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Negs mri's and magnetic field parasites.

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I'd just like to say that people have already created such devices. They are often electromagnetic in nature. They incorporate devices such as mobius coils and oscillating microchips to create a special type of electromagnetic wave form known as the "scalar wave". Apparently these are great for psi applications, however at higher voltages they can damage electronics. I actually built a little unit for myself (I'm an electronics major in college) out of a timer chip and some radio shack parts, and the results have been quite... Enticing?
It sends out electromagnetic signals (I didn't add a mobius coil emitter yet) which oscillate at 15Hz, which is supposedly a frequency that is omni-benevolent to humans and omni-malevolent to negs and all things vile in nature. I found that before I had pinpointed the frequency within about 5% (The original circuit based on non-variable parts, which actually ended up oscillating at about 17 Hz... The new one incorporates variable resistor trimmers to oscillate at about 15.02Hz... or so says the oscilloscope [:P]) the device was painful to wear. I would wear it to bed on my foot, and it would wake me up in the middle of the night for the pain it was giving me, off a single 9v battery. Once I nearly pinpointed the frequency (2Hz is not a large difference!!), it became actually pleasant to wear. It's been keeping me in pretty good health so far, and the pulses are positive-nil, not positive-negative in nature, so all the signals you get are positive. It makes for a nasty static shock when you touch the floor in the morning, though.

Reports indicate that mobius coils can be employed to excite crystals and orgonite as well. I'll find the truth of that out for myself as soon as I get the unit back from a friend who's checking it out right now.

Anyway, if you want to read more about it, you can at

A lot of the stuff on the site seems very far-fetched, even to me, but it has great information on keeping your human machine running in peak condition.

Hope this helps!


Here's a sight that talks about the therapeutic effects of mri's on those who suffer bipolar disorder and who are not taking medication and also mentions smaller mri type instruments for therapy.  I'll post the entire article in the news section of this forum and researchers at Harvard Medical school are working on something called transcranial magnetic stimulation, or TMS.  The same site talks about that too.

- Treating alike victory and defeat, gain and loss, pleasure and pain - then get ready to fight! By doing so you shall not incur sin 2:38 Gita
- Live in this world with unlimited vision, having firmly rejected all limitations. Vashista



If RB says that moles are energy attachments and you could remove moles with magnets, it appears that magnets have an effect on negs. You could remove moles with magnets, as long as magnet is bigger than the mole and appropriate strength, and use it over time (couple weeks), and use correct pole (north).

Cheers for that, I'll bear it in mind. Yes, all very interesting.

It would be cool if some time of device It would be cool if some time of device could be used for removing negs, especially like someone mentioned, for children and vulnerable people. I have a child with Cerebral Palsy and am always looking for ways to protect her as she is vulnerable.

Have you heard of Rife machines? While they are used primarily to fight disease, IMO these would be powerful neg guns, but unwise to leave on all the time and possibly overkill. I really really want to get into experimenting with them but they're unfortunately a bit expensive.
They likely work using scalar waves as mentioned by Cheyyne.

Another tidbit is that homeopathic remedies which are electromagnetic signatures in water

You dont think they are more radionic? Psionic? Probably still wipeable with magnet though.

Apparently these are great for psi applications, however at higher voltages they can damage electronics. I actually built a little unit for myself (I'm an electronics major in college) out of a timer chip and some radio shack parts, and the results have been quite... Enticing?

Do go on!! Scalar waves, interesting stuff they are. Another thing I plan on getting seriously into one day.

Reports indicate that mobius coils can be employed to excite crystals and orgonite as well. I'll find the truth of that out for myself as soon as I get the unit back from a friend who's checking it out right now.

Yes I have some mobius call wrapped crystals, although the coil was self made and not exactly to spec! Powered by a zapper (succor punch - 15hz square wave). I haven't noticed anything extraordinary, though I do sometimes use it when I get ill (zapper) or when meditating (SP).
But it seems to me, if you really want to effectively create scalar waves with coils, you need to work out the correct diameters and etc to get the waves to cancel eachother out as they pass round the crystal (out of phase).
I wonder, what speed do scalar waves move at? Might mail bearden about that, seems an important point.

Anyway, if you want to read more about it, you can at

A lot of the stuff on the site seems very far-fetched, even to me, but it has great information on keeping your human machine running in peak condition.

Well said, aye it is a dodgy site but interesting. Don Croft is not all he appears these days (I assume he once was), and the same can be said of much of the orgonite inner circle clique. Unfortunate but true...
You experimented with orgonite much? I've got some good results. Eg dreams become stronger and weirdy with the stuff around, I put loads under a friends bed to stop her neg related nightmares, and found plants bloom in its presence (with CB). Good stuff!

(!!!Formerly known as Inguma!!!)
You are the Alpha and the Omega. You are vaster than the universe and more powerful than a flaring supernova. You are truly incredible!!


Actually, the unit I built was basically a zapper. I uses the same 15Hz square wave (sine waves are not referred to as pulses), but it doesn't have all the bells and whistles such as spherical crystals, orgonite, and a mobius coil to excite the whole shebang. I haven't hooked mine up to a mobius coil, as I said. I have some problems sorting fact from fiction regarding orgonite, and haven't experimented much with it. Perhaps once I get a little bit of money I'll buy some "tower busters" or whatever. I tried making a home-made mobius coil as per the instructions at who apparently coined the term "orgonite", although I'd contest that the word is public domain. Anyhow, I twisted the wire into a "cable" as per the instructions before putting it into a coil, and I just can't seem to figure out how the durned thing is supposed to end up! The concept it's built on seems flawed, e.g. the coils running together... It doesn't hold up when you actually try to put it together.

I think you can actually buy pre-made mobius coils from little mountain smudge, but I don't know that they're made to spec either. If anyone wants, I'm not doing all that much besides college work these days, and this is an easy semester for me, so I can put together some of these little black-box zapper clones if anybody wants. All I ask is the cost of parts included. The experience and experimentation of different physical placement of components to save space would be worth it. My own one is a real mess inside, but it does work. I have an electronics lab on monday, so I'm going to hook up my mobius coil(plus resistor) to the device and check to see its effect on the oscilloscope. Usually when doing experiments, our results are compromised simply due to the electronic "noise" the fluorescent lights make, so I assume the oscilloscope is sensitive enough to pick up the scalar waves. I'll record the wave and upload screenshots of it if it's anything out of the ordinary, which it may or may not be.

Also, it may not be all that important how fast scalar waves move, depending on application. If you're using them to excite crystals or something, it's entirely possible that their speed doesn't factor into the effect you're trying to achieve, i.e. psi energy moves faster. Also, I don't agree that orgone is necessarily the same energy as psi energy, and certainly not the same as chi energy... The orgone researchers need to look into that a bit more thoroughly and not just place it in a broad category in order for it to be easily assimilated into dull peoples' minds.

One more thing... Did you know that Germany is the only nation in which the study of orgone is carried out in universities? I didn't. Maybe it's not true. Just a lil tidbit.


Hey again,

You know, I really wouldn't bother buying TB's, just make them yourself, its much more fun and you get to experiment doing other crazy things [8D]. A friend of mine made his out of tree resin for a while, you might want to consider this if you are financially strapped. Smells nice too!

btw the site you linked to is Wizzers site, guys intelligent enough  and I imagine his products are up to spec. But he didn't invent the term orgonite - like it says that was coined by Carl Welz, when he was in partnership with Ernie Vega ( - now there are some products I would quite like to play with! Cybershaman is pretty cool too). They made it purely with organic and metallic powders, which are best used when you have something else to stimulate them (coils etc). Today many people use metal shavings, more self-powered in a way.
For instructions with the coil, I have seen other instructions around though none quite as lucid as wizzers.
On ernies site you will find some good info about scalar waves and how he reckons they can be produced from wires running next to each other. The site can be pretty tricky to navigate sometimes but its there somewhere! [:P]

so I assume the oscilloscope is sensitive enough to pick up the scalar waves

I dont think it really works like that. Scalar waves by definition are infolded so that they do not have the visible wave characteristics oscilloscopes pick up on.

Also, it may not be all that important how fast scalar waves move, depending on application

I was thinking about trying to create waveguides for the scalar component, if you get my meaning. But if I remember right scalar waves are supposed to be capable of travelling faster than the speed of light, which indicates multiple possible speeds. Odd eh?

Also, I don't agree that orgone is necessarily the same energy as psi energy, and certainly not the same as chi energy... The orgone researchers need to look into that a bit more thoroughly and not just place it in a broad category in order for it to be easily assimilated into dull peoples' minds.

I agree, but I wouldn't count out the possibility that they are the same, or variations on the same theme. One person, friend of a friend, very capable, said he thinks they are nothing more than variable frequency resonators, which is interesting and links nicely to georgo lakhovsky's MWO (multiple wave oscillator). But then does that attract orgone energy? Does it create scalar waves? Reich considered orgone to be a real energy form with a kind of substance of its own, and cloudbusters work which seems to support that hypothosis, so where this leaves us I dont know. Confused, perhaps!

(!!!Formerly known as Inguma!!!)
You are the Alpha and the Omega. You are vaster than the universe and more powerful than a flaring supernova. You are truly incredible!!


It's a coincidence for me that you mentioned the Multiple Wave Oscillator.  I just ordered one.  I plan on using it for my family's health problems and also for clients after I get my naturopathic certificate.  I've read about it on the web but think there's a lot more information on it then what people are putting out.  
Do you have any interesting info on it that may not be common knowledge that might be gleaned form the internet?  Do you think it attracts orgone?  If so, then I imagine that your "intention" is important when your sitting between the antennae.  Have you heard about the "vibe machine"?  I think it's a MWO, it costs around $19,000.  It seems to be able to heal a lot as well as having a spiritual component.  The machine I'm getting costs a lot, lot, less, but it's very good (if not better).  The site even gives instructions on how to build your own.  It also has an orgone blanket, UFO technology, pretty interesting stuff.  It's  


Let me know how that thing works out! I am inherently distrustful of sites that charge that much money for items that offer quick fixes like that ELF generator business... I know for a fact that the cost of building materials for something like that multi-wave oscillator would be probably about a hundred dollars, and possibly less for a sensible shopper. The electrical circuit shown on the do-it-yourself page is exceedingly simple in design, and even the coil itself wouldn't take much time to construct. It just seems like a lot of money to charge for such a thing, especially since they profess their "open architecture" in such a benevolent manner. I think for payment of the magnitude they speak of in their site, a healthy amount of skepticism is a smart thing.


It's a coincidence for me that you mentioned the Multiple Wave Oscillator

Even more "coincidence" - I am currently reading Lakhovsky's book "The Secret of Life" - about half way through, he hasn't got to the MWO theory but I can kinda see where he is heading. Very good! You might want to get a copy - availabe from (reprint of an old translation from the original is french).
These things do tend to cost a lot of money though, which is a shame, but I guess cos so few people buy them.
I have had a quick look at the site, not exhaustive (I just watched a video from a US helicopter in fallujah committing war crimes and am feeling quite sick and angry - Anyway, what interested the most was actually the violet ray device - I have heard of these in passing but never anything much specific.

Do you have any interesting info on it that may not be common knowledge that might be gleaned form the internet?

HHmm, I dont think so, sorry! [:)]
Do you know the general theory behind the MWO and other vibrational based therapies?

Do you think it attracts orgone?

In orgone terms, I dont think so - the MWO works in sudden quick bursts. If we are talking orgone, it would be I think a fair guess to say that it realignes oranor fields and re-energises/breaks the static in dor. But still a guess [:)]

If so, then I imagine that your "intention" is important when your sitting between the antennae

Doubtful, intention would add another (radionic) aspect, not there before, and generally help effectiveness. I dont have experience on the MWO, and certainly shouldn't be taken as an "expert" (!), but I think the MWO, like other vibrational therapies, will work by itself.
Think of it like this - radionics (focused intention through the use of physical devices) and suchlike creates subtle vibrational fields which interact with people on very subtle levels, giving helpful healing information to the body, the force with which this info is given being defined by the effectiveness of the practitioner (will power, spiritual elevation, psychological factors, etc etc). Powered devices, such as the MWO, zapper, rife machine, etc forcefully impact the positive healing vibrations upon the patient in various different ways. Well, thats a rough lowdown on my working theory anyway! [:P]
There's a lot I dont understand, such as the various different levels this info and vibrations are sent on (etheric/astral etc to the mystic, electromagnetic/virtual info packets perhaps to the physicist), but hey hope this helps anyway! But apologies if its old info to you, dont know where you are coming from as it were.
You mentioned your child had Cerebral Palsy  - I am so sorry to hear that, must be very difficult for you. Considering it, I think the MWO was a good choice! Perhaps you might be interested in looking into ORMUS, if you haven't already? I could suggest a good place to buy from if you are interested.

Ahh, am feeling a bit more human now - I enjoy talking about this stuff. That video made me so.......uch. Indescribeable.

Have you heard about the "vibe machine"?

I "think" so, looking it up....ooohhh pretty!!!!! Veeeeeery pretty infact. Cool!! I would LOVE to have one of those to play with!!!! Looks like some sort of hybrid between rife and mwo, sweeeeeeeeet. Cheers for that! No, I dont think I have ever heard of them, must have been confusing it with something else.

all the best

(!!!Formerly known as Inguma!!!)
You are the Alpha and the Omega. You are vaster than the universe and more powerful than a flaring supernova. You are truly incredible!!


Thanks for the info.  I've read just about everything on the internet about MWO's and I think it's a very good choice, too.  I really do wish I could build it myself, but I'm dense when it comes to things like that.  
It seems like the basic premise of the MWO is that is sends out multiple harmonic frequencies and your cells pick out the ones that they need.  The cells then begin operating at a much younger age because now they have the voltage to dump toxins and to take in nutrition.  It seems that age and different health assaults lower the voltage.  I know it does other things too, like increases circulation and  things brings increased oxygen to injured areas (just what my child's brain needs), it also reduces inflammation.  It seems that people have very good results from the first time on the machine, especially good for pain and gives an extreme feeling of well being.  Also, people experience detoxification symptoms as their cells dump their toxins.  There are so many people suffering from fibromyalgia, arthrits, etc. etc.  I can't wait to give it a go on the people that I know.  It seems the FDA is really cracking down on testimonials and people are afraid to put them on their sites.  Especially as this device is not FDA approved.  

On the , one of the pages had an audible interview.  The inventor talked about how the vibe machine increased vibrations spiritually and things started happening.  I would love to know more about this.  The manufacturer I am buying from feels his machine is a lot better, especially because it doesn't have the 60Hz frequency, which is negative to humans.  I appreciate that this price is way, way lower.  
I'm looking forward to using the violet ray wand,  I'm going to test it out on moles, and lot of other ideas.

Thanks for your replies.



Hey again,,

I am totally unfamiliar with the idea of voltages around the cells, so thanks for the lowdown on that! Out of interest, how you read any accounts of anyone over-doing it with the MWO? I'm wondering if thats possible. I guess (thinking aloud here), that standard thinking would say that too much and the bodies own mechanisms would become lowered, as they dont have to work hard (like astronauts who spend too much time in space and get muscle wasteage). But then we are exposed to so much negative EM noise and etc, like the 60hz wave you mentioned, that perhaps lots of MWO would balance it. Thoughts?

I remember RB saying something along the lines of how the quest for physical immortality could be equated to stopping the energy drain from the body as we go through life. Which could easily be rlated to the cell voltage thing. Hhmm.

all the best
(!!!Formerly known as Inguma!!!)
You are the Alpha and the Omega. You are vaster than the universe and more powerful than a flaring supernova. You are truly incredible!!


If you go too long on the MWO, you would get a horrendous detoxificaton reaction.  All of the horrible heavy metals like mercury, pesticides, fungus, bacteria, aspartame, and all manner of toxins would be released from the cells in a rush and the body couldn't handle getting rid of it.  The lymphatic system, kidneys, liver would get all clogged up and more damage could be done as the toxins would resettle and couldn't leave the body.  This could be compared to a person going on a 40 day fast when they are not used to smaller fasts and then getting very ill or dying.  In this age of pollution we have to take it easy and make sure our drainage organs are open.  

I wish I could remember where I read it, but someone mentioned time travel in relation to staying in the MWO for a long length of time.

Interesting thought, the immortality thing.  When our energy isn't being used up trying to maintain and heal our body, lots of energy is available for the occurrence of spiritual gifts.   There's lot of ways to free up our energy.  For example, it takes more energy to digest meat then to digest vegetables.  It even matters what we drink.  If we drink a lot of water, this will wash out our cells.  But if we drink a lot of coffee and pop.  A lot of energy will be used to detox from these things and not enough water coming in to dump the garbage out of the cells.  All these things tie up our energy.  Now having the will power to live without your pet energy drains , this is something else all together.  It takes a lot of strength to change old habits.  

Thanks for the interesting converstion!


Oh yeah, I remembered where it mentioned time travel in relation to MWO but it was only a mentioned and nothing was explained about it.  But maybe it could send you on a rabbit trail if you're interested.  It's  under "let's get technical".



Originally posted by Inguma

"Simply because religious experiences are brain based does not automatically lessen or demean their spiritual significance. Indeed, the findings of neurological substrates to religious experiences can be argued to provide evidence for their objective reality"

Yes, I too have had the thought that creating certain conditions can facilitate experiences but as to what the experience and the source is still open.

"They that can give up essential liberty to obtain a little temporary safety deserve neither liberty nor safety."

-- Benjamin Franklin, 1759


Originally posted by thankful

There is a place in Pennsylvania and also in North Carolina that are doing experimental treatments with powerful magnets, about the size of ones in an MRI machine.  These powerful magnets are especially good for Cerebral Palsy, Multiple Sclerosis, Strokes, chronic pain, etc.  For more info, go to  It seems that the North pole of a magnet really causes oxygen to go to the area where it's applied, it also reduces inflammation.

That link did not work for me, I did find various companies but not something that I could connect to the subject here.

When you have a regular MRI, you can't take credit cards in with you, or the info on them will be wiped out.  I've also read that you can't bring a powerful magnet close to your computer of info will also be wiped out.  So if negs are electromagnetic entities, maybe magnets could erase their info or else the info that is allowing them to attach.  

Nor anything else with magnetic material. There are safety features to cause magnetic field collapse should someone be trapped by an object being pulled to the scanner. Costs a fortune in lost cooling gasses.


I'd love it if anybody could share how to use iron to come against negs. One thing I do remember reading is that you can use an iron knife and cut along your skin at the problem area, like you are severing an attachment. I also read where somebody swung their iron golf club at something that was trying to materialize and the iron seemed to disrupt it.

This is an account of where it seems iron is being used for a paranormal defence purpose.
A few of us visited a place in southern England known locally for its play on the Jack and Jill nursury rhyme. There is a well at the top of a hill with various plaques depicting the rhyme along the path to the top. When we got to the top of the path we noted some energy lines, there were three of us dowsing these lines and noted that a line running up the hill disected another line at the top of the hill. We interpreted a disturbance at this point and we walked about looking for the edges and so on. While doing so we also noted chunks of iron at the edges of the convergence, one was a re-inforcing rod pushed into the ground with the bit exposed bent into a hook, another piece looked like an axle of some sort and was placed opposite the other piece.

A person with us went on to explain that at one time it was common for iron to be laid within the brickwork of house walls for the purpose that your text outlines. What we found maybe suggested that others had noted and were concerned to minimise the impact of the convergence of the energy lines. We plan to go back some time and see if we can detail the lines more accurately (overall direction) and also see if any iron bits are still in evidence.

"They that can give up essential liberty to obtain a little temporary safety deserve neither liberty nor safety."

-- Benjamin Franklin, 1759


Sorry for the bad link.  I should have checked for typos. Try or



negs are basically a foreign magnetic field 'virus' which is someone's focused evil thoughtform forced into your energy system literally trying to take over the flow of your meridians:

1)They can move so they have energy
2)they generally have a common Modus operandi;they can morph, the heavy breathing, clutching at your heart dreams, heaviness upon chest, bad luck, covering various parts of the body, winding and unwinding...etc.  Almost like a snake.
3)Just like Virus' they slowly try to take over the body through the person's own energy system and try to integrate into it but altering it to suit their appetites.
4) evolutionary wise, these negs are smart enough to coexist with their hosts for long periods of time causing energy drainage and poor health, symptoms of madness and sometimes even death, depending on the force of the thoughtform.

Good news is that they are a magnetic species, having the tendency to make you feel cold upon attack.

Bad news is not many people understand this or how difficult it is to remove one.

There are two ways to disrupt a magnetic field;
1)align it with another more powerful magnet, your own body's magnet...through meditation and excercise but that takes time and that leaves kids not much hope.  This is why iron is considered very useful in allaying curses and witchcraft.
2)heat destroys a magnet.

i'm wondering if anyone suffering with a neg problem had an MRi? did they feel better after having an mri, can a negs be detected using MRi's?  

i'm hoping if there is a doctor in the forum who has access to research university mRi's if they would be willing to experiment.

Instead of people suffering, I think this kind of energy research using new technology in medicine would be the most useful.
- Treating alike victory and defeat, gain and loss, pleasure and pain - then get ready to fight! By doing so you shall not incur sin 2:38 Gita
- Live in this world with unlimited vision, having firmly rejected all limitations. Vashista