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i've heard of some people actually using magnets. like tying them from the ceiling. i dont know if this would work- but ive read a few places that your astral body can be highly sensitive to magnets.


It look like a brillant idea... but I dont think astral body is sensitive to magnet if yes , not in the same way as in our world.

majour ka

Spiritual growth and enlightenment, there you will find answers to all you will ever need, plus A.P psychic abilty are an easely ataind by product.

Best  Marcus x


QuoteCereal-N-Milk : Ive been trying to have an OBE for a couple of months. Its really easy for me get to the sleep/awake state. I could do it sense I was like 5, I just didnt know what it was really for, or what it was really called until recently. The only thing I cant do is get out. But do get to the tingle sensations or vibs i guess, i listen to Boxed NIrvane, and just visualize a square or keep telling my self Im Gonna Project lol.

I usually find it very easy to get to the sleep/awake/sensations stage too. I get it quite often without even trying or wanting to get to that state. From there to get out of my body I concentrate on the sensations which are often really strong, almost overwhelming. I then try to get out of I usually would if I was awake. In fact I try not even to think about the fact that its my astral body I want to get up and not my physical body. I try really hard to get my physical body out of bed and usually, providing I'm still feeling the sensations really strongly it is my astral body that gets up.

I can sometimes also project through one of my chakras. Once feeling the sensations I concentrate on one of my chakras..usually my heart or solar plexus. I continue to concentrate and the sensations build up a lot on that the point where it almost unbearable. Once its got to that intensity I usually visualize myself standing by my bed and then I kind of spring out of my chakra. This feeling is very intense and I often feel a kind of pain around the chakra on my astral body...its not pain exactly but almost and I also feel a kind of resistance..its much harder for me to move when projected through my heart chakra. I'm not going to try it again anytime soon, it was far too intense and draining afterwards for me.:shock:

If I plan previously to project, I get up on first waking (usually at 5am ish) and go to the toilet. I then lie back down (ensuring I lie on my back, not side).. and attempt to go back to sleep and not long after that the sensations come into play and I use one of the two above methods to get out.

much love xx


Most people don't realise this, but it takes several years of practice (for most people) to enter the astral straight through meditation (sometimes referred to as a "Fully Conscious Projection".)

Why is this?
Now everybody wanna go to heaven but nobody want to die- Krayzie Bone


Quote from: DonalMost people don't realise this, but it takes several years of practice (for most people) to enter the astral straight through meditation (sometimes referred to as a "Fully Conscious Projection".)

Why is this?

Because it's pretty damn hard to do!
Keep smiling,

Jeff Mash


Yes, but for what reasons is it?
Now everybody wanna go to heaven but nobody want to die- Krayzie Bone


My inexpert opinion is that successful OB projectors are people that (like me) are light sleepers and are prone to sleep paralysis.  I believe that people that are deep sleepers have more trouble staying at the 'body asleep/mind awake' long enough to be able to be conscious of any separation that may be happening.  But people who half/wake with any stimulus (like me) and are prone to sleep paralysis (which technically is a body asleep mind awake state, only naturally induced by the brain,[I suppose]) tend to be 'awake' for the event, and then can remember and report it, giving it enough familiarity to be able to repeat it. But that's just my unproven theory.


I believe that control of breathing (ie slowing it down) is one of the most important aspects relating to my ability to project. I can usually enter some kind of light trance after 10 minutes of reducing the rate of my breathing. However, having said this, please please be careful, I am sure there must be some risks involved.

 after this, I have to admit to loving mr bruces rope technique, a technique I used to advocate when I used to post here before.



I think I'm having trouble with getting to the vibration stage. I know I could get out if I'd get to that point, but I have trouble reaching it. I end up falling asleep I think.
Either way, I've tried setting my alarm clock for like 15 min later but the problem is that I have to re-set it every 15 minutes and I always end up waking up however long later with my alarm off. I don't remember shutting it off... I don't think the alarm clock thing would work for me.
Any tips on getting to the vibrations stage? I get a strong feeling I'd be good at the rest, but it's like I'm not even being given a chance here.
kokoro wa hoshi no kanata
negai wa kanarazu kanau
ai ni kitte  sono kagi wa mirai e

Raspberry Heaven- By Oranges and Lemons

"My heart's wish is beyond the heavens
My heart's wish will be granted
Love's key is the future"

Takeda Shingen

Quote from: knightlightnot sure where I read it but I used something that was very useful last night.  I wrote a C on my right index finger and every time I would wake up or think to look at it I would.  I had 3 obes last night.  It worked so well I think I will do it tonight as well.

dude i read that link you had with The C on the index finger method

Yo That Is Genius     i tried a method like that i used paper
and i drew a large triangle
it almost worked    i got out my bed and was about to go through the sliding glass doors in my room   but when i tried to do that    then window started bending and i was afraid it was gonna shatter and cut me up real good       yo i'm trying this tonight
thanks for sharing  KnightLight :cool:


Quote from: CFTravelerMy inexpert opinion is that successful OB projectors are people that (like me) are light sleepers and are prone to sleep paralysis. I believe that people that are deep sleepers have more trouble staying at the 'body asleep/mind awake' long enough to be able to be conscious of any separation that may be happening. But people who half/wake with any stimulus (like me) and are prone to sleep paralysis (which technically is a body asleep mind awake state, only naturally induced by the brain,[I suppose]) tend to be 'awake' for the event, and then can remember and report it, giving it enough familiarity to be able to repeat it. But that's just my unproven theory.

You just explained me exactly. Ive been spiritual since birth, I was born with some knowledge of my rebirth, but its only been a few months since my reality shattering epitome. I think it was due to the astral. I keep having this urge to spill everything I know (I was told to even). But this isnt the place. Anyways, on the subject of AP.. First of all I guess you could call me a light sleeper, as in I know everything that is going on while I sleep. Even with my eyes closed I know. At boarding school my friends decided to wake me up by dumping water on my head while I was asleep. As the water was in the air I dodged it with my eyes closed, I didnt get a drop on me (and they kinda freaked) :roll: . Another time I was sleeping and a friend sneaked up to my window silently and looked in at me for some reason, I snapped my eyes open directly at his, he pretty much died of fright :lol:. Oftentimes I go to sleep thinking of something and come aware again in the middle of a sentence.
I've had quite a few experiences with sleep paralysis, it was a horrifying experience for me before my epitome. Infact the last time I had It I had an OBE where I embodied the form of a black spectre, flew across the house, and tried to knock down my own door attempting to scare myself to death lol. The door definitely rattled, but it was possibly something else. Its very funny now but it was the most terrifying thing that ever happened to me by a hundred fold then (maneating Grizzlies dont come close).
Other than that my most intense OBE/AP was when I was (of course) laying in bed. I was pondering something while mostly asleep when I (not very seriously) thought 'I know enough.' I willed my spirit to levitate (something I sometimes do just for exercise) normally it doesnt do much but this time I could distinctly feel myself leaving my body. I was somewhere between my body and 4 feet above it when I freaked out. I thought I was dieing. I thought god was teaching me a lesson in arrogance and was bringing me in, I said(in my mind) 'I didnt mean it, please dont take me, I have alot to learn' and I snapped back to my body. Im still a little afraid to use the levitation technique because I havent seen anyone say theyve tried it. Ive heard of people taking thier ethereal bodies with thier astral before, but that sounds very dangerous. Im not afraid to die but I still have alot to discover and I dont want to start over again.

Also, this might blow you guys away but I found you dont have to be quasi asleep to leave your body partially. Along with the levitation exercise I also try to move out of my hand, you know when you do it because you cant feel your physical hand. I came about that idea because once I accidentally 'moved out' of my hand, both me and my friend saw it, I was embarrassed and he just stood there paralyzed with his mouth open unable to say anything. Not every day you see your friend with an extra forearm I guess :shock: Dont expect other people be able to see it regularly thought, that particular time took a huge amount of energy, I felt like I had been electrocuted. But anyways the point of my post was going to be if you think Im a candidate for AP with my seemingly light sleep pattern, being that AP takes place in deep sleep.
Every single person is an enigma of wonder waiting patiently to be realized.

Scoff if you want; soon we will be leading the race to new heights and you will wish you had followed us in our search for truth.


I forgot having posted that.  :smile:   The part about separating without paralysis: Wow!  Something like that happened to me while awake only one time in my life, and I thought I was having some sort of seizure.  You must definitely have talent for AP if you could do that.  Was your friend 'sensitive'?  You know, does he see ghosts or other type of phenomena? (About Alaskans>'s quote)


I wish I could explain it more but It was a spontaneous accident when it happened visually. I can tell you it was before I ever read up on anything 'paranormal.' I felt my energy and I knew I was sent back to earth, thats it. It does make me wonder if you really have to be sleeping to leave your body though, at least partially.
Every single person is an enigma of wonder waiting patiently to be realized.

Scoff if you want; soon we will be leading the race to new heights and you will wish you had followed us in our search for truth.


Hey Alaskans, I had a similar experience once..

I had my astral finger "out" while I was fully awake. It just came out of my physical finger. Both fingers looked just the same.

Freaked me out a bit..even when I knew I was going to see something cool..



Glad to hear im not the only one  :grin:  I'm having trouble moving my energy out lately though. (Exept for my head chakras). I think its because I used to be really clumsy and could 'move out' pretty easy (its also when I accidentally had an obe). But I told my subconcious to be more agile, immediatly I began to see results, now I have acrobatic coordination (I can jump 5 feet between 2/2 poles, and I never practiced  :shock: ). I cant prove its related, but I think focusing on being in tune with my body stunted my ability to move my astral body out. I have to be in the deepest sleep stage to even try. Are there martial artists who can OBE?
Every single person is an enigma of wonder waiting patiently to be realized.

Scoff if you want; soon we will be leading the race to new heights and you will wish you had followed us in our search for truth.


This is something I also have thought about. I have great difficulty to get anywhere with these practises. I was able to lift myself up when I was 10, but now it seems I can't get anything done.

I have a very good coordination and I am athletic, so could that mean that I'm very much "in sync" with my body and that means it takes a very relaxed state to get out(which seems I can't get to). So could it be that I'm sort of glued to my body harder than some of you who can get out easily.



I can astral project whether i'm awake or tired, i guess that's down to experience. But lately i've been doing it much more then usual and my physical ability has dropped dramatically. however when i have a break from astral projection i become more efficient in physical tasks. I strongly believe it is all related. If your focus is on the spiritual your physical ability will suffer for it and vice versa...
for what shall it profit a man if he is to gain the world and lose his own soul?

David Warner

loppoppy ,

I understand what you mean about how one of the other will suffer because of constant focus. This is why its good to incorporate a diet to balence out time efficiency with physical and astral.

InvisibleLight - Book Release 12.12.2012


Definatly something thats good to know about. My coordination has been noticably dropping since I started gearing for obe, I think it will be a pretty good tradeoff though.
Every single person is an enigma of wonder waiting patiently to be realized.

Scoff if you want; soon we will be leading the race to new heights and you will wish you had followed us in our search for truth.

David Warner

yeah, like anything in life its balence, which is the key... i've noticed a few things in my life fall off the deep end because of projecting and spending so much energy, but this is not hurting anyone or causing problems.. but if OBEs started causing problems at work, home family life etc.. then I would have to re-evaulate.

InvisibleLight - Book Release 12.12.2012


Quote from: Soltis on May 01, 2006, 01:19:35
I think I'm having trouble with getting to the vibration stage. I know I could get out if I'd get to that point, but I have trouble reaching it. I end up falling asleep I think.
Either way, I've tried setting my alarm clock for like 15 min later but the problem is that I have to re-set it every 15 minutes and I always end up waking up however long later with my alarm off. I don't remember shutting it off... I don't think the alarm clock thing would work for me.
Any tips on getting to the vibrations stage? I get a strong feeling I'd be good at the rest, but it's like I'm not even being given a chance here.

Same here mate, I've heard a ringing sound in my ears once, a fair while ago, but other than that I've never gotten the vibrations and I've been trying every now and then for the past year.
I can't keep trying all the time, because I don't have time and frankly it isn't very rewarding because nothing ever happens   :-(

David Warner

i think if you're having problems reaching the vibrational state, try and switch to lucid dream projections to obe's. if i had to depend on lucid dream to a obe as a measure to project as a living, i would be poor.

the one thing that i will point out is that many people expect to fall into sleep and the vibrations occur that results in a obe. from my own personal experiences, normally, i fall into sleep, the body completely relaxed and resting then i snap back to conscious awareness in the trance state. i am then able to bring on the vibrations and leave the body at will. this occurs within the first 15-20mins of sleep.

during the night,  set your alarm clock to go off at random times. when you drift off, imagine yourself spinning around in circles or feel the vibrations flow thru your body.


InvisibleLight - Book Release 12.12.2012


For members who are using this forum to learn a method of exit, you must understand that what will work best for you is the most COMFORTABLE method of exit. After effort is invested you will eventually become programed to be aware during OBE's. While most of us can agree that OBE's are in fact REAL, it is important to realize that our experiences are completely subjective.

A trance state and deep physical relaxation are imperative in OBE's.  It is however my oppinion that the main problem with OBE's arises in MEMORY. OBE's are natural.  Most of us are just so deep in sleep that we are not aware we are having one. For example, dreams are slippery if not documented. A very important aspect of OBE experiences is raising energy. This becomes extremely vital in higher level projections, above the astral plane. I'll try to explain. Your mind works at only 24 frames per second.  If a strobe light is flashing faster than 24 times per second our mind only recognizes it as a single stream of light. OBE's involve a shifting of consciousness from level of existence (3rd dimension) to the astral. Your mind is not able to compute the instantaneous nature of the astral realm. This is why trance is so imperative to CONSCIOUS exit. You need to have a particular frequency of consciousness to experience levels higher than the physical realm.

So how do you work on obtaining a higher level of energy? This involves exercising your bioenergetic body. Major and minor chakras etc. Developing these formerly "undertrained muscles" will greatly assist in OBE remembrance and spontaneous experience. I cannot emphasize enough how important your energy body is in Astral Projection. The margin is really drawn in to the seriousness of the projector.

Don't hestitate to ask for me to clear anything up, or ask for more information on anything mentioned.

Truth exists beyond the dimension of thought.



you obviously have a lot of experience with OBE, could you please tell me how to stop it.
I'm sure it is an amazing thing when you have control, but i don't and it freaks me out.
Thank you for help.