What are your achievements and discoveries?

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This is a questionnaire to help put together some of the most interesting achievements people had with Astral Projection and Lucid Dreaming. Anyone is free and very welcome to answer the questions, though the aim is to provide data received through direct experience.

1 - Have you ever encountered more evolved beings?

1.1 - If so, describe the place:
       what were they like:
       what have you learned from them:

2 - What have you found out about life on other planets?

3 - What was the most interesting conversation you had? What did you ask/say and hear?

4 -  Describe 3 things/creatures that you saw there, but never saw here:

5 - If you've been able to read, what did you read about? How many consecutive words do you remember?

5.1 - Have you read words you haven't seen here before?

6 - Ever learned special tricks to be used there?

7 - Ever received a solution to a problem?

8 - Describe the most amazing thing you saw:

9 - Describe the most amazing thing you did:

10 - Describe your most amazing validation:

11 - Ever had your astral body malformed or defective? What was it like?

13 - Describe the 3 strangest sentences you heard:

14 - Describe 3 things that you still want to try in the astral:

12 - What interesting things have you found out about the Universe?

15 - If you believe in a God, what clues have you gotten about it's existence?

16 - Ever been lectured on the process of Creation?

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Please, copy and paste the questions followed by your answers. It's not necessary to answer all the questions, but try your best. :-) Also, you don't have to describe 3 things if you can only remember one. I will answer them too, looking forward to hearing from you all!

If we receive a good amount of answers we can make this a Sticky Topic, available for easy research.
Where does this silence come from?

The untold past of the Earth: http://hiddenhistory.awardspace.com


1. I am not sure, I think I have. I have looked up at the sky during a projection and seen visions, Stars and the likes. I saw a huge star over my village, and when I say huge, I mean like a giant paper star. This fits in with my villages belief in the angel of providence protecting us. I have prayed a number of times while projecting. I feel like I am so grateful for the experience, and when I pray during projections I get a real nice feeling from it, kind of satisfaction. I think this counts in some way as communication with higher beings.

2. Not even looked into it.


4. I saw a burning, infested skull on a revolving platform once, While some being kept repeating the words death and war. That was pretty intense.But that was likely just a descent into nightmare. I hope.

8. Most amazing thing? The star in the sky probably. Although once I saw what I thought were fireworks. Next day i heard that there was a meteor shower during the night.

14. meet other beings and have meaninful conversations. That would be at the top of my list. I would like to visit the island, which I suppose goes hand in hand.


1- Have you ever encountered more evolved beings?
a: I'm not really sure. I did encounter this ball of light which i somehow ''knew'' it was my grandma who had passed away the week prior. The energy around it was just full of love and i just kind felt like it was her. Unfortunately, I didn't communicate with whatever it was.
Also, one night I was struggling to get out of my body while i was in sleep paralysis (sp?) and i saw/felt a hand reach out and grab mine. It pulled me right out!

1.1 - If so, describe the place:
       what were they like:
       what have you learned from them:

2 - What have you found out about life on other planets?
a: nothing from the astral

3 - What was the most interesting conversation you had? What did you ask/say and hear?
a: I only remember one conversation I had in the astral. I was actually speaking with my best friend. I think i was just speaking to his higher consciousness or something b/c i asked him what he dreamt about that night and he didnt remember anything and i dont even think he knows exactly what astral projection is. It was about a year ago when i first started projecting. This was probably my 2nd or 3rd time conciously prjecting. I projected up to my 2nd floor in my house and my friend was standing there. He was having ''girl problems'' at the time and we usually talk about our relationship problems all the time. So I asked him about the current girl he was seeing and asked him if they were going to be getting any more serious or just break it off. It is very blurry to me now, but i remember him saying that he wanted to get more serious with her, but in a few days they wouldnt be together anymore. Almost like he knew like he was psychic or something. Come to find out they spent a lot of time together the next few dyas then they just stopped talking altogether. I couldnt say 100% if i was actually talking to his higher conscious or not but i am pretty sure.... WEIRD!! But it did finally prove to me that astral projection is 100% real and not just something our mind is making up.

4 -  Describe 3 things/creatures that you saw there, but never saw here:
Random, but BEAUTIFUL colors. Hard to explain though

5 - If you've been able to read, what did you read about? How many consecutive words do you remember?
a: During lucid dreaming i often read books and i actually can read full sentences, but when i wake up i dont have any idea of what i just read about or what the words said. But i remember actually reading full sentences and in some cases a full page. I dont read to often in this life here on earth though. Just magazines and articles online :-P

5.1 - Have you read words you haven't seen here before?
a: not words but i've heard music that i know i've never heard before. i will hear guitar bass and drums just like im listening to my head phones.

6 - Ever learned special tricks to be used there?
a: winning the lottery? hah yeah sure i wish

7 - Ever received a solution to a problem?
a: im pretty sure ive received many solutions i just dont remember them consciously

8 - Describe the most amazing thing you saw:
The ball of light who i felt was my grandma who had just passed away. And all the stars when i fly up into the night sky.

9 - Describe the most amazing thing you did:

not really surre i did anything ''amazing'' excpt the first time i consciously projected i was pretty dang excited. i didnt even know what to do i just roamed around until i woke up about a minute later

10 - Describe your most amazing validation:
see #3 :-D

11 - Ever had your astral body malformed or defective? What was it like?
a: im not sure what you mean by that, but often times i can't fly or it is hard to even move and i feel stuck like im glued down to teh ground. i guess that goes more toward lucid dreaming.

13 - Describe the 3 strangest sentences you heard:

14 - Describe 3 things that you still want to try in the astral:
-see a past life
-interact with someone/something that lives in the astral but not here in the physical
-see life on another planet. I've heard you can interact with people/creatures on many of the planets and moons in our solar system
-see a past event that happened when i wasnt alive.. or that hasnt happened in this life

12 - What interesting things have you found out about the Universe?
a: it is bigger than we can even imagine.. the universe isnt just the physical universe science tells us about, it has many different dimensions and as[ects

15 - If you believe in a God, what clues have you gotten about it's existence?
a: Well i was raised as a christian and i ''believed'' in god and was baptized. in the last year or so that ive been projecting my mind opens up to new things more and more every day. All of these outer body experiences and things happening by jsut ''coincedence'' as some would say has made me ''know'' god now and i have realized that god isnt just god, a he or she, what religions around the world perceive ''him'' to be.. but god is everything. God is you, me, the trees, the stars, the air we breathe, the food we eat, the clothes on your body, everything you feel emotionally.. god is un-conditional love. god is the source and what we are all tryinh to get back to.. where we all started from.

i have also COMPLETELY 100% lost fear of death

16 - Ever been lectured on the process of Creation?
a: grew up being taught creationism/evolution and some other weird theories about aliens seeding earth.. i actually kind of believe things each of them but what ever happened has happened and its nothing i really need to know during this life.

good thinkin on the survey.. i had fun doing it.. i've never really discussed my experiences to anyone before and i've been doing this over a year now.. so thank you for the survey!


to add to # 14 i'd also like to visit the akashic redords (sp?) or watch the creation of the universe if that is even possible. ive heard time travel is possible in the astral. maybe it is just the akashic records that make time travel possible. since everything that has happened or will happened is already there.


Quote from: AndrewTheSinger on December 22, 2006, 19:25:1414 - Describe 3 things that you still want to try in the astral:

I haven't managed to project yet, but three things I'd like to do in the astral are:

Hang out with dead people

Hang out with fictional people and go on adventures with them (a Goonies-style adventure sounds fun!)

A vist to the Akashic Records would probably be pretty cool.
The Bee Gees and Andy Gibb


1 - Have you ever encountered more evolved beings?

1.1 - If so, describe the place:
       what were they like:
       what have you learned from them:

Not so much more evolved but more spiritually aware and more aware of physical dynamics.  I have several in multiple LD experiences in several different enviroments.  Usually these figures are considerably calm even dispite some of the situations they have appeared in.  Saddly I can not point out any specific things learned through these experiences but I believe that the info is still floating around in my brain some place and helping me to develope.

Quote2 - What have you found out about life on other planets?


3 - What was the most interesting conversation you had? What did you ask/say and hear?

The most memorable experience was in a LD.  We were driving along a lonely, heavily forested road.  I was the passanger and some one else was driving.  We stopped in a small clearing in the woods.  The driver got out of the car and I followed.  He begain to head into the woods and as I started to follow he told me to stop.  I usually don't listen to Dream Figures when they tell me I can't do something, so I started to walk again.  Again he told me to stop and said that I could not continue as I was and pointed to a shop sink just sitting in the clearing.  I walked over to the shop sink and looked down into it.  When I did I started to cry and ended up filling up the sink.  When I looked back up he was gone.  That's when I woke up...still sad from the experience, even though I don't know why I started to cry in the dream.  I had the feeling that I could not continue carrying what ever burden was making me sad.  

Quote4 -  Describe 3 things/creatures that you saw there, but never saw here:

Well I have seen all kinds of things in my LD's that you just don't see in real life.  Including werewolves, the undead, giants, demons, and all manner of odd wisps of creatures.

Quote5 - If you've been able to read, what did you read about? How many consecutive words do you remember?

I have read several things to include signs, news papers, things like that.  Some times I don't actually read them as just know what they say.  But to recall I have picked up some very specific things like names and such.

Quote5.1 - Have you read words you haven't seen here before?


Quote6 - Ever learned special tricks to be used there?

Yes!  And several things that I am trying to learn here.  STuff that has lead me to beleive that it is possible here as well but there is still something missing that prevents it.

Quote7 - Ever received a solution to a problem?

Yes both personal and educational.  The solution to many things has come to me while dreaming.  I tend to learn lots of stuff while dreaming.  It makes me wonder just where the info comes from.  I have a couple of ideas but nothing solid given the way the info is resented.

Quote8 - Describe the most amazing thing you saw:

Nothing really amazing comes to mind.  Interesting maybe not really amazing.  Like one of the times I ended up in 3D blackness.  It was solid in a way.  For instance I could jump straight up and instead of falling I would just stop at the peak of the jump with the "floor" under me again.  That was pretty cool.  Played there for a little bit befoer I lost it.

Quote9 - Describe the most amazing thing you did:

Battle, which can be fun, to a certain extent.  But I have been faced with things that have been attachted to various family members and had to deal with them.  Those situations are always epic in nature.  For instance the ones involving my sister and brother in law.  Some thing was attachted to both of them.  I remember my neices being there as well and being afraid.  When what was hiding in my sister and husband had revealed itself I quickly delt with it.  One of the things that really made this experiance interesting was the change in the way that my neices acted towards me after that.  They previously were always a little stand-offish but after that it was like they were never liked that, always with hugs and hellos now.

Quote10 - Describe your most amazing validation:

See above.

Quote11 - Ever had your astral body malformed or defective? What was it like?
No, not really.  Got shot in the gut once and didn't die, dispite the big annoying hole in my stomach.  That went on for 3 days dream time.

Quote13 - Describe the 3 strangest sentences you heard:

Nothing really stands out.

Quote14 - Describe 3 things that you still want to try in the astral:

Space exploration would be cool.  And to remember a visit to the Records.  That's about it.

Quote12 - What interesting things have you found out about the Universe?

Things are not as mysterious as we make them out to be.

Quote15 - If you believe in a God, what clues have you gotten about it's existence?

16 - Ever been lectured on the process of Creation?

No to both of those.


Quote1 - Have you ever encountered more evolved beings?
I communicate and work with what I call "helpers" and "guides".  They are, for the most part, possibly more evolved spiritualy simply because they have been in the afterlife longer than us, helping those who get stuck in the lower levels after they die and growing spiritualy. Of course, i have been helping people to move on as well, so whos to say exactly how evolved they really are compared to some of us.  As for a non human being, I have faint memories of being with alien types. Once instance I remember being in paralysis, and seeing a group of "grays" around me, looking down at me.  I think that possibly they do most of their work in a higher dimension.

Quote1.1 - If so, describe the place:
       what were they like:
       what have you learned from them:
After calling for a helper or guide, one usualy comes quite shortly.  Some have shown up as jesters, some as beings of light, some even as crows and other non human beings.  I let them know I want to help with a retrieval, which is helping a person who died and is stuck in their own self dillusional "heaven" or "hell", or even stuck on the plane closest to the physical because of strong ties, helping them to move on to the higher levels of the "afterlife".  I have learned many things, such as how the afterlife system works, the reasons why certain people become stuck in the lower levels, and things that I cannot conjuer up from consious memory.

Quote2 - What have you found out about life on other planets?

There is indeed life on other planets... it is simply not on this dimension of existance.  Not only me, but many people have seen inhabitants of other planets, even in this solar system, in higher dimensions while out of body.

Quote3 - What was the most interesting conversation you had? What did you ask/say and hear?
the most interesting conversation I have had is definatly not somthing I can draw from my consious memory.  There are times when I am only slightly consious, yet I am aware of the generalties of what I am experiencing. TImes like these I seem to draw knowledge from my higher self or beings much more advanced than me, and I come back to full consiusness will a feeling that I just learned the most important and devastating secrets, so amazing that they do not even make sense in physical reality.

Quote4 -  Describe 3 things/creatures that you saw there, but never saw here:
1. Aliens(grays)
2. "shadow people"
3. your mom (lol joke)

Quote5 - If you've been able to read, what did you read about? How many consecutive words do you remember?
5.1 - Have you read words you haven't seen here before?

I remember a time when I left my body, and ended up in a classroom. It seems like this was not the first time I had been to this classroom.  I do not remember exactly what went on, or if I read, but it was definatly some kind of place for learning while OOB or maybe even while dreaming.

Quote6 - Ever learned special tricks to be used there?
Hmm flying? telekenisis. of course, that is the only way you can communicate out there. hmm... "teleporting" to a place by thinking about it.

Quote7 - Ever received a solution to a problem?
THe culmination of things I have learned have solved just about every problem in my life, and will continue to for the rest of my life here on earth.

Quote8 - Describe the most amazing thing you saw:
Once I left my body and went to a dimension where the earth had 4 moons.  The first one I saw was the most amazing thing i have ever seen, it filled me with an undescribable feeling the moment I saw it. It was amazing close to earth. The next three were off in the distance, and different colors.

Quote9 - Describe the most amazing thing you did:
Helped souls trapped in the lower levels of the afterlife to move on to the higher levels where they should be.  Contacted my great grandmother and my friends grandfather.  OBEd into someone elses dream.

Quote10 - Describe your most amazing validation:

My friend asked me to contact his dead grandfather so I tried that night. After stating the intent to communicate with him, I immedatly saw a photograph of an old man with a couple other people next to him.  I had a strong feeling the old man was the person I was looking for. Just then, the picture faded and the man appeared to me. After talking to him, i needed some validation. I asked my friend before hand for a question to ask that only he and his grandfather new the answer to, so I asked his grandfather... what store did you shop at almost every day while you were on earth. He told me KMart. My interpretation of it was a little sloppy, I thought the store was somthing that Started with a K, and then included the word mart.  I never even thought of KMart for some reason. But I asked my friend what the store was, and he said K Mart and I was blown away.

Quote11 - Ever had your astral body malformed or defective? What was it like?
Id say this is probably impossible.  In my earliest travels I would have some problems going through walls or ceilings sometimes, but that had nothing to do with my astral body and everything to do with my beliefs.

Quote13 - Describe the 3 strangest sentences you heard:

Quote14 - Describe 3 things that you still want to try in the astral:
astral sex

Quote12 - What interesting things have you found out about the Universe?
SO much that it would take me an hour to write it all down. Heres it all in a nutshell. We are all part of the Whole, the whole is god, the one, the creater, we are all part of the whole, we are all creaters, we are all god. We are connected to somthing called our "higher self" that we can not percieve while on earth due to limited consiousness.  Of course this can be accessed while out of body and other altered states of consousness.  We are just one aspect of our higher self, just one incarnation, there are many other incarnations, that are not us as an individual, for they all have different personalities and experiences that shaped who they are, but us as at a higher level of consiousness, connected to us through our higher self. The earth is a school, for us to learn, grow, gain new experiences, learn to express love to a greater degree.  When we die there are an infinite number of levels for us to transgress.  The first one is basically where we see our "ghosts", those stuck near the physical for one reason or another. The next level is known as the belief system territories. Here you have your hollow heavens and hells. A persons beliefs dictate whether or not they get stuck here, and how strong their hold is to these restricting places.  Like attracts like in the afterlife, you will most likely be on a level as those wtih the same vibrations as yourself.  If you are head high in your religion, or a sick twisted psycopath, good luck... i hope you can change, because you may find yourself stuck here, and of course there are helpers and people like me to attempt to retreive souls from these places, but there are just so many and it is not always easy. 
The next level is known as focus 27, the park, its the place most people go when they die.  here you can adjust to your new situation, since thoughts manifest in these dimensions, you can create your own reality, whatever you could possibly want is yours upon thought.  Eventually this will get boring, you will have done everything you wanted to do, and will most likely want to explore and learn what else is out there for you.  I can not say forsure what happens after this.  I think at this time I will rejoin with my higher self, perhaps help with some retrievals of the other aspects of my higherself(my other incarnations), and once we are all gathered we will move on to an even more amazing level of existance.  I will be one step closer to being part of the whole once again.  All I know is I cannot wait. 

Quote15 - If you believe in a God, what clues have you gotten about it's existence?

16 - Ever been lectured on the process of Creation?

See 14.
Escaping Velocity. Not just eternity, but infinity.


1 - Have you ever encountered more evolved beings?
a: Maybe.  When I was young I was 'helped' in my travels.  The 'guides' had knowledge of what I was doing, I knew nothing. However, the idea of 'more evolved' makes me nervous.  How do we know what 'more evolved' is?  I think we'd have to have a lot of interaction to make a decision like that.

1.1 - If so, describe the place: At home in the RTZ, to help me go somewhere else.
       what were they like:'Glowing female entities'. 
       what have you learned from them: I learned how to go to another realm, when I found certain points in space.  Once I found them, I had to fly in at a certain angle, and I would end up somewhere else.  If I just flew through, I just kept going to the 'regular' other side.  It wasn't easy and it took a bit of practice to get it.

2 - What have you found out about life on other planets?
a: Nothing.  I have gone to realms that were 'alienish' but I don't think they were 'other planets', properly speaking.  I have gone to outer space, but when I picked a place to fly to, I ended up in earthlike areas.

3 - What was the most interesting conversation you had? What did you ask/say and hear?
a: It wasn't a conversation at all.  I was taught how to feel shapes with waves.  It was a sublime experience.

4 -  Describe 3 things/creatures that you saw there, but never saw here: Well, there were the flying squids, in outer space. (No, really.)  That's it.  Just one.  But there was fire coming out of his butt.  I have it in my journal, if you want to check.

5 - If you've been able to read, what did you read about? How many consecutive words do you remember?
a: I was given 3 names to remember: Hyparion, Gilmarion, and Polymarchon.  They're probably made up, but I'm reading Hyperion just in case.  It's close enough.

5.1 - Have you read words you haven't seen here before?
a: Well, the previous one just about covers it.

6 - Ever learned special tricks to be used there?
a: For a while I was dreaming about the uses for Astral sight.  In my dreams, I was supposed to get to the 'seeing through eyelids' trance, and then I could do pk and levitate.  Of course I was dreaming, so that's kind of silly.  But it seemed that I dreamed a lot of doing psi tricks with the astral sight.

7 - Ever received a solution to a problem?
a:Yes.  Years ago, I worked in electronics.  If there was something seemingly unfixable, I'd go home, ask for a solution, and get a dream that usually fixed it.  It worked about 90% of the time.

8 - Describe the most amazing thing you saw: I didn't 'see' it- I felt colors and shapes.  It was amazing.

9 - Describe the most amazing thing you did: I've only done one thing that was amazing to me, and it was leave earth's orbit.  It doesn't seem that amazing in retrospect, though.

10 - Describe your most amazing validation: My husband (newly married then) went to work, and I was home sick from work. So I'm laying there taking a nap, when I fly to where he worked (I had never been there before).  I saw what he was doing with these little metal balls, and he had tweezers and he was messing with them.  I flew back, found that to be very weird, so I called him.  He told me that his dad used to be a locksmith, so he was changing the locks for his boss' office.  He was selecting these little metal pins to go on the cylinders. It wasn't his job, and I didn't know about his dad's former career or his tools.  It was such a specific thing that I knew then it was no dream.

11 - Ever had your astral body malformed or defective? What was it like?
a: No.

13 - Describe the 3 strangest sentences you heard: I have to go back and look that up.  I'll edit it in. Edit: I found them- it was" Pop critters"
"Cleaning giant"
and then a bit later,
"Super Jiff".    (Maybe I watch too much TV)

14 - Describe 3 things that you still want to try in the astral: I want to have a meaningful conversation with someone and remember it completely.  I'd like to meet my higher self.  I'd like to speak to an angel and know it's an angel, no doubt about it.

12 - What interesting things have you found out about the Universe?
a: Nothing really.

15 - If you believe in a God, what clues have you gotten about it's existence?
a: I had a vision of talking to God and it wasn't how I would have expected.

16 - Ever been lectured on the process of Creation?



1 - Have you ever encountered more evolved beings?

Yes, on many occasions. If these beings are separate from me, or are just personalities within a psyche (such as I am) is unknown to me at this time.

1.1 - If so, describe the place:
       what were they like:

There are a lot of encounters. Some were i9ndifferent to my presence, some played with me as we might play with a lesser being. Some were nice, some just spouted what turned out to be incoherent nonsense (when I remembered the experience in rl). Many seem to be driven energies, perhaps a personification of base energies so single minded in that energies manifestation.

       what have you learned from them:

What I have learnt is that understanding arise from us. External knowledge can be gained, but we have to make sence of it in terms of ourselves and our own understanding to date.

2 - What have you found out about life on other planets?

Nothing (yet).

3 - What was the most interesting conversation you had? What did you ask/say and hear?

Would have to look over my journals for this. It sounds terrible perhaps, but projection becomes blasé after x amount of exits. Even amazing things can become part of normal life if experienced enough.

4 -  Describe 3 things/creatures that you saw there, but never saw here:

1) God. On a few occasions now.
2) The devil. (As above).
3) Death.

I take the above as my own interpretation of certain energies i.e. I perceived something which resonated with the above images in myself, they were not necessarily the beings they portrayed.

5 - If you've been able to read, what did you read about? How many consecutive words do you remember?

Reading always turns out to be nonsensical. Just 2 days ago I was reading a book OBE and on remembering the words in RL it was just a stream of random words with no apparent relationship. At the time they did seem to portray something deeper though (this could simply be an effect of experiencing an altered state of consciousness).

5.1 - Have you read words you haven't seen here before?

Not that I recall.

6 - Ever learned special tricks to be used there?

Lots. Only limitation is ones own lack of imagination. Just doing things usually sees them occur (rather than contemplating the mechanics of how to do something).

7 - Ever received a solution to a problem?

Would have to look through my journal. But I can't recall doing so atm.

8 - Describe the most amazing thing you saw:

One interesting experience saw me flying over the earth under creation. It was sped up, and so as I flew I saw the volcanic period, the lava cool, oceans form, life spring up and evolve.
I've also 'experienced' what seemed to be the (A) source. Can't really articulate such experiences though.

9 - Describe the most amazing thing you did:

This was more an inward experience (AP), but I entered what can only be called a 'God machine' and experienced the totality of everything (or perceived myself doing so), it was an awe inspiring and terrifying experience.

10 - Describe your most amazing validation:

Being seen by a family member while OOB, and them remembering the experience with no prompting. One thing I will say though is that this validates for me just OBEs, not the philosophies attributed to OBEs (such as proof of life after death etc).

11 - Ever had your astral body malformed or defective? What was it like?

I'm not sure I'd call it malformed, but I have found myself in other bodies, in animal forms, without a body (it was more than no body, it was like no boundary between me and reality – a body gives one a sense of bounds, in such experiences I was boundless).

13 - Describe the 3 strangest sentences you heard:

I'd have to look through my journal.

14 - Describe 3 things that you still want to try in the astral:

Would like more contact with other beings/civilisations.

12 - What interesting things have you found out about the Universe?

I haven't found out anything I would take as absolute. The astral has a way of validating our own desires, and doesn't necessarily show truth. It shows what we seek – and that is very different.

15 - If you believe in a God, what clues have you gotten about it's existence?

I don't. And perhaps as per my last answer, I have found evidence of their being no God in the religious sense. There are things which could be called a God, and Gods which could b created through belief but not necessarily a definitive creator of it all. As with anything, your experiences might vary :).

16 - Ever been lectured on the process of Creation?

Yes, but more physical creation of our world. But seen many things which have alluded to creation itself.


1 - Have you ever encountered more evolved beings?
a:   I don't think so, unless two old sweet ladies I've also had in a NON-LUCID dream a few day prior to AP'ing for the first time counts...

1.1 - If so, describe the place:  Right outside my APT entrance across the small alley street there
       what were they like: ...not sure if they are beings or just constructs of my mind.  In the non lucid dream I was saving them (hiding them) from at attacking bear...a few days later I AP'd for the first time (spontaneous, up against my ceiling, only lasted a few seconds) then I see them in my 4-5 conscious AP (woke up totally relaxed and did roll-out that time) (last AP so far).....
       what have you learned from them: Nothing yet....they felt very sweet and nice though.

2 - What have you found out about life on other planets?
a: nothing yet, but astronomy really interests me so that is a goal for me if I can manage to project again, it's been more then a week and no luck yet...

3 - What was the most interesting conversation you had? What did you ask/say and hear?
a: the ONLY conversation I had was asking these old ladies to stay where they were right before waking up and running outside like an idiot (I woke up completely aware and ending my request speaking out-loud in my room/physical body, got up, ran outside)
I said "would you mind waiting here for 5min, I'm having a strange dream that I can see you both and I want to come and check and see if it's true" or something silly like that
One of the old ladies turned (I think they were picking berries even though there is no berry bush anywhere near my APT) and said "Ohhhh...we get that all the time!"

4 -  Describe 3 things/creatures that you saw there, but never saw here:
     Nothing amazing yet....I'm still very new at this, but so far I saw a cd shelf in my room, really sloppy looking one where my correct one should be....after my second AP of not seeing myself in bed, I finally did....and the first AP in which I first my room, quickly reverted into a half-lucid crazy dream of sirens and guards chasing me in my apt which suddenly became this huge square shaped, multi-level building...

5 - If you've been able to read, what did you read about? How many consecutive words do you remember?
a:  I tried to read cds on my shelf and tried to remember the left most one for when I woke up to verify....but it was all nonsense, looked handwritten and can't remember it....

5.1 - Have you read words you haven't seen here before?
not yet. Or I don't remember the words on the imaginary cd.

6 - Ever learned special tricks to be used there?
Well....no, but I tried walking over the water in my pool outside my apt and promptly fell in it...it was awesome, I was laughing and I could feel all the *good things about the coolness of the water, and non of the frigid shock/annoyances of it happening, I climbed out then held my hand out and FROZE the water, then walked over it.  Wow that was cool, my only use of "power" so far.......

7 - Ever received a solution to a problem?
  Not that I'm aware of yet.  Only had about 5 of these so far. (in a 3 day period)

8 - Describe the most amazing thing you saw:
My body!  And my apt outside was gorgeous, I can't even put words to it...it was in the morning and it was VIBRANT and just....wow...I could stare at the wall for an hour and be happy probably, but I had a feeling it wouldn't last so I sorta rushed the experience....

9 - Describe the most amazing thing you did:
Froze the water in my pool then walked over it...wow what a rush....

10 - Describe your most amazing validation:
the CD validation failed and I laid a warranty card for a product out to read a sentence from the next time, and it WASN'T there when I projected at all....SO fair, I haven't had validation, although seeing myself sleeping was amazing anyways....

11 - Ever had your astral body malformed or defective? What was it like?
  first couple times projecting I was blind, rolled back into body, re-rolled....had 50% vision in my left eye once, blind in my right, re-rolled again, it was fixed...I also hear moving away from your physical body helps, haven't tried that yet....last couple AP's I've had full vision....

13 - Describe the 3 strangest sentences you heard:
Only one so far, the old lady turning and saying  "ohhhh we get that all the time"  Still trying to figure out if there is some deeper meaning in that....wish I knew.

14 - Describe 3 things that you still want to try in the astral:
Only 3?
- Go into space, specifically to start out, just watch the earth below me....WOW gonna do this ASAP if I'm able to!
- Visit my GF and then call her in the morning and see if I'm accurate about what she is wearing or doing at the time....
- Create a Samurai/Ninja scenario and take part in it (a huge hobby interest of mine...) 

12 - What interesting things have you found out about the Universe?
  I've always had faith in God and a 'soul'/spiritual life, but now I have emperical proof, the moment I validate it to myself...wow I'm gonna really be amazed...even more then I am now.

15 - If you believe in a God, what clues have you gotten about it's existence?
  I'm a Christian, not in the orthodox sense, but in the Universalist sense, and I believe in the inescapable love of God, now it just seems the universe is much larger and capable of sharing/bonding with those inside of it.  I have no plans to project to God or talk to any angelic beings, because I'm still a bit cautious about all of this....the thought of a "spirit guide" sorta freaks me out, because I'm not confident I would know a GOOD from an EVIL spirit guide this early into my explorations or that there are truly good ones at all, but we'll see what happens...

16 - Ever been lectured on the process of Creation?
  No I haven't, I believe the Bible gives a lot of information on the process, but I believe it's far from a complete account.

This was fun, let's have more of these types of posts!  Has anyone floated above the earth yet and watched it from space?  What is the easiest way of making this happen for a beginner not versed in flight at all yet? 


Thanks I think this is very interesting and I took a liberty to copy it giving AP and AndrewTheSinger credit
to other forums . Well Done AndrewTheSinger !

1 - Have you ever encountered more evolved beings?
1.1-If so, describe the place:in circle , Shamballah , ashrams , Sheol /hels
what're they like:angels , archdemons , mahatma , avatars , dragon angels , elementals
what've you learned:healing,transmutation,hermetic magick,alchemy, cosmology
2 - What have you found out about life on other planets?
a:There are diverse sentient beings but they do not live in our local universe at least not within our dimension . I have seen them in ashrams and at the museum of the worlds and in circle , etc.
3 - What was the most interesting conversation you had? What did you ask/say and hear?
a:Meeting Christ , Buddha , Mary /Isis was astonishing . Meeting with Samael in hels and learning that Archdemons are obedient to the Godhead and serve a divine purpose and that only lower level demons are evil and predatious by nature attacking opportunistically . After learning this in spirit ,  I researched and learned  that the Jewish take on Satan was different than the Christian take and that the Jewish understanding was correct . Satan is a term meaning the chief prosecutor the accuser . Lucifer is a term meaning the light bringer . Christ in the Bible says he is the Lucifer . All of these are puzzling factors but seeing Samael with Christ and the principle archangels , I learned that there is a divine plan and I more is right with the universe than I had believed .
4 -  Describe 3 things/creatures that you saw there, but never saw here:
*faeries , mermaids , leprauchauns
*Chaos elementals
5 - If you've been able to read, what did you read about? How many consecutive words do you remember?
a:I don't read well in spirit maybe 5 or 6 words tops . But I was impressed with a peer in circle who was a local male aged 19yo who knew no Latin and read a stained glass window in a spirit realm to me . The phrase was about 10 words long and was the entire sentence . I do know Latin and I was amazed because it was apt . It was a sentence, basically ;The light is conscious take the light within you and be with God .

5.1 - Have you read words you haven't seen here before?
a:yes as above
6 - Ever learned special tricks to be used there?
a:yes , in circle we learned to manifest an ashram and took people there in projection and they were able to confirm what we manifested to us without prior knowledge .
7 - Ever received a solution to a problem?
a:yes , advice on many trials and tribulations
8 - Describe the most amazing thing you saw:
The Face of Christ so clear .We often see him but we are de-sensitised because it is an image like a grainy movie unclear fuzzy and difficult to make out clearly  . One day he appeared so clearly in colour in circle with eyes opened . That does not happen much with any spirit we see , we usually have the room dim and our physical eyes closed and look thru the third eye . On this special occasion he appeared wearing a crown of thorns and bleeding . His skin was porous  . We could see him like a hologram in full size and full colour . Then he split self and came head only in front of each of us . My youngest daughter was in circle 16 yo at that time . He said a different message at the same time speaking to each of us . We could hear each other's messages too . He said to Debbie . " Must I be crucified again ?" Debbie innocently cried "no give me your crown of thorns, Lord " and she reached out and took this image and put it on her head . No eye was dry . Even the grown and seasoned old men in the group cried .
9 - Describe the most amazing thing you did:
*The first time my peers and I projected on a group merkabah and went to the Golden Chamber of Melchiezedek and saw each other standing in projection .
* Going on my first exorcism and seeing friendly spirit with eyes opened and feeling like I was floating as I moved and seeing the angels so very clearly . I felt as if I was in a movie . I was only an observer watching an expert then .
10 - Describe your most amazing validation:
Remote viewing to Poland where I have never been in this life or another as far as I can tell . An online mate came here to Australia and I went there .We saw each other's homes and confirmed or denied the findings .  Fantastic hits !
11 - Ever had your astral body malformed or defective? What was it like?
13 - Describe the 3 strangest sentences you heard:
* How will you explain the blood on your coat to your mother ?
I heard this as I was pulling my mum's coat from the closet with her permission to borrow it . Then a vision came and I saw self at a car accident . I wanted to stay home but my mum had a vision and told me to hurry I had to go save a life . We did . We heard a crash that night and arrived to see the vision played out and saved a boy from bleeding to death and held his hand because his father had passed in the accident and he was alone and distraught .

* "Bite him and run "An escaped pedophile who had been incarcerated for repeat rape and murder of children targeted me . I was clueless and innocent at 8 years old . He pulled out his penis and told me to kiss it . I honestly thought it was a space gun . I know that is stupid . But I was frightened terribly and I heard "Bite him and run " as the pervert grabbed my neck choking me trying to make me kiss it . He did not hurt me or penetrate me although he gave me nightmares for years to come . I bared my teeth and went for it and he let go . The voice screamed "run run run "and I got away .

* "Get on this bus now " I heard clearly as I was leaving work and I did not want to obey , I was tired and that bus was going in the wrong direction in heavy traffic . I reluctantly listened . Then as normal sadly for me I looked up into the empty sky seeing no one and said in my mind " now what " as sarcastically and nasty as any child ever could . I always immediately chastise myself . But the mind cannot be censored , spirit hears what we think we can't just shut up and not say it . I got no answer and pouted up . This lowers the vibration considerably . Finally I tranced and gave in asking to be shown .

I saw the hospital was the next stop and heard get off here . I did not want to be in the city alone at dark in the rain . But i did . Then I recalled a lady from my other job on campus was going into the city for an operation . So I asked if it was to see Mrs. Suit. I got confirmation and went to visit .

As I was ready to go in the room the voice said " her husband is dead " and "tell her gently ". I could not obey this lady was so old , I could make her have a stroke . I prayed . Then the phone rang and she got the news . I felt awful . So I told her I was there because God wanted her not to be alone when it happened and her daughter was coming to take us to say goodbye . I did not know that until I said it but the daughter showed up . The nurse said we could not be discharged . An angel appeared and said speak to the lady in pink . I went to the nurse wearing a pink blouse and she quickly gave us an emergency discharge and unhooked the IV . I drove with the family to see the body in another hospital local to her hometown . I felt blessed to be in the right place at the right time to help .

* I was a new driver then only 17 years old and it was dark and raining horribly . I was so scared . Suddenly a man came out of nowhere walking on the highway . I nearly killed him . I was sacred and pulled over but locked the door thinking I did not want him to run to my car and get in . The voice said . "Go back and help " . This was hard to obey . I decided to keep driving and put the car in gear to leave the area quickly .

I heard the message repeated . I said no I can't turn around here on the highway there is no space . I got miles down the road and saw a turn around and was told with a stern voice this time , go back and help . So I did .

As I approached that area the thunderstorm was letting up . There was the man I was so terrified to help . He had Downs Syndrome and he was crying . I rolled down the window and asked him if he needed help . He sobbed , " Mommy" . I got a vision of an older woman standing outside crying calling his name and I asked him if that was his name . He nodded . I asked him where mommy was . He could not talk well . He pointed to the road . I drove up and down that road seeing no one and thought I would take him to the police station . But then as I turned off the exit I saw a bowling alley like the vision and heard a woman calling his name . I was very grateful to have listened and ashamed to have been told repeatedly .

14 - Describe 3 things that you still want to try in the astral:
nada , the astral does not interest me , I get my kicks above the astral line in the higher planes .
12 - What interesting things have you found out about the Universe?
a:The cosmology of the realms , sentient beings in far distant galaxies, cosmology of the human spirit 
15 - If you believe in a God, what clues have you gotten about it's existence?
a:The pillar of Godhead at the Gates of Death has images of human faces and avatars of both genders and every race . Above this is the non corporal light that is Godhead .
16 - Ever been lectured on the process of Creation?
a:Not yet ....
"Yes there are two paths . You can go back , but in the long run , there's still time to change the road you're on " ~ Led Zeppelin

Hannah b

What a great iniciative Andrew  :-D

1 - Have you ever encountered more evolved beings?
a: Yes, light figures, zapping you with the feeling of love so strong you begin to "melt", come back crying.

1.1 - If so, describe the place:

      different occasions, different places

2 - What have you found out about life on other planets?
a:  nothing specific, I'd "feel them" not know them.

3 - What was the most interesting conversation you had? What did you ask/say and hear?
a:  Most of my encounters were quite dark in the past. Now I don't project because I don't want to.
     But i've had lots of absurd conversations...or more lectures about some quantum structures/chemistry/alchemy/physics/...eg. how is a snowflake created.

4 -  Describe 3 things/creatures that you saw there, but never saw here:
      Beasts, "scarry creatures", "hell"...dark, dark stuff.

5 - If you've been able to read, what did you read about? How many consecutive words do you remember?
a:  I'd get lots of writing to read. Same as in question 3. lectures/ equasions/ stories of my pastlives (I'd get the "screen projections" where my past lives were  shown to me..full sound, colour, just like in the cinema)

5.1 - Have you read words you haven't seen here before?
a:  Yes, again, lots of written texts in a language I don't know and haven't seen here...

6 - Ever learned special tricks to be used there?
a:  "Battling" darkness with love, rising my vibration, manifesting thoughts and desires.

7 - Ever received a solution to a problem?
a:  Once I was asking for help to get me into OBE and a few pairs of loving hands "swayed me out of my body". Apart from that I never asked.

8 - Describe the most amazing thing you saw:
    Absolute white space filled with absolute silence and absolute feeling of love and peace.  I got OBE through physical sex, but it had nothing to do with a physical orgasm. I had the conciousnes of being here and there and above it alltogether. I will never forget this experience.

9 - Describe the most amazing thing you did:
    censored  :wink:...I'll just say that experiencing multiconciousness is probably the most amazing experience. Being in 6 different minds at the same time, while being in your own mind observing it all, and being concious of the whole situation "from above".

10 - Describe your most amazing validation:
      Experiences where I couldn't come back and while being "there" I could hear kids playing soccer outside the widow/ phone ringing (my friend was really ringing) in the physical reality, but the "there" reality was more dense than the physical reality to which I couldn'tcome back to.
      Similar experience where I'd "click out" during a nap at work and part of my body (my arm and head) couldn't come back...oh man...what a struggle! When you've been through it, you just know  :wink:
      But the most interesting ones were during partner explorations where we'd go to an imaginary place/ or meet a being / then individually write down our observations just to find that we saw the same. It's very interesting when you do this in a group of 5 -6 people. (If anyone is interested Bruce Moen teaches this)

11 - Ever had your astral body malformed or defective? What was it like?
a:   nope...never really bother about it

13 - Describe the 3 strangest sentences you heard:
      Please look question nr. 3.
      I also remember hearing distorted music like Massive Attack, REM..and others, and it all sounded similar , but somehow very cheesy..it was hilarious..the lyrics were also out of the blue...: jealousy, my sweet jealousy, I can see colours, I can see my destiny..lol!

14 - Describe 3 things that you still want to try in the astral:
     Healing all of my aspects

12 - What interesting things have you found out about the Universe?
a:  That it's size has no limits  :-D, that we really create our reality ( big lesson that one) and that we ARE multidimencional beings in a multidimentional     Universe. Layers upon layers.

15 - If you believe in a God, what clues have you gotten about it's existence?
a: The feeling of absolute absolute. A clue that you never forget: a feeling.

16 - Ever been lectured on the process of Creation?
a:  does the lecture about the creation of a snowflake count?  :-D lol...yes....continousely..non stop..Unfortuneately my human brain can't cope with any of that information  :roll:

     ******************                                    *****************                                   

The only constant in the Universe is change


1 - Have you ever encountered more evolved beings?
Possibly, they were interpreted as guides, helpers, sages and the like, some examples below:

*Looking to the sky through my bedroom's window I see the green mountains and the sun, distant, beautiful. I hear a song, 'indios' by Legião Urbana, but there's a woman singing it. It is such a great view, mixed with the sadness of the song, I crumble and cry. My emotions really get out of control and it feels like I'm gonna have a fit. Out from the sky I see rescuers coming down on ropes, I even help them land in my room. They seem kinda concerned, they encircle me, unexpectedly I wake up.

*As I fly over that fantastic city I feel like someone is guiding me, by my right side, but I can't see who. Like telepathy I receive informations from that person that is showing me the city. I simply understood, felt what was being presented to me. There was no doubt or conflict.

*Floating in my room I find this woman in a brown gown flying next to the wall. She hands me a seed to eat, it has a small metal at it's base, supposedly to hold it. I ask her what it is, but receive no reply.

1.1 - If so, describe the place: twilight zone, room, forests...
      what were they like: smily, serene, brief, strange
      what have you learned from them: Eventually I've received specific informations on things I've asked, but the feelings that were transmitted made more sense than the words spoken. I've learned about values, and to try to do things on my own instead of asking for help all the time.

2 - What have you found out about life on other planets?
Some of the things that I saw had me convinced about the existence of many sorts of life-forms on many different planets, however, some others seemed very dreamy and made me uncertain:

*I go to a dark planet where there are some small floating balls of light visible in the mist. I see no ground, it's probably down there somewhere, all I see is this strange atmosphere and the floating light-creatures. I receive the information that they get into the brains of the beings, but I'm not sure if there are other creatures there, or if these lights go to other planets. Approaching one of the dots, it get's into my brain. I hold one of them and it becomes a lightbulb. I'm not on that planet anymore, but in my room. The dots of light are in the room, and I grab one of them again. It electrocutes me badly.

*Flying towards other planets I see primitive barbarians. They sing in a strange language, could resemble latin. They all have arrows and lances.

*In deep trance I decide to ascend, and end up appearing on another planet. Then I go back down, and find myself underwater. There are thousands of bright dots, silvery coloured. I flow my hands through the liquid, it is denser than water. It is all very intense, I keep myself for a good while in that kind of 'temporary absence'.

3 - What was the most interesting conversation you had? What did you ask/say and hear?
*A tiger jumps in front of me and comes forward. Confident, I hold him by the neck and ask "What do you represent?", he takes some time, but answers in a low and strong tone "I am the voices of the demon inside of you!", "I've been inhabiting you for over a millennium!". Not believing him I make a challenge "What was my name a million years ago then?", he says "I don't know, and don't even care.". I demand him to say more, then he replies  "I've already said too much, and too little...". 

4 -  Describe 3 things/creatures that you saw there, but never saw here: There were different trees, and the leaves had strange shapes.  Sometimes the colours of the trees and lakes were so beautiful that I felt like eating/drinking the whole landscape. It's like the colours were not bounded by the shape of the things, they overflowed.

I also saw strange foods, one of them looked like a soft, green tree log, full of toothpicks, they told me it was called "cacuí", and it tasted like chicken.

Once I saw these colourful lightnings, red, purple, green rays during a storm.

On the plains I saw huge animals, some were familiar, horses, bulls, but there were some really big ones that resembled mammoths, but their heads were smaller and didn't have tusks nor trunk. There was a lady riding one of these huge animals.

5 - If you've been able to read, what did you read about? How many consecutive words do you remember?
Magazines of science, music, culture, animals, books of magic and religion, random texts on paper, stuff on tv.

Never remembered much more than 3 consecutive words. A funny one that I remember was the videoclip of a punk rock band, it was hard to understand what they were singing, and then appeared the name of the band on the tv 'Telamente of Telabranca', translation 'Mindscreen of Whitescreen'.

5.1 - Have you read words you haven't seen here before?
Many times. Once, when trying to figure out the name of a cd for an experiment, I received the word BABAEVI.
It wasn't the right name, but later I learned it is a turkish word for "father's home".

On a street sign I read the word Predoque, followed by 2 other words that I couldn't make out. After returning and researching I learned that Predoque is latin, and means 'robber'.

*In trance I see something that resembles a tv commercial, they are making a grape juice, it's called PARALACO, the water is extremely clean, the colour is amazing.

When trying to figure out a word for an experiment, I pick up a piece of paper out of the grass and read the word KAPUMA. Wake up right after reading it. Again, it wasn't the right word, but I learned that there's a place and a waterfall called Kapuma, it can also be the name of a person.

*Find myself stuck in a hypercube. Try to fly to the boundaries of that world, and ask about my quest. On a piece of paper that I hadn't even noticed I was holding starts to form a word, ALALAKARA

*Sinking deeper into the darkness of my vision, I exit to the middle of my room. With no hurry, I see a yellow box with a small drawing of a 'dragon?' written NOSSOSIS. I check both sides, but don't open it.

6 - Ever learned special tricks to be used there?
Yes, some very useful ones. In a lucid dream a person once told me to make the sound 'tssss' with my tongue in order to go through solid objects, and it worked! It kinda turned my body into a gas, which allowed me to walk through walls many times. I was really glad to hear that it worked for other people too.

Also during a lucid dream I was given the magic words 'hadaboojy' and 'booda jee' to blow away anything that was annoying. When I pronounced the word, a sudden wind came and grabbed the disturbing characters, and carried them away. One word is more powerful than the other, it's 'booda jee'.

Learned some interesting concepts, like how to use group of objects to increase the power of a magic. For instance, I'm there trying to make a table levitate, if my will is not enough to make it happen, or I'm feeling weak, I can make my will go through a chair, and then through a wardrobe, and then 'we' make the table fly.

7 - Ever received a solution to a problem?
The closest to this that I can remember was a prevention to a problem, it usually works that way with me. My sister and I would be going downtown on the next day, so that night I had a dream that we were walking in the center of the city, and I had to hold her arm very firmly so that she wouldn't get run over by a car. Disturbing dream, she's way older than me, why would she do something so stupid? I woke up in the next morning and we went there, and one time she wanted to cross the street right between the cars. There was no traffic light or platform for pedestrians, she was really going, and it was silly. If I didn't have that dream I probably would be going too, it was the easiest way, but then I stopped her and firmly said "No, we're crossing through the platform!". It was a little far from where we were, but surely safer and wiser.

8 - Describe the most amazing thing you saw:
There were so many things and places, most of the time they are not otherwordly things, but things that I've never seen so purely and clearly, like the water, the atmosphere, green landscapes, the sky, clouds and stars. Other times there have been colourful stars and galaxies, magnified microscopic organisms, pre-historic creatures, crazy fractals.

*On the meadow I see indians on bulls. They ride under the bright sky and with the wind in their faces, the whole visual is wondrous. I see a ladder that goes up to the sky, so I climb it up. Everything is extremely beautiful, I climb up and up, the sky is blue and surreal. At one point the ladder ends, and there's an iron bar, sort of a bridge to another part of the ladder, then it goes upward even further. I climb until I get in trance... then I fall a little, but get back. Now on another fantastic world I search for registers of my existence. There is no ground, no places, it's like I'm in the blue of the sky and have access to many things. Things seem to come my way as I wish to quench my thirst for information. I find many papers, full of things written in a strange language, I can't identify letters. See some numbers and occurrences, 1997, 2225, can't consciously find any meaning to them...

9 - Describe the most amazing thing you did:
*...running away from the dragon, I grab two people under my arms and escape flying towards the outer space, the Earth explodes. In some kind of deep trance I find myself creating a story in which the two don't survive the space travel, and then are sent to a spiritual realm that I often go for a visit. Over there I create many landscapes, heavenly fields, lagoons and bushes and flowers. I watch two lagoons side by side, imagine that one of them is for humans, and the other one is for animals. Sitting on the border of the lagoon for animals I wonder what kind of fishes would be nice to have there... I just sit meditating and imagine it would be good to have sea lions, then they appear making their sounds. I imagine a gorilla and a large sea lion walking out of the water, and so they do it. I'm still sitting with my feet on the water, and wonder what it would be like to meet Bruce Lee over there, but I can't recreate him very perfectly. He's way too small and doesn't look like Bruce Lee. I greet him, then go for a walk. There's a girl dressed as a princess, I touch her face and smile. I notice that I can't create hapinness, there is an apparent harmony, but the people look gloomy and disappointed with one another. I go through two gates and keep watching every detail of my creation of paradise. On the last gate I create some green hills with short grass and flowers, lots of beauty. The sky is cloudy, but I can still see a bit of blue. I raise my emotions so that I can appreciate better, and this makes me unstable while I fly over this environment, so I end up losing it and returning.

10 - Describe your most amazing validation: I've conduced many experiments in order to try to validate my experiences, to have an idea of how far I could go, and know how much information I could access while out of body. Though the results that I've gotten weren't quite what I was expecting, they never failed to surprise me.

When I first started my aim was to move a physical object while on the astral, that would surely convince me that I was indeed outside.
I was never able to make it move, but was having 3 - 4 experiences everynight, I could see myself in my room very clearly, under the exact same conditions, no dreams could repeat themselves in such a stubborn and constant manner, not even if I really wanted. I've always been very good at dreaming, so I knew this was something totally different.

Since I couldn't move physical objects, maybe I could go for specific informations. I asked friends to write words on paper, or put a cd on a table, and I would try to figure out.
Instead of reading the right words, I read things that I've never seen before, words that I had no idea what they meant, but later, to my astonishment, found out that some of these words really existed, and belonged to languages I've never had contact with.

So, what's with these strange words? Maybe I will try to figure out something about a person that I don't know. I concentrated on a friend I had been talking to from Usa, and suddenly I appeared in a corridor. I saw many rooms, and in one of them I found him writing something. I invited him to go outside and levitate. When we were outside he was with a friend, a tall, thin black guy, with very short hair. I levitated first and asked them both to do the same, they did, and I had to go now.
The experience went on, I flew to some other place and had a great wacky time. After waking up I emailed him telling of what I saw, and he replied the next day, saying that he was writing lyrics that day with his only black friend, who is tall, thin, and has very short hair, but the place that I saw didn't match at all.
(read full story)

I guess this one is my most impressive validation, there have been many others, some more subtle, some that blew me away, and some that probably escape me for lack of attention and understanding.

11 - Ever had your astral body malformed or defective? What was it like?
Wish I hadn't, it's very weird and boring. I've experienced some problems with my vision, like there was something over my eyes that I tried pull off but couldn't, and also some physical abnormalities:

*On my left hand there were only my thumb and the index finger, I try to make the third finger appear, but it comes out in reduced size.

*Some conflicts going on, I'm crippled, the worst thing is not to be like this, but to really believe that I am, and to accept this situation.

*There's an image stuck in my vision, I command the image to dissolve itself, and it does, but my hands are attached together. The left hand holds tight to the right hand, which is now very small. I can't pull them apart, I feel my tendon hurt.

13 - Describe the 3 strangest sentences you heard:
*In trance I received a phone call, it was my friend saying "Leandro, I'm going to call you, and you send me a message, ok you a**hole." 

*I begin to ask many questions, then her face and body start to transform, it won't keep any constant shape for too long, then I feel I might be waking up, so I ask her to hold my arm. It works, I ask her if there is life after death, to what she says "Yes, and psychoanalysis.".

*I hear this song that I suppose it's called "Earth on Habit", because the chorus goes like "You gotta keep the Earth on habit, you gotta keep the earth on habit..." 

14 - Describe 3 things that you still want to try in the astral:
*Listen to ancient songs
*Visit and communicate with people on other planets
*Become fearless in exploring the aquatic world

12 - What interesting things have you found out about the Universe?
I've found out about the other places and possibilities of existence under a myriad of distinct forms. To be part of this creation is a valuable, unique oportunity.

There are some interesting concepts that I received and, though they can't be validated, they seemed unquestionable while I was there:

*It's history class, the teacher explains that the lightnings from the clouds are like letters, and that's how the Earth communicates with the other planets.

*Teacher talks about electrons, their shape is like a spiral, resembling the number 6 with some other 6's atop. They are not all the same, one of them is like a small circle with a line inside.

*I am taught that there are going to be two great cycles of life on Earth that will last millions of years each one. I see pictures of the planet, surface and environments, they look nice.

15 - If you believe in a God, what clues have you gotten about it's existence?
This question was more of a provocation, of course, to a believer, their every breath should be the confirmation of a tremendous, active, conscious power. Anything besides that is extraordinary wild perception. Therefore, yes, everytime I find myself consciously living in a non-physical dimension I'm reassured of the undescribable nature of the Creation, and that is all part of God's art.

16 - Ever been lectured on the process of Creation?
I picture God as a volcano expelling minds full of wishes and curiosities, and these minds, as they reach different levels of understanding, are able to take a more active part in creating the realities and their grounds.

There have been times when I found myself being lectured on certain things, there were visuals, graphics with numbers, sensations, and even a voice or thought explaining things to me:

*Some place underground, many trees withstanding a progressively warmer climate, and then on a certain season the temperature decreases drastically, it even snows.

*A guiding voice speaks of the neanderthals and the appearing of the human race. It says we're not all descendants of a single type of pre-historic men, we're hybrids.

     ******************                                    *****************                 

Thanks to everyone that has replied so far, and thanks in advance to those that are still to reply, this is going great. It is a real good time reading all your accounts, and there are still people that I wish to see participating in this.

This has been helping me process and evaluate my experiences a great deal. As I read my diaries and try to classify the stories I'm able to draw a clearer picture of my progress. To answer these questions is proving to be a valuable procedure to all those that seek the self-development. Our experiences appear to be like an unpolished stone, and in order to really understand and appreciate what is going on we must apply an objective scheme of analysis. I truly hope this is helping you as much as it is helping me.
Where does this silence come from?

The untold past of the Earth: http://hiddenhistory.awardspace.com


As I've read through this thread I thought I had nothing to contribute to it. Each question is mostly unanswerable in relation to my experiences. I tend to "see" astral things, much more than "travel".

I've experienced myself without any kind of body on several occasions - I believe that all of our bodies (physical, astral, etc.) are manifestations/expressions of who we are, but are not us, and maybe just illusions used for experience.

Which brings me to consciousness - everything experienced is consciousness, including the physical world, time, and space. From this perspective, Earth isn't a "place", but a minute sliver of experience in the infinite spectrum of consciousness.

For me, these are the main experiences that change everything I experience both physical and non-physical. My "travels" are nothing compared to this experience.


Where does this silence come from?

The untold past of the Earth: http://hiddenhistory.awardspace.com

Hannah b

hey Stookie  :-D

You brough up the topic of probably the biggest misconseption of all times...at least for me  :wink:

It doesn't matter if you are OBE ing, lucid dreaming, "just" dreaming, astral projecting..or mentally projecting (or..erm is that the same?  :roll:) It is all the same experience. What differs is the intensity of these experiments and how concious you are at that time. I naturally started off with OBE (I'm a case where I actually worked on NOT having them) , then switched to lucid dreaming (it was more comfortable because I could wake up anytime), then swiched to mental projections (without all hassle- nice and quick)..and now...I don't even call it..I want to check out what is my friend doing, I tune to myself, see or hear the answer and then get an 70% validation of it.
We are multidimentional at all times, not just when we "leave" our bodies after years of practice filled with sweat and tears. Don't ever underestimate your experiences. They are all equall.

All the best to you  :wink:
The only constant in the Universe is change


Just wanted to point out that the comment made by Hagethuriel concerning Christ and what "He said" about Lucifer is false (perhaps he misphrased it, or simply doesn't understand the point made.)

As a serious student of the Bible and what it "says", I wanted to make this clear.  In fact I've studied scripture so much in private study and research, not satisfied with being spoon fed it's contents that I no longer consider myself a "Christian" because I believe most Christian doctrines don't even TEACH what scripture teaches.  (irony of ironies!)

Isa 14:12 is the only passage in the Bible that "Lucifer" is found (and it's OT, before Christ) and it's also completely erroneous.  Lucifer is a LATIN word (which as Hagethuriel mentioned, does represent 'light bringer') but it finds no equivalent in Hebrew or even Greek.  The root HEBREW word used in ISA 14:12 actually means "howl" (it's a verb!) and this same root Hebrew word is used elsewhere in the OT and transfered as 'howl' many times, in fact it's even used in the book of ISA as exactly 'howl!' in another place! this entire 'oh howl' theme is seen often in scriptures in the OT, the passage is actually dealing solely with the king of Babylon! ...not a made-up naughty angel turned into the devil....(how is that for quality English "translations"?)

Christ never stated Lucifer at all because Lucifer is a Christendom HOAX.  I do believe as the Bible actually teaches, that God created SATAN (an evil spirit from day one, not a Lucifer ex-angel being) and for a greater divine and GOOD purpose, so I do agree with Hagethuriel in that regard at least.

Plus I've had about 6 AP experiences, so I'm having to reevaluate everything now :-P


1 - Have you ever encountered more evolved beings?
a: Yes. Once or twice.

1.1 - If so, describe the place:
.One experience in particular took place in a gigantic living construct of some kind floating in space. Like a spaceship, but I don't think it was *just* a ship. There was a being there that appeared to me in a human form.
what were they like: Strange. Enigmatic. Sensual. Powerful.
what have you learned from them: The being showed me something which I could not remember. I just had the feeling it was very significant.

2 - What have you found out about life on other planets?
a: There are billions of civilizations and lifeforms out there, but a large portion seems to be in higher dimensions/spheres/planes....

3 - What was the most interesting conversation you had? What did you ask/say and hear?
a: I cant recall the exact conversation with this being. It was not verbal. I remember trying very hard to keep up with the sheer amount of information it was projecting to me.

4 -  Describe 3 things/creatures that you saw there, but never saw here:
Gigantic multidimensional, living, floating fortresses!

5 - If you've been able to read, what did you read about? How many consecutive words do you remember?
a: I could read alien languages but again, could not recall any of it.

5.1 - Have you read words you haven't seen here before?
a: Most probably.

6 - Ever learned special tricks to be used there?
a: Tricks? After one experience I seemed more in control of my emotions.... not sure if that qualifies as a trick.

8 - Describe the most amazing thing you saw:
Gigantic multidimensional, living, floating fortresses!

9 - Describe the most amazing thing you did:
Seeing the birth of a new solar system. It was actually happening, but I was somehow watching it at a high speed. Like I was not bound by time.

11 - Ever had your astral body malformed or defective? What was it like?
a: Apart from the amazing dissapearing hands phenomena, not really.

13 - Describe the 3 strangest sentences you heard:
Memory access failure.

12 - What interesting things have you found out about the Universe?
a: It is the ultimate play ground. Infinite in its potential scope. Like a fractal that keeps surprising you with its complexity, indefinitely as it evolves.

15 - If you believe in a God, what clues have you gotten about it's existence?
a: Well, I believe in a God/Source. The concept has evolved immensely over the past few years.

16 - Ever been lectured on the process of Creation?
a: Yes. I was shown the formation of a new solar system.

jub jub

This is a great thread! Unfortunately, I have nothing to offer in the way of a contribution because I am so Astral challenged.  :|
"A moral being is one who is capable of reflecting on his past actions and their motives - approving of some and disapproving of others"  -  Charles Darwin


1 - Have you ever encountered more evolved beings?

Yes but they were of human presence.

1.1 - If so, describe the place:
       what were they like:
       what have you learned from them:

the place was found by following a heavy mist, almost a cloud that  went up and branched off into four different ways, but i just followed the most direct path, which led to what looked like  an old courthouse in the middle of the darkness and stars. there were about 5 doors in front and going through 1 of them i found a room with 4 or 5 people. i tried talking to them. they could only hear me when i spoke through my mind, not thought it. then they seemed a bit annoyed because this was my first experience with astral beings and asked just basic questions, like can you hear me, or see me?   

2 - What have you found out about life on other planets?

i have only found a station but will try to find planets next time

3 - What was the most interesting conversation you had? What did you ask/say and hear?

it consisted of learning that they could hear what i said

5 - If you've been able to read, what did you read about? How many consecutive words do you remember?

i remember reading about 3 words one of which was incorrectly spelled

6 - Ever learned special tricks to be used there?

flying, teleportation

14 - Describe 3 things that you still want to try in the astral:

contact a guide-  go forward in time, which shouldnt be hard because all you have to do is go faster then a light year and then return to earth-  contact my aunt 

12 - What interesting things have you found out about the Universe?
there is other life

15 - If you believe in a God, what clues have you gotten about it's existence?

none yet, but ive only started to astral travel since this week


1 - Have you ever encountered more evolved beings?
a: Yes, I had a great experience with a being that was already deceased from another dimension.

1.1 - If so, describe the place: Her world was different yet very familiar to ours, cars, homes and building were different.
       what were they like: When I went to her world, people look like we do they just dressed different. However they were more advanced technology wise.
      what have you learned from them: I learned that I a part of me lived in that place as well. I saw myself older, saw my son at a man. (Back then my son was only couple months old).

2 - What have you found out about life on other planets?
a: I lerned that we are not so different as we might think.

3 - What was the most interesting conversation you had? What did you ask/say and hear?
a: This is hard to explain because there is so much to say on this, but I will say that she was kind and she helped me when I most needed it.
4 -  Describe 3 things/creatures that you saw there, but never saw here:
Hmmmm....well I remember seeing flying objects in the sky allot of them, but no one seemed to care.  I was scared and surprise, but everyone just kept on doing there own thing.

5 - If you've been able to read, what did you read about? How many consecutive words do you remember?
a: Don't remember reading anything.

5.1 - Have you read words you haven't seen here before?
a: No

6 - Ever learned special tricks to be used there?
a: No

7 - Ever received a solution to a problem?
a: NO

8 - Describe the most amazing thing you saw:
[font=Verdana]Myself and my son older. [/font]

9 - Describe the most amazing thing you did:
Listen to my thought and seeing my son as a man was amazing.

10 - Describe your most amazing validation:
That she came back with me when I returned to my world

11 - Ever had your astral body malformed or defective? What was it like?
a: no

13 - Describe the 3 strangest sentences you heard:

Not sure

14 - Describe 3 things that you still want to try in the astral:

I want to travel to my past lives.
I want to talk to my grandfather that passed away.
I want to explore more dimension.

12 - What interesting things have you found out about the Universe?
a: That it is infinite.

15 - If you believe in a God, what clues have you gotten about it's existence?
a: Once I went to this place and there was tons of people walking around and I remember how everyone was so excited because someone was passing by, I could not see who it was, but I never felt so good in my life. I felt this amazing sensation of peace and love from this being that when I returned home, I was depress.  I know it was god our creator.

16 - Ever been lectured on the process of Creation?
a: no


Hi all, here you are my answers:

1 - Have you ever encountered more evolved beings?

Yes, several times.

1.1 - If so, describe the place:

For example, once in a area plenty of deceased. I made the conclusion it was a kind of welcoming zone for the recently dead people. It was amazingly crowded! There were thousands of people walking to every direction. There was organization but at the same time there was some disorder. I could meet some "guides" who leaded the deceased to somewhere, and talk to them.

1.2   what were they like:

Human look. Another times they looked like beings of light with human shape, no face. Another, just a consciousness without form and powerful energy and presence.

1.3 what have you learned from them

They showed me when you die you are always in company, never left alone. And some practical advices to pilot my life.

2 - What have you found out about life on other planets?

I have not tried to travel to another planets.

3 - What was the most interesting conversation you had? What did you ask/say and hear?

Most interesting was when I got out of body in my living-room and saw more than 40 people there. They were in two groups,  one in my living-room and another in my bedroom. Later was bigger. Both were leaded by a more evolved being (a man and a woman, respectively). Rest of people was being taught about different aspects of the AfterLife. Ii is a long story, but summarizing, I got very angry because I felt It was a housebreaking or something, and we begun a long heated argument. I did not understand why they had to do it in my flat. They had a reason, indeed. But I only wanted them to leave my home. So I obligated them to go. Then, another evolved being was still waiting for me there; we talked, but that is another story.....

4 -  Describe 3 things/creatures that you saw there, but never saw here:

a) A creature between a small camel and an elephant.
b) A fairy

5 - If you've been able to read, what did you read about? How many consecutive words do you remember?

I have been able to read several times. It is very hard, but usually I can catch first two or three words. Sometimes a sentence.

5.1 - Have you read words you haven't seen here before?

Once I have read chinese names, but then I was difficult to write them.

6 - Ever learned special tricks to be used there?

I guess it is possible to learn skills to be used in the physical plane, but I have not tried it yet.

7 - Ever received a solution to a problem?

I was given advices.

7 - Describe the most amazing thing you saw

I visited the place where one of my friends, who had recently passed out, had been taken. I travel to a endless grassland, dotted with thousands of Small white and yellow flowers, under a marvelous sunny sky. I did not imagine before that such beauty could exist.

9 - Describe the most amazing thing you did:

Hard to choose. Mybe to visit one of my previous lifes.

10 - Describe your most amazing validation:

I read a note my sister left on the desk at home (where I do not live). Later, I went physically there and checked that it said exactly what I had read.

11 - Ever had your astral body malformed or defective? What was it like?


13 - Describe the 3 strangest sentences you heard:

"There are more and more explorers like you which come here to visit us, specially from Europe" (said by a guide)

14 - Describe 3 things that you still want to try in the astral:

a) To visit  historical events
b) To visit more of my previous lifes
c) To meet different kinds of fairies (I have met one type of them)

12 - What interesting things have you found out about the Universe?

I was inside of a physical storm. It was amazing to be in the middle of thunders, flashes of lightning and rays. I could observe the phenomenon from its interior.

15 - If you believe in a God, what clues have you gotten about it's existence?

I have felt the presence of very evolved beings, and I could not bear it for a long time. Their power was overwhelming, what makes me infer how God could be felt.

16 - Ever been lectured on the process of Creation?



Excellent thread Andrew!

I'll add my answers shortly.

However, I would just say that I agree with Hannah that one of the biggest revelations for me has been that all astral/lucid/obe/dream experiences are all in fact the same thing - the only thing that differs is your level of conscious awareness.

ie during a standard 'dream' your conscious awareness is almost zero so you are at the mercy of what your sub-conscious mind happens to throw at you! (although this can be very useful in its own right of course - dream analysis is very useful), right through to full-on 'obes' and 'astral projections' where your conscious awareness in 100%, sometimes more so!

'Ludid dreams'  basically mean experiences where you can be anything up to 99% aware... however that missing 1% makes a huge difference!

For me, this revelation was a godsend because it made things so much easier.. everyone gets so hung up on classificatons - was this an obe? was this a dream? etc - now I don't worry about it: I just concentrate on raising awareness.

It's also encouraging for people as well - astral exploration is not an impossible task - you have 'astral' experiences every night!!! And you exist across the entire spectrum of consiousness!

"It is to Scotland that we look for our idea of civilisation." -- Voltaire.


I am not going to complete the survey as I havent had a n AP yet but just needed to voice myself:

It seems to me most of the reports on this survey of what people have experienced seem to have derived from nothing more than lucid dreaming. There is too many references to lack of conciousness including direct references to "afterwards waking up" meaning they were at first asleep. If these accounts were all indeed AP or any form of concious out of body experiences, the clearness of them would be alot more realized, experienced and explained.

I think most are merely reporting there lucid dreams. Theres a huge difference from what I can gather based on reliable opinions and my own research. I just had to voice myself over that.


Actually, a lucid dream is an astral projection. It just tends to be more of a subjective environment.