What does spirits want?

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Originally posted by Patrik

When you get real-time sight you are using your third eye to see into the astral yes. However I don't think you need to have it actively open for it. In fact, opening the third eye, and having it open is very, very hard. It is much easier to activate it, which in itself increases third eye activities.

Also, even if you get the ability to see into the astral whenever you want (which very few people can, and I am certainly not one of them) I still don't think it's just closing your eyes and you see. I think a lot of the trick is learning to switch your focal point when awake. It will seem like you are viewing with your eyes, but in fact you are seeing into the top region of the brain, probably connected to the third eye. But this is only my guess of course.

I see, well thanks for explaining that to me!
I had this really, really strange dream last night! "Assuming it was just a dream."

I dreamt that somehow I warped to this cave and within the cave there were some markings on the wall and for some reason I knew what the marking meant, "Son Of God."
Suddenly a person in front of me appeared; I felt within me that it was Jesus? "I am not a religious person." He held my hand and knew what I wanted and needed, it felt as though we had some physic connection between us because we didn't need to speak verbally, we just both had this understanding.  He held my hands, his hands were warm. I think we just sat there for awhile doing this, I can't remember completely as it's a little vague now.
I then had this understanding he wanted to help me open my third eye, I felt him giving me his energy; so within this dream I closed my eyes and concentrated very hard to see something with my eyes closed, I started seeing this little white dot, which when I concentrated on it, it started becoming larger till eventually it was like watching a TV screen.
This bizarre thing is, I was watching a mini cow boy and Indian movie behind my eye lids.

The dream was vivid and emotional; I felt and still feel very close to the person I met in the dream.

I wonder if it was a dream?
I haven't lost my mind, I've backed it up somewhere...


spirits.......... What the hell are they doing here? Shouldn't they move on, instead of stagnating in our RTZ?!

Well just a quick question, you said they 'attack' you in the astral. How? I thought we are pretty invulnerable when going astral, it's just that you have to realize that right? Or are we???...

Like me, I had a little astral adventure yesterday, I finally managed to get on the street, I was on my way to sneak in a friends house, and then some kind of fictional millitary force with a 'laser cannon' or something came on it's way to arrest me. And I bought it! My flying sucked, so escaping didn't work..Then a person started talking about them becoming free, and me getting stuck...lol! I think it was just my own imagination though...but I was fooled into believing that the stupid lasor cannon could actually hurt my astral entity in some way...[:D] EDIT: that's when I woke up, probably because I lost to much conciousness of what was happening...as always.

Take care,


Hi Patrik,

Your question refers to your getting "attacked" when you get out of body. There is a specific reference to this in Practical Psychic Self-Defense by Robert Bruce. If you have the book, take a look at page 240 for active countermeasures. There are several pages covering this issue.

Very best,
"What lies before us, and what lies behind us, are tiny matters compared to what lies within us...." - Ralph Waldo Emerson


I don't think it is that easy, or even possible.

I do circle of protection and a few other things, but no direct shielding. I do not practise magic, nor do I have any interest in doing so.

Just because you are being attacked, doesn't necessary mean you are being hurt. We cannot be hurt, but that doesn't mean we can't be attacked.

Being attacked in the astral is not like being attacked in the physical, with beings having guns and other weapons. Basically they run towards you, trying to scare you... jump up on you from behind etc.

Sounds like you in the experience fell into your own subconcioua and created your own fictional reality with imaginary characters. Don't worry about it, just try to learn what causes this, and try to prevent it from happening again. Try not to think too much, fantasize etc while OBE. This can activate your subconcious and make you fall into a semi-concious dream.


Thanks, but the question did not refere to me being attacked. As the title suggests, it was in referance to the motives of spirits, and the reason why they choose to follow someone home etc.


Alright here is a bit of an odd question perhaps, please only give serious replies, and do NOT reply if you haven't read the whole thing.

I have for quite some time kept getting "attacked" when I get out of body. Sometimes pure negative entities or demons looking weird, and a long while this Hitchhiker guy. Lately however I am quite sure some spirits has been responsible for most of it, I kept seeing the same guy all the time. He tried many things to get on my nerves, including sleeping in my bed causing this annoying, not funny "mergin" feeling making it impossible to fall asleep. And when I got out he kept attacking me, it was not nice.

Then one day I managed to have several OBEs in a row, I went out, fought with him, back to body, out continued etc, asking several times what he wanted. After a while I managed to get him to stop fighting me, and have a serious conversation instead. It turned out he was quite nice actually... apparently he wanted me out of the apartment, not sure why... I told him that even if I leave, someone else will move in so it won't do much good. We spoke a bit, I appologized for not being able to move out etc. I returned to body, managed to get out again, couldn't see so I began doing a conjuration when I finished it one out of the three times required, he jumps on me... tells me to stop it, that it causes an explosion... (conjurations are certain words and meanings you say for the purpose to get rid of negative entities). I was suprised, and told him really? I never saw anything when doing the conjurations, and I only did it at that case so I would be able to see, he let go of me and we continued to speak.

There are many reasons why I don't really consider him "negative", first of all, he can if he wants penetrate the circle of protection, the negative ones doesn't seem to be able to do that... Second the conjuration doesn't really effect him, even though he does get "scared" and runs away a while before he returns etc.

Anyway, we spoke a bit, I appologized again for not being able to move out. He seemed fine with it, and told me they could switch post (three of them, but the two other's didn't say much). He went on by asking me not to burn down the house, which probably referred to not using conjurations since they caused for him "explosions". I can also add that they do know they are dead. I returned to body willfully after finishing the conversation, he wanted to give me something, some paper or what it was... I reminded him that I could not bring "souvenirs" to the body, he replied "ohh of course".

Next time, a few days later I went out of body, was laying/sitting on the floor now after having rolled out of bed. I feel a hand on my arm, I grab it, I begin to see, and he doesn't really act as negative as before, but says some strange not so nice things. I tell him to help me up instead, he pulls me up to my feet. I tell him that I stopped doing the conjurations because of them, so the least I could expect he being a little nice. He tells me that he is dead, and not sure how I do it, and if it is "legal" (probably getting out of body). I reply that I know he is dead, and doesn't care about that, and that it is "legal".

I spoke to him a bit, tried to get him to tell me his name, which was very hard... didn't seem to want to give it out. I returned to body pretty quickly in the middle of trying to get him to tell me more about himself and who he is.

Next time I got out, I began by not beeing able to see, I felt on my arm, suprised that I did not have someone holding on to me, the spirit tend to do that when I get out... I began to be able to see somewhat, and couldn't see anyone around in the room. So I decided to walk through the walls and "so something".

Now to the point... Next time I got out, which was this morning, perhaps an hour ago. I woke up after having somewhat "negative" dream (i.e. emotions). Though I don't think that is the reason, I have had that before without anything like this happening... I woke up, I drifted deeper wanting to fall back to sleep. I had my right hand "out" and felt hands touching it, "tickeling" it, holding it and just dragging their fingers on my arm, not sexually though. I also felt the same thing on one of my legs. I have felt this kind of thing before, but only on my hand, and then it has been mostly touching of hand, not my whole arm and not this much. I knew it was my astral hand and leg, so I layed there a bit, thinking of it, feeling it, wondering what it can be all about. First I assumed it was the three spirits that was back. I felt that I should be able to leave body if I wanted by just getting a little deeper. I thought about it, hesitated, didn't feel like meeting negative spirits at the moment, assuming they were negative. But decided that projections were too precious to neglect, so I did some rotation thing, and got out of body, and bed.

Now is the thing, it wasn't just the three spirits, I could yet not see, but felt hands all over... It was like my entire apartment was filled with spirits. And they were now kind of carrying me, like on a live music show and stage dive... Only that they were all "touchy", not sexually, but having their hands all over me. I acted nice, and said "hey all, what do you want?", but the "shock" probably took me by too much surprise and I was back in body.

Now is the question, what on earth is going on!? Besides the attracted by negative dream thing, which does not make sense... not this many, and I have had much more negative ones without anything like this... (again, negative = negative emotions such as sadness).

Can it be that the three spirits went and got backup? They seemed nice enough once we had spoken, he stopped attacking me, and I stopped doing the conjurations at night etc.

I was on a nightclub last night, can it possibly be that all these followed me home last night? That seems a bit odd, that many... and why?

Do they want something? What do they want? They might not be as negative as they appear at first... I mean the other spirit, seemed pure evil at the beginning, but once we began to speak, he was pretty nice.

What should I do here? Thanks.