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Protection from negs that cause bad dreams

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Recently I've been having some very disturbing dreams about being raped (there's a better description on the dream forum; Post Subject: Disturbing Reoccurring Dreams). A couple people have suggested that these dreams may be caused by negs feeding off my emotions. Extensive meditation and mental cleansing before sleep seemed to stop the dreams for a while, but they've started to come back. Any suggestions on how to protect myself from this?


Think about the raping/attacking dreams, visualize it in your head.  Think about how you'd defend yourself, fight your attacker, banish them and whatnot.  Do it often, get it to become an instinct so that the instant you think about being raped, the thought "aha, arse kicking time" come up in your head without even you thinking about it.

 If you manage to get it to become part of your instinct, then when you are in your dreams, when you may not be completely rational/lucid, the programmed response will still kick in and you'd defend yourself against your attackers.

 The above trick is how I dealt with negs.  Though I still encounter negative entities from time to time, they've never given me any trouble because the moment they show up is the moment my instinct kicks in and I'd protect myself.  I believe this trick works because it slowly programs your fear of these unpleasant things out of your consciousness, and of course, your fear is what feeds these things and gives them power over you.


Yes excellent advice VeSan. I would work on becoming Lucid in your dreams cb. People use different triggers to help them become Lucid, such as using a watch and looking at it frequently during the day, possibly with an alarm. So when they are in a dream and look for their watch they suddenly become Lucid and therefore have control over the dream.

Your trigger could be that anytime you are being attacked you become Lucid. Once you are lucid you have ultimate power over your dream and this will make any atticking negs more wary (and less inclined to pick on you in particular) as they are afraid of Astral Projectors for the most part.

I also used to get succubus attacks but programmed myself to wake up if my dreams got sexual. I rarely, if ever, get them anymore.

You could also try something that Robert recommends and wrap a cut-in-half clove of garlic in tissue and place it at your perinium when you go to bed. Make sure your bedroom is clean and tidy also.

Most of all you will need to work through any fear you may have of these things and realize that you are far more powerful in your dreams/astral than negs are.


Thanks for the tips. I did what VesAn suggested last night, with picturing what I would do if I was attacked, but I didn't have a dream like that last night (maybe its working already). Thanks again I really appreciate the help.


Speaking of protecting dreams, has anyone ever heard of a dream catcher? They seem to be sold everywhere, and are pretty and interesting, but I'm not entirely sure they'd work. Somehow I think a lot more than a design is needed to stop something (which is why I'm suspicious of things like X mole removals, which by the way, haven't worked for 5 chest ones :p )


Hey Coolbreeze.

Hm... the advice in this the forum is given so well that I don't know if what I say will be needed, but here goes anyway.

It may not necessarily be negs. You might want to try to think about anything that could trigger these dreams, whether it's from your thoughts or anything that's currently going on in your waking life that could be affecting you (even if it isn't of a sexual nature).

Clean your room (I know you coolbreeze) and try leaving a bowl of vinegar with half an onion (or garlic clove) in it to evaporate in your room, or until the onion turns rather brown (whichever comes first).
Also, try going over your entire energy body methodically (top to bottom, etc.) to make sure everything seems normal.  As though you were going over a check list.  If anything seems wrong, do what feels right instinctively to fix.  (I find, energy-wise, that the things I do instinctlively are more powerful and go more smoothly than if I try doing something that seems just logical.)
Also, it might be a good idea to go over your room and see if you sense anything lurking around that shouldn't be there.

Best wishes


Thank you guys,
I've started doing reality checks to try and go lucid. It hasn't been long enough to find out if that is working or not yet. I will try to clean my room and I got a Feng Shui book to help me clean and clear my mind. About the dreamcatchers, I've had one since I was little and it never seemed to do any good. Maybe they need to be blessed?


I think a bit more than blessed, they'd have to be spiritually programmed to keep away bad dreams (aka empowered)


If you want some kind of protection (just to be on the safe side kinda thing) on top of whatever else you are doing you could buy a 'psychic shield' bead off this Shaman:


Sounds interesting.
But I think that relying on a protective talisman of some sort is a bad habit to get into.  
Just a thought. (speaking from experience, by the way)



Badwuv and I were talking and she said I better post this on the forum, so here goes:
The first 3 or 4 dreams I had between 3 and 2 weeks ago and all had to do with people I know. Other than the fact I remembered them very clearly (I usually don't ) and the fact that they were frightening, they felt like normal dreams. I felt kind of in control, like I knew what was going to happen, but couldn't control it totally (semi-lucidity).
The dream I had recently, while the same about the raping part was different. It wasn't about anyone I knew. My mind just created a completely different, new person. And  the dream's quality was wild, everything was all over and I had no control whatsoever over any of it. The dream also felt happy, but when I woke up it scared me pretty bad. That kind of stuff just isn't like me.
I just thought the difference might be important...

The Night Mist

Ok, hello...I have read your first post (haven't read the rest-I don't have much time now :P ) sooo...I have an idea on how to get rid of them.
1: You have to face the one who is raping you, this is a recurring dream and therefore it is easier to get lucid in it so when you get lucid them kick his butt. Imagine some cool moves and some lethal weapons and make him regret it, after you've beaten him up pretty good I'l guarantee he won't come back again...
2: Just before you get to bed ask your guardian angel to come with you and hold your hand, tell him to held your hand and imagine that you are grabbing it and then go to sleep. Also after you call your guardian angel also call Archangel Michael and Raphael. They are very nice with people and LOVE to help everyone, trust me on this!

Either 1 or 2 will definitely work...try both!

Good Luck!


I think it's a bad idea because I don't believe in relying on either objects or a spirit (whether it is happy or not) to protect someone that is capable of protecting themselves.  I just think that it would be better to learn to defend and look after oneself, lest a dependency is formed on a talisman (or bead with a spirit inside as the case may be).  It is understandable to give such a thing to a young child or perhaps to someone who is chronically ill in some way and unable to care for themself, but if it is unnecessary, I don't believe it to be a good idea to rely on an object and not oneself.


Thanks everyone! It hasn't been long enough to tell yet, but between all the tips here, somethings bound to work. If it doesn't, I'll let you know.
