these things are merely ways to help us foster the correct wave patterns for AP?

I may be trying to analyze this too much.  I am doing all the exercises and waiting for my book to arrive in the mail, but in the meantime I have been reading.  And this was my question..

It is odd too.  I have had a hard time believing in chakras but at the same time, I experience all the tingly feeling that it says I am supposed to.  I think my brow is going the most active. So I guess I am becoming a believer..

And one more thing.  If we open them, are we supposed to close them when we are done?  I haven't seen anything about that.

Thanks in advance,

p.s.  I am tracking my book and it has went through two check points so far.  I can't wait for it to arrive...  I am so excited..

Just wanting to learn....

"If you don't know where you're going, any road will take you there."
In Alice in Wonderland by 'Cheshire Cat'