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Alien Interview

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Eric g

Well according to the story us humans are the aliens [:D][:D]
Death don't scare me, it's the dying that freaks me out


I know. [:)]
Those reptilian things don't seem to like us very much. [V]


I'm not sure I can believe what I've read on that website. I need some actual proof. The theory sounds plausible enough but I'd like to know more. Besides, who's to say we haven't called these entities to ourselves without knowing it? What about all that jibberish we used to utter when we were very young children, just because it was fun? We were just making noise that sounded like speech or sounded like some really ridiculous way of talking. Oh well.


The only way I can imagine getting any proof would be to astral project beneath the Earth.
Or you could ask your guides to show you these places.

I always prefer proof when I hear of such things. It could be possible that there are aliens living beneath the Earth's Surface. Then again it might be another hoax. Humans seem to like to play games when it concerns the occult,psychic or aliens.

My own angel guides told me there are aliens who walk among humans,and these aliens can make themselves look like humans. Like I said though I like proof as well.


I'm not sure if i would try that. I also was told that there are aliens among us. I was also told that there are people that live under the ground. I had several dreams that took place in what i would have considered a huge warehouse. I was chased until I got to a door with light.

Dark Knight

OK, I finally read it and couldn't finish it...

Let's start out with the "It's a fake" possiblity. I didn't read anything in there that a scientist couldn't come up with as a good sci-fi story. I think I've seen several sci-fi serials with the "Nukes killed the dinosaurs" story and that's why there's iridium (something there strikes me as off, damn, I need to find my Chemistry, Physics and AstroChemistry texts). The "I'm older and superior to you Mammalian Earther" crap went out with 60's Star Trek.

Now let's consider if this is true...if this true, and this person sat down with and interviewed an actual entity, this sounds like the same Neg crap I've heard over and over, sometimes by the very creeps giving me trouble. I am not impressed by the "We're superior to everyone and everything in creation because we're older and you're so primitive" attitude (Primitive does not mean stupid. There are lot's of Primitive cultures on this planet that are way more Spiritually advanced than Western Society). Looks more like their old and didn't learn a whole helluva lot while on the surface, and that's why their underground. They became sore losers, held a grudge, and still didn't learn a thing, they were too busy nursing bruised egos. [:P][^]

Just one word of caution (note this is coming from a person who has been demonically possesed/attached for 5.5 years now). I'm always cautious of any entity that uses our open mindedness to their advantage. This is how my Negs broke my boundaries. They say things like, "Well we're doing "x", but it really isn't a bad thing to do "x" because you do something similiar and it isn't bad to do. We're doing the same thing just in a different way.

M$%@#*F&*%$#&   B@$%S#$%*.

My Negs took things out of the context of the situation and would compare it to something I do in everyday life (with my positive context kept intact), then would have me convinced that what they were doing was the same as what I would do (right down to the context of the situation), just in a different way. Because I couldn't tell the difference between a dog, a cat, and a duck, I couldn't fight back, so my boundaries and reality were broken even farther. What is being described in that article sounds like the same old crap.

Just be careful.


Just an observation, but some of the information there doesn't go along with what's been channelled here.
What is the sound of no leaves cloving?


I also thought some of it sounded like it was taken from sci-fi books or movies.
According to this thing this person talked with,it wasn't nuclear weapons,but some other type of weapon. Maybe but then again maybe not. Maybe it just happens to be convenient to say it's some futuristic weapon.

Not only was its attitude very superior but very hateful sounding toward the human race. Basically it called us all a bunch of stupid chimps who use primitive tools and math to try to figure out things that our beyond our limited intelligence to begin with.

I knew a woman who was born with her third eye fully opened,and this thing says humans need years of training to open their psychic abilities.

A lot of negatives I have encountered have that superior arrogant attitude.

There is no doubt,in my mind, that it could be possible for beings to use illusions to mask their true identities. I have done such things a few times. Making myself look eighteen again. Using illusion to change my face. Making myself appear to grow taller. Making my fingers appear to grow longer.


Originally posted by Dark Knight

OK, I finally read it and couldn't finish it...

Let's start out with the "It's a fake" possiblity. I didn't read anything in there that a scientist couldn't come up with as a good sci-fi story. I think I've seen several sci-fi serials with the "Nukes killed the dinosaurs" story and that's why there's iridium (something there strikes me as off, damn, I need to find my Chemistry, Physics and AstroChemistry texts).

I should check this myself before typing but. Is not Iridium an element found in some meteorites, the evidence for the big one that is believed to have done for the Dinosaurs can be established by checking the Iridium traces deposited. The samples need to be taken from the countries/continents relevant to where they were located when it hit. This has been done and the results are as predicted for such an event at such a time. I think it was Strontium 90 that was introduced to the Earth by nuclear detonation and that occured much more recently.

The Iridium mobile phone satellites do produce very bright flashes on occasion and have been the cause of many UFO reports.
See for predictions for where you live :)


Now let's consider if this is true...if this true, and this person sat down with and interviewed an actual entity, this sounds like the same Neg crap I've heard over and over, sometimes by the very creeps giving me trouble. I am not impressed by the "We're superior to everyone and everything in creation because we're older and you're so primitive" attitude (Primitive does not mean stupid.

I think one of the modern sources for the belief that the Earth is hollow and full of depressing beings is that early weather satellites did not bother to process the image data for the poles due the then thoughts that the poles did not affect weather. These gaps in the images fuelled the idea that these were entry points to the subteranian (SP?) world. Some claimed to have pictures of craft entering and leaving, now that this thinking is in the common consciousness and we continue to be burdened by it in the shape of channellings.
I do try to stand back and see where such claims stand in the greater scheme of things and I have yet to see evidence of one real useful piece of information coming from this stuff. What I do see is further obfuscation of the humans living on the edge of this stuff. Lots of promises and blame plus other stuff which I think tends to undermine rather than strengthen the Human condition.

I am not saying that stuff does not happen underground in the sense that matter appears to be transparent for many psychic operations and activities. For one we have good old Ley lines and many other energy lines.
As Crim mentioned she has viewed a large warehouse in I think an underground context. I have also seen similar with apparently somewhat grim activities being performed.


Just one word of caution (note this is coming from a person who has been demonically possesed/attached for 5.5 years now). I'm always cautious of any entity that uses our open mindedness to their advantage. This is how my Negs broke my boundaries. They say things like, "Well we're doing "x", but it really isn't a bad thing to do "x" because you do something similiar and it isn't bad to do. We're doing the same thing just in a different way.

Relative moralism, we used to get that and unfortunately by association were guilty of supporting it. When we started taking our own view rather than what we were being shown we moved on (not without some effort to this day :( ).


"They that can give up essential liberty to obtain a little temporary safety deserve neither liberty nor safety."

-- Benjamin Franklin, 1759

Dark Knight

Thank you, Mick, you just pinpointed exactly what was bothering me.

Radioactive material decays, and in the decaying process, becomes other elemental isotopes. That's what was bothering me. I need my physics book, my periodic table, and to re-read that article just one more time to be sure. The type of material alledgedly used, the amount, and the half life of the material would tell if Iridium would be found there today,...I don't think it would.


This story had a slight twist to the hollow earth theory. The alien or whatever it was said that they lived in deep cave systems,which were well hidden by their technology.
So the only way to see if such places really exist is to astral project down, or to ask your guides if there really are aliens living under our feet.

This is basically what my last teacher said about trance channels.
You only let a being,who you trust, take control of your body. Most spirits will stay in your physical form even after you might think they are gone. Probably what happened to the guy who Jesus met who had a legion of spirits in his physical body.
Satanists have been teaching trance channeling,and they pretend they follow that new age stuff. There was a satanist who was going to a well known place in Toronto,and she was teaching people to channel,so you can imagine what types of spirits were entering people's bodies,and yet these spirits acted friendly,which is what negatives will do to the unwary.


"I knew a woman who was born with her third eye fully opened,and this thing says humans need years of training to open their psychic abilities."

Thank you, Xelios. Um... yeah, if it takes years of training, why can I read peoples' energies after a mere three years and why can I move my qi and send it long-distance? And why do I know how to telepathically send people messages? All of this i developed in a mere two years. Those lizards can go screw. They're not real anyway. Nothing this individual claims to have heard from these beings who probably don't exist is congruent with reality. I never got to the part about psychic ability but I have not sensed anything under the ground. Ever.


During a ritual with my former teacher, I saw the ground open up between us,but I do not believe the beings I saw live underground. What I likely saw was a portal to their dimension. The ground kind of swirled and then I saw some other beings.

I'm always wary of doom and gloom nonsense anyhow. A person I knew astral projected into the near and distant future,and he saw no world wide catatrophes.

So either this person was being fooled by a negative or the stuff at that site is a hoax.


Originally posted by Dark Knight

Thank you, Mick, you just pinpointed exactly what was bothering me.

Radioactive material decays, and in the decaying process, becomes other elemental isotopes. That's what was bothering me. I need my physics book, my periodic table, and to re-read that article just one more time to be sure. The type of material alledgedly used, the amount, and the half life of the material would tell if Iridium would be found there today,...I don't think it would.

A further thought or two. The claim is that Iridium was only (I think) introduced to Earth following a nuclear fusion event (something we dumb humans with our slow evolutionary processes have not as yet mastered [:o)] ) Other meteorite impact sites show evidence of Iridium so their Nuclear bit is not the only method of introduction. If there is a Meteorite impact site which predates the Yucatan site date then they are definately spinning a yarn. My money is on such a site having been identified [?]

How come we got the surface and they were consigned to the bowels of the Earth :) I must have missed that bit in the text.

"They that can give up essential liberty to obtain a little temporary safety deserve neither liberty nor safety."

-- Benjamin Franklin, 1759


Originally posted by EnderWiggin

Nothing this individual claims to have heard from these beings who probably don't exist is congruent with reality. I never got to the part about psychic ability but I have not sensed anything under the ground. Ever.

There is stuff there just as there is stuff above ground. Dowsers for example can detect stuff (water and energy lines type stuff) although some say that it is a different sensing reliant of visual clues. You will no doubt start to detect neg activity WRT energy and material storage which can appear to be underground. Shared space and all that stuff I suppose ;)

Originally posted by Xelios
QuoteDuring a ritual with my former teacher, I saw the ground open up between us,but I do not believe the beings I saw live underground. What I likely saw was a portal to their dimension. The ground kind of swirled and then I saw some other beings.

I think that is a good observation, when one has been able to stand back and hold that input/experience without the need to rush into some mapping of it into ones current world view then the input remains available and clean for future use when other input may be available to build a more accurate picture. They may never map in due to different natures of such stuff.

Those that do shoe horn such things prematurely often become just a collection of disparate statements of little use other than to obfuscate the rest of the human race [:(]

"They that can give up essential liberty to obtain a little temporary safety deserve neither liberty nor safety."

-- Benjamin Franklin, 1759


The Hollow Earth Circle is opening this October 2003.

The power of this circle's will is designed to awaken
the dormant energies of the surface population of
earth to the reality of the Inner Earth Kingdoms of
Light. Understanding in the ways of the Inner Earth
civilizations is a great evolutionary leap.

The Spirit is moving on the face of the planet and a
global comprehension of this spirit is now outpouring
its courage on surface humanity.

This place we call the Hollow Earth awakens through
the initiation of the Solar Gates, the Royal Self.

To those who join the Hollow Earth Circle, "Our Final
Destiny" is full physical Teleportation into the Inner
Earth places of Great Light. Though incomprehensible
to many, the salvation of the paradisiacal states of
the Hollow Earth are very real. Teleportation to these
places of paradise can and will occur right now to
those who are interested.  

Times of meditation will be given to those who have
joined the Hollow Earth Circle, and have received the
gift of the VRIL Generator.

For those who have not yet received the VRIL
Generator, the key to the Kingdom of Agartha
manifesting through the spirit of life on the surface
as presented through please go to

Comprehensive experience of contacts will be shared.
Such contacts may be but are not limited to:
Adama, Citizenry of Telos, beneath Mt. Shasta of
Northern California
Mikos, Residents of Porthologos beneath Aegean Sea
Other Aegean Subterranean Civilizations
Woopa, Shaya of Biscaye Bay
Tibetan subterranean temples
Giant Elders living deep in the planet Earth

Portals are all ready active to these contacts.

Several designated portals active yet to be explored
for personal contacts leading through positive
passageways into the Inner Earth:
South Pole, Subterranean Kingdoms of Light below
Hungary, France, Russia, Australia, and New Zealand.
Details on these portals will be given to those who
are interested in making the journeys in the hope of
creating new contacts.

If you have any questions concerning the power of
moving into these areas of light beneath the surface,
the exploration of astral or spirit travel into
subterranean kingdoms of light, and the ability
necessary to change your physical body to a light body
for the transformation of teleportation,


What is this VRIL generator and how do we know it is safe? How do we know we can trust these individuals who claim to know about the hollow earth? It is possible life exists within such deep caves and caverns within the earth... however, I would need to see this for myself to believe it. The things associated with hollow earth are often negative.


The picture of the VRIL generator provided by the manual looks extremely familiar... Perhaps this may have at least some validity to it after all. I will not purchase one, however. I do not wish to live forever as the rest of my kin dies off.


The part from the interview about the human mind being unable to believe things of an alien nature is correct.
The exact same thing applies to spirit and the afterlife.
People who do not have psychic abilities will disbelieve spirit proof even when the evidence of a spirit encounter is undeniable. Most people will think about it later and try to give it some rational explanation even when the explanation is foolish.

Scientists and Church leaders are the worst for doing this.
I once asked a Jesuit Priest if he would come to my house and do some exorcism prayer to cleanse the place. He told me all the stories in the bible about exorcism are not to be taken literally.

I don't know if it is the programming people receive from schools,churches or their peers. Or if it is because people of these type are diconnected from spirit and their higher selfs.
Lots of people are afraid to say they saw a spirit in case they might look like they are crazy. Then lots of people who do see spirits or receive visions are called nut cases.

Then there are the cold hearted s.o.b's who enjoy tryng their hardest to shoot down mediums and other people with psychic abilities.

With each new generation the same old programming takes effect,so somebody like Edgar Cayce might have gotten through to a small amount of people in his time, but a lot of people today do not know who he is except for those who are part of the Edgar Cayce society.

The Catholic church removed many things from the bible that had to do with Jesus communicating with animals because they knew people would think Jesus was crazy.

This is why humans who are abducted by aliens find the experience so traumatic. It breaks the boundries of their preceived world and beliefs.
Same reason applies as to why so many people get frightened when they see some harmless spirt like their spirit guides.

The majority of humans currently on this Earth could not develop psychic powers even if they came back in one-hundred thousand lifes and tried, so it makes me wonder if those of use with psychic powers are a different species of human.


Yes, very interesting.  A new generation perhaps, one that has actually made an evolution.  Strange when you think about it.  Even if this interview is a fake it is an interesting read and I hope that the other stuff gets put on that page and maybe the sketches of the 'alien' and the devices.
Thou shall not kill, remember?  What kind of church man are you? - Vash, Trigun

I will destroy Naraku with this Tessiaga! - Inuyasha, Inu-yasha

Truly, if there is evil in this world, it lies within the heart of mankind. - Edward D. Morrison


The "vril generator" is actually a Tibetan dorje.  These are used in conjunction with a bell as a part of Tibetan Buddhist religious practices.  

For a picture of a dorje, see: images/r.dorje.html


Originally posted by Xelios

Then there are the cold hearted s.o.b's who enjoy tryng their hardest to shoot down mediums and other people with psychic abilities.

Unfortunately, I think psychics are like lawyers and tv preachers - 99% of them give the other 1% a bad name! [:)]

As for why so few people even explore anything psychic I attribute it to the onset of both rationalism and materialism.  Unfortunately people tend to be sheep.  We tend to believe whatever we're told or whatever others tell us is true.  So, when it was more common to believe in the mystical, people just believed and thus had more encounters with the mystical.  With the onset of rationalism in the last 100 years or so, we tend to only believe in those things that science gives us permission to believe in.  If scientists were to somehow prove the reality of astral projection tomorrow, you'd have a ton of people learning to AP within the year.

And as for materialism, people used to be alot more connected to the land and the stars and the sea.  They somehow understood themselves as part of a living world, rather than just a race of superior beings living on top of the world.  But when you've packed your day full of computers and video games and fancy cars to wash and a gazillion tasks to be performed each day - who's got time to contemplate the cosmos?  And then, when you finally do get a moment of quiet time, - wouldn't you know it's time to change the batteries in your Billy Bass!

And I don't think it's that only some people have the capacity for increased spirituality (or psychic activity) - I think it's just that most are too busy. oblivious and conditioned to even look into it.

"The best evidence that there is intelligent life elsewhere in the universe is that it hasn't tried to contact us." - from Calvin & Hobbes.


And lest I give the impression with my last post that I'm sympathetic to this alien interview stuff, let me state, gently, that I think it's a whacked delusion.  Sorry, but these days with the internet anybody can post anything and get "followers".  Just on Astral Pulse there are the Zetas who claim to channel some aliens from outer-space, and another thread that affirms the Thiaoobu Prophecy (different aliens) - and various other alien related stuff.

I take more of a psychological approach.  When in altered states of consciousness we can connect with bizarre things - but I believe that our psyches create the constructs - i.e. is it an angel, an alien or a fairy...and was it a space ship, or a building, or an underground cave, etc.  To objectively state that these things are literally true and apply objectively to everyone is ridiculous.  Also, I believe that other things - like this alien interveiw - could be either pure fiction, or the product of psychological delusion on the part of one individual.  I wouldn't believe it if my Mom told it to me so I certainly won't believe some anonymous "alien interview" pulled off an alien-themed web site.

"The best evidence that there is intelligent life elsewhere in the universe is that it hasn't tried to contact us." - from Calvin & Hobbes.


Originally posted by RJA

If scientists were to somehow prove the reality of astral projection tomorrow, you'd have a ton of people learning to AP within the year.

One event that interested me and then disapointed was the annoucements/revelations of the use of remote viewing by intelligence agencies. There was a surge of interest at the time but as you say people in general were already 'busy' so found little time for such.
A few established companies for the purpose of exploitation but the general public walked on by. I am not convinced that only science filters the paranormal options. Some of the objections that impacted funding for remote viewing were the religious beliefs of the politicians concerned with monitorring intelligence activities.


I take more of a psychological approach. When in altered states of consciousness we can connect with bizarre things - but I believe that our psyches create the constructs - i.e. is it an angel, an alien or a fairy...and was it a space ship, or a building, or an underground cave, etc. To objectively state that these things are literally true and apply objectively to everyone is ridiculous. Also, I believe that other things - like this alien interveiw - could be either pure fiction, or the product of psychological delusion on the part of one individual. I wouldn't believe it if my Mom told it to me so I certainly won't believe some anonymous "alien interview" pulled off an alien-themed web site.

I agree, trying to apply a literal interpretation of stuff that might be outside of our normal perceptions and then trying to map these into a common scheme or 'unified' theory can be a short cut to the jacket with cord fastenings. Some of the channelings have interest in that there is a structure in the content but we need to keep an eye on beings who promise gifts but are poor with the delivery. These channelings are not new, they are just new to some people some of the time. Some people I know have investigated some aspects, in particular the Council of Nine based channelings and they believe they have identified some people involved in the scheme. They have published a book with their findings, must look up the title.

"They that can give up essential liberty to obtain a little temporary safety deserve neither liberty nor safety."

-- Benjamin Franklin, 1759


CIA. They are not only using remote viewing,but they are trying to develop psychic techniques for assasination purposes.
It is quite easy really to hurt another human using certain techniques,but spirit guides and angels hand out punishment to those who do so.

Trance channeling is something to stay away from unless you can fully trust one single spirit to enter your body and leave.

Other beings and dimensions do exist. Again it's very hard for most humans to understand this. They are not some kind of archetpye created by your mind.

Sometimes beings will appear to you so you can understand them. If you saw their true forms you might not comprehend what you were seeing. You might not be able to see them at all.