What if I have a false awakening?

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I project by immediately performing an exit technique after waking up from a dream without moving. My question is if I have a false awakening and didn't really wake up, what if I perform an exit technique and still feel the sensations/vibrations? Is this just a dream about projecting and nothing more, or did I turn a dream into an astral projection?

I hope my question is clear. Sometimes when I wake up in the night after a dream I'm so groggy I'm not fully sure where I am, but last night I felt like I projected 4 or 5 times. Every single time it was me who initiated the process by imagining myself spinning, and then the vibrations would come almost immediately and I would sense and feel a heavy light on my third eye. It just seemed so easy, which is making me wonder if they were all just false awakenings or dreams.


It is good that you are having these various experiences and are starting to question certain aspects about them. It is fine to analyze and study the subtle differences but don't get frustrated or disappointed in getting more of one type of experience and not the ones you were expecting.

Dreaming about several projections like you described is fairly common early on. We can argue over the technicalities of whether it's really a projection but I think, more importantly, this shows you giving yourself permission on a deep, subconscious level, making some "dry runs" as it were, and that is an excellent sign that you are close.

You need to shift your perspective a little and realize that every experience you just described IS a projection, a Non-Physical Experience. Think about how your awareness/consciousness differs slightly between each. Every one of these experiences is giving you the opportunity to exercise and increase the capacities of your NP Awareness within differing environments, attaining increasing lucidity by coming into the NP Environments from different access points. Over time you will see how this is helping to increase not just your awareness but also your "adaptability."

Stay open and ready for any opportunity that presents itself. You are looking for quality but also volume -of experiences. Not knowing what will necessarily happen will make you adaptable...and fearless. :-D

Good job!

Be yourself; everyone else is already taken.
                                                          -O. Wilde


Thank you for the reply, EscapeVelocity. I agree with you saying that I need to shift my perspective. I think I've been focusing on something that isn't really important. Like you said, if I find myself aware in a non-physical environment, then maybe that's already an OBE. Whether it's a false awakening or not at the beginning might not matter. All I know is that I initiated the sensations every time.


In reading some of your prior posts it appears to me that you are making good progress towards having your first experiences. If in fact, you have had a False Awakening or a Lucid Dream, then these certainly qualify as OBEs, maybe not the direct conscious projection you wanted, but that's how it often happens.

Here are a few points I think you should focus on in these early experiences:

When you come aware within an experience, work to maintain and increase your level of awareness. Over a number of experiences you will find your awareness getting stronger and stronger, making the environment more vivid and your presence there more stable and clear.

Emotions have to be tightly controlled at certain times. One of the first is over-excitement, then fear in many forms, distractions from many things. Those are likely the first three that can often derail early experiences. This will test and teach you about mental control and how important it is. The answer is to be a calm, dispassionate observer of the reality around you.

It is fascinating: They somehow alternate experiences where you can let your emotions run to the extremes (such as the joy in flying!) then put you in a situation where you have to keep a lid on your emotions; the challenge is that you never fully know.

You come to realize that every experience has a number of lessons within it, even lessons within lessons. Some lessons are fairly obvious, many are so subtle or on such deeper levels of your being that their significance may not be realized for weeks, months or years. It is truly incredible.

Try adding some nightly affirmations to your routine, that might give you the final bump you need. Either way it is coming.

Have fun!

Be yourself; everyone else is already taken.
                                                          -O. Wilde


False awakenings are  my go to cues when i know i'm in that state of mind, it's easy to slip out of your body if your aware of what to do in such a situation.

The technicalities of projecting(or obe), having an out of body, body experience and dreaming is a complex topic to get into...

If i was you i would work from the base you have built and try walking out your room, or floating out of your roof, etc...

I wouldn't concern myself with the details yet, enjoy the experience and once you get bored start to look at the technicalities and try to find some validation