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I need help!!

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Im at a very diffuclt phase of my life right now!!
Situation is critical! Hope is running thin! Health is being left out and forgotten. Negs are pressing onto me with their campaign!

PLEASE help me guys!
Basically there are two parallel realities running in my mind right now. Theres TWO entities i communicate with who claim to be Jesus!
What your about to read is either

A. The most brutal and evil, empty pointless case of demonic possession.
B. A paper that can change the world!

I have compiled a small text

Its a bit crazy and with references to some things which mods might find offensive. But this is important!!! My life is on the line! Please let this thread just be and see where it leads us!

I have been a member of this wonderful forum for many years now. And its been almost 6 years since i started campaign against negs in my life.

Thanks to all who helped me in the past, together we can crack this case. Thanks in advance to all who help!


Guys it sucks to be me right now :(

I live in CONSTANNT state of fear!!!

According to evil Jesus version half the universe are trying to kill me!
Anunaki r trying to kill me
Illuminati r trying to kill me
Evil Jesus and demons are trying to kill me
Aliens are after me

The only thing thats protecting me is machine called "SPhinx"! It has a capacity to strike the enemy anywhere in space!!

But my anxiety fear and paranoia are taking the best from me!

I am so sick of it and afraid, and i'm not even sure if Jesus is good and if any of this is real!!

Plz shed some light on this experience!


I didn't navigate to the link you provided.

In fact, I don't have to. I have one and ONLY one answer for you (IMHO). That is, only if you feel comfortable to use something from a religion other than Christianity... Hinduism to be precise.

This will transform your life altogether...

I am about to introduce you to a powerful mantra. I actually feel uncomfortable/worried to tell about this mantra like this through some text on the screen, because it's such a holy and powerful mantra. In fact it is regarded as the "most powerful mantra in the world" among hindus.

This mantra is gifted to the world by an ancient yogi named "Vishwamithra". It is capable of giving immense power and protection to the people who use it in their life.

There are stories that say, when a person blessed by the mantra, just steps into a house, the evil forces run for their lives!
(being blessed by the mantra to that extent takes total dedication)

Yogis used to chant it endlessly and have attained supernatural powers, the hindu text say. But you should believe in it's power.

Ok enough of the build-up.... I was talking about the holy Gayathri Manthra  (or Gayathree Manthra)

The mantra dedicated to goddess Gayathri herself.

This is the only solution/reply I would give to you. Chant the mantra (in mind), 108 times (or at least 18 times) early in the morning or before going to bed. You not only would be freed from any evil, if you continue chanting it this way, you will become a powerful person spiritually.

I am not someone who do it like that though. Cos' it's better be done by people who are vegetarians! Be mindful about that too. (I use it when I am in deep trouble. I've seen the evil forces disappear into smokes in my nightmares, when I use the manthra. sorry, that's the only place I have encountered evil forces in the 'supernatural' sense.)

So go on and smoke em'... Good luck. May God bless you! (belief and devotion is the key). If you or anyone doesn't believe in it, better ignore this post, without insulting the manthra, please.

Here's the holy Gayathri/Gayathree manthra...

Om Bhur Bhuva Suvah
Tat Savithur Varenyam
Bhargo Devasya Dheemahi
Dhiyo Yonah Prachodayat

Guys/Gals... An unbelievably beautiful 'western-musical' version of the manthra... have a listen to this.
[Deva Premal and Miten - Gayatri Mantra] :

It doesn't have to be 'musical' when u use it.

Is this a dream?!?...


"belief and devotion is the key"

I know that.

But the fact of the matter is i am being held in 6th dimensional prison by some demonic overlords. Simple mantras wont help me t get out of there, plus i want to know which Jesus is real


I don't understand a thing, sorry about that... and because you have already named it "Simple mantra"!!
I guess I can't help you. tc
Is this a dream?!?...


You seem to be severely delusional and my sincere suggestion would be this: Seek professional psychiatric help as soon as possible.

But from your post and that disturbing link you provided, I'm guessing you probably think conventional medicine is a conspiracy of some sort... so have you tried a reputable exorcist yet?

Good luck to you Ewok.


Quote from: interception on December 22, 2008, 15:19:03
You seem to be severely delusional and my sincere suggestion would be this: Seek professional psychiatric help as soon as possible.

But from your post and that disturbing link you provided, I'm guessing you probably think conventional medicine is a conspiracy of some sort... so have you tried a reputable exorcist yet?

Good luck to you Ewok.

ONE STEP AT A TIME, One step at a time.

You saying im "delusional", I am NOT, im simply brainwashed, i prefer this word if theres a difference. Brainwashed as in a sence where you talk to 2 spiritual entites and  they both claim to be jesus, u cant help but will delusional in this situation

"proffesional help" eh?
Did u even read my paper?

"I'm guessing you probably think conventional medicine is a conspiracy "

Its certaainly NOT a cospiracy but it s certainly useless when it coomes to exorcisms.

Speaking of which i tried spectral dragon aka spectral chav, i tried working with Nita, with RObert Bruce and bunch of other mystics, none of them can help me because this is a very high level of possession (if u want to call it that way)

Only time will tell now whether im right oir wrong...


BTW i regularly do see a doctor about this issue only there not much help - rather like u interception, they dont believe in negative spiritual entities like Robert Bruce teaches. They say it all comes from my mind, if only it was that simple...


I have an idea, you can test them by asking questions. There are certain things that only the real Jesus would know.

You say these entities are communicating with you, so my suggestion is to ask him "What killed the dinosaurs?". If any of the two is the real Jesus he will be able to tell you the truth.

By the way, I know the answer (please don't ask me to tell, I'm only trying to help), so depending on what he says we'll figure out who is saying the truth.
Where does this silence come from?

The untold past of the Earth:


I believe nothing happens without a reason. I also believe like attracts like.

Now, could you perhaps summarize the reason why these groups you mention would want to be in some campaign to kill you? You talk about the illuminati and anunaki for example. Supposedly very powerful groups, even though many don't believe they exist. But lets assume they do, for the sake of argument.

Why on earth would these powerful groups be interested in seeing you dead exactly? What threat do you pose them?

I assume these groups don't muck around and they don't do things without a reason. You attach a suspicious amount of importance to yourself and your role. Which is one of the first things that points to a delusion disorder.


Of course it is  :roll:

The reason Jesus, alien demons, bosses and Illuminati r trying to kill me is cmplex. Im at the center of this vvar thats been ging on for few years. And people like  me stop demons/illuminati from reigning on earth in full power.

As for anunaki kings of anus, they cursed me in the beginning of this year to which i sent back a curse and cursed them ALL. They are very ticked about it, theyr are very stupid too - they will not be accepted in the ascension of our planet


Kings of anus?  :?

Yeah. Okaaaaaaay. I'm gonna leave now...  :roll:


Quote from: AndrewTheSinger on December 24, 2008, 12:32:00
I have an idea, you can test them by asking questions. There are certain things that only the real Jesus would know.

You say these entities are communicating with you, so my suggestion is to ask him "What killed the dinosaurs?". If any of the two is the real Jesus he will be able to tell you the truth.

By the way, I know the answer (please don't ask me to tell, I'm only trying to help), so depending on what he says we'll figure out who is saying the truth.

If only it was this simple.

Furst of all im not 100% clairaudient/clayervoyant. I hear bits of speach thats all.

Second, this neg/demon/ET who is messig with me is very enlightened and im sure he knows when tat happened and what killed them off.

As for anunaki - being kings of anus. Thats also true  :lol: