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fighting Demons?

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Hey everybody!
Does anyone know anything about destroying or killing demons.
What is the best way and is it same as fighting martial?

Yes, I know someone of you will not agreed with me but thats okay.


Hehehe. I feel like this is a bait post, but I'll bite.

I, personally do not believe in demons in the sense they are living beings.  I think we all have inner demons that we have to deal with.  But if you're talking about going into the astral to fight "demons" I think it's silly and counter productive.   

I'm honestly curious why people feel the need to fight these so called demons?  I's one thing to have nightmares and some negative astral experiences, it's quite another to just want to destroy or kill these aspects?  Does it make one feel more powerful, more intellectual, or feel as if you're in some kind of elite group?  And it seems like when people are in this mind set, it becomes an obsession....  I just don't get it.

My son introduced me to WoW a few weeks back and I thought for sure I was going to start having dreams of killing things.. lol  but thank goodness I haven't...well, yet that is. :)


I'm not trying to be cool or anything.
Is one of those thing that I need some answer and nothing more.
I'm sorry you don't believe but I just want some answer.
That is all!


I'd give them to you, if I had them, thus why I asked you some questions.  Would you like to answer at at least one of my questions?  It would make it easier to figure out where you're coming from, because just asking how to kill a demon really doesn't compute with me.

You have to have an inkling of WHY you feel the need to ask people on how to kill or destroy demons.... something made you ask this question out of the blue.  I'm just trying to figure out why.

James S

Demons, Dark Lords, Negs, whatever you wish to call these entities, they're energy - they can't be destroyed!

Sorry BlackAngel, this is the real world we're in, not an episode of Buffy or Charmed. You can't kill or destroy something that made of energy. Very basic law of physics.

If you're concerned about 'demons' then I suggest two things -

1) Stop thinking about them or fearing them. Like attracts like - another universal law. You keep thinking about demons and that's what you're going to attract into your life.

2) If you think you're already suffering attacks from negative entities, fighting them isn't going to help. That just puts you down onto their level, and again, will attract more of that low level energy to you. Raising your energies, being in 'the light' - working with positive love based higher vibration energies will separate you from the darker lower energies. Shut the door on them, ignore them and work with positive energies and you'll not be bothered by them.


Your right James "not an episode of Buffy or Charmed" of course for now.
I guess you just have to wait for little longer. Can't tell you everthing now, that wouldn't be fun!

James S

Quote from: BlackAngel on May 14, 2007, 00:31:41
... Can't tell you everthing now, that wouldn't be fun!

Then I don't understand the point of raising this topic.

You asked for answers, you've been supplied some. Were they not what you wanted to hear?


Quote from: BlackAngel on May 14, 2007, 00:31:41
Your right James "not an episode of Buffy or Charmed" of course for now.
I guess you just have to wait for little longer. Can't tell you everthing now, that wouldn't be fun!

Always remember that stabbing someone with a wooden pole through the heart is considerd first degree murder in all countries.
Same goes for any kind of demon destroying.

You seem to think we are on the brick of some kind of demon invasion or else you wouldnt have put the words "for now" in the first sentence.
In somnis veritas


LOL. demon invasion..   *waves hands around slowly* Cooome back to reality...come baaaaack....

James S

Quote from: TalaNay on May 15, 2007, 06:28:28
... Cooome back to reality...come baaaaack....

To quote one of my favourite quotes from Mythbusters...
"I reject your reality and substitute my own."



All I want to know; How do you become qualified to tell is something is a demon, demonic, or demon related?
"How unfortunate for mankind that the Lord is reported by Holy Writ as having said 'Vengeance is mine!' "
Sir Julian Huxley


to star.

Depends on your beliefs pretty much.
To one person is this  *extends left hand out*, to another its that *extends right hand out*.
So "real" qualification is somewhat none existant for such things, imo, personally I dont believe in evil, and demon are mostly related to evil (most dictionarys refer to them as such :evil:, as well)
So basically you tell yourself what is a demon or not.
There is more to what I mean, but I think that gives you a little bit of my idea.


There might not be evil, but there is still harmful intent, why not just call it evil and save yourself the trouble of confusing cross-names?

I don't think that your perception of demons resounds or even makes sense to me.  I thought we were talking about demons as if they had a concrete existance, and you just took them out of the equation altogther.
"How unfortunate for mankind that the Lord is reported by Holy Writ as having said 'Vengeance is mine!' "
Sir Julian Huxley


I apologize for not making much sense  :oops:

To me demons are not real. In the same way a dragon is not real, I know what it looks like and does "such and such"(through drawings, literature, ect), but its just fantasy.
Although I do see the word demon as a description, for example : "it felt like I was under attack by demons".
I took them out of the equation, because its based on opinion, belief, ect...


If you believe demons are real, as in real demons (not 'evil spirits' called demons). Then you should know they are said to be the gods of hell.

To make a long story short, even if they were real, you couldn't :-D


Quote2) If you think you're already suffering attacks from negative entities, fighting them isn't going to help. That just puts you down onto their level, and again, will attract more of that low level energy to you. Raising your energies, being in 'the light' - working with positive love based higher vibration energies will separate you from the darker lower energies. Shut the door on them, ignore them and work with positive energies and you'll not be bothered by them.

I really like your reply James. I'm not sure what the f this guy was posting about in the first place, but as far as I took it this was a very insightful answer.


Quote from: BlackAngel on May 11, 2007, 15:19:30
Hey everybody!
Does anyone know anything about destroying or killing demons.
What is the best way and is it same as fighting martial?

Yes, I know someone of you will not agreed with me but thats okay.

I'll divide this in 2

Fiction: Holy water or wooden stake indeed, but that's just with vampires don't forget that.
werewolfs = silver bullets.
Demons mostly in movies are destoyable by removing the head off of the body or burning them.
If you are unarmed try to break the neck or destroy it's eyes so it cannot see.

Reality: Stop believing in demons, try to delete them from your subconscious and you wouldn't see any demons whilest dreaming.
If you see them in conscious state, see a neurologist, it might be a tumor pressing on your hippocampus.
If you see them in conscious but not clearly, or a shadow probably when the lights are out, this is probably what you've occured. Just stop believing, your eyes cannot see spots that are completely dark at night, so your brain fills up the gap in other words: it lies to you (it's a program put into the system).
So if you fill your brain with mumbo-jumbo like demons and witches, guess what it'll fill the gap with?

I hope this will help.


haha when u said shows, you forgot the buffy spin off Angel...he even fought satan :D...and technically won

but, maybe he was stoned when he played some video game and thought it was real.

if a demon was real, not made of energy, i guess killing it any other way you'd kill a carbon based life form...a nice 5.56 round to the skull should do the trick....or the heart, even the stomach should work. even a BB gun if you had enough luck on your side, amazing aim, and were actually able to get close enough (almost point blank) and shot him in the eye. most likely just make it blind and extreamly angry.


you could take a note from the movie "Dogma" when Silent Bob struck the demon in the chest with a putter that the arch bishop blessed to have a better game.

"But im a freakin demon!"
muse: "just like azreal said, "im a freakin demon" any instrument of God can kill a demon"
Jay: "Holy crap, silent bob is an instrument of God!"
last zion: "no you [explicitly deleted] the putter is, the arch bishop is the kind of guy that would bless his putter to have a better golf game!"

so...get a priest to bless a splinter and go get that demon, tiger!

did like the comment about the steak, that was real funny.


Haha, I watched that movie, it was awesome. :-D


Wow.  Ok. Here's where it gets tricky.  There are those of Light, and there are those of Darkness... And then there are those who keep the balance.  I don't really understand why, but they do it and they are not weak. Anyway, demons attack to get a rise out of you.  It's because they drain your energy whilst lowering your vibration.  It's part of the whole war.  The best way to deal with them is to raise your vibration and keep it raised no matter what they do.  This will make you stronger, and the positive energy will also irritate them and make them leave.  Demons don't like being near positive energy, mostly because it is generally stronger and because it is a polar opposite.  A word of warning, demons are not restricted to discarnate forms.  They do, every now and then, find reasons to incarnate.  As to who leads them, nobody really knows.  Traditional satanists claim they do, but I seriously doubt they would associate with humans.  Regardless, most demons are independent.  I can't really imagine selfish and greedy entities who thrive on pain uniting under one banner.  It's just not their way.  Don't try to raise their vibration to the light.  Some demons have tried that, but I've never seen a success as of now.  I think there might be something different in their energy that keeps them stuck.  I will consult a friend who deals with them.  He will know whether or not they can be changed completely.  I hope that information helped. :)

Embodied Words

If you'll look at blackangels other very amusing post, he says he's gonna go attack him with his "psi-balls." I dunno who blackangel is, but he's a very amusing fellow.
There are in every man, always, two simultaneous allegiances, one to God, the other to Satan. Invocation of God, or Spirituality, is a desire to climb higher, that of Satan, or animality, is delight in descent.

- Charles Baudelaire (1821-1867)


well.....i have one thing to say.....demons are not restricted to the astral or subtle plains of exsistence......i was attacked by on in my own home.
Noone was home but me......i was in the basement.....i was playing around with my psionic energy....then i was hit pretty decently....enough force to burn a cresent moon shape burn mark on my shoulder balde and dislocating my left arm......after a moment or two.....after realising what was going on.......i popped my arm back in and saw a pair of red glowing eyes.......i threw a few psi balls at them as i tryed to escape up a flight of stairs.....
{still have a scar on my left shoulderblade....}

This was back a few years ago.....and when i got to my room later on after a little bit outside trying to see what was going on.....i  started to violently spasmed, as if my body was being electrocuted.....and i dont remember much after that for about 2-3 weeks after the attack.... So demons, or neg entities....can and do enter this plane of exsistence......and its not for a joy ride in a park either.....

Good luck to all of you.


Silver Incubus

Quote from: tksjm on November 09, 2007, 13:07:34
well.....i have one thing to say.....demons are not restricted to the astral or subtle plains of exsistence......i was attacked by on in my own home.
Noone was home but me......i was in the basement.....i was playing around with my psionic energy....then i was hit pretty decently....enough force to burn a cresent moon shape burn mark on my shoulder balde and dislocating my left arm......after a moment or two.....after realising what was going on.......i popped my arm back in and saw a pair of red glowing eyes.......i threw a few psi balls at them as i tryed to escape up a flight of stairs.....
{still have a scar on my left shoulderblade....}

This was back a few years ago.....and when i got to my room later on after a little bit outside trying to see what was going on.....i  started to violently spasmed, as if my body was being electrocuted.....and i dont remember much after that for about 2-3 weeks after the attack.... So demons, or neg entities....can and do enter this plane of exsistence......and its not for a joy ride in a park either.....

That sounded like you had a seizure, and you forgot about it. Probably dislocated your arm whilst having one. LOL
"Life is an Illusion that is painfully real" - me


No, it wasnt a seisure....because for one....dont have a history of them...nor has that event occured again.....
I'm sure that is was a spiritual entity {weither or not it was demonic in besides the point right now....} and that spiritual entity attacked yes even things like this exist at one time or another......

{hell i shouldnt even say this but my grandmother, whom i live with....sees angels from time to time....and if angels and demons have anything in common its this...~they connot enter the world of man~ correct?....well if they have then so can demons in my mind....just my thoughts on this btw....but maybe they arent held back in hell as much as they should.....maybe they are coming out more frequently due to world events....idk...maybe this has something to do with 2012 but that desearves its own post in the 2012 board....and not here of course....

But ever since that day i've been honing my skills in order to defend myself against psychic attack and spiritual attack.

Good luck to all of you.


Embodied Words

You are.... very fond of... ellipses...
There are in every man, always, two simultaneous allegiances, one to God, the other to Satan. Invocation of God, or Spirituality, is a desire to climb higher, that of Satan, or animality, is delight in descent.

- Charles Baudelaire (1821-1867)