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My third eye opened and I feel vulnerable

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Uh I would like to add something in order to clarifie what im seeking for : These negative entities must be aware of something I dont know and that they really dont want me to know because I could use it as a valuable defense tool against their attacks.  What could it be?  earth energy?  well someone said giving them earth energy (sorry I already forgot your nick) is a bad thing.  im really lost someone must be wise enough to deal with these entities.  i think i misundertood many things about spirituality and developped my energy in a totally defenseless way.  But now, should I go back?  There is also a part of me that is telling me to try to know more about them.  Would it be dangerous to invite them getting closer to me?  I feel doomed!  :O

Metal Ice

I don't know what's happened to you but never invite
the enemy closer to you. Definately not. Your friends could be picking up the negative entitie's negative vibes, or your friends are just freaked by the chakra stuff. The unknown scares people.

Dark Knight

Ok, first off, if you feel vulnerable after doing meditation work, my first suggestion is to stop completely and backtrack.

I'm not saying stop meditating forever, just for now.

Then I would suggest looking at some of Robert Bruce's books, namely "Practical Psychic Self Defense" and some of his latest books on OBE and Astral Projection, just to get a sense of how enities, thought forms, people interact.

You know it really is hard, when you turn on the TV and see John Edwards, and you here all the fun love and light stuff, but no one talks about the nasty dangerous stuff. It really is a hazard to operate psychically, it isn't all warm and fuzzy.

In the meantime (this is assuming you have to order RB's books or can't get to the bookstore/library right away) you have to feel safe until you get the books (if that's what you want to do).

Do the normal everyday stuff most people do to protect themselves, burn incense, oil, write holy symbols on your third eye, over your heart, solar plexus, tops of both hands, tops of both feet, soles of both feet, preferrably in blue ball point ink. This is one of RB's techniques in his PPSD book and it really is effective. Pray and invite guardian angels, particularly Michael and Uriel to surround you at all times.

You mentioned not being able to feel your feelings and feeling you suspect the anger is not yours (happens to me). Give us a little more information if you can.


First of all pain is freedom.
You draw your reality and get it back.So your energy is changing, your interest are changing.Remember you shared your interests with your friends, now it's over and is a chance of new beginnings.
The third eye connects you rapidly to you energy,telepathy.Maybe your friends feel scared, that you are talking with them trough 'sub-minded' words.I advice you to work with your heart, to open up communication.Remember each of this centers are diffrent lenses,you perceive the world very diffrent trough them, but the important lense is your heart,that include something special to protect you from this. You are going trough a phase,don't be afraid it will end.Be free.


I guess we are all "alien" beings, because human race is a mixed form
of multiple beings.Once upon a time we were creators,cutted up our dna
by some 'alien' race.Now we remember, by pay attention on our 7 bodies.That means go back to our roots, our 'alien' dna, get our power back for surviving,our angel self.

There are a lot of alien-hybrids out there on earth in my opinion and experience.They are mostly wonderful beings, expressing ideas and teaching.Maybe what you call alien dna is your dna.
The 'real' government doesn't want to stop the spiritual development, but wants to slow down, if it's going to critical.Monitoring us and our computer equipment by advanced technologies.

Thats everytime the same story: dark against dark.
If i'm 'already' mind controlled that doesn't anything matter to me, because i'm lazy and it is just fun all the time, if you think about.
If i'm not mind controlled, it's also good.


wow well... first off, thanks for your reply dark knight.  I also read your topic about how you have been seriously involved with these entities; it helps me get a little more light but to answer your question about that anger; I think it comes from me but the heights it reaches sometimes makes me wonder if this is really myself talking here.  I feel more like something is using my anger.  Usually, I just throw it out by doing some intense sports and it does a great job but its been more and more difficult to keep the anger at a reasonable state.  I'll look for Robert Bruce's book about psychic defense but right now im out of cash, even for these primordial matters so i'll keep sneaking around here to read online articles and other topics in the forum.
 aleshah thanks for your words of empathy.  They are a very rare substance mixed with the solvent of pain...  Which might be freedom because understanding the nature of our pain and from there changing our view about suffering is probably where that freedom hides.  This is where buddha has touched the right point!  peace all


The third eye is for vision, I would think this also would be remote viewing. If something gets in they also can see what you are seeing. This will effect other's around you. I'm not sure of the correct terminlogy that is used I can only tell you what I know from experience. Most reiki healer's draw energy in through the third eye not the crown chakra. I have recieved blue light from someone through my third eye.
I remember i few years ago i hit my head on my steps and i got a blue flash of light at the time.
I would suggest that when these things happen to pay attention to the energy around your head area. Including your face.
Here is what I have experienced. Two years ago I had burning sensations on the left side of my head. Burning is the closest work I can find to explain it. This may have been the fire element on used on me. It was very pain full. The left side of the brain controls anger. If the area is manipulated a person can become very angry. I also to have experienced the energy on my face which can also cause facial expressions. Your eyes can be lead to look places you wouldn't look. My attacker has a habit of sending my eyes to people's crotches.
I still haven't gotten down the mind alteration. There are different levels of conciousness. Some where are the subconcious as with hypnotise you can be told to do something and you follow it. This is how the eye control is used.
I experience telepathy most of the time. It appears that that is used on a normal level of awareness but it can go to different levels. You can experience with day activity but it also can pull your body into a no awareness level of what exist around you.
I would watch for anything that would pull your attention upwards, it's like a clear feeling, almost as being pulled out from your third eye, something enters and that's control.

Here is something you can use to work on it appears to have helped me some. Maybe it can be perfected by someone. There are muscles in the forehead try to manipulate this. Try bring the skin done to your eyebrows. I get mental images sent to me and have used this technique at time to shut them out. Also practice shifting your eyes. Do this when opened or closed.

I read most people are intitated into the occult. How it works I'm not sure. There is something I have known but haven't said. I believe the intation connects you will another person or group but there is a physical way to activate what is being done in the intitation. Yoga is a way to do this. I believe I have connected on crown and feet chakra when I was a child by touching my feet to my head. This was done from the back of my body. I'm not sure what it caused but I experienced telepathy and reading of mind thought's from people. There is a posiblity I may have closed my circuit. Energy can enter into the feet and the crown from the universe. I connected the channels. I read crossing the ankles and hands over the solar plexus with close the channels but this never worked for me. I feel the energy enter the feet, they are lower then the ankles. I was giving some spiritual information at the time. I think I also know away to close the finger channels.
I need to find someone that is very experienced in the energy system that I can trust that will tell me the truth. Reiki is far enough advanced to explain what I know. I have just given you some of what I know. I have much more, some needs to be remembered.


i have no control in remote viewing, but i can do it, when i want it.Mostly i'm tuning to some special level.I have some sorts of diffrent visions.but they don't comming from the third eye.I like to play also some mind games/pictures.I can get some interesting information with that sense.
It is just like "shining" or the "sixth sense".
its is more irrational in nature.I need not to meditate I just need to relax.

I suppose also that my mind is already recorded by somebody.Because i also hear sometimes mechanical sounds and was also kicked off from a "vision area".I feel losed myself this times very often.
Once i felt in a dream from higher steps to my head.I had also the "blue flash" it was very liquid and electrical.When I was awake this cleared my mind.i felt good.?!is that mind control?


Opening your third eye changes the kind of person you are, so you might not be compatible with everbody you were compatible with before. That is not bad. Find some people you are more compatible with. Dont change yourself to be like somebody else. Life is much easier if you find people who are like you are currently.


A friend of mine has sayed once " You can open your third eye,only when your eyes are closed.That is propably true.
The same is if your third eye is opened you don't perceive your physical with your eyes.I should practise to open and close for
the right time maybe.


Hi, thats my experience, maybe it will help
when I started to do some relaxation exercises i felt immediately strange pressure between my eyes and eyebrows
- from that time i know how other people feel even when i dont see them - i know when they feel happy, when they want to smile, to cry and so on.  (i know only a bit bout this stuff, anyway im sure that this is it)
Now  this place in my head is working almost whole day (BELIEVE ME I KNOW HOW OTHERS FEEL - moreover i found out that if u know it then there is a connection between u and that person - they somehow know it)
- like the other stuff in life u have to work out to develop it - what i did (and im doin) is that i really want to step into others person feelings (i FEEL that I and that person - we are one being) and to make em happy (just help em)
- the post from Beavis is very wise , u should think about it
- i changed a couple of friends too (they were gone) , cause I knew when some of em had bad feelings for me
- anyway there is 1 thing bout it which scares me - sometimes i feel very drained (after i step into other person) and I have to sleep whole day - i was last year 2 times very sick and doctors couldnt figure out whats wrong with me (wasnt sick my whole life except flu) - i had very strong pain (it was so bad that they were givin me real drugs), so take care
- probably it has something to do with energy protection - if anyone can recommend me something i will appreciate it



I would like to share my experiences with you all, maybe they can help you somehow.

In 1999 my "experiences" started – always at night, when I was going to sleep. I felt it like I was suddenly entering into a different state of mind, then abducted and abused by different kind of entities.  They were pulling me out of my body, against my will, and I had a lot of quite scary experiences. If you want to know more about them, I can tell you, but I really think that these experiences are different for different people and affected by your personal issues, experiences and fears at the moment.

However, my sixth chakra (between the eyebrows) was very often (or always) affected during these experiences, and I felt strong pressure, intense drilling, picking etc. in this chakra. It usually didn't hurt, but it was not very pleasant either. The experiences made me upset, I was scared and extremely angry and frustrated, but at the same time curious and wanted to explore them further. It's hard to explain these double-feelings towards my experiences.

To be honest with you, I'm not 100% sure how they stopped, but today they have. My feeling is that they are a part of your spiritual development and a preperation for something big and important coming up. Try to be strong and don't let yourself feel "smaller" or like you're worthless, which they (the abductors, attackers, or whatever you may call them) may make you feel. Then you are easily stuck in a negative circle, some kind of karma in fact...

I think that the experiences are trying to point to you an important issue in your life that you have to deal with before you can go further. It's easy to get "stucked" or "blocked" in this state, because you are filled with fear and fear is on one hand our worst enemy, on the other hand fear is what is pointing us to our inner selves and really an invitation to make you dive into your soul and get to know yourself, who you really are. You have to gaze into your soul and try to find out what is making you feel angry, frustrated, scared, worthless etc. in your real life. Maybe your friends suddenly leaving you is an indicator or trigger that can help you on the way. Probably they are also picking up on your "new" energy and state, which makes them scared, maybe it reminds them of their own fears.

I will list some tips that helped me against the "attacks" – but remember everyone is different, maybe these hints won't work for you. I really think that it has to do with you also – if you truly believe that they work and feel safe and comfortable inside when using them, they will help.

#61623; Light a white candle
#61623; Have a lamp turned on at night in your bedroom
#61623; Call upon your guide or a lightworker that wants to help you during your experience. You can also call upon somebody that means a lot to you in real life, you only have to believe that this person can truly help you. Don't think "nobody wants to (or knows how to) help me", because it is certainly not true!! It's true that you have to find your inner strength and "help yourself", but you will get every assistance and help on the way that you feel is necessary for you. Eliminate all negative thoughts!
#61623;  Make a cross or other sacred symbol over your chakras – especially the sixth chakra. Try to do this during your experiences also
#61623; If you experience something that scares you a lot, try to "defeat it with love and light thoughts". This is, at least for me, the hardest part.  I've also tried the opposite - to curse, spit, damn and humiliate my abductors in different ways. It also helps temporarally, but I really don't think it's the best way to get rid of them. Call upon your guide or a lightworker to assist you and this will make you feel safer when sending love. If you are a Christian (or if you believe in Jesus), you may also call upon Jesus Christ to help you out or to support you. You could try to ask your guide or lightworker to help you out the first times and show you or give you hints on what to do.
#61623; Try to find out something on your own also, that makes YOU feel safe and/or loved

In real life it's important that you deal with your issues and try to investigate why the experiences scare you so much. What kind of fear is it, what kind of blockings are you having? Some examples:

#61623; Fear of being left out or left alone
#61623; Fear of being abused or taken advantage of
#61623; Fear of not being loved, needed or important

Where do these feelings come from? When you know or at least have a hint, it can be easy to blame others (f.ex. your parents, siblings or friends), but try not to – at least not for a long period of time! Accept it and try to find out how to "cure" yourself instead. And try to find a "cure" that only involves YOU!

Finally, I would like to add that these are my experiences and what helped me and worked on me. But I really hope and believe that it can help and work on you also.

Love and light,


Hi people.  Yeah as I said in my title, it's been few months now since I can feel a little pressure on my brow chakra everyday.  I was really happy when I started to feel it because I thought it would bring me some extra wisdom in my life.  But so far the only thing it brings me is sh**, let me explain.  I lost 3 friends in the same amount of months (they're not dead, they just dont wanna see me anymore), since it happened and to be honest, I dont see what I did wrong, except maybe opening my third eye.  ive been thinking about suicide too but I fight really hard and I dont wanna give up.  I have also a lot of anger... and my question is related to that; does that anger feed some negative spirit out there?  is there a negative spirit that is responsible for all that or it's just my fault?  I dont feel my third eye as being a strong tool but as an easy target for them.  Wat should I do?  I want to feel peace and let that anger goes..  but it's a vicious circle in stucked in.  I just dont know where I failed.  They seems to know me much better than I do.