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Changing the Spin...Hey Crim!

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Ugh I just wrote you a nice note and I lost it. Well here goes see if I can remember most of it again.
It's all here in my brain jumbled, I need to get it together.
Ok atoms or elements. There are only suppose to be 7 real elements. The rest aren't really true elemnets. They either have a nother electron, proton, or neutron. It's either the first 7, or first 7 down I tried looking but couldn't figure it out. But then I didn't spend to much time on it.
Here is the thing it has to do with the H. I have come across this before. For the longest time I know H has something to do with this. H is in air, it also in water. But so it O. There is somegthing about spring water, or bottled water. Not sure what the contents are. I think there's a common element in air, water, fire, and earth. Our body is made up of each one. It also has to do with changing the electron configuration. I would assume that our bodies need each element. For some reason salt is used for the earth. It an ion it has a negative charge. It's found that negative charges are good for you. Healthy.  They body is also based on negative and positive polarity. I'm not sure if it's the upper and lower half of the body or front and back or side to side.
Here is a website on polarity.
There has to be something to the upper on the lower. My attacker dragged my aura down for some reason. He said it was to take the negativity out. I read that healers drag the aura in an upward sweep to take out negativity.
Here is the thing about polarity and the upper and lower. There is a book about the macrocosmic and microcosmic. They are the same. For a while I thought is was the planets which do play a part. The earth has ten chakras they are by the equator and fall on each side of it in the polarity of negative and positive. As I understand it male and female are opposite. Thus one maybe positive on one end and the other negative.
There are 1 chakras in the Pacific Ocean, 1 in the Indian Ocean, Brazil, South Africa, Iran, Burmuda and Morocco or Algeria. I'm not sure what kind of weather the pacific gets but we have storms in the Bermuda area. I'm not sure what Flies in that area. There are also storms in The coast of Iran. From what I can tell this are the two active chakras. They are also consider poles. There are two kinds of poles Geographic and polarity. I would assume where these two poles are which are chakras are really what we consider our axis that makes the earth spin. I can't think right now thoughts are being stopped from me.

I had chemisty, biochemisty. I'm not sure what HNMR or NMR is can you give me the the whole name.
Something wants me to know the true.
Does forget H what are the properties of H. Alot of this has to do with Building up and tearing down molecules or atoms. It has to do with heat, going from liquid, solid, gas. Not that order. Gas can be broken down. Wait, you can break anything down to earth, water, fire, air. It has something to do with that. Air is gases, Water is also gases but there is something missing. Fire is heat what is it made of other then energy or is energy the answer. Earth what is earth i know salt is commoning used as an element for earth. It is ionized.
Here it is we animals, people are organic we have C and nothing esle does. Carbon is the answer. What ids the question? I can't thing anymore. Spirit is Carbon. Or fire. We use every other element
There is where fairies and devas and all come into play thay are the other elements.
Dark put this together. I can't think but it's something. I have played around with this for awhile now. Look into pathology has to do with this and bacteria. What are the properities of carbon. Each nuclues has a brain. It's the control center as we all have a mind. We are one big electron.
I think our energy should be spinning. What does gravity have to do with this. If the world wasn't spinning what would hold up. Spinning holds us here.
To long to state why. Got to go paying for giving out this information. Coming heavy is coming down on me. I feel it's weight upon me.
Will get back to you.


Here something Each atom has another color for it. Which is why people say that our auras are one color. What birth sign you are gives you either water, earth fire, air. Each color vibrates or has a wave sound frequency to it.
I found that the colors draw or repels the other color. see it i can find the site. Not sure i can find it. Got a lot of pain. Pink and green are together. I think yellow and purple. I think one is positive and one opposite. I wonder if that's why my heart area is pink when it should be green.
Everything is sent out in colors. We are surrounded in color. The astral plane is swirls of colors.
Will look into this more. Really got to go having bad attack.


Well i did it again. To many posting websites. Ugh I don't want to have to post this again. I just realized how many notes I had wow what alot. I'm not sure where to start not. Reading through books on the occult or religionous writings I come to find that things aren't spelled out for you. You will have to put together what I right. Just remember you may have to substitute one for another at times. This is how secret information is kept. Those who know what words to replace will learn the truth.
This is from the Zohar and Chalden Book of #'s
Remind me of the layers of the atmosphere. Remember what each layer is composed of. I did reasearch on this I believe there is 3 layers. May need to find what elements they are.
There are 7 zones in our globe.

Trogoantoegocrat- 12 essence groups. Essenses I believe are the planets or constellation.

Law of 3
triad of the sun, earth and moon is the manifestion of the law of three in physical created universe of nature.

Father, son Holy Ghost separated by 3 circles but connected by aspects of 2 forces called EST and NON-EST (active and passive forces)
3rd force- neutralizing balance force- unmanifested, for physics of matter you need a fourth.

The trinity in alchemy is salt, sulphur and mercury.

You need 3 forces for a phenomenon, the 3rd is difficult of observation.

Carbon is more active in organic world then than mineral world
Silcon is more active in formation of earth's crust than the organic world.

All three forces are just names for what in reality appears as all 3 forces are equally active, passive and neutralizing only in their meeting points in relationship to one another at a given time.

4 aspects or states of every substance have definite names
1 Substance is a conductor of the 1st or active force it's called carbon.
2 Substance is conductor of the 2nd force, passive it's O
3 Substance of the 3rd neutral is nitrogen.
Substance without relation to the force itself is H

Why do we have the Hydrogen bomb?


basic concept of the law of 3

3 & 4 are male and female, spirit and matter, their union is the emblem of life eternal spirit on it's ascending arc, matter as the ever resurrecting element by procreation and reproduction.

Former 3 is invisible (spirit) and latter 4 on the plane of objective perception as matter.

Spirit is C-O-N

There are 4 world ask me about that later. Also there are 3 layers to the atmosphere. What is each made up of. Looked it up before. Don't have time too. I think it's important.

Kether is the father, Binah the holy spirit, chokmah word or son.

Remember father, mother, son. It appears Bias nature. Mother is the holy spirit. The universe is like a big atom.

3 pass into 4 as in the zohar( lost here) - tetragammaton, god written as Jehovah(YHVH) pronouned Adoni
there are 4 lights 3 are concealed and 1 is revealed.

H- resultant
N- gravity

Tetrahedron as matter
string is force of gravity. If you want to know about this ask me. It's like a pendulum but more to it.

1st subdivision divide the universe(univ.) into 2 parts
1 restrain moves all directions. (string)
missing a word here --- of the stars into 2 hemisphere left and right gives 2 restraints moves in a plane.
3 restraints moves in a line.
4 restraints ball is immoblized and represents a minimum system.

The more an atom is connected to another one it's stopped and you then have matter.

center ball can still create or move as the center dot in the zohar representing 39 subdivisions of influence

all matter of the physical univ. is a primary form of tetrahedron.


All things consist of 3- establish the triangle and the 2nd problem 2/3 solved.

Geometrical theorem, tetractys, 5 platonic solids, musical geometry of spheres.
# related to form.
1-monnad 2-line, power 3 -triangle 4 the solid tetrahedron

opened ended triangle 1 energy event consisting of 3 forces of action, reaction, and resultant

electron- reactor
proton- action
anti neutrino- resultant
neutron- action
positron- reaction

Isotropic law - as above so below
micocosm- atom is formed as tetrahedron
celestial sphere is formed as celestial tetrahedron

tetrahedron is the 1st subdivision of univ.
tetrahedron doesn't ahve a nucleus
prime volumes don't have a nucleus, regenerative has nucleus.
3 prime volumes- tetrahedron, octahedron, isocahedron, they have external strucutural stability

tetrahedron has 4 vectors of restraint can still move. Everything is 6 sided.

There are 3 mothers
Saturn, pluto and uranus

7 double planets

Crowley's 777
spirits of planets- metals
mercury, silver, copper, tin, iron, gold, lead

The Sepher Yetzirah
3 mothers are the great mystery, sealed with six rings from the proceeds air, fire, water which divide into male, and female forces, from the mother springs 3 fathers from these all things are in the world.
What I'm getting is that water, fire and air comes in 3 forms liquid, solid gas.
heavens are produced from fires, earth from water, air from spirit, spirit reconciler of earth and water
3 mothers fire, water and air are shown in the year, from fire heat, from water cold, from air temperate state.
fire water air in man, fire-head, water-belly, air-chest

aleph reigned in air and crowned it, combining it with others and sealed it as air in the world as the temperate climate of the year, lungs for breathing, air in man- male AMA, female SMA

Odd notes
sub-sub-atomic energy to coalesce into atoms and molecules that is represented by the original trinity of atum, shu-tefnut( =one molecule and male and female)
Shu- space
Tefnut- movement

electromagnetic radiation of wavelengths
magnetic metal- iron ore, nickel, and cobalt
opposites attract.
Here i read the earth is positive.

gravity- magnetic force energy to become form

I'm going to end this for now. Going to put more notes together and post.

Dark Knight

NMR...Nuclear Magnetic Resonance.

There are actually two types of NMR, HNMR that measures hydrogen (Hydrogens are all positively charged and have one proton, so hydrogen atoms are usually just referred to as protons).

There is also CNMR, Carbon NMR (which, yes< measures carbon content in organic material...very useful when you're trying to identify something).

Crim give me a few days. I have guests coming and won't be able to look stuff up right away (guests have no clue what is happening to me). I'll probably be bouncing around entertaining.

Given that I don't trust anything anymore, I'm going to copy your stuff and paste it in a word document and save it to several disks, Hard Drive, Floppy, and CD-R.

As usual you've cornered the ball Crim, thanks.

You probably didn't take Instrumental Methods of Chemical Analysis the way I had to [;)]


Originally posted by Dark Knight

Have you ever heard of an HNMR? Or Proton NMR?

I'm a chemist remember. A NMR is an instrument that measures the number of Hydrogen Atoms (Protons) in a given compound. I haven't played with one since college so give me some time here, I have to find my textbook. NMR's, if I remember correctly (PLEASE God save me from making a complete fool of myself) NMR's meansure Hydrogen Atoms by affecting their spin...I think?

If I recall correctly the mechanism includes polarising the hydrogen atom electron spin (and probably all other atoms), this is usually done using a superconducting magnet. Then the hydrogen atoms are located by causing the spin to revert to the normal state using RF signals, the energy release is detected and processed to build the big picture. This is bit of an overview as no doubt there are more subtle events occuring and is now no doubt historical. MR has moved on a long way from when I was involved with medical equipment development.

"They that can give up essential liberty to obtain a little temporary safety deserve neither liberty nor safety."

-- Benjamin Franklin, 1759

Dark Knight

Thank You Mick, That's part of what I wanted to hear.

Crim, that information is important (or I think it is anyway). But my brain is still in a fog and I can't place all the pieces yet.

I wanna re-read your stuff when I get the chance, and do a little research into a technology I haven't used in 7 years.


Dark tell me what you think of this. There are free electrons floating in the air. You have O3 in the atmosphere with ultraviolet rays from the sun you get O2. Read the periodic table on a website. Here is what I told you about the first 7 being the true elements O is [He] 2sto the 2nd 2p to the 4th
Al seems to be of itself with electron configuration of 2-8-3 here is the website that shows it.
There are two forms of H depending on spin.
Quite apart from isotopes, it has been shown that under ordinary conditions hydrogen gas is a mixture of two kinds of molecules, known as ortho- and para-hydrogen, which differ from one another by the spins of their electrons and nuclei.

Normal hydrogen at room temperature contains 25% of the para form and 75% of the ortho form. The ortho form cannot be prepared in the pure state. Since the two forms differ in energy, the physical properties also differ. The melting and boiling points of parahydrogen are about 0.1oC lower than those of normal hydrogen.
The ordinary isotope of hydrogen, H, is known as Protium, the other two isotopes are Deuterium (a proton and a neutron) and Tritium (a protron and two neutrons). Hydrogen is the only element whose isotopes have been given different names. Deuterium and Tritium are both used as fuel in nuclear fusion reactors. One atom of Deuterium is found in about 6000 ordinary hydrogen atoms.

Deuterium is used as a moderator to slow down neutrons. Tritium atoms are also present but in much smaller proportions. Tritium is readily produced in nuclear reactors and is used in the production of the hydrogen (fusion) bomb. It is also used as a radioactive agent in making luminous paints, and as a tracer. H is the only true gas all other are formed from it.
Hydrogen is estimated to make up more than 90% of all the atoms or three quarters of the mass of the universe. This element is found in the stars, and plays an important part in powering the universe through both the proton-proton reaction and carbon-nitrogen cycle -- stellar hydrogen fusion processes that release massive amounts of energy by combining Hydrogen to form Helium.
Atomic Number: 4
Atomic Symbol:  Be
Atomic Weight:  9.01218
Electron Configuration:  [He]2s2
Still He

I would believe that H is the one and only true element and that everything else is built upon from free electron and protons. Neutron


Originally posted by CRIMINALMIND63

I would believe that H is the one and only true element and that everything else is built upon from free electron and protons. Neutron

Not really my expertise but I think this is the process. Stars start life as hydrogen based, the nuclear processes slowly convert the matter to the other elements. When it gets to Iron the process falters and it goes supernova whereupon the remaining elements are created. Therefore many stars had to go supernova before the required elements would be available for Earth like planets and life as we know it.

"They that can give up essential liberty to obtain a little temporary safety deserve neither liberty nor safety."

-- Benjamin Franklin, 1759

Dark Knight

Crim, my guests are gone, so I can start nosing around again.

Yes, God, Instrumental Methods of Chemical Analysis is all flooding back...

And Yes, I know about Deuterium and Tritium. Deuterium was the big one for us in Instruments class..Water containing Deuterium isotopes instead the usual Hydrogen was called Deuterated water or Heavy Water. Deuterium was often used as a tracer to determine how chemical reactions occur (breakdown, re-arrangement, etc.). It's also used to quell chain reactions in Nuclear Power Plants...absorbing the energy of faster moving molecules through impact thus absorbing the energy of momentum (Physics, but I could have explained it better).

And Tritium...I won't speak of that until I find my Physics book, it's been too long.

Crim, let me investigate the web site you gave me and some of my books and old notebooks...I'm looking for something, and it has to do with a possible parallel between chakras and atoms.

Yes it could be a wild goose chase, but this is the only way I know how to try.


What atom gives off red light. Lucifer is associated with the planet mars. It is also close to our orbit. I was wondering if it is red or blue or yellow. I think The first 7 atoms that's talked about is the seven for the chakras. The colors, white, red, blue, green, yellow, orange, violet. Where does that leave black. To get silver or gray you need black. Is black the void?
What are the colors for N, O, H, C. I found that O in liquid form is light blue.


I come across something. Photon has no color it's just the frequency or wave length. It's the speed of the spin. I now understand why I get frequencies in my ears and pulsations on the left side of my head. Color is used for healing, it's used in it's subtle form of frequencies. Everything vibrates. If you see auras, close to the body you will see a light band, it radiates out. It's a vibration. It's different then the rest of the aura.
Have to do more searching put I think each level of the aura spins at a different level.

Dark Knight


Ever wonder why the sky is blue? The gases in the atmosphere absorb all the light in the spectrum minus that particular shade of blue. That's why. Whatever isn't being absorbed is allowed to pass through, that's the color tat appears. You get black because all colors are being absorbed, no light is passing through. When all light is passing through, you get white light.

Sodium, Na, not Table Salt, NaCl,...Na gives off a red flame if I remember correctly. Crim look up Atomic Absorption, AA, Flame AA, there should be a listing for the elemental colors when subjected to AA. Halogens (negatively charged particles, Chlorine, Bromine, etc) give off a green flame when ignited.


You just gave me an answer I was looking ofr before. How we perceive colors. I thought we seen the color that was missing. I thought I heard something like that. Color blind popped into my mind and something stuck there because of color and why we see it.
I also found that sea salt is suppose to have Iodine in it. Why is it that there is a dye, food coloring that I think is yellow but comes out another color. Gee I can't remember again.

The key is O. It's the free flowing atom that connects all to each other. We all breath it in and breath it out.
There is O, O2, O3.   Need to know more about these.

I have notes I don't understand.  
Maybe someone can help.
12 essence groups- trogoantoegocrat
triangle - celestial tetraheron
3 folds as primary colors, equilateral triangle in masonry:  triad of sun moon and earth. These are the primary color red, blue, yellow.
Salt, sulphur, mercury- Alchemy Secret Doctrine by H.P. Blavatsky

Is mercury the only element in a thermometer?

Stairway to Heaven song means something. Dear lady can you hear the wind blow and did you know .... There are two paths .... and did you know there is still time to change the road your on.

The Four Classical Elements:-
Earth Cold and Dry. Melancholy.
Water Cold and Wet. Phlegmatic.

Air Hot and Wet. Sanguine.

Fire Hot and Dry. Choleric.

The Three Principles:-
Salt. The Contractive force in Nature. Crystallisation, condensation.
Sulphur. The Expansive force in Nature. Dissolution, Evaporation.

Mercury. The Integrative force, interweaving and balancing that of the Salt and Sulphur. Circulation. Dynamic equilibrium.


criminalmind- I would suggest learning your opposites so you can counter what your attacker does. For every force he applies to you, you must provide the opposite, but of an equal amount. This will nullify his attacks.

Dark Knight


THis might be a dumb question, given how much research you do but I'll give it a shot, you never know.

Have you ever heard of an HNMR? Or Proton NMR?

I'm a chemist remember. A NMR is an instrument that measures the number of Hydrogen Atoms (Protons) in a given compound. I haven't played with one since college so give me some time here, I have to find my textbook. NMR's, if I remember correctly (PLEASE God save me from making a complete fool of myself) NMR's meansure Hydrogen Atoms by affecting their spin...I think?

I need to find my text book Crim, I'm sorry and embarrassed I don't remember this off the top of my head. Give me time to look it up.

When I was forced into examining the paranormal I noticed science and magic had an unusual capacity of paralleling each other and in this case (affecting the spin of a chakra).

As usual Crim, if you've got the inside scoop, share it and jog my memory, I think there's something here.