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Its All In Your Mind

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How would that theory explain telepathy to someone that is not a creation of your mind? Such a person must exist if you think the universe does not revolve around you, you being the only real person.


Think of it this way. Just picture that the entire universe as you understand it is a huge hologram, and this hologram is programmed to display whatever you, the individual hold or assume to be true. Now this hologram appears real in every sense of the word, you can breathe the air, you can eat the fried dough at the fair, you can even communicate telepathically with other persons. Now if you believe that someone or something in this universe ALSO has the same abilities to alter, shape, and affect the reality YOU experience, then guess what - according to belief it is done, and so it will appear to be in every concievable way that this is so. The more you belief something to be true, the more it will appear to be true in the world around you. I'm not saying noone else exists in your reality, just that everyone that appears in your reality is a reflection of the inner states, beliefs, and frames of mind you carry.
I'm just saying, if you set it firm in your mind that some evil spirit or entity or rogue psychic is out somewhere waiting to terrorize you, then don't be suprised when it actually happens... you basically manifested it into being.

Dark Knight

True, to a point.

You're concentrating on the concept as if the door swings one way...only you create the hologram. The door swings both ways. Did it ever occur to you to wonder how an entity views you (are you their holographic projection) and did it ever occur to you to wonder what would happen if said entity set it's mind on making you their version of reality?

Your personal reality exists as long as people agree to respect and reinforce the boundaries which allow your personal reality to exist to begin. That can disappear at any moment (ask any Jew, Cambodian, Rwandan, or Croat...someone denied their reflection existed or even mattered. Is there any difference between an energy with a physical body and one without). 11Sept should have made that obvious. Suddenly your personal reality is not only not recognized it is deliberately shattered to turn you into the reality belonging to another.

Do you believe you're all powerful, that your capacity to create your holographic view of the world is not dependent on the cooperation and respect of "other"? Is the world just "self"? You don't believe you could be someone else's hologram?

There is a spark of truth in what you say. Any belief system begins with "self" and evolves to "other". You're only concentrating on "self". Start concentrating on "other."


Interesting, but it doesn't really matter how another entity or person views you. Think about it. Why would you even waste your energy considering how another entity would view you in their reality, unless they are a loved one and you want to view things from their perspective. That is an utterly dispowering belief, that leaves the individual almost completely devoid of any power or control over their own reality. My guess is anyone with such a belief structure would develop some type of serious personality defect or illness. To believe something like that would be to make yourself a prisoner in your own skull. If you really think your personality depends on how other people view you then, maybe since you accepted that belief structure it would apply to you - but it is by no means a natural law or principle. It is a door that swings both ways, in a way you are as much a reflection of the people around you as they are a reflection of your inner states. Its a mutual attraction. Each and every human being creates and shapes their own reality, we just happen to have many similar states of consciousness - thats why they call it a mass consciousness. In regard to 9/11, as shocking as it is, none dies that has not already accepted it. Sadly those individuals probably attracted that circumstance by assorbing the negative hype & threats coming from mass media sources and from fear - and a lack of understanding how habitual or strongly held thoughts affect reality - brought that circumstance into their own personal being.


Dear Arakara

  You are free to disagree but....whether we like it or not not there is more to the spiritual universe than just Angels. This is not just my belief it is what i've learned from experience.  To deny that other beings exist is just putting our spiritual heads in the sand. It is also lopsided thinking. It's like someone else saying they don't believe in energy because they've never felt it, or seen it etc..

The law of attraction is not the only law operating in the universe. To only focus on that is an over-simplification of the spiritual world.  Thinking that the victims of 911 ,basically,  must of believed in terrorism or something similar etc... to cause their own deaths is the old blame the victim trap. This is a nice way to make the ego feel safe and in control and it sounds a little arrogant, sorry, to me to think we know specifically what is the Divine plan.  
 Perhaps one of the reasons for 911 is so others would develop a deep compassion,empathy and love for strangers and a sense of a larger community.

The true reasons that it happened are multiple---multi---layered. Many people were touched by that event. There are some souls that play on the world stage for the benefit of all, others are at work behind the scenes.



[bigchar][bigchar]I am not saying that entities, forces, angels, demons, do not exist; just that their is no possible way they can hold power over you that you DO NOT give them.

As for 9/11, I know it sounds like blaming the victim but again their consciousness must have been condusive to the circumstance for the circumstance to enter their consciousness.

>>Perhaps one of the reasons for 911 is so others would develop a >>deep compassion,empathy and love for strangers and a sense of a >>larger community.

[B)]I sorry, but I do not see any greater love for strangers or humanity as a result of this tradegy. What I do is complete wholesale disregard for humanity & human rights in the name of the "War on Terror", I also the scapegoating of an entire religion (Islam), the brutal occupation of two countries so far that were not involved in the events of 9/11, and a slow transformation of the American government into suttle yet deadly "Nazi-lite" form.
Further to link a mass murder such as 9/11 as serving some higher purpose of bringing love or transformation is utterly replusive and offense to those killed. Under this logic, why don't we all start killing innocent people to uplift humanity, maybe the more people that die the further we will be uplifted!? I think Hitler (and now GWB) operated under that same logic.

Dark Knight

The arguments are getting circular and contradictory.


I'm just saying that when you put alot of energy into something that tends to make it more powerful, whether its a belief about angels, entities, or "negs" plotting to attack you... so why do it[|)]


Hello Ararakar

 Maybe if you stopped focusing on the "complete wholesale disregard for humanity & human rights" and the "scapegoating of an entire religion" umm where was I? .... and seeing the government turning  "nazi lite" etc, etc... MAYBE, if you would stop focusing on that and giving it power it would not "enter your consciousness" because have you heard?? we create our own reality and none of that will happen unless you give it energy ... because in doing that  "then you basically manifest it into being." and so henceforth, heretofore and furthermore,  "their is no possible way they can hold power over you that you DO NOT give them." thank you [:P][:P][:P][:P][:P][:P][:P][:P][:P][:P][:P][:P][:P][:P][:P][:P][:P][:P][:P][:P][:P][:P][:P][:P][:P][:P][:P][:P][:P][:P][:P][:P][:P][:P][:P][:P][:P][:P]


you have never been attacked before, i think i can assume that from what you speak. Ask someone that has. I have been attacked for the last 5 years. I assume you are not advanced in your knowledge in magic and most importantly the effects of magic on yourself. There are tpyes of magic and I would also say there are levels of magic also. I use this term to explain in simple terms for people to understand. The first level I would call sutle. This is where energy in the form of thoughts are sent to you. I say thoughts because you think they are your thoughts. Whether negative or positive thoughts. Some negative thoughts are good as- this causes me pain so i don't like it. But the thoughts you get are more complex as this sometimes you get a negative thought when you should have a positive thought and vice verse. The you can the emotions, this is a stronger form and the feelings you feel are within you so you think it's coming from you. until you gain knowledge of yourself and your aura you know what is coming from inside you and what is coming from outside. I have seen energy bounced to several people before and they repeated the thoughtform that was sent from the energy. I know this from experience. Then you have telepathy, this form of energy is distinquishable due to the voice. Here is an example that i call a strong level. A couple weeks ago I was working and had some problem at work. I was ready to quit and decided it was my last day. I had a talk to the plant manager and after the attack I was talking to a couple guys about the metal I asked them if They had goo gone. They started laughing in my face. I felt this very strong energy around my face. Then all of a sudden my hands whent down to my hips and I said that's cause your not the female and they started whooing me. This actiiing and words where not of my own. This was the power of the person attacking me. This isn't the first time this has happened I had to keep myself on my toes because of some of the attempt and successful ones that where made for me to react the way this person wants me to. If you have read Robert's book he will tell you about this when he said he started to lose control of his arm movements. In all honestly there are people out there that know more then what they tell is possible. Some maybe due to the occult or what ever name is fit that you use. I in all honesty believe that most attacks comes from people that have knowledge. I have read much on the subject due to my experience and everything that I have come across appears that it comes from people that have the knowledge. I read many website where people would think a negative thought about someone and then suddenly something happens to the person they was thinking about. This just isn't true and from personal experience I can say it isn;t true. Now with people that have a certain ability and they think something negative about a person, like an attacker then something negative will happen. I hear negative thungs around me we all do, my attacker now thinks he can cause things to happen to people around me for saying something negative. He feels as though he has a right to play out karma on people for saying things. It's a contradiction to him attacking me and causing no karma to himself for what he says to me and no pain for what he sends me.
People create there own reality, in a sense that is true. One doesn't create an attack, and it's not easy to see through the bright side of it. If you don't like a physical event you can walk away from it. You can aways change the way you think. When someone places something on you there is a struggle on creating your world and your perception of the world. You spend more time struggling with your right to be alive let alone what you want to create in life. It's not easy to go through life knowing you shouldn't be going through what you are going through. This is just about beliefs here many people don't hold the belief of attacks but it's true. I tried to get help once from a psychic in the area. I talked to his wife and told her about the attack. She told me she didn't believe it could happen. I don't believe this woman could spend years with a man and not know about the ability this man has. My attackers wife knows he does candle magic but doesn't know what else the man can do? Talk about sheilding the mind, this isn't a real shield. It's self denial and self denial only helps when you are on the wrong side.
You give them power, many will say this but it's not true either. They have power but there is also more to this. I'm not sure what was all dne to me. The power over me has to do with what has been done to me.
I just now come across nita's website, there is much I have learned. Even more is what may have been done to me. One think is I was hexed by my attacker. He told it himself. My daughter called him after my attack thinking she could get him to help me. He told her someone must have hexed me over the phone.
My attacker is using the qabalah to attack me. He sending me energy to these chakras. The hips is just one way he has done it. I get energy sent to my eyes and temples.
White magic channels can be used to harm people. You can send energy to help people to their chakras or channels instead of sending positive they send negative.
Most people that have a negative attitude have them because of what they learn when growing up. We are to learn to get over some of the negative attitudes in live this is the lessons in life. When someone does magic of this sort on you it's no longer a lesson in life you are to learn.
I understand the people here looking for help fron real attacks. Your first instinct is to survive and most are having a hard time doing this. It took me almost two years to get over the instinct.
I now have to work on the energy that is sent to me. It's not easy having energy pouring into your head and the energy is heavy and hurts. Before I had the energy feel as though it was frying my brain.
It's more then thinking whether something has power over you or not I don't feel my attacker has power over me. He has had power over me. About the only thing he doesn't have power over anymore is my mind. He was able to influence my thoughts in a sutle way in the past but isn't any more. He has also been able to put words in my mouth. But not my thoughts. It's a little hard for some people to understand until you actually go through something like this.
Not everyone out there that has a bad thought come to them is being attacked. We all have negative thoughts according to our likes and dislikes. Look at it this way. I think that it's my right to not be attacked. I had physical problems because of this attack and so has my family. We have a right to feel negative about what has happened to us. With this negativity it also tells us that we deserve something better, thus we deserve a better life then what we are living a positive behind the negative.
If you want more understanding, I'm more than willing to share my experience and my knowledge that I have gained. I in no way know everything and I can speak mostly from experience.


ok this is one of the most screwed up threads yet.... i think a deletion (that even a word???) is in order. im not one for deleting most topics but this is just totally f**ked. readin it just gives me a head ache so somethin aint right.

im sure the office workers sitting at their desks would not have ever givin a plane crashing through their windows a thought let alone conciouslly condusing it.... and if you turn around and say well a large enough group did.. then even if the majority gave it energy, the minority that was effected by it didnt which means that each person in that minority does NOT have control over their own lives.

then you could say that they sub-conciouslly brought it on... which means THEY COULDNT CONTROL WHAT THEY BROUGHT ON

this thread/argument is not going to get anywhere so theres no point in me continueing to prove you wrong Arakara

PS. i couldnt be stuffed reading through Criminal Mind's post so if im repeating then im sorry... out of my control!! WHOA!!

Risu no Kairu

What's the URI of Nita's website?
I need a signature that isn't stupid. :/


Hi Risu no Kairu

Nita's website:

   cheers! celeste


Hi Criminal Mind, actually I am very familiar in the works of magic, thought forms, and telepathy, I am even more experienced in the works of remote influence. The reality creation thing something I've learned through personal experience & acquired knowledge from various readings. I myself have experienced "incidents" from individuals I guess you might "psychic vampires". What I did is basically reprogrammed them so that they no longer needed, depended on, or desired to perform such acts - and now they are much more positive people to be around. I have also had various other experiences, including : OOBE's, telepathy, precognition, etc (not to mention various experiences with thought form constructs). When I say we control our own reality I also say that from experience, as I came to that conclusion before I even knew books existed about the subject.
Celeste, I was extremely happy to read your post! It seems we have finally come to the light. I am very excited for you!

>>we create our own reality and none of that will happen unless you give it energy

That is very true, Celeste. I myself have been somewhat slow to realize the links between political events and personal consciousness, but have come increasingly proficient at it lately. Thats why in my reality, all those things you talked about: police state USA, using Islam as scapegoat, nazi-lite america, etc.; are being scaled back in my reality. If I truely believed in those things then I would probably be reaping the benefits of my beliefs - in a detention center somewhere. I have never seen a transformation in someone so complete and fast as Celeste did. She got like *snap* THAT![|)]
As for you Syke, I have to laugh at the idea of you proving me wrong. As for the 9/11 thing, why don't you try picturing and focusing on a plane crashing when your on it, go for a flight somewhere, and find out if I was right (no please don't actually do that - I am ready know I'm right). I apologize if I sound rude or anything like that, its just that I've never met people as mentally undeveloped before - so its kind of like a new experience for me[;)]


I had this person make me hear balls running through my head and see colors. I assume with good cause the colors where for the chakras. The balls are still in question. I found a few topics on sound and tones. This would be like tuning your chakras to what they want or having control over them. I have talked to other people going through somewhat the same situation I am. They also appear to have had soemthing done to their chakras. We are all trying to undo what has been done to us. I read enough about magic to understand it's all based on energy and energy runs through your chakras. There is also somethign else, it's not only me that has been told this. My attacker told me he preauratized me. Another person told me that her attacker said he blanketed her and has her fully covered now. Some might call this overshadowing or it might be known as another terminology. I had my aura dragged by this person. I could feel the energy and it felt heavy, it felt like i (aura) was being pulled down. This person may have open my aura up to him. I had cords to this person and they where removed. It's hard to find help in the area when he is known by the people you would seek to find help.
I was wondering if you have experience with this things do you have any suggestions on what might a person do to stop this. I have experienced many things, not only does this person do magic on me I see how he can do it to other people around me. Which I assume he is using remote viewing. Most people aren't aware of energy.
I know what it is like to be drained of energy, I almost passed out several time from this person. There is something else, that would appear to be a drain of energy but I wouldn't say it was, yuo would have the appearance of not having energy but you can feel the energy sent to you but the energy is a heavy feeling, there are no negative thoughts sent with it just a feeling of being weighed down. Does anyone know what this would be. It's not draining my energy, it's close to a depression energy. I have also been pumped with energy that has kept me up all night.


I do have some idea what might be going on in this situation. My best advice would be to build up an auric shield around you. If you are familiar with how to construct thought forms, I suggest after you build your defenses up that you send out a few vampire type ones to your attacker & keep them powered for an extended period of time (weeks, months, whatever you feel good with). If I were you I would attack that person with a consistent vigor, so they would never bother you again. I suggest you not personally take in the energy they suck from the person but redirect it to something else - like a plant - that will continually absorb it. I never heard of the term "preauratized" but by "blanketed" they probably mean they have the person engulfed some type of thought-form. Here is a simple technique for building up your aura:

Finger Interlock Technique

Step 1
Interlock gesture
Immediately upon suspecting a psychic or vampire attack (or if an
attack is already underway), join the tips of the thumb and middle
finger of each hand to form two circles. Then bring your hands
together to form interlocking circles

Step 2
Enegy Protection
While maintaining the interlocked circles, close your eyes and
envision a shield of powerful energy enveloping your total aura and
effectively repelling any invasion of external forces.

Step 3
Enegy Infusion
Envision the inner core of your energy system, pulsating with power
and infusing your toatl being with abundant energy.

Step 4
Allow the infusion to reach its peak, then affirm: My total being is
infused with powerful ergy. I am surrounded by a protective shield
of power. I am safe and secure.

In addition to preventing an imminent vampire attack or terminating
an attack twhich is already in progress, the finger Interlock
Technique instangly energized the aura and erects a protective outer
shield, which we call the halo effect. The shield typically remains
in place for several hours to effectively deflect other vampire
invasion efforts. Although it was designed to instantly repel the
onslaught of vampirism, the technique can be used to energize and
protect the aura from any negative invasion of external forces. It
can be used to induce a relaxed, tranquile state, or to promote
restful sleep. The procedure can be adapted to extinguish anxiety in
such situations as job interviews and public presentations. Students
find the technique particularly effective in reducing anxiety and
stimulating higher thought processes.

This is from the book, "Aura Energy" by Joe H. Slate, PH.D. The book
has many techniques, including how to view & empower the aura. Its
definitely worth it


Thank you very much. The information is very valuable. I hope others being attacked also get this information. I will definately look into this book. I know alot of my problem stems from the aura. I thank you again!


PS, Criminal Mind:

Might I also suggest that you stop communicating with this alleged attacker? I typed up the word "preauratized" in google and found some more of your posts relating to these incidents. From what you said in those posts on the yahoo boards seems like this is a little than just a vampire attack. You said this individual is using you to "steal" other people's souls & has them "corded" to you. If you are actually believing and buying into these things he's saying then you are only making the situation worse. I suggest you take out some quiet time and start meditating or clearing your mind.

Here is the post I'm referring to (from yahoo researchtheoccult group):


You might also want to start reading books that will empower your nature, like: The Power of Your Subconscious Mind by Joseph Murphy. I used this reality-creation material for so many things (car, computer, job), and I don't even have to study for tests anymore. In fact one of the classes I took over the summer I never did the work or studied for the tests and as a result was heading into the final week with a 60% average & would have to do good on the final and presentation to make up for it; so (as you probably already guessed)I just skipped the entire last week of class, blew off the final test, and never showed up for the presentation. When my report card came in I got a C+ on that class, and when I saw the professor a week later he said "hi" and waved at me. This is not the first time I just skipped final tests or presentations (almost a habit now), though usually I end up with an A in the class.[|)]

Metal Ice

Those that have experienced Psychic attacks are used to & pretty sick
& tired of the old "if you believe it to happen, it will" game.
I never believed what happened to me would happen, & it did. Blaming the victim is easy, understanding is not.
Psychic Attack is pretty horrible. Yes, you can overcome it. I recently have, but unless you've been there, you really don't know.
As for blaming 911 for happening to make us more compassionate?
Are you serious? I think some of this new age stuff has reached levels of insanity. Some of the ridiculous stuff new age people said to me, & they were so wrong.
Constant attacks make you weak for more attacks. Somehow, you gain a little ground & slowly , very slowly, but surely get free of it. Each situation takes different amounts of time to overcome. And it is one of the hardest things to go through. It's a nasty mind trip that some people
don't know how to fight. Does'nt make them losers, or wishing it to happen. Living with & overcoming Psychic attack is one of the toughest things to do. You have to be very brave person to live through it.
There was  acult once that tried to tell people that they created everything that happened to them. Now, new age people are spouting such ridiculousness. It's a cult & I refuse to listen to any of it.
That cult I know of caused many of it's members to become mentally ill
& now we're trying to explain 911 that way.
Here's my take:  A bunch of foreingers got angry with us & wanted to hurt us. End of story.

Metal Ice

hopefully some of those things help someone, but did not work (most of them) on my vampire problem. I just had to move farther away from him
to make things better. Getting your mind on your own life again helps tremendously. But, first you have to gain ground slowly but surely. That's the hard part.


The User Illusion, Cutting Consciousness Down to Size, by Tor Norretranders, published 1991 in Danish, English translation 1998.

The Bandwidth of Consciousness

What we perceive at any moment is limited to an extremely smart compartment in the stream of information about our surroundings flowing in from the sense organs. Our consciousness processes about a millionth of the information it receives. Metaphorically, consciousness is a spotlight that shows but a tiny fraction of what's on stage.
Consciousness consists of discarded information far more than information present.
Consciousness possesses peerless agility, but at any given moment you are not conscious of much at all. To be aware of an experience means that it has passed.
Human bandwidth is ±16 bits/second. The rate varies with age:


Eyes 10,000,000
Consciousness 40

Ears 100,000
Consciousness 30

Skin 1,000,000
Consciousness 5

Taste 1,000
Consciousness 1

Smell 100,000
Consciousness 1
*privacy is a physical illusion*


Metal Ice, I never said that 911 for happening to make us more compassionate, I refuted that. Still, love how you ended up on the happy note of foreigners wanting to hurt you. As for what you said about psychic attacks, guess what, your absolutely right. Your 100%, irrefutably, undeniably right...because you believe it. If you believe that intensly that psychic attack was impossible, guess what, it would be! (at least your reality & existence). As for your other amazingly enlightening quotes I don't know to begin. Lets see...

>Psychic Attack is pretty horrible.
>Constant attacks make you weak for more attacks.
>Each situation takes different amounts of time to overcome. And it is one of the hardest things to go through.
>It's a nasty mind trip that some people don't know how to fight.
>Living with & overcoming Psychic attack is one of the toughest things to do.
>That cult I know of caused many of it's members to become mentally ill.
>hopefully some of those things help someone, but did not work (most of them) on my vampire problem.

Refreshing to know that people carry such degenerate beliefs with them and are so willing to share them with others. Its like passing around the tainted cool-aid. I think one about the mentally ill cult is by far the most "interesting" one I've encountered to date. If you even try it out you, you end up with a mental illness! He even posts again how the techniques I posted "did not work". Interesting, so the finger-interlock didn't work; the vampire thought-forms with the plants didn't pan out either. Too bad, even though its strange since the vampire/plant one is my own personally developed technique. Guess blood, sweat, and tears is the best way, uh. Aaah, its refreshing that to know that some people excude such optimism, such hope, to those that need it most. God forbide we actually something positive[xx(]. I wish you all the luck in the world kid, because carrying around such disempowering belief structures (especially one that denies your own innate nature) is sure to give you some interesting life experiences.

As for the part about having to move farther away "to make things better". Thats very interesting, since I know one of the key features of remote influence (including psychic attack) is that distance is no barrier. Although, if the person is aware of his/her potential and how to use their mind then it doesn't matter if the attacker was 1 foot or 100,000 miles away, they wouldn't be able to perform any assault, not in the slightest way. Maybe your belief that moving away would help was the reason things got better? ([:O] uh oh, don't have an epifamy now! you might get a mental illness!) Its ok, Metal Ice. I'll help you out. Just tell me when you want to start, bro.


LogoRat, could it be...someone in this forum who actually is believes something positive![:D]Yes! Just because you shone some light in this dark room I'm going to post some material you might find interesting. I'm also going to post the link for 10 free complete ebooks, which include material on thought-forms for business and personal, how to remote influence, reality-manifestation, etc., in another topic on this forum. Just because LogoRat said, "maybe...its possible..."[^]

Here are some key excerpts from the book: "The Nature of Personal Reality" by Seth:

What exists physically exists first in thought and feeling. There is no other rule.

Your feelings have electromagnetic realities that rise outward, affecting the atmosphere itself. They group through attraction, building up areas of events and circumstances that finally coalesce, so to speak, either in matter as objects--or as events in "time."

You Make Your Own Reality. learn to examine the nature of your beliefs, for these will automatically cause you to feel and think in certain fashions. Your emotions follow your beliefs. It is not the other way around.

You get what you concentrate upon. There is no other main rule.

Believe, then, that you are a being unlimited by nature, born into flesh to materialize as best you can the great joy and spontaneity of your nature.

In order to dislodge unsuitable beliefs and establish new ones, you must learn to use your imagination to move concepts in and out of your mind. The proper use of imagination can then propel ideas in the directions you desire.

You must therefore understand and examine your beliefs, realize that they form your experience, and consciously change those that do not give the effects you want. In such an examination you will be aware of many excellent beliefs that work for you. Trace these through. See how they were followed by your imagination and emotions. If possible, look in your own past for points where recognizable new ideas came to you and beneficially changed your experience.
Ideas not only alter the world constantly, they make it constantly.

Imagination and emotions are the most concentrated forms of energy that you possess as physical creatures.

To act in an independent manner, you must begin to initiate action that you want to occur physically by creating it in your own being.
This is done by combining belief, emotion and imagination, and forming them into a mental picture of the desired, physical result. Of course, the wanted result is not yet physical or you would not need to create it, so it does no good to say that your physical experience seems to contradict what you are trying to do.
Because ideas and beliefs have this electromagnetic reality, then, constant interplay between those strongly contradictory beliefs can cause great power blocks, impeding the flow of inner energy outward. At times, a polarization can occur. Unassimilated beliefs, unexamined ideas, can seem to adopt a life of their own. These can effectively dominate certain areas of activity.

...My mission is to remind you of the incredible power within your own being, and to encourage you to recognize and use it.

Because you consider aggression synonymous with violence, you may not understand that aggressive--forceful, active, mental or spoken--commands for peace could save your life in such a case; yet they could.

Conscious killing beyond the needs of sustenance is a violation.

The you that you consider yourself is never annihilated. Your consciousness is not snuffed out, nor is it swallowed, blissfully unaware of itself, in some nirvana.

The nature of your personal beliefs in a large measure directs the kinds of emotions you will have at any given time. You will feel aggressive, happy, despairing, or determined according to events that happen to you, your beliefs about yourself in relations to them, and your ideas of who and what you are. You will not understand your emotions unless you know your beliefs. It will seem to you that you feel aggressive or upset without reason, or that your feelings sweep down upon you without cause if you do not learn to listen to the beliefs within your own conscious mind, for they generate their own emotions.
One of the strongest general causes of depression, for example, is the belief that your conscious mind is powerless either in the face of exterior circumstances thrust upon you from without, or before strong emotional events that seem to be overwhelming from within.
Psychology, religion, science--in one way or another, all of these have added to the confusion by stripping the conscious mind of its directing qualities, and viewing it as a stepchild of the self. The schools of "positive thinking" try to remedy the situation, but often do more harm than good because they attempt to force beliefs upon you that you would like to hold, but do not in your present state of confusion.

In your terms probable events are brought into actuality by utilizing the body's nerve structure through certain intensities of will or conscious belief.

Dark Knight

Funny, I've been trying to think myself to die for close to three years now, with no luck, I'm still here.

If I took things out of context I'd win every argument too. What was it my logic prof called it, making something unfalsifiable...philosophy with the closest attributes being the Nazi party.

Your ego does all the work and you assume all the credit for it...unashamedly so.


Originally posted by Dark Knight

If I took things out of context I'd win every argument too. What was it my logic prof called it, making something unfalsifiable...philosophy with the closest attributes being the Nazi party.

Yes, initially I thought that here were some point that could be discussed but subsequent posts indicate that this is not in the plan.


>Psychic Attack is pretty horrible.
>Constant attacks make you weak for more attacks.
>Each situation takes different amounts of time to overcome. And it is one of the hardest things to go through.
>It's a nasty mind trip that some people don't know how to fight.
>Living with & overcoming Psychic attack is one of the toughest things to do.
>That cult I know of caused many of it's members to become mentally ill.

The above list which with the exception of the last item for I have no direct knowledge is a reasonable set of statements for those that have these experiences as a result of whatever means. To simply describe them as degenerate beliefs does not make a lot of sense but this observation probably just brands me also.[:)]

It seems that this is a 'my belief is better than your believe stupid' thread. Shame about the attitude as I said above I think there are some useful concepts to discuss here.

"They that can give up essential liberty to obtain a little temporary safety deserve neither liberty nor safety."

-- Benjamin Franklin, 1759