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do I need to worry?

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Hi All

I need your council:

This past Summer I accompanied I friend of mine to her spiritual community, which I believe to be a sect. Just ,,for fun" I attended a ,,Darshan" which was given by the Fe San Shakti ( the ,,chief"  there.

During the darshan one has to kneel in front of her and open oneself while she stares into ones eyes for about 60 sec. I did so and frankly did not feel much at all. But if there are indeed negative energies then I would believe them to be found at places like that cause, I did feel kind of a really bad vibe there.

Now the basic Question is: Is it possible this had some negative effect on me? Should I do some kind of ,,action" to reverse the effect (if there is any?)

Or what do you think? Should I just forget about it?

Thanks guys ;-) Tom

The place was:

there is no real page on English, there is only kind of a american branch of the community:

" In order to arrive at a place you do not know you must go by a way you do not know "

-St John of the Cross

majour ka

 I would say, smile! be positive and dont go back there if you didnt like it.

The only negitive affect is you worrying about it. Put it down move on and be happy  8-)


I've learnt a basic rule in spirituality that 'thought equals action'.

Any influence we believe others have over us are 100% powered by our own belief that they have that ability. Removing your belief removes their influence & affect on you. An honest reassessment of one's beliefs can eliminate unwanted lingering doubt/fear.

It may be that the place was legit and really does want to help people, but the weird vibe you got should be enough to be wary that it wasn't for you.