Help! Psychic vampire has fangs in my aura at nig

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Reiki attunements are intended to form a connection to an unlimited supply of energy. It is supposed to fill in automatically to replace what is used or lost. You might be able to find a good teacher near you.

The black form of tourmaline is used for protection. It is a relatively powerful stone.

Another thing that comes to mind is iron in contact with your person. It is traditional from Tibet to use iron.

It sounds like prayer is still the most effective approach of what you have tried. Intensifying your efforts in this way would be a very good idea.

Metal Ice

Got 3 reiki treatments.
They usually last  a month.
Have iron. That works best of all.
I have  a black tourmaline stone.
I can intensify the prayer though.

Metal Ice

I have to wear a ton of it in order to totally shut him
down & I cannot do that much longer cause it's getting warmer out.One
ends up overheating from it. Not fun.
I  try to close the aura & mentally put it in  a ball of
protection. I shall try putting another avon water fountain under
my bed like someone suggested. Thank you to anyone who tries to help

Mystery Ninja

I don't think lugging yourself down with a ton of iron is what people are suggesting.  Iron is a weapon.  It really does hurt the boogy man.  Take it to the streets bro - buck up and give ol' boogy a whack in the astral.

Metal Ice

I'd love to but hav'nt a clue about it.
I've never astrally projected in my life.
This is not my area of expertice.
How does he attack when I fall asleep? The
minute I wake up, he cannot touch me.


Imagine yourself going in, grabbing his fangs, and breaking them/ ripping them out. Whatever you can visualize is a way in which you can fight your enemy. You could, if all else fails, pray.


He may not be able to touch you while you're awake, but you can touch HIM. Take advantage of this! What I wouldn't give to be able to spar an opponent in kung fu and have them not be able to touch me! [:D]

Metal Ice


I've only dealt with weaker psi vamps.  When I feel someone trying to feed, I just reverse the flow and start to feed off of them.  That gets rid of them quickly.  I can't really descibe how I reverse the's just something I'm able to do.  Try instead of the vamp feeding off of you through the cords in your hands and feet, that you are sucking his/her energy instead.  That might work, but I can't promise anything.  
Like I said, I've only dealt with weak ones, and not very many at all (like 2).

Metal Ice

I think once I may have been able to pull energy back from
him, (I figured it's all my energy anyway & all I'd be doing
is taking back what he took from me) & suddenly I feel like
this strong pull in his direction. I have not been able
to do it since. Will try again though. Tried pulling his
fangs out through visualizing like Enderwiggin suggests.
Wish I had some powers.
Even if I were a Psy Vamp, I could never take anyones energy.
It's unholy.


Since the dimensions operate on the same principles, try to go for some pressure points, like that soft spot behind the ear, or the temple of the head. Or you could go for the filtrum, right under the nose and above the upper lip. Bend fingers, break bones. Lock his joints. Good luck. You need but visualize this working and it will work. Imagine the pain on his face.


Metal Ice


I'm thinking that visualization is imagining something happening?
I don't have to astro plane do I?
He no longer astro projects into my apartment since I told
him he'd better get back to his body before something else
does. That fixed him.
I looked up Empty Force on web. Scary stuff. these people can push,
pull and make someone lie down on the floor, unable to get
up until they decide to let them. That's what I'd like
to do to him. Make him lie down for a few hours unable to get up
like he did to me . I'd keep
him there  so he learns fear, panic, helplessness
& being controlled like he enjoys doing to others. Make Him cry for a change. If he leaves my energy alone, he can get up.
If not, back on the floor with the vampire . He could get real
hungry after awhile too. I don't know if I can find someone
to teach me empty force. You can ,however, internally injure someone
if using too much force or not at all if using too little.

Mystery Ninja

goingslow -

To the best of my knowledge, no you can not break bones in the astral.  You tend to snap back to your body before damage happens.  I am not even sure damage can happen.  However, in the etheric, some nastly stuff can go down.  I think RB calls what I call the etheric the "free time zone" or something like that.  In any event, the etheric is the mirror world to this one.  You can come back from a combat encounter there comatose, blind, and bloody.  And if you are so inclined, you can inflict the same.


Robert Bruce describes what he calls the "real time zone" but it is in the astral. He does not acknowledge etheric projection as a valid option. He said that the etheric body has to stay in the physical to provide a source of power to the astral body. He said that because the physical body cannot be a source of power and connection for the etheric body, the etheric body does not leave until death.

It is not clear to me how exactly the physical body is damaged when the astral. I do not deny it. I tend to think of the astral and physical and even the mental as overlapping and being in the same place. The "higher" levels are just less dense. It is shared karma which unites beings at the same "level" or "world". The mind controls the body, but the mechanism of its interface is still unknown to me.

Metal Ice

I've read that Psychic Vampires sometimes go to the astral
when death comes for them to avoid dying. This way, they
believe will also help them avoid karma. I'm constantly
being told there's many past lives between me & this guy
and it's always been negative.

Mystery Ninja

Hi Tom -

The thing is, different people and groups tend to use different terms and so it really confuses things.  I seem to have miss-understood the RB "real time zone" which didn't help either.  Thanks for clarifying.  And I agree, the etheric double/body does not project, and for exactly the same reasons you give.  (Actually it can in rare circumstances, resulting in about 1/3 third weight loss, but it is VERY dangerous and there is no practical point to it.)

The realm I am talking about is the closest realm to the physical, the one that seems to appear as an exact mirror to this one.  I come from a tradition that calls this the etheric.  I see it different and distinct from the astral, but I know that not everybody does.  What the RB word for it is if any, I don't recall.  

In any event, one can project into this realm (that I call the etheric).  Regardless of what it is called, it would not be done with the actual etheric body.

It is in this realm that damage to the projecting body is translated into immediate damage to the physical body.  I have never seen this happen in "astral" projection or in lucid dreaming.  This damage has occurred to me and to my colleagues in that realm, but never in the astral one.  It is excruciating.

But that's where the bad boys hang, and considering that is the only realm that you can truly give them sh*t that's gonna hurt. . .

Metal Ice

Metal Ice


How does one get there if one  knows nothing about it?
Does one leave ones body? meditate? Creatively visualize?
I would really like to make this guy stop taking anyone's energy again
or using chaos on them. I  felt the pain of his victims.
A healer told me they suffered until he was "done with them".
Not this time though! It's high time someone gave him a psychic
kick & I may as well be the one that does it.  

Mystery Ninja

albailey –

Humm.  I understand what you mean.  But to be honest this is an open forum and I'm not so sure I want to get specific about things here.  I mean, unlikely as it is, there is a slight possibility this person monitors this board.  I know that sounds excessively scrupulous and I apologize – I just don't want to be giving the game away to the competition if you know what I mean.

Why don't you drop me an email instead.  There is probably an energy behind this person that is running the show, and that's the place to look at first.  Make sense?


Beloved One....

It seems to me like your using a lot of your energy to "protect" yourself. WEll, i feel this is why youre depleting yourself. You need not do anything really, relaxing is the opposite of tension. Wherever there is tension, there is a hindrance to free and natural flow of energy. What is the attackers weapon of choice? Fear. Thats the only way someone can hurt you in a way that seem real....the only antidote for this (and any illness, disease or problem really) is love aka acceptance aka freedom aka relaxation aka okayness aka peace....

What you might want to try is calling for help.....shouting out loud or in your head. Whether or not you believe in theese beings you can try to say "I call upon Archangel Michael for protection" or "I call upon the company of an ascended master" or "I call upon the assistance of my spiritual guides" or "I call upon Sananda for healing". It works wonderfully for me...Intention is very important here.


a yellow electric warrior


Another powerful way to get rid of evil spirits may be..dancing!

Im mainly thinking of trance dancing or ritual drumming, where you dance or drum to be free. The steadiness of rythm makes it possible for deeper processes to be brung up to the surface of your concsioussness, letting you become aware of what you fear, if you let it. You must feel and experience your fears fully one last time and concsiously let go of them. This may be kind of painful. It is evolution my friend.

Well, love is always the healer....

I wonder. Maybe you could describe what happens during an attack, what does it feel, look, sound like??


Metal Ice


May I have your email address or whould
you rather have mine?

Metal Ice


There's 2 different types of attacks:
One from the aura which feels like my energy is
rising up & away from me. I wake up to feeling it
pulled off of me. It hurts alot.
The other is like (as someone in this site put)
like a bee sting, tricky & when you finally realise
it's there, it becomes one with you. You feel
it in your head like someone putting pressure , alot
of pressure on your head. That's when they take energy from
the energy (chakra) centers .This attack cause dizzy & nauseas.
I sent white light to him with a reiki master, prayed for him.
Did not work. Had to call on the 3 angels night & day this past summer.
I would wake up feeling like i'd been beaten. A
combination of him using Combat Chaos magic on me & taking energy.
I could not look at him without feeling pain later.
He saw my boyfriend drop me off & took so much energy that night,
I got up in the morning & collapsed. My eyes were  empty
& I was like a drunk person. No energy means no anything.
    Got panic attacks under control with meds & worked hard
on my fear  level. I do what Robert Bruce says & now
I matter of factly put on protection. The fear is gone,
But attacks continue.
I kick box every night. Garlic is starting to help. Am
taking Yarrow (to reclaim physical & mental boundaries)
Flower Essence. Read
Pys. vamp books. He cannot have my precious
energy. It's mine. I use essential oils, insense, sage.
I'm now trying magnets along with my stones. One can
raise ones vibration with these essences so that you
are more spiritual & attacks are'nt as important.


Originally posted by albailey

I have to wear a ton of it in order to totally shut him
down & I cannot do that much longer cause it's getting warmer out.One
ends up overheating from it. Not fun.
I  try to close the aura & mentally put it in  a ball of
protection. I shall try putting another avon water fountain under
my bed like someone suggested. Thank you to anyone who tries to help

hebrewman is saying;

your problem, seem to be is NOT REMEDIES you are using not working. It your FAITH in them which is destroyed. you maybe be suffering from DISCOURAGEMENT.


We all needs FELLOWSHIP, with those on the SAME PATH, as we are traveling, especially, OUR TEACHERS.

Thank you,

YAHrah dahVAH, W.C.W.P.
05-29-03 Thurs. 19:45GMT