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Help with attachment

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well, if you really have that kind of an aura, i suggest you try white light (aka divine energy, 'pure' energy, etc). ever heard of it? if so, shield yourself with it. and if you need to burn the attachment off, concentrate the whitelight and compress it a bit and force it to become a "disintigrating" energy rather than a passive one. this should help really quickly.

but then i STRONGLY suggest you do a long session of meditation and energy healing on your system to make sure it doesn't get really stressed out or damaged.



I wont go into all the details but I have finally pinpointed where I have a neg attachment.  I have come under one psychic attack 5 months ago.  The only clear cut attack I have ever had.  Since then I have been trying to pinpoint the problem.  I have read much of this board and just finished PPSD.  

I know know or at least strongly suspect that the area of attachment is the chakra right below my navel.  whever i feel fear, anger, or sexual urges they always are strongest there.  Ill spare you all the details of the issues i am trying to overcome, but I need advice on how to get rid of a strong attachment in this area.

I have good reason to believe I have been around negs all my life.  I have always been able to use awareness hands even before i knew they were anything other than a way for me to make certain pains go away.  I also have had lucid dreams all my life as well as a few OBE's.  
I came into contact with entities during most of my lucid dreams and even my spontaneous Obe's.  My father is a vietnam veteran and i believe some of the problem stems from the problems he has with negativity and possibly attracting something.

I have used the brushing action the last few days and would get a sharp pain that shot up from my sub navel center to my chest each time i'd go over that spot.  Im not sure if thats significant.  

Also when Im brushing this area I get mind eye visions i try to concentrate on what it is im seeing since its an actual image behind my eye lids and the excitement plus concentration makes me lose it along with the slight trance i fall into at this time.   It looks to me like my living room but i have never had a real minds eye vision till just yesterday (i only started brushing the sub navel area two days ago)
I would appreciate any advice on how to unattach this area and keep it out.  I have woken with full body paralysis to feel a snake type coil around my body i know it was a snake because it only hurt where it was wrapped around me.. i just said "god please protect me" and it went under the bed.  

When i was younger and lived at home my parents would often find me asleep and saying every cuss word imaginable.  They just assumed i had anger issues but my dad even commented it was like i was possessed.  Often just as my mom or dad would come in i'd apparently yell "i hate you get out of here".   It apparently scared them but we didnt do anything about it.  Funny thing is when they'd approach me about it i'd tell them i wasn't having a bad dream or nightmare or at least i didnt remember that.  And I hardly ever cuss when im awake.  I have been told by a psychic i have a mediumistic(whatever the word is) aura.. also told my aura is white. Which leads me to believe maybe i was channeling some entity while sleeping.  I've been an insomniac since then and get really depressed and sad when i miss a day of sleep.

I have come to terms with certain things such as the negs I randomly encounter false awakenings and when i get sleep paralysis.  I am working on overcoming fear... however the attachments to me are hurting many parts of my life.  

I would appreciate any advice anyone can give... and would love it if Robert Bruce could offer some as well but I know he's busy.  Also many of you have been here a while and probably know what to do to get rid of attachments.
