The truth about OOBES and what they really are.

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St Paul was in intense meditation and fasting, it you continue to read posts here you will find this can cause OBE.  Also on your behafe "Benjamin Franklin" stated that it's a small mind that can only think of one way to spell the same word.


Again i dont want to make any enemies on this board, I just want to post my theory on what a oobe can possible be. No one really knows for sure, its like asking the square root of a million [:D]


St paul? are you catholic because iam christian and the only way it seemed to achieve god is by prayer and or having a good life and faith then dyign to meet god in the eternal after life.


Sctt859, I'm sorry but I also have to disagree with you as i have, on a number of occasions, gone straight in to a lucid dream from being awake.
There are no Projection symptoms or feelings or anything, you simply move 'in' to the dream (or so i have experienced).

I see dreams as ventures in to the subconcious mind, and OBEs as venture away from the physical body and realm.

Sctt you say that you are providing us with proof... yet i don't see any proof at all in what you're saying.
Noone ever said there wasn't a link between dreams and OBEs, infact i recall hearing it a number of times.

Sorry to disagree, but you havn't changed my point of view on this at all, you have no proof.
Good luck.


Im not trying to change any ones P.o.v on this topic, its like making them change their religon. What i mean is that guy that told me they saw their dad or parents in their oobe did they tell you when they woke up that they saw you?? The true spirit can not leave the body until both the brain and the body are unconsious and that is not possible until we die.

OObes are just another level of a dream. Another realm of a dream not another realm of a spirit realm.


Since were talking of people of the past i would like to mention the native american, Sitting bull. Who DREAMT not had a oobe of custards troops invading wounded knee.


Read what you wrote.  The TRUE SPIRIT can not leave the body.  We do not say our Soul leaves but a projection of Consciousness to the Astral realm.  Most times this consciousness is only projected to the dream body a sleep state.  The OBE is when the consciouness is transfured to the Lower Astral or Highter Planes.  P.S. Read Seth material.


Ok but no matter what we can not leave the first realm. No possible way even through a projection. We can only reach the second realm through death. Even in the bible it mentions other worlds and realms. The bible never mentioned we can jounry through these realms by means of projection. as the phyisical realm has realms so does the sleep/dream realm and i beleve a oobe is another branch realm off the dream realm not the phyisical.


Wow... all the sudden Scott is the guru of oobes?

Tell me this Scott, if oobe's are nothing more than a dream that is inside your mind, how do people see things that they could have not known before hind while oobeing and confirm them to be true later?  I can't do that inside my mind, but I can outside.

How do you explain the time that Bruce saw someone oobeing right in front of him while he was meditating, realized it was the guy over in the next room, then went over and confirmed the encounter right after?

Let me repeat this.  Robert Bruce saw someone else OUTSIDE of their body and confirmed it with that person minutes later.  End of story.  The guy was out of his body.

Explain how that could happen with your theory. And if it's RBruce does it for money, then you are just weasling out.
There is no spoon


I think you believe but want the physical proof of the spiritial world.  The OBE is subjective.  The proof will be of your continued input to this forum.


You guys are just restating the same questions i have been answering. I told  you when you see the thing in a oobe that you can see later is that your mind stores the last thing it has seen when you lose energy. When practicing a oobe it takes up so much energy that the mind only can now reach this realm of where it will project the only thing it sees before you shut down. In other words ive been trying to project all night and i finnally get it, now to get there you must use alot of energy.

Now i dont let my body go to sleep for me iam manully doing it which requires more energy. So now the brain can not function properly so it will project everything you last saw in the physical realm instead of creating its own image. This is were a oobe takes place.

There are many realms in dreaming too. Only realms i came across are

The day dream, The unconsious dream , the blank dream and the oobe also the sleep walk.

another thing how can you explain if i dream of something in adream and it comes true later that day??


in my view an oobe is like the wind can you see the wind? no. but you know its there because you can feel and know that its there i myself have had oobes and they for sure were not dreams because they showed me something i could have never known if it was all in my head but then i saw it then i knew and it verified too


Hows this i will say i fell asleep and saw my friend oobe infront of me i wright a book about it and then you can pay me money.


drinsonomo i dont crack down on peoples opionons but what you just said made me realize there is no such thing as oobe and possibly made me gave up on humanity. Oobe is there it is real iam not denying it what iam saying is it is more of a offspring to the dream realm then it is to any thing then the spiritual realm.


Originally posted by Sctt859

You guys are just restating the same questions i have been answering. I told  you when you see the thing in a oobe that you can see later is that your mind stores the last thing it has seen when you lose energy. When practicing a oobe it takes up so much energy that the mind only can now reach this realm of where it will project the only thing it sees before you shut down. In other words ive been trying to project all night and i finnally get it, now to get there you must use alot of energy.

No I'm not.  Look closely.  The person saw something in an oobe they didn't previously see and had no knowledge of seeing.  I.e., the projecter in the Robert Bruce example saw Robert Bruce wave at him.  Robert Bruce really did wave at him.  There's no way the projecter could have known that Robert Bruce waved at him unless he was out of his body at the time.  Similarly, there's no way an AWAKE Robert Bruce could have seen the projecter in a different room than the projecter was sleeping unless he was out of his body.

Lemme say it one more time.  Robert Bruce, who was not sleeping, saw the projector who was "sleeping" in the next room over, come through the wall.  Robert waved at him.  A minute later Robert walked over and found out that the guy really did see Robert wave at him.

So again, how could Robert (who was not asleep) see a projecter come through the wall if the projector can't actually leave his body?
There is no spoon


hows this? i would not buy the book because i would want to see it myself...


Can you explain then how I have projected from my friends home to my bedroom 20 miles away, viewed my bedroom for 2 minutes and told myself to return to my body.  This has happened several times without the intention to project.  Also are you disguarding Remote Viewing as false.  Various governments spend hundreds of millions on this type AP every year.


and also a very good point blackstream i agree with you 100%


"No I'm not. Look closely. The person saw something in an oobe they didn't previously see and had no knowledge of seeing. I.e., the projecter in the Robert Bruce example saw Robert Bruce wave at him. Robert Bruce really did wave at him. There's no way the projecter "ould have known that Robert Bruce waved at him unless he was out of his body at the time. Similarly, there's no way an AWAKE Robert Bruce could have seen the projecter in a different room than the projecter was sleeping unless he was out of his body.

Lemme say it one more time. Robert Bruce, who was not sleeping, saw the projector who was "sleeping" in the next room over, come through the wall. Robert waved at him. A minute later Robert walked over and found out that the guy really did see Robert wave at him.

So again, how could Robert (who was not asleep) see a projecter come through the wall if the projector can't actually leave his body?"

Black come on now. Heres where ima hit you with a one two.. how is it possible that robert had acctually seen this person in the phystical realm. When the projector was in another realm? If its true robert saw the projector then it blows the theory of other realms out of the water. WHen we project we no longer stay in the Physical realm. Only the projector could have seen robert, robert cant see the projector.

Unless i personally see robert fly to my house with xray vision saying hes superman, wait, how much do roberts books sell for again??


Another thing I see hundreds of posts of people attempting to AP.  I have done it and sometimes I don't like it.  Robert Monroe wrote a word of caution about OBE in one of his books that to stop attempts if you are not sure you want to do this because it's a door that can not be closed.


yes BOATS governments do spend tons of money on ap but tell me this where did you get your info its supposed to be top secret


So that means the projector robert saw never left the phyisical realm thatthe spirit he saw was still in the phyisical realm?? how is this possible?


Originally posted by Sctt859

Black come on now. Heres where ima hit you with a one two.. how is it possible that robert had acctually seen this person in the phystical realm. When the projector was in another realm? If its true robert saw the projector then it blows the theory of other realms out of the water. WHen we project we no longer stay in the Physical realm. Only the projector could have seen robert, robert cant see the projector.

And here's where I do a counter of your one two!  Robert Bruce was playing around with Real Time Sight at the time.  As in, he can see through his eyelids into the astral around him.  While he's still conscious.  I've done it before, I know it's possible.

Doh?  Next question?  Before you say Robert was dreaming or something, don't forget, the projector also confirmed his experiences meaning, they both saw each other meaning it was a shared experience meaning it couldn't be just a dream.
There is no spoon


No, I don't believe I stated that Remote Viewing is Top Secret.


Hum AP makes the goverment and psychics and all these wierd people money.. thats why they wont tell you the truth that a oobe is another bracnch of the beddy byes. Here il make a simple chart for you to show you the layers of both dream world and phyisical realm.

Falling asleep - which branches to - dreams or oobe depending on how much energy you use. Sleep can also branch into a Non existent realm in which you use so much energy your brain has just stop focusing on creating images so you have no dreams no oobe you just black out and restore energy.

Now we come to the phyisical realm we have - Daydream / trance to death to what i like to think is the real spirit realm.

Spirit realm - soul dispatches to heaven or hell.