What Am I Missing For Differentiating Physical Body From Astral Body?

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In another thread, I briefly mentioned around the turn of the century, I had a very powerful series of vibrations while listening to Hemi Sync Immersion. I won't repeat the whole thing, but the point is, then, and one other time back then, when any vibrations occurred, I could not exit the body, or physical perspective, however you want to put it.

So, as of recently, I've been making concerted efforts again to go OBE. (without bianural sound this time because it enrages my tinnitus.)

Last night, I was able to start some vibes up of what I would say were average vibrations (not like the powerful ones I mentioned above.)

During these energy moments, I tried to envision myself elsewhere, the theater room, then a favorite beach. I tried the rope method, etc. Nothing. I just lay there buzzing.

I think my point is, in every case of building to OBE, I'm afraid to try and move any part of my body to test anything, like astral limbs, because then I will lose the vibrations IF what I move is my physical limbs, etc.

My question then is, how do you experienced guys reconcile the difference between physical and non physical such that you know you can move, "roll out" or open your "astral eyes" or whatever, without destroying the meditative state the physical body is in, if you are wrong about what is what? Does that makes sense?

I can't seem to differentiate it and it's frustrating.

Thanks for any thoughts on this. I imagine the answers are here on the forum somewhere, but I don't know what the specific terms would be to search exactly what I'm asking.

Thanks for any advice or links to this info!


What blew my mind coming here was the realization that I did not need to *separate* from my body. It was more like a trick of the mind, in order to set some kind of definition with the experience. But I posted an OBE where I did not, "pull myself out" and a member here helped me realize I was still in the astral. If you are struggling with attempting this, "disconnect" what if you stop trying to visualize that altogether? Instead of trying to force something while in this relaxed, slowed state- maybe just witness and experience...

Now I am remembering a bit more... In this particular OBE instead of imagining pulling my body out and exploring my house... Instead... the blackness from the eyes started to bring visuals like I was going down a tunnel and I started seeing something like a middle eastern mosaic mandala. Just a glimpse. First it was more like a suggestion.

I suspect even feeling sensations without visuals is a part of the OBE-

Well... I do not claim any type of expertise- my adventures are spontaneous, unless there are disciplines I am practicing in this life that might be in part responsible and I am just not aware of.

Thanks for the question, hope this helps...


Hi tides2dust,

First, love the unique user name.

Next, thank you for responding. : )

So, Tom Campbell speaks about being out of body as more of a shifting perspective or attention. That, to me, would be along the lines of what you are talking about, maybe? Honestly, Tom kind of lost me at times.

Now, I've had many meditations where staring at the black behind my eyes, I get some pretty realistic seeming visuals. I told the story in my first thread here, that the other day deep in a meditation with realistic visuals, I had a man step in front of me while I was having one of these vistas. He shoved my face out, as if my face was through the barrier of a portal. It felt quite real to me, the barrier peeling off my face, etc. He clearly didn't want me there.

Anyway, so I've also read thousands of near death experiences, and in the NDE's, what they seem to experience is more of a genuine, physical separation from the body, seeing the docs work on them, family members in the waiting area, and so on. They pop right out, and they can pop right back in, or get slammed back in, in some cases. Some say it feels like the vastness of their soul is crammed back into a tiny little body, and it sucks.

My wife has experienced this popping out, floating above her body as a child and watching her siblings play in the living area.

In other words, in those instances above, it seems to me a genuine OBE is a kind of detachment from the physical body. And, in reading some OBE books, they describe it as such.

I've been listening to Darius J Wright and he as well seems to be saying, that mediation level OBE's/LD's, is more of a personal dimensional space, but that it is possible to have a more physical NDE like experience beyond that.

I was just watching this video.

Side note: He also talks about the soul traps stuff I was speaking on in my first thread as an fyi for anyone who was reading that.

Anyway, so yes, I get your points, but I still feel like there should be more to it then the "vapory" meditation type visuals. Darius says when you are truly there, it is MORE physical of a feeling than real life, which is what the NDE'ers generally say also.

So, I don't know. That's my thoughts for the moment.


hi lostsole, for me personally I can never have a full blown AP/OBE without my body being completely physically asleep. in my teens I tried for 10 years to lay down, meditate and completely go deep into a meditation for hours, try to imagine floating, but all I ever achieved was some visuals and slight floating sensation. Until I read William Buhlman's books, followed his visualization. motion technique and within 3 weeks had my first AP. If you have not succeeded with your techniques for a long time, perhaps you can try something different. I would suggest to read his books. I have to do the visualization and imagine being someplace else, touching things, moving, etc, but it has to be as I am falling asleep and then allow myself to fall asleep. Do this every night for 3-4 weeks and then your energies will adjust, the vibrations will wake you up during the nights and you can easily get completely out and stay long out because your body is not being physically awake and it will allow your awareness to be completely independent, yet you remember it all. Full APs should feel like you feel now awake, completely mobile to fly, observe, teleport, go to different worlds and feel even more clear than feeling here in the physicals. You can walk, touch, see, smell, taste, feel like a point of consciousness or observe yourself with a body. whatever you wish. There are no limits. And it is not imagining AP, it IS truly dethatched from the physicals and being completely independent, and not being aware at all of where your body is or what position is sleeping.
"The problem is not the problem. The problem is your attitude about the problem."
Captain Jack Sparrow


Thanks LightBeam,

Your teen years sound a bit like what I'm dealing with. Funny thing is, I did read one of Bulhman's books a long time ago, but I don't recall any of it now. I'm only barely getting back into this after an almost twenty year absence.

Like you said, I think it may take me being asleep in my personal case, and it's when waking from sleep that I have had the most powerful energies, sounds or whatever, so I hear you there. I probably just need to keep at it as you suggest for weeks, really set my intentions every day and so on.

I was genuinely surprised to feel the vibrations the other night even just during a basic meditation. It gave me hope.

All that said, I've still read numerous OBE experiences (and a handful of books) and some do speak of moving your arms or legs at the right time, or opening your astral eyes, or whatever, then popping right out of one's head, etc., so that question still stands, for those who go OBE in that manner.

How do you differentiate that you are now ready to move an astral limb/open eyes, or whatever and can tell that you are at that phase, and not just moving a physical limb, or rolling your physical body, etc.? Even if I personally never exit that way, I'm still curious how you know?


Quote from: lostsole on September 17, 2023, 23:50:07How do you differentiate that you are now ready to move an astral limb/open eyes, or whatever and can tell that you are at that phase, and not just moving a physical limb, or rolling your physical body, etc.? Even if I personally never exit that way, I'm still curious how you know?

I just know when the vibes have waking me up during deep sleep. I never question that I am ready, I just know it. Even if I try moving physicality I am unable to. There have been several frightening vibrations during which I have tried to wake up and move but without success. Then to stop the uncomfortable "in between" state, I just think of floating, or just think that I am standing next to the door, and I get "teleported"
When I know that my physical body is awake and I am just in deep meditation, the differentiation is difficult, at least for me. I do try in occasions to project from that deep state of meditation even when I feel mild buzzing, but I never succeed. My senses are still perceiving the physicals on some level and that prevents me from fully dethatching.
"The problem is not the problem. The problem is your attitude about the problem."
Captain Jack Sparrow


Quote from: LightBeam on September 18, 2023, 00:03:36When I know that my physical body is awake and I am just in deep meditation, the differentiation is difficult, at least for me. I do try in occasions to project from that deep state of meditation even when I feel mild buzzing, but I never succeed. My senses are still perceiving the physicals on some level and that prevents me from fully dethatching.

Yep, that's me!

So when you succeed, what you describe then sounds like your body is in a state of sleep paralysis, like what my wife goes through, and at that stage it's a "moo point" to quote Joey from the Friends series.

I've not to my memory had a full on experience of sleep paralysis, and were I to, then I can likely project or move "astral limbs", etc., from that frozen body state, which will be most likely to occur within broken sleep, or maybe early AM waking. 

I do admit to a bit of jealousy that people like Darius and others I've encountered can just pop out willy nilly if they feel like it.

I'll keep on practicing. Thank you for your time in answering me!


Quote from: lostsole on September 18, 2023, 00:13:23Yep, that's me!

So when you succeed, what you describe then sounds like your body is in a state of sleep paralysis,

yes, that is exactly sleep paralysis. Sometimes, when I go to the bathroom in the middle of the night, I try to wake myself up a little. Then when I go back to sleep, I simply start imagining that my bed is swaying from side to side. I allow myself to feel the motion. That motion sometimes trigger shortly after sleep paralysis and you can easily project because your body has gone back to sleep but the motion kept your awareness awake. You can try setting up your alarm for 2 or 3 am to try this.
"The problem is not the problem. The problem is your attitude about the problem."
Captain Jack Sparrow


LightBeam has touched on the idea that occurred to me.

You are not getting deep enough in your relaxation to completely let go and detach/exit. That has been my biggest problem for years and it seems LB suffers from it a little, as well. You may be relaxed enough to experience vibrations, but that is no guarantee. My ability to move from the vibratory stage to an exit of some sort is less than 50%. Reading of other's experiences, that appears to confirm my idea.

So, you have to become more relaxed and the likely best method for that is to try one or two methods- Wake up an hour and a half earlier than normal, washing your face or brushing your teeth for ten or fifteen minutes and then returning to bed and attempting any number of techniques. Or perform the WBTB (Wake, Back To Bed) method. Go to bed at your normal hour, but set an alarm for three hours. At that time, get up and stay awake for an hour, nothing too physical or exciting (read a book or do laundry), then return to bed or a recliner and work a technique. Each of these methods allows your physical body to regenerate to some degree and limit the "drag" it creates to pull your awareness back down with it into deep relaxation or sleep.

These methods require you to disrupt your normal routine somewhat, but it is the discipline this Art will require, at least initially, if you determine to be successful.

Also, I have come to realize the absolute importance of daily energy work. It doesn't have to be extensive, just 15 minutes, at least. Makes a big difference!

Then there are the techniques and supporting affirmations-
Be yourself; everyone else is already taken.
                                                          -O. Wilde


Quote from: LightBeam on September 18, 2023, 00:18:19I simply start imagining that my bed is swaying from side to side.

Back during the turn of the century meditations, I would actually feel swaying, or rocking, sometimes quite strongly. So, you are imagining it up front. I've been trying to imagine energy and vibrations, so I'll try some movement ideas, and the other items you mentioned also, thank you!


Quote from: EscapeVelocity on September 18, 2023, 00:30:14You may be relaxed enough to experience vibrations, but that is no guarantee.

Yeah, sure isn't. I have been doing a little stretching, holding my limbs tight for a bit and then relax, or my face and jaw, etc., prior to mediation. I keep my mouth fully ajar. But... I am always too hyper aware of my physical body much of the time. And, my neck is always tight while my calves are usually uncomfortable. Anyway...

On affirmations, I think I've been doing a good job on that of late. I've been telling myself it happens now, that it's easy, I have the ability naturally, on and on, vs that it's a struggle, I'll never succeed, I don't have the gift, etc., that I sometimes would tell myself in the past.

So, in addition with LB's suggestions, it sounds like I need to do more of the WBTB, etc., to improve my odds. And, some energy work. I think I've done that, if we are talking about the same thing, but not so much in the present.

Thanks for your time in commenting! 


Techniques, affirmations and theory-

Let's talk about general theory for a moment. The biggest "disconnect" I see continuously in learning to have an OBE is most of the literature talking about literally floating up out of your body like a ghost and floating around your house and local area. It involves the 'swaying, floating, sinking, bobbing' sensations and does indeed happen for many people...but it's not always that way. There is also the 'quick-shift' method, as described by Monroe in his second book when his experiences noticeably changed from the former 'ghostly' manifestations to the more 'clean', Lucid Dream-like experiences, which we now refer to as Phasing. There can also be a mixture of the two, such as I think LightBeam describes, where she starts off with the clearly kinesthetic exit sensations of 'swaying side to side' that she intuitively knows to use as an exit method, but she then naturally shifts into...call it her Phasing or Dreaming energy body...

This Phasing or Dreaming body is actually the energy vehicle that you already know very well: When you are dreaming, this is the energy vehicle your awareness is in. Same Dreaming body when you are in a Lucid Dream, just your awareness is much higher. As LightBeam describes, the 'feel' of this energy body is very similar to how you feel in your present physical body, except 'lighter' in noticeable ways. So, if you have had any significant Lucid Dreams, then this is the feeling of energy body that exemplifies it.

The other energy body, the 'ghostly' form that so much literature talks about...well, for the sake of discussion, let's call it what the Theosophic tradition (which draws from Hindu/Buddhist tradition) describes this as the Etheric energy body and it is closely-aligned to the physical body, so that is why it has such 'physical and kinesthetic' sensations associated with it, both in exit sensations and just how it operates. My early Etheric experiences felt much like being underwater or scuba diving...so that can serve as a comparison.

The other energy body is either one or two up the line- the Emotional/Astral body or the Mental body. Within these two bodies, we experience the next-level dimensional experiences, moving from our dreams into the Astral and Mental realms.

Many of us can debate the details in describing the various aspects of these two experiences, but understanding the basic difference should serve to clear up many questions.

The key is- as you work to understand your personal method for achieving an exit, these are the qualities to notice and interpret. If you get kinesthetic sensations, go with it; if you are getting visuals, then go with that.

In your case, lostsole, you are getting visual snippets, which points toward Dream/Astral experiences. So, to me you sound like a guy piloting a plane down the runway about to take to the sky, and wondering why it doesn't drive like a car... 

First rule- Observe. Just observe in a dispassionate, unemotional manner and do not engage with any sensation or visual until you are literally 'drawn' into the sensation or scene. The kinesthetic sensations, you can go with those; let them increase until they pull you into them and a transition will finally occur- you have to stay calm and just observe until it happens. The visual type will just gradually increase until it pulls you into the scene.

I hope that helps regarding theory.


Be yourself; everyone else is already taken.
                                                          -O. Wilde


I realized mine needed to be much more specific. There also may be a process involved requiring permission-asking and giving. And involving the idea of Service (to the greater good of the Multiverse?).

Do no more than three affirmations at a time- they are like simple computer instructions to our inner self. Do each one every day for a week or two, whatever feels right for you. Sincerity to yourself is important here.

One type is just recognition of the situation-

"I wish to learn how to have out of body experiences."
"I know that the out of body experience is safe and enjoyable."
"The Universe keeps me safe and teaches me it's wonders. I know I am always protected."

Another involves permission-

"I know that I am more than my physical body."
"I ask permission of my Higher Self to learn the Art of Non-Physical experience and exploration."
"I grant myself permission to explore the out of body experience."

The personal process-

"I remember my dreams and Non-Physical experiences."
"I easily shift my awareness into the Non-Physical and am open to what I need to learn."
"I am ready for the next, best lesson I need to learn."


"I offer my personal service to helping the betterment of the Universe in any way I can."
"I offer to the Universe everything that the Universe offers to make me better."

Feel free to modify to suit your own sense of sincerity to the practice.
Be yourself; everyone else is already taken.
                                                          -O. Wilde


Quote from: EscapeVelocity on September 18, 2023, 01:24:28The key is- as you work to understand your personal method for achieving an exit, these are the qualities to notice and interpret. If you get kinesthetic sensations, go with it; if you are getting visuals, then go with that.

In your case, lostsole, you are getting visual snippets, which points toward Dream/Astral experiences. So, to me you sound like a guy piloting a plane down the runway about to take to the sky, and wondering why it doesn't drive like a car... 

I liked all of your post, thank you! The last bit I'm sure is accurate. The story of my life has been a slow learner, often going in wrong directions, "wrong controls" but that once I do learn, I usually excel at the task. I'm also a person who likes to build a skyscraper when only a small house was needed, also known as a number 11 in numerology. In other words, I over do and over think what should be simple in scope.

Anyway, thank you for those explanations. It can get very confusing even though I've studied these concepts for decades now from numerous differing spiritual sources, listened to countless channelings, on and on. It's still a big mess in my mind how the other side may work. And, I know people here are trying to figure it out also, but getting down to basics is helpful.

I have been enjoying what Darius has to say about the "other side." He's got some interesting viewpoints. Of course I never take anyone's perspective as gospel 100% for myself, as that is their experience as Tom Campbell would say.

So yes, I'll work on those other items from earlier and also for now, do more observing, and go with what best presents itself as an opportunity, visual or otherwise vs try to force my perspective of it.

I have been dispassionate and unemotional about things in that state, as I learned that lesson in the past losing out on my big moment. I think what you said earlier is key for me, getting relaxed and what LB suggested also.

I believe another part of the problem is I programmed myself from reading so many NDEs that any OBE I have should be similar to the OBE of those types of experiences, and sounds like it can be, but not necessarily, per what you said about Robert, etc.

I need to keep reading the phasing thread link also that was offered up in my other thread.

And, what I've noticed so far, is most of all, I need to have my head in the game, thinking about it off and on throughout the day, studying, reading, affirmations, and making it my full on intention. Just that alone got me some vibrations going that I've not had from sheer will in twenty years! : )


On the affirmations, I like those. I'll copy and print out. A few of them I was sort of doing in my own way, but you added a whole new "dimension" to them. Pun not intended.

Thank you for all of your help!

I'll let you know when I have met with success, because I will meet with success!


You already have many of the basics on a subtle, intuitive level; I can see that.

It is a big, messy knot to unwind...part of the fun, I guess! I am still trying...

Keep asking questions, we are glad to offer advice and encouragement...

I was going to suggest talking techniques, but you don't really need that. Whatever method gets you to those small snippets of visuals...do that! Once those visuals start, just observe them unemotionally and let them develop...at some point, they will 'strengthen' and finally draw you in...it may feel like a lucid dream, but go with it anyway...whatever develops in the visual is not by accident, it will be a lesson for you.

And that will be your next step forward.

Be yourself; everyone else is already taken.
                                                          -O. Wilde


I will do all of that, and I will certainly keep asking questions!

Part of the fun... hmm, yes, I suppose? Lol!

Referencing the original Willie Wonka movie.

"I want an OBE Daddy, and I want it now!"
"All right Wonka, how much for an OBE?"


Oh yeah, I meant to comment on this earlier. In another thread, you mentioned a guy getting in your face and literally shoving you out of the scene.

That sounds like you were on the verge of entering an aspect of the Astral, and somebody objected and you got ejected...don't feel bad, you're not the first and won't be the last. So, you were actually there, for a moment.

Your challenge, for now, is to wonder why you were not allowed in...
Be yourself; everyone else is already taken.
                                                          -O. Wilde


This is in addition to the wonderful advice given above!

You need to find a focus which really works for you.  This is the unique, personal part of learning to project.

Realize that the focus you choose to use, regardless what it actually is, is a non-physical point.  However, it's a non-physical point which BEGINS physically - it begins where you are, this physical reality.  Again, it can be anything.  A sound, a feeling (like your third eye), a visualization, etc... they're all non-physical points but they begin here in the physical.

The idea is to place your awareness, latch it, onto that point of focus.  Then, as you begin to meditate on that focus, you're using it as a point to push away this physical reality.  If that makes sense.  As you DEEPEN your awareness towards that focus, it's slowly shifting to the non-physical.  The more you deepen your awareness towards your focus, the further away from the physical that point is becomes and the closer to the non-physical that point is.

As you continue to deepen your awareness, you're ignoring the physical more and more and more (this is really the key to the entire process) until the projection reflex triggers and you, yourself, will shift.  This shift might be a smooth transition from "here" to "there" with no break in your consciousness - I've experienced it as my visual field shifting to black, feeling a sense of movement then the visual field coming back into view.  OR the shift might not be that smooth at all, with you blinking out and then after a short time blinking back in and you're non-physical at that point.

But what you're definitely missing is that deepening part - that "key to the entire process" part.  It's like a loop of sorts you need to get yourself into.  Think of it as a step by step process.  Your awareness is firmly locked onto your focus, for example, say you're using The Rope Method - you visualize your rope and begin to climb it, maybe your step by step process is to loop it with each hand you take on the rope.  Each time you grab that rope, you're deepening your awareness into that act by perhaps engaging more of your physical senses onto the rope.  DEEPEN, DEEPEN, DEEPEN...


EscapeVelocity, yes, I agree with your points about the man, and I do very much wonder why I was shoved out! It was quite the strange experience.

Maybe I would not have liked his stupid frequency realm anyway. Hmmph! "Astral pouting"

Xanth, That's great advice and I will add the deepening more so concept to my routine. I mean I'm sort of doing what you said by focusing on the black void in front of my eyes and ignoring my body/thoughts, but perhaps not as deep as I should.

I used to often get a universal looking star field to look at the deeper I went. When I got a visual of the star field that was clear, I knew I was getting somewhere.

But anyway, yes, a deeper focus on those items away from the physical. Thank you for your comment!

I will add in here, I also used to at times get a very bright light come into view, almost as if staring at the sun. I've not had that to look at in a long time though.


Quote from: lostsole on September 18, 2023, 10:40:42Xanth, That's great advice and I will add the deepening more so concept to my routine. I mean I'm sort of doing what you said by focusing on the black void in front of my eyes and ignoring my body/thoughts, but perhaps not as deep as I should.
It might even be that the Noticing Exercise isn't a focus which works for you. Experiment with different ones and see what is easier for your to hold.  👍


 The best deepening technique I have found to use during the beginning stages of creating a NP focus is initiating a "mental motion" forward. Move into that darkness before your closed eyes.

 When I was new to this practice I experimented often, still do. My computer and chair here is right beside my patio window. I live in the country, next neighbor a ways away, so I have no need for curtains. There is large willow tree that is approximately 100 feet from the house here. Sitting at my computer, I would close my eyes and "mentally reach out" for that tree. This almost immediately engaged some kind of "exit symptom", as EV called a kinetic/etheric body" sensation. Many times, when I finally reached where the tree was, the scene there was beginning to take own it's own life. There would be mountains in the background or something new there that isn't here in this physical realm.

 After a while I began experimenting with all kinds of new ways to work with that mental motion. My favorite soon became a "driving simulation". I would close my eyes and simulate driving down my driveway to the road, then going for a drive. I would allow the NPRs the freedom to create the road though. That was taught to me because in the beginning of my Phasing practice, I would come across visuals akin to what one might see as following a "pace car" of sorts. That pace vehicle could be a plane, a car, a rocket, even a horse. I was shown quickly how valuable initiating a mental motion could be. I then began experimenting with directional motion and found that certain visuals repeated themselves according to what directions up, down, left, right, forward and backwards that I was focused on. I have written many posts on the Astral Pulse based on my directional focus too. That is what my Doorway thread seemed to evolve into. If people start to read my Doorway thread and just stay with the opening, they won't get to see the evolution of technique. I always say "it's the road there" that has all the lessons. That is why I prefer to consciously experience the NPR, instead of clicking out in WBTB or LD.

 Oh, a simulation of "roller coaster" does wonders as well. Feeling the etheric body going through the motions of the sharp curves and dipsy doos is rather intense, but enjoyable. It's a great focus to "lock onto".
"The day science begins to study non-physical phenomena, it will make more progress in one decade than in all the previous centuries of its existence."  Nicolai Tesla


Quote from: Lumaza on September 18, 2023, 12:36:33The best deepening technique I have found to use during the beginning stages of creating a NP focus is initiating a "mental motion" forward. Move into that darkness before your closed eyes.

Lots of great ideas there. The one above would probably be best for me, because focusing on the darkness is my go to and the way I've had numerous meditative experiences, save OBE's. And, like I mentioned elsewhere, that darkness for me, often turns into a vast starfield, or used to at times turn into a light as bright as the sun. That was always cool and hard to look at. Seemed NDEish.

But, when I have something to follow, I'll go with it. I'll have to read your Doorway thread and more about directional focus also. I need to finish the phasing thread also. Thank you for sharing more ideas for me and others.


You keep mentioning 'the darkness'. This may be your initial technique to work with, by applying what Xanth described as the Noticing technique- just an easy, unemotional, detached observing of whatever you are Noticing. In this case, it appears you have some exposure already to The Void. People call it by different names, but it is fairly commonly encountered as the three-dimensional black space, the 3D Darkness, the Starfield or Starspace. The Void is a NP environment that seems to exist within and between many dimensions. 
If you find yourself there, then great! Just relax and gently observe; don't push or force anything. Just Notice the depth and velvety texture of the Void. The lights are apparently not stars, but they are significant. Many times, as you Notice, the depth and texture of the darkness may begin to shift and swirl slightly. Your attention may be drawn to one light or group that may begin shining more brightly. Continue your detached, casual observation and you may feel a sense of movement towards that light or area of darkness. Allow this to happen at its own speed and you may experience a direct shift into another NP environment. Don't try or expect to go somewhere of your choice; something beyond you will choose your environment and there will be a significant lesson to be learned there; so go with the flow. The Void is a great way to travel and learn! Volgerle has an excellent thread labeled The Void, above in this forum.

Lumaza's Doorway thread is excellent to study and speaks for itself. He mentioned movement and I want to elaborate on that. Many of us have found that using a simple visualization that involves rhythmic movement can often lead to a Phasing Shift to a NP environment. First you need some meditative or trance depth, but this can be a great early morning technique. Visualize bouncing on a trampoline, dancing, snow skiing or snow boarding, riding a showjumper horse, water skiing, riding a roller coaster or a bobsled or Lumaza's pace car idea...let your imagination run on this one; it's that simple and straightforward. 

Be yourself; everyone else is already taken.
                                                          -O. Wilde


Quote from: EscapeVelocity on September 18, 2023, 16:09:26If you find yourself there, then great! Just relax and gently observe; don't push or force anything. Just Notice the depth and velvety texture of the Void. The lights are apparently not stars, but they are significant. Many times, as you Notice, the depth and texture of the darkness may begin to shift and swirl slightly. Your attention may be drawn to one light or group that may begin shining more brightly. Continue your detached, casual observation and you may feel a sense of movement towards that light or area of darkness. Allow this to happen at its own speed and you may experience a direct shift into another NP environment. Don't try or expect to go somewhere of your choice; something beyond you will choose your environment and there will be a significant lesson to be learned there; so go with the flow. The Void is a great way to travel and learn! Volgerle has an excellent thread labeled The Void, above in this forum.

I enjoyed this paragraph in particular. It almost felt hypnotic in the way you worded it, in a good sense.

So, I've written far too much at this forum today, thus I'm going to chill out for a day, or two, and do other stuff. Thanks for this post. Lots of stuff to try out now and more info to read, like the doorway, phasing, etc., links.

Nobody can say the people here are not helpful!