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Demon Sightings

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Ive had a close encounter with a being of Total darkness once.
several years ago, (when i was a kid) i was sleeping over at a friends house. we were watching tv late and decided to tur nin for the night. as he turned the tv off, my eyes were barly adjusting to the light, when i felt a distinct presence on the other side of the room (toward the living room door) suddely i begain to see a humanoid like figure sloowly walking across the room (*right toward me) before i could say anything, my friend spoke in a frightened voice "if thats you man, thats Not funny" at that point i was pretty terrified. as was he when he heard me reply to him. (oposite side of the room as the figure) at that point i closed my eyes and tried to go to sleep. im Assuming that either the force wasent interested in me. or Another Oposing force interfered and helped me (as has happened Later in my adult life)
well, sence u guys asked i thought id share my story (to which i have one witness) good night all


Man I really got to stop reading about demons at night. I live in the basement and my door is just a curtain. This drops the security points of my room to about 5[:D]. Luckly I blaire my music so I can't hear what happens outside the room(which helps).

Zephyr your experience is very interesting. My friend used to live in a house where something like that happened only he got physically attacked. I know he wasn't lying because his mom said it happened too. However I am curios about what happened in your adult life. Most evil biengs prey on what they can make afraid. Which is usually a child. Hence there is a monster under my bed.
You can't outrun death but you can make the Bastard work for it.

"Does the Walker choose the Path, or does the Path choose the Walker."

Like a light at the end of a tunnel that goes on forever.


the dark force i encountered most likely Could have hurt me..
it was pretty terrifying for me and my friend.
i have aquired a great deal of knowlege and wisdom in my short time here *20 yrs* ive only had a couple of encounters with the dark side on every encounter i belive a force has interfered.
i once became Lucid in a dream. .which Always happens if i start t ohave a bad dream (so i can wake up) i suddenly felt a dark force Enter my dream as i walked into my house (in the dream) there was a terrible presence... so i woke up, (i have a failsafe to make me wake up during bad dream) but a short while after waking up.. i realized i was STILL DREAMING! so once again i made myself wake up.. moments after, i realized that Yet Again i was still dreaming... i felt as if i were Trapted inside my dreams.. which has Never happened.. sence a young age ive been able to wake myself at will.
needless to say this "force" that had entered my dream put my through Several (waking up) scienarious.. Seemingly trying to get my to Forget i was still sleeping.. it even went as far as to start taking the form of Family members. (gets goose-bumps) in the Last (false awakening) i woke up on the couch and my sister was there.. i became very distraught,  " i cant tell if im Dreaming or not" at that point, i begain to suspect Her. "You arnt real Are you?" at that point she dissapeared and i looked behind me.. and finaly my assailent apeared to me taking the form of three stone faces in the room ajacent to me, (they resembled the faces of easter island)
just as they Apeared to me.. i hear a voice from the oposite side of the room, it was Bold and powerfull, seeming to come from above me, outside of the dream. it spoke in a dialect that made no sence to me.. but the words were very commanding. a being of great power..
at that very moment i woke up. shaken, weak, sweating, and not to mention terrified.. but at no point during the ordeal did i give in, only for slight moments did i become unaware. i will not give the details of those moments here.. nor to anyone..
needless to say, the light won that night, when the force intered the dream, im Assuming a battle insued after i woke up. no question to Me who won :)


they say that the faces of the stone statues on easter island are those of an alien race. maybe your assailant took this form for a reason? maybe in some past life on another planet, you were enemies or something and now it's vengeful?  is this latest spirit the same one that you mentioned before?  just a thought.  take care of yourself until it's solved.

more interesting to me is the intervening force.  higher self, maybe?  or something more?  only you know for sure.
My fall will be for you.
My love will be in you.
If you be the one to cut me,
I will bleed forever...


lol, i dont make any enemies, and i belive the reason they took those faces were to symbolize the enigmatic. just a shell, a form for the real force to take.
as for the power, either a guide, friend, or of corse my higher self. whatever it was it Was Not happy that they were keeping me there, and i got the feeling that i was kinda pushed out of hars way while they finished business. or perhaps the attacking forces had to re-align their forces to meet the oncoming attack.. or Most likely, a mix of the above.
in general, im a soul of light, i dont Cross a lot of people.
and in turn, very few have the desire to harm me.
However, in this realm there is an ever brewing conflict between good and evil . light and dark. and to anwser ur question. they were two totaly seporate occasions.. Years apart. the dark being was One being.. and the beings that attempted to controll my dreams were of Three.. probably takes a lot of energy to Hold somone in their dream.
id like to conclude with saying that ive had experiances with beings of light as well. not only the bad ones come my way :)


good. [:D]

i've been noticing more and more of this battle between good and evil as well. which is why this "demon war" that everyone was talking about before makes a lot of sense to me.
My fall will be for you.
My love will be in you.
If you be the one to cut me,
I will bleed forever...


There was a fire at my house about a year ago. And a couple of months ago when i started sleeping here again i was about to go to sleep on the floor when i felt somthing was in my room. And at the other side of the room i saw three tall shadowy figures kind of like described in the third harry potter book called dementors. So i did as i always do i created an energy shield from floor to celing which was pretty week considering i was not concentrating at all i was pretty afraid. They kind of just sprung up on me. So then i said what do you want. They just stayed there watching. Not moving at all. I got bored as i usualy do because i have add. So i decided they were not going to do any thing. And i put just enough energy to last the knight and went to sleep. I woke up and they were gone. THE END


I found that very interesting about what you said , EonianZephyr, about the lucid dream.  I too had a lucid dream once where I was forcibly kept from waking up by a spirit, but it only took me two tries to wake myselfe up, but I got the same feeling of waking up and then realizing that I was still dreaming.  This happened when I was staying in a motel on an away trip and the spirit appeared as a tall, pale woman, with mid-neck length dark hair and (kinda creepy) her eye sockets were empty and messily sewn shut in a zig-zag manner with something that looked like twine.  She said something to me before I realized I was dreaming, though I can't remember what it was.  But when I tried to wake up, she forcibly held me back until I tried to wake up again and suceeded.


your story about the tall women gave me the chills for a moment.. creepy eh?.. i belive the beings Knew i was a fairly aware person and wasent easily assailed/.. so they anticipated that.. and joined forces... like i said.. there were three of them.. and from the feel of it.. they were pretty powerfull.. but they stuck around Too long, and payed the price for messing around in my dreams.


Originally posted by wantsumrice

I'm just laughing my butt off here.  So now there are dragons to go along with demons?

Yeah, you got a problem? You would e lucky to have seen a dragon, seeing as how there are only 8 survivors. (One from each race) We were in a war with demons in my Dragon life. Through trickery the demons won, but my father made sure that one of each species lived on in a human body. Well, until the planes collide. Then we have our astral bodies back. And there are many other species too. Celestials (Angels), Sprites, and others. Don't post if you're going to be so close minded.


i have like 3 negs in my area, all i think were farmers, ive ticked them off ALOT, so now they keep gettin in my mind, any advice?


ive ticked them off ALOT

My fall will be for you.
My love will be in you.
If you be the one to cut me,
I will bleed forever...


I'm not going to ever use a motel. If I could tkae one fear away it would be my necrophobia. That really hurts me because I study about that kind of thing.

The heads at Easter Island eh? Thats just a bit wierd. Also you realize you must be something specail right. If you have to higher forces(obviosly powerful) battling over you. I would try to find out why. The more you know about yourself the better.

Right now I think one of my friends may be a  eletric demon. In the last couple of months(recent heavy poleshifts) he has been walking passed street lamps and them going out. Just last night him, another freind, and me wet for a walk at night(it was cold[:(]). He walked past one and it went out. He pointed it out and said its been happening the last couple of months. Then he started doing a jig. The lamp started flashing on and off. When he stopped it stayed off. Whats wierd about this is the flashing lamp is a physical effect. The only physical things that have happened to me in the poleshifts are I've gotten stronger.

Whoo I think thats the longest post I've ever written.
You can't outrun death but you can make the Bastard work for it.

"Does the Walker choose the Path, or does the Path choose the Walker."

Like a light at the end of a tunnel that goes on forever.


That, is really bizarre.  Somehow I think your friend might have a higher chance of getting struck by lightning. Just a random thought.


Hey haven't been on here for a while.  What I was saying is that there could be youkai in the world, strange energies and such you know.  Hmm, this dark entity, could you make out anything about it or was it just blackness, becuase I think I might know what it is.  I hope that I am wrong though, becuase if it is what I think it is, he wants you dead.  

I have got to go though, be on after school so ask some questions for me to awnser when I get back.
Thou shall not kill, remember?  What kind of church man are you? - Vash, Trigun

I will destroy Naraku with this Tessiaga! - Inuyasha, Inu-yasha

Truly, if there is evil in this world, it lies within the heart of mankind. - Edward D. Morrison


Sorry for two posts in a row, but my page just brings me back to default when I click on anything.  Clow has something, though I don't think that half of the planets population are demons, maybe like only 2% would be full demon and some other like 5% would have even traces of demon blood, I think most demons were killed in the last 500 years, either from demon hunters or otherwise.  Though there are many ways for demons to be born.  One way is if the person has a lot of negitive emotions, this can easily attract spirits and change that person into a demon, though I think this hasn't happened becuase the person realizes what is going on and resists, thus driving them insane.   I think that Clow is right about the when whatever is going to happen, anyone who thinks of themselves different and has made a different form for themselves on Astral then when the Astral becomes physical then those people would change.
Thou shall not kill, remember?  What kind of church man are you? - Vash, Trigun

I will destroy Naraku with this Tessiaga! - Inuyasha, Inu-yasha

Truly, if there is evil in this world, it lies within the heart of mankind. - Edward D. Morrison


In the last couple of months(recent heavy poleshifts) he has been walking passed street lamps and them going out.

[:O] this has been happening to my girlfriend and I in the last couple months too!

I think that Clow is right about the when whatever is going to happen, anyone who thinks of themselves different and has made a different form for themselves on Astral then when the Astral becomes physical then those people would change.

i think so too.  does anyone have any idea when thats gonna happen?  i doubt it's too far off.  i think it was the Mayans who prophecized that the world was gonna end in 2012?  possible coincidence?
My fall will be for you.
My love will be in you.
If you be the one to cut me,
I will bleed forever...


Well, a friend of mine told me about this too.  His was a little different, but the basic details match up to what Niburu's coming and the pole shift and he heard this from a friend of his.  Further in my freinds life, he started doing work in the astral and having communicated with his guide, confirmed some of the things said.  I have also spoken to my guide and though some of the details are different the core idea is the same.  If the astral and physical planes do merge into one, then you can expect alot of chaos.  I just hope that the humans that are left after it (if it does happen)  don't decide to 'purify' us and make sure the human race goes on.
Thou shall not kill, remember?  What kind of church man are you? - Vash, Trigun

I will destroy Naraku with this Tessiaga! - Inuyasha, Inu-yasha

Truly, if there is evil in this world, it lies within the heart of mankind. - Edward D. Morrison


who or what is Niburu?  sounds kinda familiar, but i don't know where i heard it.
My fall will be for you.
My love will be in you.
If you be the one to cut me,
I will bleed forever...


Niburu is the sapposed tenth planet of the solar system, it has a wide orbit and only comes about ever 3600 years, you can read more on that in No_Leaf_Clovers topic on New Planet Approching.
Thou shall not kill, remember?  What kind of church man are you? - Vash, Trigun

I will destroy Naraku with this Tessiaga! - Inuyasha, Inu-yasha

Truly, if there is evil in this world, it lies within the heart of mankind. - Edward D. Morrison


has anyone seen how big the ozone hole is? not to mention the seriously low numbers of butterfly, birds and amphibians world-wide?
skin cancer rates have tripled since 1990

and more and more tanning salons are popping up everywhere.

hate to break it to you folks, but the demon war started when petroleum became the most precious substance on earth.  everyday we drain another couple hundred thousand gallons out of the holy land.
for what? so we can go to our jobs everyday via an ineffiecient and polluting vehicle?

so we can have silly putty? so we can have the FREAKIN packaging for silly putty (which is 90% of the entire product weight)

why why why? its so absurd, the advent of the internal combustion engine was certainly the turning point for mans demise.
opinions are like kittens, just give 'em away


and it will continue to be, even the development of the hydrogen engine now wouldn't save us all
My fall will be for you.
My love will be in you.
If you be the one to cut me,
I will bleed forever...

Mystic Cloud

Heh, I don't know whetever I should smirk or cry when reading this thread. A lot of just pure utter BS information going on here with
no truthful foundation whatsoever.


If you think as EVERY spirit in the astral as a demon I must say this is either stupidity or just pure ignorance since the nature of a True demon is VERY different compared to an ordinary Astral Being.


You could try apologizing for you behavior and then just tell them to leave. Otherwise than that I really can not say what you can do. The more you know about Neg. pestering the more you probably can ward them off. If things really start getting out of hand you could buy RBs Psychic Self-Defence as it explains a lot. I have no experience with Garlic myself but RB mentions that it gives protection. Then I know that Pure Water really gives somekind of protection since there is something very holy in H2O [xx(]. You could also try to make a YHWH Pentagram where the spirit rules itand it faces east.
If we compare us to infinitely small,
that will make us infinitely big,
but if we compare
ourselves to infinitely
big, it will make us infinitely small.
What is our size again?


Assult, you could do what I usully do, give them hell. (not that it's the smartest idea but if you give them a hard time, they generally go away)


Originally posted by volcomstone

has anyone seen how big the ozone hole is?

Has this started to grow again then? Last I heard sometime last year was that the Antartic hole had following a high altitude storm broken into two holes of smaller overall area and is continueing to shrink. The estimate then was that it will have closed in 40-50 years or so, this is following the reduction in use of CFCs.

I will go check this myself as your message suggests otherwise and that is disapointing :)

I looked at a couple of sites and the hole size this past year has been one of the largest but the estimate for prolonged closure is still at 50 years. is one place to look for more info.

"They that can give up essential liberty to obtain a little temporary safety deserve neither liberty nor safety."

-- Benjamin Franklin, 1759