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My Bedroom

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The most experiences I've had can be totaled from my childhood bedroom. I am back at home, in-between, as I try to gather my self back to an Independent life-style. This phase is near ending, I believe. My Sister is here too, due to COVID and other concern's. It's a unique experience to say the least. Well, ever since moving back I've made a very small nest for my self in what used to be our guest bedroom. I've turned my old bedroom into the new guest room. My parents let their friends stay in the new guest room if need be. It would also seem my Sister has taken refuge in my childhood room. Tonight she said something interesting to me. "I like this room because it's quiet. But the Spirits are real here. Let me tell you."

I kind of smiled and told her, you don't need to tell me anything. I've always known this to be true. I tried then to share some of my crazier experiences with her, she was astounded- and in a more agreeable nature since her occupying my old space. I'm only a few feet away from the old bedroom. But I wonder... Could that make all the difference in the non-physical activity levels???