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Anyone interested in forming a psychic army?

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Dion Fortune states in her book there is an occult police. She herself called upon them. I was also told by someone that there is a council and someone's powers can be taking away from them. I was told this by a person that is psychic and does exorcisms. I think maybe we all could try saying prayers for each other to start with. Anyone that practices magic could do protection spells for people. This will also give them practice using their magic especially for the peopel that can't do magic. This is a start.


bearing in mind if you plan to do any spell on anyone, helping them or otherwise you should always ask their permission.

Shawn McCaffrey

Could the Astral Knight's be the "Police" you are thinking of?[?]


kinda like Jedi Knights, then? [;)]

just finished reading a star wars trilogy and it was awesome. took me a day less than a week for all three books.


Mystery Ninja

There are a number of astral warrior groups that do this sort of thing.  Abode of the Lion, Astral Alliance, Righteous Warrior Temple, Wiccan Warrior Guild, Tolemac Warriors, to name a few.


Any kung fu clans I could join that do this? Kung fu is my martial art of choice.

Metal Ice

We should all get together & teach these Psychic creatures
a lesson they won't soon forget!  [:D]


I would like to. But first I need to learn how to astral project. And I want to make sure that no innocent/good/neutral spirits get attacked. That would karmically suck.

Mystery Ninja

EnerWiggin -

I am not aware of any Kung fu groups that do any astral anything.  The only martial arts path that incorporates such things that I am aware of is Togakure Ryu Bujinkan Ninpo, but it still is not astral warriorship, let alone astral warriorship as a primary directive.

However, most astral warriorship Warrior Houses do require that members have some level of ongoing participation in a martial art, even Tai Chi or boxing will do.  Also, as most astral warriors are blade warriors, having a kata, saredwa, or fencing practice is required.  

Mystery Ninja

Thats the warrior spirit, albaily.  You'll have the boogy man on the run yet.  Ol' boogy just can't stand up to a man who don't take sh*t and whacks back.


There is a martial art known as Empty Force, a form of qi gong. It employs the use of qi energy to strike people without actually touching them. Qi gong masters can push and pull people who are behind walls, and can even hold them to the floor, making it so they can't get up until the master lets them. They can even perform these feats over the telephone. I read about it in a credible source of information (I had my kung fu teacher verify it for me).

I thought that since such an art exists that maybe it would tie in with the astral. I train my kung fu to use it on the astral when necessary- so far I really haven't had a problem.


    I'm interested in helping to establish techniques or even an organization that becomes well known in the world for helping those who have been attacked and possessed by negs to get free, and regain their complete life back again.
    I would be interested in knowing if you are presently aware of some sure way methods for detaching a neg off of a person.  
    Do you know of any ways that are not listed on my sight located in Healing discussions called "neg removal techniques".
   Also do you know how to contact all those groups that one of the people leaving a post on your sight mentioned.  For example the astral knights, the abode of the lion, the astral alliance, etc.

                                           Any help or information  you could give would be appreciated.


The first step of establishing such an organization is first training. Make sure that you are trained, and make sure that those who wish to join you are trained. More importantly, however, you must make sure they are good people, and not people who will turn on you. The combination of these two things is really important. Now, you must decide what good means- open-minded, willing to help anyone in need of help, loving towards everything and everyone, not biased about things, etc. You pick the qualities for yourself that you think make a good person.

Now when you get your organization up and running, you need to find a way to advertise it so that people know about it- Don't place flyers all over town! People will probably think you're nuts, as most people are not even aware of the astral or do not believe it exists. Instead, make a webpage about it (no webpage on the Internet should be taken too seriously, so you can get away with being "insane" [;)]). On the website, you should list the purpose of your organization, the methods you will use, what you've accomplished so far, etc.

Beyond this my brain cannot function. I'm tired. Good luck. Maybe someone else can explain the next step, or fill in any steps I missed (hint, hint).

Metal Ice

I desperately want to learn this empty force.
Are there books?. How do I learn? I took
physical martial arts self defense. Don't
understand psychic fighting but want to learn.
By the way, love your posts.A healer put my vampire
in a bubble once for 5 days. It was great. I want
to cage him up too. So, he can never hurt again.

Mystery ,
I'm a woman.

Mystery Ninja

albailey - my mistake.  Should have read:

"Thats the warrior spirit, albailey. You'll have the boogy man on the run yet. Ol' boogy just can't stand up to a woman who don't take sh*t and whacks back."


Empty Force takes years of practice; one must practice EVERY DAY and NEVER skip a day of practice. That's how much focus and effort it takes. Some train consistently eight hours a day or more. If you are a disciplined individual, and you can take time out of your busy life to do it, then you should go for it. It's hrad to come by an instructor of Empty Force. Through my kung fu training, I have learned of all sorts of different things. A good teacher will have knowledge of many martial arts. I suggest looking online for an instructor near you. I do not know Empty Force myself. I have no desire to learn, but I feel that it may someday be necessary for me to know. Shooting qi energy takes a lot of focus and a lot of practice. Experimentation with qi can be dangerous or even deadly to the experimentor and/or others, especially when one does not know what they're doing. There are qi gong masters who can stand next to you and make you feel quite sick, if they feel like manipulating your qi for this purpose. That's why it's dangerous to experiment- if you make yourself sick and you don't know what you're doing, stuff can go wrong.

Like I said before, find an instructor. You're probably not going to find too many books on Empty Force qi gong. The masters don't want it falling into the wrong hands... Usually it can't anyway because of how much training it takes, but it's better to be safe than sorry.

Metal Ice

One certainly must be well trained & do I really need
to learn it because of one person. One must also be
extremely ethical. I cannot walk by the psy vamp without
getting a stomachache. All that energy manipulation
can get scary. It freaks me out that there are people who
can do that. Last year, I knew nothing of negs or
psy vamps. [8)]

Mystery Ninja

needhelp –

Try doing a Google search for some of the groups I listed.  You may well find they have websites.  These people are pretty cautious due to the nature of their work so don't be put off by a neutral reply.  They are just trying to sift out the gamers.

EnderWiggin –

You may be interested to know that the western esoteric path has been quietly making great strides in its energy techniques.  Modern western methods give the same results in far less time.  Typically a 15 minute session thrice daily and taking weekends off is all that is required among the warrior houses to produce the same effect.  You have to remember that the world has changed drastically and techniques created by western people are going to be very different in temperament and rapidity than those created thousands of years ago in the east.  Call it what you will, Ki, Chi, Prana, Mana, Mana Loa, Ga-llama, Ka, Odic Force, Tumo, Vril, Ond, POR, Fiery Lives, Orgone, Od, Orenda etc is far easier to master than realized, and far safer than reported.  

albailey –

10-4 on the ethical thing.  Typically the western way places more weight on right use of energy than in developing it.  Also, anyone with a highly developed internal energy - whether they are good or bad - is going to have an effect on the energy system of anyone near them who has normal levels through simple proximity.  Feelings of unbalanced energy in oneself – often experienced as upset stomach – when near another person does not necessarily mean that person is negative, but only that that person has developed strong internal energy.  People who have developed strong internal energy generally tend to be reclusive for this very reason.  


Mystery Ninja:

I don't know what this is about the western energy community making big strides. About 70% of the people who make sites to teach that stuff are 12 year old idiots who believe that they can master DBZ powers. I do believe focusing and blasting qi energy is possible, however, I do not believe a 15 min practice thrice a day is sufficient to build up the mental focus to do it. The western energy community is partly right, and the rest are either hippies who get their Eastern terms confused and misinterpreted or little idiots who run around pretending to be Goku.

Western energy practices also seem to not really have much to do with development. Most websites are on tripod and they tell you "step 1: visualise this, step 2: visualise that. Congrats you made a ki ball." Not enough explanation, possible theories, mechanics, dynamics, instruction, and development to really give the average joe shmoe an idea of what he is doing, why it is working, how it is working, and what the effects of it are.

I don't believe the western ideas are wholly wrong however. I actually believe finding a good combination of real Eastern techniques and knowing energy better than these stupid tripod sites is the key.

Absence of evidence is not evidence of absence.

No amount of rigorous training, sitting and doing nothing, and clearing one's mind can help a man who hasn't overcome his doubts.


The reason noone has done this before is quite simply, there is no need. There is no ravening horde of negs and demons terrorising humanity and causing all our ills.

People these days are exploring their inner natures and powers before purifying their own psyches (taken almost word for word from Rawn Clarks webpage). When they do this they open themselves up to their own inner-demons. Most people cannot tell the difference between a purely self-generated 'neg' or demon and an external force.

- Shimewaza


I stick by the ancient stuff for a reason- The Chinese knew about accupuncture, and had a map of every single meridian and accupopint LONG before Westerners discovered the nerve endings on the body. I would like to see Western and Eastern knowledge be accepted worldwide- together.


Keeping with the topic -.-

Auraseer has begun his own army.  He has informed me that there are currently 21 people that are on his lil army. He named it something, but I forget.  If he sees this, he'll prolly post. I may have to tell him about it  :D

BTW - He's begun this army because of his dreams he said he had on this forum a while ago. Apparently other people have had the same dream, and they are a part of his army.


Metal Ice

If he has a strong internal energy ,why would
he need to steal mine? I believed
it's his intensity. Vampires are very intense.
Also Black Magic (when practised) can make one
extemely nauseous. He's intensely trying to
pull in energy from all around him. The
people that live there too are acting very negatively
where before there was laughter. When there's a pull on your
energy, you become very irritable. The people who
were always so nice are acting very moody &
at times nasty. Thank God there's a Reverand in
the building. He & I are the only ones who know whats
going on.

Vojn Svetla Gorskog

Dear people,

I am honestly disappointed reading about creating an 'army of good' on this forum. I assumed that here we understand good, and evil, and the importance of their balance in the worlds.

What is the purpose of evil other than to enforce good? What is the purpose of good only to defy evil? Who is the culprit here?

We cannot police the universe, my dear folk, we have to be able to reason and do our best to avoid attacks from the other side by betterment of ourselves. Wiping out one evil will create another, and it will be us.

Would you kill all tigers just because they prey on humans? Will you be able to tell the tiger to 'see the light' and not do evil?

My dear folks, I am very disappointed to see you think in this way, I understand that 'preemptive' strikes on evil are the latest fashion, they also happened during the times of the Inquisition, but I also understand and hope that most of you are smarter to refine your impulses with a little bit of constructive thinking.

Then again, in the best of thought and intentions, some of you need to have more experience in these matters in life, and this means to grow up conquering all forms of emotional, self-esteem, psychological, and other problems which you might encounter in life before even beginning to tackle the problem of good vs. evil.

Very sincerely,

Vojn Svetla Gorskog


Hi Vojn Svetla Gorskog. [:)]
Thank you for your thoughts on this matter. Your post was well written and thought out.
The idea of a non-physical 'army' is a result of people wanting to prevent negative discarnate entities causing mental and emotional harm to other people. I think that it is a decent idea. A much more debatable question is whether it is possible to 'police' a non-physical reality. [?]