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Hearing snippets from the spiritual world?

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I've been told that if one either puts themselves into a trance, or is near sleep, that they are better attuned to the spirit world, and more likely to hear messages from spirits, or to hear their spirit guides talking to them.

This doesn't happen ofen, but sometimes, if I'm nearing sleep, I'll hear snatches of voices. It won't last for very long - I'll usually only hear a few words - but I wondered if this was just my imagination, or is it me actually hearing spirits talking?

For instance, last week, I was almost dozing off, but still conscious, when I suddenly heard the word "shame" right in my ear. Was this my imagination, or is it possible that I heard a spirit? I don't know why it would say that word, as I haven't done anything to be ashamed of.
The Bee Gees and Andy Gibb


As far as I know, this is quite a common experience, usually said to be either voices of spirits, either hallucinations caused by the trance state right before sleeping or APing.
~Our name is Eternity~

On my way to the infinite universe of Light and Unity.


apparently its the beginning of developing clairaudience. it happens to me too. the word it said doesnt necessarily refer to you, it could refer to itself, or anything else. next time, try asking them who they are ;)


Quote from: NodesOfYesod on December 16, 2006, 10:23:08
G'day Skippy

Have you concidered that every time sombody looks at your AVI they think awwww what a shame I do every time I see the chap I think its a shame.

We are all spirits also and when looking at your AVI there is only 2 places for our thoughts to go :)

By AVI, I assume you mean my avatar, Nodes?

It had occurred that if there were any people here who liked Steve, then they would feel sympathetic. I intend it to be positive, though. He was always a happy person. Well, I should think he still is. I certainly believe he's still alive, and if what Sylvia Browne said is anything to go by, he must be enjoying himself enormously.

Still, it's a big shame he couldn't stick around here for another 40 or so years.

Thanks for the responses, everyone. The problem is, I only ever hear bits and pieces for a few seconds, and that's it. So if I did ask them who they were, I don't know whether I'd actually hear a response, since it doesn't last very long. It's like my mind briefly impinges on the spirit world and then goes straight back out again.

But it could all just be in my imagination. It'd be pretty cool if I was hearing spirits talking, though.
The Bee Gees and Andy Gibb


yeah, like everyone else has said, strange noises and voices are common during the hypagogic or hypapompic periods before and after sleep.  I get them a minority of the times I go to sleep, but also if I'm in really intense meditation or in a sensory deprivation tank.  Usually mine is music more often than voices - really magnificent and intricate symphonies, funk music, trumpets, made-up instruments, etc.  But every now and then I'll hear voices of people I know (or even don't) saying dialogue that I'd never heard them say before.  The coolest/most mysterious one I ever had was an older Englishman who said, "No, we're closed.  But I'll tell you what never closes.... the book of history."


Could be a variety of things that have already been posted, or your mind replaying what has occured throughout the day. At a moment in time, realizing it or not someone could have said "Shame" to either you, someone else, even someone in the distance that happened to say that word, and without conciously realizing it you picked up on it. Obviously playing no attention to it, for it wasn't directed to your or loud enough to attract your attention.

lily moonsong

Quote from: NodesOfYesod on January 03, 2007, 08:26:34
one of the strangest and cooled ones I ever experienced

I was making out with a girl Activly. anyways I looked up and at the top of the bed where the wall was supposed to be there was this old man walking up a snowey mountain he looked right at me as my perceptions locked in on his face his skin was all old and wethered but he had such a kind face and peircing crystal blue eyes. and it was like he smiled with his eyes at me with a warm expresion on his face and then he carried on walking up the mountain with a grin

quite bizzare but 100% cool

so this happened while you were 100% awake?  I've had things like htis happene to me, where the entire environment around me would change.. and it would all look different, while I was completely awake.  What is this?  What is the correct term for it... I want to know what it is!  LOL


QuoteI was making out with a girl Activly. anyways

LOL sorry but my first thought upon reading this was "how do you make out with girl 'inactively'?"  :-D
Reality is what you perceive it to be.

lily moonsong

I have some ideas of how you could make out with a girl inactively.. but they're kind of dirty!   :evil:


Hi all,
I always hear something right before I close my eyes.  Sometimes I would hear a word in my language.  Sometimes I hear my name being called out but I try not to pay attention to it.  Last year, some lady keep calling my name when i'm watching T.V. She called my name on 3 different occassion and I kept answering each time.  I told my mother and father about it and they told me not to answer back when I hear my name being called out next time because I might attract spirits.  Funny thing is it's always a ladies voice that I hear.

I was a member here last year or couple years ago but I stopped visiting this site and stopped reading here.  Alot of new members here are seeking for whatever power.  My only advice is becareful what you ask for because you will get it.  The more you search for things, the more it will come to you.

I once asked to have psychic power and to be able to OBE.  I got what I asked for and it wasn't funny when I got it.  I ended up being too paranoid.  I stopped practising and stopped doing what i'm doing.  My mind is clear now but something keeps drawing me back to this site and I end up asking questions.

I don't think I have any psychic power but it's funny that I would sometimes think of a movie that I want to see and within a week or two then BOOM!  There's the movie that I want to see on T.V.

I don't think i'm making any sense but oh well!  We're all weird here.


Recently, I layed down to take a nap, only my mind stayed awake and aware of my surroundings, and my body fell asleep apparently. I felt the presence of a little boy, running around my room, I open my eyes to have the boy approach my bed (I did not see him, but I could definetly feel him and where he was) He introduced himself to me as Emilio and asked me to play with him. I told him to leave my home, and that I didn't want to play. Durning this short converstation, I recieved tingling, buzzing and vibrations from my Crown Chakra down to my Solar Plexus. I then focused my attention to my toe in order to pull myself out of this Sleep Paralysis and/or Trance. This was definetly a audible voice, and was not telepathically communicated at all.


Like I stated, I did not see the boy but I could feel his presence. Why did you encounter a Emilio? loL


I'm pretty sure it was a Human...

I am curious to how you determined they were trolls, and what exactly is your definition of one, and on what plane do they exist, and how do they manifest themselves? I'm just curious overall, so please elaborate...


I believe it was definetly the most responsible thing to do, Although I may seek communication durning certain moments in time and open myself up. A audible, present being is not the type of communication I would want or seek. Instead I rather place myself in their realm, instead of having them linger in my home.

I don't need a being trying to play with me when I'm trying to get work done, or hiding things, heh.